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View Full Version : US cuts $285m from UN budget

12-26-2017, 02:34 PM
GOOD, drop it to $0 and kick them out for all I care. And paying more than approximately 185 countries added together? Hell, what is there, less than 200 nations in there altogether?


US says it negotiated $285 million cut in United Nations budget

-The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said on Sunday that the U.N.'s 2018-2019 budget would be slashed by over $285 million.
-The mission said reductions would also be made to the U.N.'s management and support functions.
-The "inefficiency and overspending" of the organization is well-known, says U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley.

The U.S. government says it has negotiated a significant cut in the United Nations budget.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said on Sunday that the U.N.'s 2018-2019 budget would be slashed by over $285 million. The mission said reductions would also be made to the U.N.'s management and support functions.

The announcement didn't make clear the entire amount of the budget or specify what effect the cut would have on the U.S. contribution.

U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said that the "inefficiency and overspending" of the organization is well-known, and she would not let "the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of."

She also said that while the mission was pleased with the results of budget negotiations, it would continue to "look at ways to increase the U.N.'s efficiency while protecting our interests."


FLASHBACK: U.S. Pays $3B for UN--More Than 185 Other Countries Combined

(CNSNews.com) – American taxpayers will pony up around $3.024 billion this year towards the United Nations’ regular and peacekeeping budgets, more than what 185 other countries combined are paying, an expert on the international body told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday.

While the U.S. contribution in 2015 to the U.N. regular budget is $621.9 million, the 35 countries contributing the least will pay just $28,269 each, Heritage Foundation scholar Brett Schaefer told the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee responsible for multilateral institutions.

And where the U.S. will pay $2.402 billion towards the separate peacekeeping budget, the 20 countries contributing the least will pay just $8,470 each.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/us-pays-3b-un-more-185-other-countries-combined

12-26-2017, 02:39 PM
When I read that earlier, I though CUT $285M? CUT? Why in the world do we give them that much AT ALL, TOTAL?

Ship the entire worthless freak show out to Cuba. See how they like it there. Let Cuba foot the bill.

12-26-2017, 02:52 PM
193 countries within the "United" Nations - and the USA pays 22% of the budget. Screw that.


FACT CHECK: Does The US Pay Over 20 Percent Of The UN Budget?

Former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka claimed the U.S. pays over 20 percent of the U.N. budget on “Fox & Friends” Saturday.

“We are paying more than 20 percent of the U.N.’s budget. If you look at the peacekeeping activities, the military side of the house, we are paying almost a third, 28 percent,” said Gorka.

Verdict: True

The U.S. must pay 22 percent of the U.N. budget for 2016 to 2018. The U.S. contributes an even higher share for some agencies within the U.N.

Fact Check:

The U.N. determines required contribution levels for each member state based on factors like gross national income and debt. Based on this calculation, the U.S. paid 22 percent of the U.N.’s $5.4 billion budget for 2016 and 2017, the maximum contribution allowed. State Department documents confirm the U.S. allocated $1.2 billion toward the budget during these years.

U.S. funding of U.N. operations is under scrutiny after 128 member states voted to condemn President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Thursday. Trump threatened to cut U.S. funding to countries that voted for the resolution.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called the resolution disrespectful, particularly because the U.S. pays more than any other country to the U.N. “When we make generous contributions to the U.N., we also have a legitimate expectation that our good will is recognized and respected,” she said in remarks before the U.N. General Assembly Thursday.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/26/fact-check-does-the-us-pay-over-20-percent-of-the-un-budget/

12-26-2017, 03:03 PM
Bolton: UN Budget Cuts 'Real Opportunity' for Trump Admin

Former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton Tuesday applauded cuts to the United Nations budget, saying they are a "real opportunity" for President Donald Trump's administration to rethink the United States' share of what it contributes to the world agency and possibly even pulling out of the U.N. Human Rights Council.

"There are plenty of parts of the U.N. system that don't deserve any U.S. funding, let alone a cut," Bolton told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" program. "I think if the administration really wants to review what the options are available to us, they should think about having the U.S. in the international taxation [plan] that burdens us with a 22 percent share of most U.N. budgets, and move toward voluntary contributions."

If other countries follow, he added, "it would be like a tsunami through the U.N. system," Bolton said.

Meanwhile, Bolton said he also believes the United States should withdraw from the U.N. Human Rights Council, and "totally defund it."

"I think it's pure theater," said Bolton. "There are a number of other U.N. programs and agencies I think we could zero out and we stay in the ones that we think are actually providing value. It is a revolutionary principle."

On Sunday, current U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley announced a $285 million cut that had been made in the U.N.'s core budget, after the General Assembly adopted a $5.396 billion budget for 2018-2019, just below the $5.4 billion that U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had sought.

The United States provides for 22 percent of the U.N.'s core budget, and Haley commented in a statement that "inefficiency and overspending" were "well-known" at the world agency.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/john-bolton-un-budget-cuts-trump-administration/2017/12/26/id/833749/

12-26-2017, 03:19 PM
I couldn't think a thing president Trump has done since he's taken office that is a BAD thing.

Other than some of his tweets DO upset people, as they can be rather sophomoric in nature sometimes. I know it bugs Gunny.

But damn, the guys is kicking ass and taking names, the way America should do. He is STANDING UP FOR AMERICA and putting AMERICA FIRST... what a RADICAL thing to do... :rolleyes:

12-26-2017, 04:05 PM
When I read that earlier, I though CUT $285M? CUT? Why in the world do we give them that much AT ALL, TOTAL?

Ship the entire worthless freak show out to Cuba. See how they like it there. Let Cuba foot the bill.AT made a good point in another thread about the UN. We keep them in NYC because they're easier to spy on. Makes perfect sense. Especially give who the like candidates to open their doors for the UN would be. Russia, China and Iran. Probably even that douche from NK would volunteer.

12-26-2017, 04:12 PM
It would be very popular to end American participation in the UN. Trump could use such a move to get re-election.

12-26-2017, 04:19 PM
AT made a good point in another thread about the UN. We keep them in NYC because they're easier to spy on. Makes perfect sense. Especially give who the like candidates to open their doors for the UN would be. Russia, China and Iran. Probably even that douche from NK would volunteer.
Yeah but really, is it worth BILLIONS of dollars?

I think whatever intel that's worth a plug nickel we get from spying on them we could gather no matter where they're at.

I think the whole thing is a worthless dog 'n pony show.

12-26-2017, 04:23 PM
It would be very popular to end American participation in the UN. Trump could use such a move to get re-election.I don't believe it would be that popular. I'd be all for getting rid of it. The left on the other hand would be appalled, yada, yada, yada .... look how they're carrying on about the G6. End of the world is coming.

It's not worth fighting for. Not at this time. Nor is it worth giving the Dems another talking point to beat to death for next election. International PR would be Hell. The next Dem to come along would just restore it. If Trump had a Congress that would back him, it might be worth a try. McLame and his ilk would block any such legislation.

Trump needs to work on things he CAN get done. He's still got his "Wall' and illegal immigration to tackle.


Abbey Marie
12-26-2017, 04:25 PM
I am really liking Nikki Haley. She said she was "taking names" regarding that vote, and she meant it. Next we withhold $$ from members that voted "null and void".


12-26-2017, 04:33 PM
We need to be doing more for Palestine, this UN budget cut will allow us to help those suffering most in the region, so let's make it happen.


12-26-2017, 04:35 PM
We need to be doing more for Palestine,


They hate Americans.

Remember Arafat?

Abbey Marie
12-26-2017, 04:38 PM

They hate Americans.

Remember Arafat?

Apparently them hating Israel is more important. :rolleyes:

12-26-2017, 04:45 PM
We need to be doing more for Palestine, this UN budget cut will allow us to help those suffering most in the region, so let's make it happen.


We are doing more for Palestine Gravy. Now we can track the Palestinian help they are getting from Lebanon, and IRAN with their missiles, bombs, and IED's marked "MADE IN IRAN". You should be really proud to be related to ARAFAT. Dead Martyrs make lousy leaders...what you wish you could be.... But you should KEEP TRYING.


12-26-2017, 04:56 PM
We need to be doing more for Palestine, this UN budget cut will allow us to help those suffering most in the region, so let's make it happen.


Let their beloved leaders from Hamas worry about them. They want to have them lead, and act as a country as they do, then they end up exactly where they sit right now. Let them continue to sit on street corners, in their little chairs and applaud and pass out candy as Hamas shoots rockets in any which direction. I just truly wish that Israel were allowed to truly take the gloves off, end the issue in maybe 15 minutes or so.

12-26-2017, 05:07 PM
Let their beloved leaders from Hamas worry about them. They want to have them lead, and act as a country as they do, then they end up exactly where they sit right now. Let them continue to sit on street corners, in their little chairs and applaud and pass out candy as Hamas shoots rockets in any which direction. I just truly wish that Israel were allowed to truly take the gloves off, end the issue in maybe 15 minutes or so.

But jim. If Bibi was allowed to take off the gloves. Israel would have a huge, vacant parking lot they'd have to either cover with cement for parking, or the biggest WALMART shopping center in the Middle East.
Israel should be able to match the HAMAS launched missiles with Israeli missiles in order for people like Gravy to experience a FAIR, PHONY, LIBERTARIAN, LIBERAL level playing field that would put a dumber smile on the face of the HATERS.