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12-22-2017, 11:13 AM
Sarah Sanders Might Have Just Posted The Most Powerful Image Of Trump’s Presidency

There were no official events on President Trump’s White House schedule Thursday. Many assumed that was in order to have leverage to orchestrate the signing of the Republican tax bill.

So when the president exited the White House unannounced, many reporters we’re puzzled.

Instead of a ceremony for the legislation, Trump spent his day at Walter Reed Hospital.

The hospital is the largest military hospital in the country and is the first stop stateside for many wounded American military members.

Trump’s unannounced visit included meeting with wounded active-duty service members and their families. When the president arrived at the hospital, he sat with family members of the wounded.

Then Trump had a much more solemn duty.

The president pinned Purple Hearts on members of the military who had been wounded serving their country. The Purple Heart is a honor given to those who are wounded in combat and was established by George Washington.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders posted this photo on Twitter with the caption:

One of the most powerful moments of my life watching POTUS give the Purple Heart to this American Hero. Amazed by the strength and resilience of the men and women in our Armed Forces.



12-22-2017, 02:07 PM
Oh please, presidents do that all the time, it's his job to do such a thing, stop making out as if he's a hero for doing his job. It's just another photo-op for our narcissist in chief.

Besides, Trump's the one sending our troops to fight and die for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel, so if he pins on a few medals, that's the least he can do as a Jewish president.

Why isn't our Zionist President Trump doing anything to end these seemingly endless wars? I think a lot of you here don't even care about that, you actually want eternal carnage and wasting of human flesh and spirit.

12-22-2017, 02:40 PM
Oh please, presidents do that all the time, it's his job to do such a thing, stop making out as if he's a hero for doing his job. It's just another photo-op for our narcissist in chief.

Besides, Trump's the one sending our troops to fight and die for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel, so if he pins on a few medals, that's the least he can do as a Jewish president.

Why isn't our Zionist President Trump doing anything to end these seemingly endless wars? I think a lot of you here don't even care about that, you actually want eternal carnage and wasting of human flesh and spirit.

I stated not one word in my post, simply posted a story, so stop being a whiny little bitch.

12-22-2017, 03:17 PM
Oh please, presidents do that all the time, it's his job to do such a thing, stop making out as if he's a hero for doing his job. It's just another photo-op for our narcissist in chief.

Besides, Trump's the one sending our troops to fight and die for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel, so if he pins on a few medals, that's the least he can do as a Jewish president.

Why isn't our Zionist President Trump doing anything to end these seemingly endless wars? I think a lot of you here don't even care about that, you actually want eternal carnage and wasting of human flesh and spirit.

Enough Bullshit...we Know you hate Trump....use your brain with good stories like this at Christmas time.....So.....

12-22-2017, 03:25 PM
I stated not one word in my post, simply posted a story, so stop being a whiny little bitch.

I see, so my having a desire to end war makes me a whiny little bitch. I've no power to end war, so I guess I'll just continue to whine like a little bitch. But what about you? Do you think war is a noble, honorable, and worthwhile achievement? What would that make you? Some sort of humanitarian genius?

I think it's sad that our president is pinning Purple Hearts on those young men, while at the same time doing nothing to stop war. There's nothing noble, the Purple Heart is symbolic of man's inhumanity to man.

12-22-2017, 03:31 PM
I see, so my having a desire to end war makes me a whiny little bitch. I've no power to end war, so I guess I'll just continue to whine like a little bitch. But what about you? Do you think war is a noble, honorable, and worthwhile achievement? What would that make you? Some sort of humanitarian genius?

I think it's sad that our president is pinning Purple Hearts on those young men, while at the same time doing nothing to stop war. There's nothing noble, the Purple Heart is symbolic of man's inhumanity to man.

I made no such comment about you and any desire to end any wars, positive or negative.

12-22-2017, 03:46 PM
I stated not one word in my post, simply posted a story, so stop being a whiny little bitch.

You know what you're doing. If you're just posting the news, it would be a lot more balanced. Everything you post supports your agenda.

12-22-2017, 04:08 PM
Oh please, presidents do that all the time, it's his job to do such a thing, stop making out as if he's a hero for doing his job. It's just another photo-op for our narcissist in chief.

Besides, Trump's the one sending our troops to fight and die for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel, so if he pins on a few medals, that's the least he can do as a Jewish president.

Why isn't our Zionist President Trump doing anything to end these seemingly endless wars? I think a lot of you here don't even care about that, you actually want eternal carnage and wasting of human flesh and spirit.Fuck off, pissant. At least THESE troops probably didn't feel violated like they did when Obama did it. Only one proud to receive a medal from his stupid press-whoring ass was Bo Bergdahl.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-22-2017, 04:18 PM
I see, so my having a desire to end war makes me a whiny little bitch. I've no power to end war, so I guess I'll just continue to whine like a little bitch. But what about you? Do you think war is a noble, honorable, and worthwhile achievement? What would that make you? Some sort of humanitarian genius?

I think it's sad that our president is pinning Purple Hearts on those young men, while at the same time doing nothing to stop war. There's nothing noble, the Purple Heart is symbolic of man's inhumanity to man.

Stop pretending that this world is a peaceful paradise and if we but talk nice and kiss ass, the world will love us!
Reality constantly puts truth's light upon such a fanciful liberal fairy tale.
War is a necessary evil, made so by, the evil in the hearts of men. To blame Trump for doing his duty is both foolhardy and obviously biased.
Or you could point out exactly what date war become obsolete and peace is to be had by any and all.....
If such a date can not be posted and shown to exist(which it can not be)-- then your comments are rather naive and foolhardy to say the least, IMHO... -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-22-2017, 04:19 PM
Fuck off, pissant. At least THESE troops probably didn't feel violated like they did when Obama did it. Only one proud to receive a medal from his stupid press-whoring ass was Bo Bergdahl.

^^^^^^^^ Definitely in the running for one of the top ten best replies all year my friend!!!!! :clap: :beer: :beer: -Tyr

12-22-2017, 04:22 PM
Stop pretending that this world is a peaceful paradise and if we but talk nice and kiss ass, the world will love us!
Reality constantly puts truth's light upon such a fanciful liberal fairy tale.
War is a necessary evil, made so by, the evil in the hearts of men. To blame Trump for doing his duty is both foolhardy and obviously biased.
Or you could point out exactly what date war become obsolete and peace is to be had by any and all.....
If such a date can not be posted and shown to exist(which it can not be)-- then your comments are rather naive and foolhardy to say the least, IMHO... -Tyrlready tried to explain that to Einstein. It's just a pussy talking point for him. Blame Trump for Mankind beating each over the head with clubs since the first 2.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-22-2017, 04:28 PM
lready tried to explain that to Einstein. It's just a pussy talking point for him. Blame Trump for Mankind beating each over the head with clubs since the first 2.

The cancer of Liberalism eats up both their brains and their souls. And some had very little of each to begin with, IMHO.
As did the weasel, slick Willie being elected twice! -Tyr

12-22-2017, 04:38 PM
The cancer of Liberalism eats up both their brains and their souls. And some had very little of each to begin with, IMHO.
As did the weasel, slick Willie being elected twice! -TyrI doubt he's even a liberal. He's just a troll. Everything he posts is some stupid shit trying to get under someone's skin. Being a sadistic coward that hides behind the internet enraging others for no real reason other than enjoying hurting others is a mental issue, not a political one.

12-22-2017, 04:39 PM
You know what you're doing. If you're just posting the news, it would be a lot more balanced. Everything you post supports your agenda.

You don't post news with any opinions.
You argue anyone's sources.
Then you nitpick anything within an article other than the facts themselves.

So unless YOU are going to post your own shit, enjoy a cup of go fuck yourself along with a side dish of shut the fuck up when it comes to HOW others post - since you don't do jack shit OTHER than apparently come here to criticize those things.

12-22-2017, 04:42 PM
The cancer of Liberalism eats up both their brains and their souls. And some had very little of each to begin with, IMHO.
As did the weasel, slick Willie being elected twice! -Tyr

Abbey Marie
12-22-2017, 04:46 PM
I doubt he's even a liberal. He's just a troll. Everything he posts is some stupid shit trying to get under someone's skin. Being a sadistic coward that hides behind the internet enraging others for no real reason other than enjoying hurting others is a mental issue, not a political one.

Why that seems kind of aggressive, when you put it that way. The kind of thing that can start a war, in fact.

12-22-2017, 04:49 PM
Why that seems kind of aggressive, when you put it that way. The kind of thing that can start a war, in fact.

If there has to be a war, I'll take Gunny on my side any time.

12-22-2017, 04:50 PM
Why that seems kind of aggressive, when you put it that way. The kind of thing that can start a war, in fact.
:eek:Does, doesn't it? :)

12-22-2017, 05:57 PM
Oh please, presidents do that all the time, it's his job to do such a thing, stop making out as if he's a hero for doing his job. It's just another photo-op for our narcissist in chief.

Besides, Trump's the one sending our troops to fight and die for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel, so if he pins on a few medals, that's the least he can do as a Jewish president.

Why isn't our Zionist President Trump doing anything to end these seemingly endless wars? I think a lot of you here don't even care about that, you actually want eternal carnage and wasting of human flesh and spirit.
Your PUSSY is dripping again... better go get yourself a clean KOTEX... idiot.

12-22-2017, 08:50 PM
Oh please, presidents do that all the time, it's his job to do such a thing, stop making out as if he's a hero for doing his job. It's just another photo-op for our narcissist in chief.

Besides, Trump's the one sending our troops to fight and die for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel, so if he pins on a few medals, that's the least he can do as a Jewish president.

Why isn't our Zionist President Trump doing anything to end these seemingly endless wars? I think a lot of you here don't even care about that, you actually want eternal carnage and wasting of human flesh and spirit.

GRAVY. How bout exercising your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT, and FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS and JUST SHUT YOUR FACE? The more you bring your garbage here. The dumber you prove you really are to the rest of us.
If Silence is Golden....Here is your GOLDEN opportunity to use it.

12-23-2017, 01:35 AM


12-23-2017, 03:11 PM