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View Full Version : Trump predicts exoneration in Russia investigation as allies fear a 'meltdown'

12-18-2017, 01:28 PM
Perhaps he is acting like such because he knows he didn't collude with Russia? Frickin idiots. :rolleyes:

The left is praying for a meltdown. They have been repeating his "mental health" stuff and repeating this meltdown crap, hoping that if they repeat it enough it will come true? The same as repeating the Russia crap non-stop, hoping that the endless talk of it would magically make it true, or Americans would hear about it so much that they may actually believe it.

I would love to know where CNN gets its information from. Then again, maybe I don't. :rolleyes:


Trump predicts exoneration in Russia investigation as allies fear a 'meltdown'

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is privately striking a less agitated tone on the Russia investigation, sources say, even insisting he'll soon be cleared in writing. But his new approach has some allies worried he's not taking the threat of the probe seriously enough.

Trump has spent much of his first year in office so enraged by the federal investigation into Russian meddling in last year's election that lawmakers who work with him tried to avoid the issue entirely and his friends worried that Trump might rashly fire the special counsel. But in recent weeks, Trump has privately seemed less frustrated about the investigation, according to multiple sources who have spoken with the President.

There's no indication from special counsel Robert Mueller or his team that the probe is in its final stages. A tipping point in the showdown could come as soon as this week when Trump's private lawyers and Mueller meet, sources familiar with the matter told CNN. Trump's team is hoping to get a clearer sense of Mueller's next steps in the investigation, an assessment that could either pacify Trump or inflame him.

Until those next signs emerge, Trump is boasting to friends and advisers that he expects Mueller to clear him of wrongdoing in the coming weeks, according to sources familiar with the conversations. The President seems so convinced of his impending exoneration that he is telling associates Mueller will soon write a letter clearing him that Trump can brandish to Washington and the world in a bid to finally emerge from the cloud of suspicion that has loomed over the first chapter of his presidency, the sources said.

Rest - http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/18/politics/trump-russia-investigation/index.html

12-18-2017, 02:30 PM
I hate all the predictions. Let the process play out and once it concludes make the assessment. Let's move on until then.

Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 02:33 PM
I hate all the predictions. Let the process play out and once it concludes make the assessment. Let's move on until then.
That's probably because last time you predicted (guaranteed) something, trump pulled off the "impossible"

12-18-2017, 02:36 PM
I hate all the predictions. Let the process play out and once it concludes make the assessment. Let's move on until then.
I predict this "process" comes to a screeching halt as soon as the evidence the FBI paid for the fake dossier to start this witch hunt.

Take that to the bank.

12-18-2017, 04:21 PM
That's probably because last time you predicted (guaranteed) something, trump pulled off the "impossible"

troll gonna troll

Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 04:23 PM
troll gonna troll
No I just don't understand electoral math.
