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View Full Version : Why the Remaining NeverTrumpers Should Apologize Now

12-22-2017, 10:57 AM
This has nothing to do with anyone here, so please no one feel that way. But this is true to some of the bigwigs out there.


Why the Remaining NeverTrumpers Should Apologize Now

Public apologies are difficult for most people, but particularly for political pundits whose livelihoods and reputations depend on their being right at least some of the time (Paul Krugman excepted).

Such statements can be emotionally wounding, even humiliating. But it isn't my purpose to humiliate or, worse, to gloat -- which is a repellent trait and almost always counterproductive. No spiking the football here.

Nevertheless, it is time for the remaining NeverTrumpers to apologize for a reason far more important than self-castigation or merely to make things "right." Donald Trump -- whose initial victory was a shock, even, ironically, to those of us who predicted it -- has compounded that shock by being astoundingly successful in his first year, especially at the conclusion. (He's a quick study, evidently.) More conservative goals have been achieved or put in motion in eleven months than in any time in recent, or even distant, memory. It's an astonishing reversal for our country accompanied by the beginnings of an economic boom.

But that same success is causing, it's becoming increasingly clear, an equally determined, even virulent, reaction from the left. At first they too thought Trump was an ineffectual blowhard who would shoot himself in the foot, ultimately redounding to their advantage. Now that they have found that not to be the case, they are in a state of panic, fearing a defeat for their ideals that would set them back years, even decades. They cannot let this stand and are marshaling all their forces from the media to Hollywood to the academy, not to mention at least some of the investigative units of the FBI.

The next year seems poised to be an ideological duel as close to the death as we have seen in a long time. If the right does not win, the gains of 2017 will be stymied by the election of 2018 and completely washed away in 2020.

It's an all-hands-on-deck situation and we need the NeverTrumpers' help. We need -- to borrow a hoary leftist term -- a united front.

It shouldn't be all that difficult. The basic intentions of the Trumpkins (as we have been derided) and the NeverTrumpers were never that far apart. It was more an issue of style and strategy, of decorum really. And, of course, that ugly secret -- some felt they were losing their power. Time to get over it.

Some are already doing this, having acknowledged that they were overhasty in their judgements. Rich Lowry of National Review deserves special praise for his graciousness in this regard. Guy Benson -- on the Ingraham Angle Thursday night -- seemed ready to lend a hand, if a little tentatively. Ross Douthat has walked back a bit, as has Jonah Goldberg. They could do more. They are men of great credit and it wouldn't hurt their reputations. (Well, Douthat might endanger his job.)

Members of the House and Senate are almost all on board, if the signing celebration for the tax bill is any indication.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/remaining-nevertrumpers-apologize-now/

12-22-2017, 11:44 AM
Yes, we do need a unified front. Sounds like the Spanish Civil War: the communists called for a united front to unify against Franco's attempt to take over Spain, meaning that the communists would unify with the anarchists, socialists, and republicans, and then take over that unified group and extinguish all the belief systems except for communism.

Works for me, if it means Trumpists take over the Right.

I was deeply shocked in 2016 by the bad behavior of the NeverTrumpers --- I unsubscribed to the Weekly Standard, the Washington Post, the National Review, Atlantic Monthly, and the Economist, and nearly unsubscribed to the Wall Street Journal: I did complain bitterly and repeatedly in Comments and rigorously avoid reading any of their bad anti-Trump columnists and editors.

Almost everyone --- leftist or anti-Trump right --- was so wrong on the facts (he won, they said he wouldn't; he's done great, they said he wouldn't) that I now have very little I can read for news anymore. It's very frustrating, but I'm tired of reading lies and vicious, obscene personal attacks against me as a supporter of Trump and against everyone in the administration.

I don't agree with Simon that if they come back, all is forgiven. Bunch of worthless idiots, these never-Trumpers.

As JimNYC says, present company not included, of course.

12-22-2017, 01:13 PM

12-22-2017, 01:23 PM
Trumptards waiting around for an apology is like a snowflake waiting around to be shoveled. Honestly, that's just about the saddest most pathetic rant ever uttered. New Flash: Trump won, get over yourselves, stop gloating. The country is a huge toilet, yet Trumptards don't look for new and creative solutions to our country's woes, they look for new and creative ways to blame others for their woes.


12-22-2017, 01:29 PM
Trumptards waiting around for an apology is like a snowflake waiting around to be shoveled. Honestly, that's just about the saddest most pathetic rant ever uttered. New Flash: Trump won, get over yourselves, stop gloating. The country is a huge toilet, yet Trumptards don't look for new and creative solutions to our country's woes, they look for new and creative ways to blame others for their woes.


If it's okay with you, I'm going to continue to gloat as you commie moonbats rage helplessly. This is vastly entertaining.

12-22-2017, 01:34 PM
If it's okay with you, I'm going to continue to gloat as you commie moonbats rage helplessly. This is vastly entertaining.

I started to reply to him with the "why use name calling stuff" about members here, but I have a sneaky suspicion it will fall upon deaf ears.

But like you said, I'm going to enjoy the #Winning as much as the #Whining from those on the left. It's a dual gift that keeps on giving.

And Trump's success is what brings out the actual name calling, not the posts from others of course. The success makes some so angry that name calling is about all that's left. :dunno:

12-22-2017, 02:14 PM
Trumptards waiting around for an apology is like a snowflake waiting around to be shoveled. Honestly, that's just about the saddest most pathetic rant ever uttered. New Flash: Trump won, get over yourselves, stop gloating.

Gloating feels good. You should change sides: the one we're on is a LOT more fun.

12-22-2017, 02:34 PM
Gloating feels good. You should change sides: the one we're on is a LOT more fun.

Okay, I'll think about that. :cool:

12-22-2017, 04:29 PM
Trumptards waiting around for an apology is like a snowflake waiting around to be shoveled. Honestly, that's just about the saddest most pathetic rant ever uttered. New Flash: Trump won, get over yourselves, stop gloating. The country is a huge toilet, yet Trumptards don't look for new and creative solutions to our country's woes, they look for new and creative ways to blame others for their woes.

:laugh:Wrong. I don't like Trump. Not much at all. I held my nose and voted for him to keep the Democratic Mafia out. I'll do it again.

Looks to me like you're a bit ass-backwards there, ain't ya , chumley? Trump's been creative and you left tards have cried your little diapers wet daily upon wakening and blamed racism, sexism, pro football tards and any thing else you can think of on him. If the "not creative" tax plan gives you reflux, try Zantac.
jimnyc "Trumpkins"? :laugh2: I'm not going to forget THAT one :laugh:

12-22-2017, 05:00 PM
Trumptards waiting around for an apology is like a snowflake waiting around to be shoveled. Honestly, that's just about the saddest most pathetic rant ever uttered. New Flash: Trump won, get over yourselves, stop gloating. The country is a huge toilet, yet Trumptards don't look for new and creative solutions to our country's woes, they look for new and creative ways to blame others for their woes.


Your so full of shit...that you laugh a your own bullshit...very Troll like...I guess All the Trump win must be upsetting for you...so the laughter is a nervous reaction...The country is taking off..."Americans" are happier ...big business is happy...the oil is flowing....and the left is trolling.... Failed obama and corrupt hillary are finished...old news.....Trump train is Rolling....:cool:

*A song for all YOU Trump haters...You know who you are...I know who you are....:)


12-22-2017, 05:14 PM
Screw what's his ass ... HERE is a point: The Trump supporters don't need to be requesting/demanding an apology for jack shit. Unless the goal is to alienate the people whose support he needs by pointless ridicule. It IS going to take everyone next go round especially when the Dems proved in AL they are completely shameless and don't care if you point out their voter fraud.

So whoever the voice may be behind it, that voice may wish to appeal to whatever the Hell a "Never Trumper" is rather than just piss them off more.

12-22-2017, 05:26 PM
Trumptards waiting around for an apology is like a snowflake waiting around to be shoveled. Honestly, that's just about the saddest most pathetic rant ever uttered. New Flash: Trump won, get over yourselves, stop gloating. The country is a huge toilet, yet Trumptards don't look for new and creative solutions to our country's woes, they look for new and creative ways to blame others for their woes.

If there was ever a good example of a BUTT HURT progtard... you're it pal.

That's why you people have become the joke of the nation. You've just been reduced to vomiting up pathetic, inane, vile, generic BULL SHIT. It's showing who you people really are... anti American trash.

Now you know how we felt when that little America hating muslim dog turd obama was in office. But thankfully he was so radical left that America did something about it, and you people have lost thousands of seats of power, and you will continue to lose as long as you spew jacked off horse shit like you just did.

Must suck to be you.