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View Full Version : Grandpa Are You There?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2017, 09:05 AM
This is from a fine poet and a friend, Bob Quigley..
Perfect story for this time of the year , which is by and large for the kids...--Tyr



The old man sat with eyes closed, dozing in his chair
Until a little voice he heard say “Grandpa, are you there”.

He gazed upon a little boy while waking from his nap
Then reached down with a sweeping move and placed him in his lap

The child was carrying a book that he wanted him to see
He held it up and asked him “Grandpa, will you read to me”?

The old man cleaned his glasses then opened up the book
And suddenly the two of them a wondrous journey took

They ventured lands so far away, sailed seas not sailed before
Met knights and kings and wizards on every distant shore.

Together they fought dragons, saved damsels in distress
Freeing lands of monsters and the treasures they possess

When the old man closed the cover to end their magic ride
He told the boy “We're much like books, what's important is inside”.

But one day when the boy arrived and rushed to Grandpas chair
Much to his disappointment, his Grandpa was not there

He ran to find his mother for surely she would know
Why the chair was empty, where did his Grandpa go

She sat him down and asked him if he remembered in each book
The adventures and the journeys that he and Grandpa took

He took you there to show you the things that you can find
The wonders that are yours to see if you open up your mind.

But he still walks beside you in the stories you have read
You're not left to go alone, he’s just gone on ahead

The child then went and chose a book and climbed up in the chair
And opening up the cover whispered “Grandpa, are you there”?

Copyright © Bob Quigley | Year Posted 2011

Taco Junkie
12-21-2017, 02:41 PM
Crap dude. Now I got something in my eye.

12-22-2017, 01:58 PM
This is from a fine poet and a friend, Bob Quigley..
Perfect story for this time of the year , which is by and large for the kids...--Tyr


Thank you, my Dear Friend Robert!
Very touching poem. I really admired it.
Thank you for your private message. Again, all my Best wishes to you and yours.