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01-02-2018, 08:31 PM
The Urban dictionary definition (:laugh2:).

1.Short (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Short) for militant leftists, or occasionally far leftists and radical leftists, often used as a generalization of people (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=people) who commit to acts of violence against those on the Right side (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=side) of the political spectrum
2.Brain dead retards not only supporting Communism, which killed 94 million people (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=people), and being the pure definition (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=definition) of fascism (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fascism) themselves, but openly saying "Fuck you" to the government they've benefited from, including the police and troops that allow them to have free speech. They're basically idiot cowards that don't know shit and also don't know what they stand for but still hold violent riots anyways.


That about sums them up. They don't even care that when questioned about being hypocrites that they are. Their funding leads back to Democratic party sources and of course George Soros, .They're most reminiscient of NAZI Brownshirts. Somebody better start paying attention to these clowns. It appears it's easier for them than getting a real job.

Black Diamond
01-02-2018, 08:53 PM
Still waiting for a right wing group. Antifag.

01-02-2018, 09:11 PM
I just keep thinking about how everyone ignored or laughed off Rohm, Hitler, Goering, et al until they were in complete control of Germany within 3 years. All they reallty did was bully their way to the top. It works on those who won't fight back and stop them before they get started.

So far they've received nothing more than harsh words for their actions here.

Black Diamond
01-02-2018, 09:24 PM
I just keep thinking about how everyone ignored or laughed off Rohm, Hitler, Goering, et al until they were in complete control of Germany within 3 years. All they reallty did was bully their way to the top. It works on those who won't fight back and stop them before they get started.

So far they've received nothing more than harsh words for their actions here.
American chamberlains?

I have so many book titles.

01-02-2018, 09:40 PM
American chamberlains?

I have so many book titles.Not really. Chamberlain (GB) was external to Germany. He really had no business in internal German politics. Remember, the folly known as the Treaty of Versaille was a major building block for the NAZIs. The treaty was so oppressive there was no way Germany could have survived and met the stipulations laid on it.

They're more like Republicans/conservatives allowing Obama to win. Twice. Now we've got a whole generation pf Obama fascists to deal with who grew up thinking he was right. They saw him say little about Ferguson, yet condemn the right and blame us repeatedly for even daring to criticize his bullshit. In a way, he is the quintessential AnTifa member/leftwingnut. Look what happened when he didn't get his way. He threw tantrums, blamed the right, then unconstitutionally did what he wanted anyway.

Sounds like what antifa and the temper tantrum/crybaby rooms are all about to me.

Polite Russian
01-03-2018, 05:02 PM
It's sad, but there are a lot of people here in Russia too, that support leftist, antifa ideas. And our Right wing is really weak. If you say, that you prefer Right ideas, regular person will call you a nazi, or nationalist (and you will never, I mean NEVER gonna explain them, that there are a big difference between these difinitions). Such a tragedy, that commies ruined my country back in 1917.. We still can't solve that problem, because of propaganda. A lot of people still belive, that Stalin, Lenin and other commi dudes was a saviors. Funny fact. These people are usually speak about nazi crimes, but when you ask them about massive repressions, about thousands of people, killed by the soviet government, they say something like "It is good, that they shot them." We still have STREETS and SUBWAY stations, called in the name of some revolution thugs. And there are a lot of yelling in mass media, when our government decides to change some names.

I hope, that you will be better, solving commi problems in your country, then us. We got a looooooooot of work to do here :D

Hope I writed everything right, or stupid grammar mistakes xD
Sorry, if you find some

01-03-2018, 05:11 PM
Hope I writed everything right, or stupid grammar mistakes xD
Sorry, if you find some

You write quite well, so please keep responding. As a recovering English and Phys Ed Major,
I will NEVER critcize a foreigner's Grammar!

Polite Russian
01-03-2018, 05:15 PM
You write quite well, so please keep responding. As a recovering English and Phys Ed Major,
I will NEVER critcize a foreigner's Grammar!

Thank you. But sometimes, good cricits can be useful. I like English and I wanna improve my skills. So, if there are some stupid mistakes, I will be grateful, if somebody tell me about them.

01-03-2018, 05:56 PM
Thank you. But sometimes, good cricits can be useful. I like English and I wanna improve my skills. So, if there are some stupid mistakes, I will be grateful, if somebody tell me about them.You're nuts, buddy :laugh: DO NOT give anyone THAT permission on a message board. The grammar NAZIs are everywhere:laugh:

I thought you might be using a translator. It's cool if you can learn English as well. I can speak Spanish and at points in my life attempted to learn French and Greek. Had an Okinawan landlord I could understand after about 6 shots of sake! Of course, I could understand Martians after 6 shots of sake :laugh:

One of the things that gets me about these fascists is that each and every one believe they are somehow going to be part of the ruling class when there are limited spots at and near the top. They don't realize as revolutionaries they will be killed first, or disappear and conform. No one knows the danger they present better than those they helped get to the top.

Look at Ernst Rohm. He basically WAS the Brown Shirt party (the SA) until His usefulness was over and he opposed Hitler's ideals. Suddenly it became known he was a homosexual and he was executed. These so called AntiFa revolutionaries could expect no better. I believe it was Leon Trotsky that was treated in like manner after the Russian Revolution.

Polite Russian
01-03-2018, 06:07 PM
You're nuts, buddy :laugh: DO NOT give anyone THAT permission on a message board. The grammar NAZIs are everywhere:laugh:

I thought you might be using a translator. It's cool if you can learn English as well. I can speak Spanish and at points in my life attempted to learn French and Greek. Had an Okinawan landlord I could understand after about 6 shots of sake! Of course, I could understand Martians after 6 shots of sake :laugh:

One of the things that gets me about these fascists is that each and every one believe they are somehow going to be part of the ruling class when there are limited spots at and near the top. They don't realize as revolutionaries they will be killed first, or disappear and conform. No one knows the danger they present better than those they helped get to the top.

Look at Ernst Rohm. He basically WAS the Brown Shirt party (the SA) until His usefulness was over and he opposed Hitler's ideals. Suddenly it became known he was a homosexual and he was executed. These so called AntiFa revolutionaries could expect no better. I believe it was Leon Trotsky that was treated in like manner after the Russian Revolution.

Sadly, a lot of these people are extremely dumb. They can't understand that.
Sadly, the most idealistic people, who catually do the job, are the ones, whi will be killed first. Because idealistic person - is not a person, who will agree to compromise.
We saw that in Ukraine conflict.
There were some commanders (Militia, or the Separatists, like your media call them), who actually fought for ideas, for people. But all of them are dead now. Murdered with strange circumstances. And media tells us, that they were killed by Ukrainian saboteurs.
But a lot of people here think, that it was made by "friendly" units. Just because they was uncomfortable and uncontrolled persons.

01-03-2018, 07:00 PM
Sadly, a lot of these people are extremely dumb. They can't understand that.
Sadly, the most idealistic people, who catually do the job, are the ones, whi will be killed first. Because idealistic person - is not a person, who will agree to compromise.
We saw that in Ukraine conflict.
There were some commanders (Militia, or the Separatists, like your media call them), who actually fought for ideas, for people. But all of them are dead now. Murdered with strange circumstances. And media tells us, that they were killed by Ukrainian saboteurs.
But a lot of people here think, that it was made by "friendly" units. Just because they was uncomfortable and uncontrolled persons.
Would you say that the people in Russia "on the right" would be against Putin? What percentage of them of your population would that be?

I hope you posting on here won't get you in trouble in Russia. We surely enjoy it and it's welcome in America. Freedom of speech is our constitutional law.

01-03-2018, 07:09 PM
Would you say that the people in Russia "on the right" would be against Putin? What percentage of them of your population would that be?

I hope you posting on here won't get you in trouble in Russia. We surely enjoy it and it's welcome in America. Freedom of speech is our constitutional law.Good question. I'd like toknow first what exactly Putin is considered to be by the Russian people, and if what he calls himself is the same.

My guess is he is considered a throwback to the old Communist regime; which, we know was a totalitarian regime not a true socialist one.

01-03-2018, 07:13 PM
Good question. I'd like toknow first what exactly Putin is considered to be by the Russian people, and if what he calls himself is the same.

My guess is he is considered a throwback to the old Communist regime; which, we know was a totalitarian regime not a true socialist one.
True... Putin is/was KGB.

Polite Russian
01-04-2018, 12:47 AM
Would you say that the people in Russia "on the right" would be against Putin? What percentage of them of your population would that be?

I hope you posting on here won't get you in trouble in Russia. We surely enjoy it and it's welcome in America. Freedom of speech is our constitutional law.

I hope so too :D hahahahah

Nah, I don't think, that there will be any trouble. We are not SO totalitarian for now.

"Right" are against Putin. I don't understand, why all of your media shows him like a right-wing politician. Leftists supports him more. Sadly, I can't give you percentage :(
But nowdays there are more and more people are joining the Rght-wing. So maybe it will be better... someday.

The worst thing in our situation is that we just don't have any other candidates, that putin. Our "official" opposition is fective dummy, and "non-official" just not better, than our government. And people of "non-official" opposition is just a bunch of traitors. Just imagine, if there will be some guys, that live in Washington D.C. and everyday yells, that you need to give Alaska back to Russia, give freedom to Texas and some of that separatistic bullshit, just because they think, that USA need to be "more kind and respect other interests in the first place.

Something like that we got here. That is the reason, why I do not support any of them and try to stay away of this "theatre"

01-04-2018, 03:41 PM
Antifa, what a bunch of retards

"Fascism is bad"

"Hey stop saying things we don't like, or we'll beat you up"

01-04-2018, 04:06 PM
I hope so too :D hahahahah

Nah, I don't think, that there will be any trouble. We are not SO totalitarian for now.

"Right" are against Putin. I don't understand, why all of your media shows him like a right-wing politician. Leftists supports him more. Sadly, I can't give you percentage :(
But nowdays there are more and more people are joining the Rght-wing. So maybe it will be better... someday.

The worst thing in our situation is that we just don't have any other candidates, that putin. Our "official" opposition is fective dummy, and "non-official" just not better, than our government. And people of "non-official" opposition is just a bunch of traitors. Just imagine, if there will be some guys, that live in Washington D.C. and everyday yells, that you need to give Alaska back to Russia, give freedom to Texas and some of that separatistic bullshit, just because they think, that USA need to be "more kind and respect other interests in the first place.

Something like that we got here. That is the reason, why I do not support any of them and try to stay away of this "theatre"We DO have clowns like that. Too many. Not smart enough to figure out that what they preach is NOT what got us where we are, nor is it going to get them anywhere but discarded once they voluntarily give away all their Rights for the "good" of us all:rolleyes:.

01-04-2018, 04:07 PM
Antifa, what a bunch of retards

"Fascism is bad"

"Hey stop saying things we don't like, or we'll beat you up"I LOVE the definition in the OP. Especially #2. Talk about nailed it.

01-04-2018, 04:12 PM
What's hilarious is that they call Trump the fascist. He's literally the worst fascist ever, I mean anyone says whatever they want about him on live TV or wherever else they feel compelled to do so.

01-04-2018, 04:24 PM
What's hilarious is that they call Trump the fascist. He's literally the worst fascist ever, I mean anyone says whatever they want about him on live TV or wherever else they feel compelled to do so.I gave up on it YEARS ago when dimwits on message boards called conservatives/Republicans NAZIs. It's one of those myths the left has perpetuated for so long it's accepted as fact.

Same with the assclowns calling themselves antifascists when they are the exact definition of the word. Bullies and thugs. They don't care that they're hypocrites. They don't care if they hurt others or steal elections. They don't even care they don't have a 6th grade vocabulary or dictionary so they can figure out "big" words like "fascism".

What makes them danderous is no one is doing a thing about it. The Dems went on the MSM and stated openly in public they bused in 11th hour voters to AL to steal an election. See any DNC heads rolling?

If nobody stops them, they aren't going to stop themselves.