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12-26-2017, 02:26 PM
Good reporting! :rolleyes:

"little went well in 2017" - Looks a LOT different from my POV, looks like a LOT went right! And yeps, it's really happening, and the bizarre and alternate reality are only for those on the left that felt Hillary should have been GIVEN the position.


A Tale of Two Years

It was the best of years, it was the worst of years.

To hear some folks tell it, 2017 marked a hideous cataclysm in the affairs of man. “So long 2017, you won’t be missed,” wrote Robert Schlesinger in US News & World Report. “Little went well in 2017,” this sage confided in his threnody, “but maybe 2018 will be better.”

Mel Robbins, writing for CNN, sounded a similar note. “This year,” Robbins wrote, “I heard so many people ask, ‘Is this really happening?’” 2017 was “bizarre,” an “alternate reality.”

What happened in 2017 to mark it out as a year that will live in infamy? Dear Reader, I hope that you are sitting down. You will hardly believe the hideous truth. Quaff a bit of brandy. Have the smelling salts at hand. What was the unspeakable reality that sent almost the entire U.S. media, the academic establishment in toto, nearly all of Hollywood, and Democratic politicians from Washington state to Florida into hysterical mourning? Are you ready? Steady on. Take a deep breath. OK, here it is.

Someone those repositories of virtue did not favor was elected president of the United States in a free, open, democratic election. Can you believe it? Their candidate lost. Even worse, the opposing candidate was elected without their permission, over their strenuous objections, unremitting ridicule, and against their hermetically sealed certitude that such a thing was impossible, impossible Kemo Sabe!

Now you know the worst. The 2016 presidential election worked as the Constitution said it was supposed to work, not the way Hollywood millionaires, Ivy-educated pundits, angry feminists, or partisan opponents wanted it to work.

There was other bad news in 2017. On November 8, 2016, the Dow Jones industrial average closed at 18,332. “Little went well” this year, so it is no surprise that the market closed on Friday, December 23 at 24,754. In other words, the market rose 6,422 points, or 35 percent, in little over a year. I’m told that represents more than $6 trillion in shareholder value. Horrible!

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/rogerkimball/tale-two-years/

12-26-2017, 04:49 PM
The Republicans are still crying because they got a president they really didn't want, they were expecting the Stalinist Ted Cruz. But 2018 will soon be here, those elections will most likely all go to the Democrats, perhaps then the country will correct itself to an even keel. But what we really need is World War Three to bring the country together, a great bloodletting to refresh the younger generations and bolster our stagnating economy.

12-26-2017, 04:58 PM
But 2018 will soon be here, those elections will most likely all go to the Democrats, perhaps then the country will correct itself to an even keel.
-------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/free-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

But what we really need is World War Three to bring the country together, a great bloodletting to refresh the younger generations and bolster our stagnating economy.
Maaaaaaaaaaan... "stagnating economy" ......... I don't see how ANYONE here can take you seriously... you are OUT TO LUNCH, my friend.

But if you want another revolution... all I can say is BRING IT...
