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View Full Version : Trump Tweets Iranian Protests

12-30-2017, 07:27 AM
Yep, early last evening.


I thought of posting on this yesterday after reading some coverage from overseas and blogs. Nothing though was showing up in our own media, even most 'new' media.

Before even posting this, I went searching here on posts I wrote back when Bush and Obama seemed to ignore the protests that had sprung up in early 2000's in Iran, but not much luck. Tried the old board, that's where they were.

Anyways, here's one issue that Trump has made the right move in bringing some light.


12-30-2017, 09:30 AM
Iran is way past due for a revolution. Lets hope that this one gains traction & momentum.

12-30-2017, 09:34 AM
Iran is way past due for a revolution. Lets hope that this one gains traction & momentum.

I think it's not as good a time as it was in early 2000's or even 2009, but so necessary.

12-30-2017, 11:12 AM
Iran is way past due for a revolution. Lets hope that this one gains traction & momentum.

The United States is way past due for a revolution, I've not the least care for Iran. Warmongering cucks for the Military Industrial Complex and The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel are the gravest threats to the freedoms and liberties of We the People, not Iran.


12-30-2017, 12:06 PM
The United States is way past due for a revolution, I've not the least care for Iran. Warmongering cucks for the Military Industrial Complex and The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel are the gravest threats to the freedoms and liberties of We the People, not Iran.


Start your own thread if you prefer a different subject, DO NOT continue to derail threads. Please? You're free to speak your mind and blast away, but prefer it to be your own thread and on topic. Thx!

12-30-2017, 12:47 PM
Start your own thread if you prefer a different subject, DO NOT continue to derail threads. Please? You're free to speak your mind and blast away, but prefer it to be your own thread and on topic. Thx!

I didn't mean to derail your thread, I was simply trying to debate the foolhardiness of wishing revolution upon Iran or any country. This is a debate forum but I'm not very good at debate, still learning. I just think that Trump is warmongering for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel and that's a great danger to our way of life, since it threatens our entire physical and economic existence.

12-30-2017, 02:09 PM
I didn't mean to derail your thread, I was simply trying to debate the foolhardiness of wishing revolution upon Iran or any country. This is a debate forum but I'm not very good at debate, still learning. I just think that Trump is warmongering for The Yinon Plan For Greater Israel and that's a great danger to our way of life, since it threatens our entire physical and economic existence.

It's not my thread, but does apply to ALL threads. We likely won't warn of someone does so non-stop. Abuse of it will solely lead to thread bans and/or having posts moved to the cage section of the forum. I am not saying this is what is happening, but what repeated abuse leads to.

Btw,I am not naive. but have fun!

12-30-2017, 03:17 PM
Reports are out that Iran is blocking interweb access and government snipers are shooting protesters. It seems the Obama Iran deal is at the heart of this matter, so says this tweeter. He points out that Obama's meddling still effects the region. But the USA has long been meddling in the affairs of Iran, so this thing with Obama is nothing new.

When you have a country like Iran ruled by religious law, no citizen can ever expect to be treated fairly or with equality.


12-30-2017, 03:32 PM
Iran is way past due for a revolution. Lets hope that this one gains traction & momentum.

It would be nice Night Train...But....doubt it would happen...not enough protesters and it would be shut down F-A-S-T.....IMO...

Trump is correct in his Tweet....Something most Americans know and understand already...but Im glad Trump put the tweet out anyway...(a way of saying...he gets it) and wants "us" to know...

12-30-2017, 03:37 PM
Reports are out that Iran is blocking interweb access and government snipers are shooting protesters. It seems the Obama Iran deal is at the heart of this matter, so says this tweeter. He points out that Obama's meddling still effects the region. But the USA has long been meddling in the affairs of Iran, so this thing with Obama is nothing new.

When you have a country like Iran ruled by religious law, no citizen can ever expect to be treated fairly or with equality.


​Everything is good Gravy...but let me tweak it...

~ "when you have a country like Iran ruled by religious law," ~

**When you have a country like Iran ruled ruled by "Islamic...terrorist ( stinking koran reading) Law nothing good come of it.

12-30-2017, 04:38 PM
Iran is way past due for a revolution. Lets hope that this one gains traction & momentum.I've heard this over the years and it won't matter. I don't know what's so hard to understand about it. They hate US, revolution or not. They are STILL Shia, revolution or not. The mere fact that the majority is shia dictates their religious leader is the final authority on ALL things. That is the fundamental difference between shia and sunni muslims. The sunni religion has the same people as the shia, but they are advisors to the King who is the final authority.

They are not going to welcome us with open arms. Even if we support some ragtag, revolutionary army against the government of Iran, they will tell us what we want to hear to get our stuff, then kick us out as soon as they take control. The actual likelihood is they will get squashed.

The way to deal with Iran is the same way we dealt with Iraq. Conquer and occupy; for which, we are not prepared. Or, Kill them all. The latter being the only thing muslims understand and the only effective weapon ever used against Islamic regimes.

Otherwise, we can just sit and wait until they're doing the same shit North Korea is and proclaim "oh my, they can kill us now".

12-30-2017, 06:47 PM
A few developments today:

Internet shut down in cities with protests:


3 killed by Revolutionary Guards:


Women in Tehran will no longer be arrested for not following dress code, (not all over the country, but the more westernized capital):


12-30-2017, 09:10 PM
They let them suffer, starve, become deathly sick, put them in warehouses, or fenced in fields and watch as they DIE by the thousands, or even Millions. Which is why the U.N. takes their side.
Fewer people to feed is fewer people to REVOLT.:poke:
Iran will SILENTLY take care of all of the Revolutionaries. Just like the Little Rocket Man does in N.K.
One day, those people are HERE....next day....GONE.

12-31-2017, 08:07 AM


12-31-2017, 11:34 AM


Thanks for the share Kat...been reading and hearing about that....interesting days ahead.

Wish "the people" against the crazed Mullahs the best...

How Iran used to be in the 60`s and 70`s...


`Before the Islamic Revolution: 21 Vintage Photos of Tehran, Iran in the 1960s and 1970s (http://www.vintag.es/2014/09/pictures-of-tehran-iran-ca-1960s-1970s.html)`




12-31-2017, 06:38 PM
Thanks for the share Kat...been reading and hearing about that....interesting days ahead.

Wish "the people" against the crazed Mullahs the best...

How Iran used to be in the 60`s and 70`s...


`Before the Islamic Revolution: 21 Vintage Photos of Tehran, Iran in the 1960s and 1970s (http://www.vintag.es/2014/09/pictures-of-tehran-iran-ca-1960s-1970s.html)`



https://www.pinterest.com/pin/153122456052067291/Iran was mostly "Westernized" prior to 1979 tumbling it back into the Dark Ages. It was basically a puppet to the US, and our "share" of the victors divying up the ME following WWII. The problem is under the Shah's rule, there was the elite and the impoverished. There was no middle class. He was a military dictator, and called exactly what he was by the religious leaders -- a US puppet. I'm stating that as a fact, not supporting any stupid ayatollah asshole.

The problem NOW is regardless the intentions of any revolutionaries, distrust for Americans has been ingrained from birth into generations of Iranians. I am sure there are those that want to get ride of the oppressiveness of their religious regime. That doesn't mean they want US. The US would be wise to be cautious in getting involved in Iran, period.

And if anyone is thinking ousting the religious rulers is going to get Iran to discontinue its pursuit of nuclear weapons, you're dreaming. Persians were power-hungry long before any ayatollah showed up.

01-02-2018, 08:11 AM