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View Full Version : Mueller Seizure of Transition Emails Likely Violated the Law

12-19-2017, 06:56 PM
So... what's new. I keep hearing people say that this man has "integrity," and that "he's a good and impartial man." I makes me wanna PUKE. Just because these people all hang out together and know each other and have to say such dumbass things, please don't try and pass this HORSE SHIT off on me. I see what's going on and Mueller ISN'T my friend and I'm NOT going to have LUNCH with him tomorrow like you are, so SPARE ME the CRAP about how IMPARTIAL and GREAT of a man he is when I know different. If he was even a LITTLE impartial, then he WOULDN'T have put together a WHO'S WHO of TRUMP HATING LEFTIST DEMOCRAT DONATING CLINTON LOVING ASS CLOWNS!

This sons a bitch has ONE MISSION, and that is TAKE DOWN PRESIDENT TRUMP. Clear him? Let the investigation run? Pfft... FOR WHAT? So Mueller can SET UP a bunch more people for PATHETIC little PROCESS CRIMES, and that is EXACTLY what he wants to do with all these ILLEGALLY OBTAINED emails... he should be FIRED, like NOW, and hope to hell HE isn't the target of FUTURE investigations into TREASON, or MUTINY, or CONSPIRING to TAKE DOWN A DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT...


Seizure of Transition Emails Likely Violated the Law

12-19-2017, 07:12 PM
Re you assuming the actual law applies here? Like it did with Hitlery, who walked right out the f-ing door with countless e-mails she claimed were "private"? Seems to me, there are two different standards applied here. One for Hitlery and one for Trump. She can do whatever the f- shi likes with classified material on an unclassified server, but Trump can't even expect privacy on a private server stored temporarily on a government one. It also spells out that transition documents are private property.

The Dems and the media are nothing more than the Mafia with a coat of whitewash they wear around pretending they're doing the right thing.

And there is nothing impartial about Mueller. That facade got cracked long ago. He's just another POS leftwingnut stooge for the Dems.

12-19-2017, 07:22 PM
Re you assuming the actual law applies here? Like it did with Hitlery, who walked right out the f-ing door with countless e-mails she claimed were "private"? Seems to me, there are two different standards applied here. One for Hitlery and one for Trump. She can do whatever the f- shi likes with classified material on an unclassified server, but Trump can't even expect privacy on a private server stored temporarily on a government one. It also spells out that transition documents are private property.

The Dems and the media are nothing more than the Mafia with a coat of whitewash they wear around pretending they're doing the right thing.

And there is nothing impartial about Mueller. That facade got cracked long ago. He's just another POS leftwingnut stooge for the Dems.
It's infuriating, Gunny. Makes a guy wonder where in the fuck this country is headed.

You know as well as I do that if Hitlery were elected, we'd have never heard of any of this. It would AAAAAALLL have just been swept under the rug, and that is EXACTLY what they had planned to do because they DID BELIEVE she would win. The DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING is as COMPLICIT as anyone else, because they hate president Trump as much as the deep state and the radical left wing democrats.

Tell me... show me... ONE THING... the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING has given president Trump CREDIT for, and right now, THERE'S A LOT he SHOULD get credit for. I think he's doing a SHIT HOT JOB.

12-19-2017, 07:36 PM
It's infuriating, Gunny. Makes a guy wonder where in the fuck this country is headed.

You know as well as I do that if Hitlery were elected, we'd have never heard of any of this. It would AAAAAALLL have just been swept under the rug, and that is EXACTLY what they had planned to do because they DID BELIEVE she would win. The DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING is as COMPLICIT as anyone else, because they hate president Trump as much as the deep state and the radical left wing democrats.

Tell me... show me... ONE THING... the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING has given president Trump CREDIT for, and right now, THERE'S A LOT he SHOULD get credit for. I think he's doing a SHIT HOT JOB.I don't care much for Trump. I REALLY don't like some of crap he pulls or is doing. At the same time, he has done some good things and must be doing something right. His approval rating is up over 40%. The people with brains can't really deny the economy regardless side. It is my hope that some of the dullards on the left can see that. If they play as usual, they'll suck up the dollars the republicans make them then stab them in the back.

I have a REAL problem with all the bullshit accusations being made, and especially the stupid-ass Russia thing. It's a non-starter. Has been from GO. There's nothing there. Anyone that can't see they are beating a dead horse to dust trying to invent something -- at this point anything -- to throw at Trump.

Meantime, so shit for brains are questioning his sanity. Might as well throw that shit against the wall too. What the Hell.

The fact is, the left counted on business as usual ... destroy the Republican through the media. Only Trump's bypassing the media and they are flat f-ing melting down. They don't know what to do, and the Dem's business as usual weapon has failed. So they're sitting in the corner crying like little babies instead of sucking it up and come out for another round. In true form, they don't want to have to fight for shit. They expect the Presidency to be handed to them with no fuss.

Add to all this bullshit the total walk convict clinton got, and I will say while I still don't like Trump, I still hope he succeeds, and him making leftwingnuts cry like 2 years olds makes my fucking day.

12-19-2017, 07:52 PM
I don't care much for Trump. I REALLY don't like some of crap he pulls or is doing. At the same time, he has done some good things and must be doing something right. His approval rating is up over 40%. The people with brains can't really deny the economy regardless side. It is my hope that some of the dullards on the left can see that. If they play as usual, they'll suck up the dollars the republicans make them then stab them in the back.

I have a REAL problem with all the bullshit accusations being made, and especially the stupid-ass Russia thing. It's a non-starter. Has been from GO. There's nothing there. Anyone that can't see they are beating a dead horse to dust trying to invent something -- at this point anything -- to throw at Trump.

Meantime, so shit for brains are questioning his sanity. Might as well throw that shit against the wall too. What the Hell.

The fact is, the left counted on business as usual ... destroy the Republican through the media. Only Trump's bypassing the media and they are flat f-ing melting down. They don't know what to do, and the Dem's business as usual weapon has failed. So they're sitting in the corner crying like little babies instead of sucking it up and come out for another round. In true form, they don't want to have to fight for shit. They expect the Presidency to be handed to them with no fuss.

Add to all this bullshit the total walk convict clinton got, and I will say while I still don't like Trump, I still hope he succeeds, and him making leftwingnuts cry like 2 years olds makes my fucking day.
I know man... you don't like president Trump for some of the CHILDISH shit he's said... I can understand that... and he has, I will TOTALLY go along with you on that.

But when it comes right down to it, that man LOVES America, and I don't think there's ANY denying that. His AMERICA FIRST policy is SHIT HOT, and he really did connect with Americans like me when he all but SPITS IN THE FACE of the establishment, deep state and the dems. I mean HOW LONG has it been since we had a REPUBLICAN president that did NOT take any SHIT from the dems? I CAN'T REMEMBER ONE and I'm 62, not even Reagan was so defiant to the dems. So president Trump, for all his faults, is REALLY a REFRESHING change. What a difference from that little ILLEGAL FRAUD AMERICA HATING MUSLIM DOG TURD obama. What people had to endure from that filthy sack of PUSS for 8 years is WHY we have president Trump. We saw a whole bunch of BUSINESS AS USUAL POLITICIANS running for president, and then TRUMP. It's no wonder to me AT ALL why he won. He is EXACTLY what America wanted, and STILL wants. None of the people who voted for him have changed their mind either, even though the "POLLS"... ahem... ya right... try and tell us his approval rating is in the toilet... ya... BULL SHIT.

12-19-2017, 09:30 PM
I know man... you don't like president Trump for some of the CHILDISH shit he's said... I can understand that... and he has, I will TOTALLY go along with you on that.

But when it comes right down to it, that man LOVES America, and I don't think there's ANY denying that. His AMERICA FIRST policy is SHIT HOT, and he really did connect with Americans like me when he all but SPITS IN THE FACE of the establishment, deep state and the dems. I mean HOW LONG has it been since we had a REPUBLICAN president that did NOT take any SHIT from the dems? I CAN'T REMEMBER ONE and I'm 62, not even Reagan was so defiant to the dems. So president Trump, for all his faults, is REALLY a REFRESHING change. What a difference from that little ILLEGAL FRAUD AMERICA HATING MUSLIM DOG TURD obama. What people had to endure from that filthy sack of PUSS for 8 years is WHY we have president Trump. We saw a whole bunch of BUSINESS AS USUAL POLITICIANS running for president, and then TRUMP. It's no wonder to me AT ALL why he won. He is EXACTLY what America wanted, and STILL wants. None of the people who voted for him have changed their mind either, even though the "POLLS"... ahem... ya right... try and tell us his approval rating is in the toilet... ya... BULL SHIT.I've said from the beginning I understand his appeal to some. In some ways he's almost genius. Then he comes out and steps on his own crank.

I consider anything he accomplishes a bonus. The fact is, if this tax plan passes tomorrow, it will be the first piece of legislation he has gotten through. He's been ruled against by legislation from the bench in almost every other area. I count his accomplishments by permanent fixes -- LAW. Anything else can be thrown out the window by the next guy just as fast as he's thrown out some of Obama's shit.

But just the fact that his election turned a bunch of obnoxious, arrogant pussies into quivering lumps of Jello on a daily basis was worth the price of admission for me :laugh: I LOVE to hear them cry like they STILL just can't believe they lost. :laugh2: Busts me up every time I think about it.

I despise Democrats. Hearing them whine is just music to my ears :laugh:

12-19-2017, 10:20 PM
I've said from the beginning I understand his appeal to some. In some ways he's almost genius. Then he comes out and steps on his own crank.

I consider anything he accomplishes a bonus. The fact is, if this tax plan passes tomorrow, it will be the first piece of legislation he has gotten through. He's been ruled against by legislation from the bench in almost every other area. I count his accomplishments by permanent fixes -- LAW. Anything else can be thrown out the window by the next guy just as fast as he's thrown out some of Obama's shit.

But just the fact that his election turned a bunch of obnoxious, arrogant pussies into quivering lumps of Jello on a daily basis was worth the price of admission for me :laugh: I LOVE to hear them cry like they STILL just can't believe they lost. :laugh2: Busts me up every time I think about it.

I despise Democrats. Hearing them whine is just music to my ears :laugh:
Just for record, I think Trump's presidency is going to go down in history as one of the best... just my opinion. Get off the guys ass and let him put America first, and we'll see this nation take back off like it did in the industrial revolution. We have it in us, we just have to let someone get it going, and I think president Trump is doing it. I also think democrats are just in all kinds of deep, deep shit, with this RESIST BS and nothing but NEGATIVE HORSE SHIT, and this investigation is imploding. This investigation is going to be seen as one HUGE BOONDOGGLE by the time it's over. The democrats have REALLY dug themselves a HOLE by going SOOOO far left, only appealing to their RADICAL sect, the ILLEGALS, the PERVERTS, the CORRUPT... they have a bitter road ahead.

Black Diamond
12-19-2017, 10:21 PM
Just for record, I think Trump's presidency is going to go down in history as one of the best... just my opinion. Get off the guys ass and let him put America first, and we'll see this nation take back off like it did in the industrial revolution. We have it in us, we just have to let someone get it going, and I think president Trump is doing it. I also think democrats are just in all kinds of deep, deep shit, with this RESIST BS and nothing but NEGATIVE HORSE SHIT, and this investigation is imploding. This investigation is going to be seen as one HUGE BOONDOGGLE by the time it's over. The democrats have REALLY dug themselves a HOLE by going SOOOO far left, only appealing to their RADICAL sect, the ILLEGALS, the PERVERTS, the CORRUPT... the have a bitter road ahead.
He will be successful. And will be reelected.