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View Full Version : Snowmageddon 2018...

01-03-2018, 06:04 PM
Is over. Well, at least for the Charleston South Carolina area it is...


Black Diamond
01-03-2018, 06:07 PM
Is over. well, at least for the Charleston South Carolina area it is...

Saw your town on tv. Was thinking while everyone is panicking hjmick is sitting back not giving a flying rhinoceros shit.

01-03-2018, 06:07 PM
Holy cow..!!

That's WISCONSIN kinda snow, and we haven't gotten squat.

01-03-2018, 06:23 PM
Saw your town on tv. Was thinking while everyone is panicking hjmick is sitting back not giving a flying rhinoceros shit.

Pretty much. Work was canceled, I napped... Probably be canceled tomorrow. Nap to be determined...

Wound up with about 5" covering about an 1/8" of ice. Not a lot, but enough. I think they got 6" back in 1989 after Hugo.

Funny what shuts this town down. Everyone is out and about during a tropical storm or hurricane. But snow? Not a soul out on the roads.

01-03-2018, 06:29 PM
Pretty much. Work was canceled, I napped... Probably be canceled tomorrow. Nap to be determined...

Wound up with about 5" covering about an 1/8" of ice. Not a lot, but enough. I think they got 6" back in 1989 after Hugo.

Funny what shuts this town down. Everyone is out and about during a tropical storm or hurricane. But snow? Not a soul out on the roads.
Thing is you southern states don't have the equipment like we do up nort' here to clear it... understandable snow brings everything to a halt.

01-03-2018, 06:36 PM
Thing is you southern states don't have the equipment like we do up nort' here to clear it... understandable snow brings everything to a halt.

Pretty much. They had to bring salt down from Columbia...

01-03-2018, 06:38 PM
Pretty much. They had to bring salt down from Columbia...
UUGH.... do everything you can to avoid that, bro.

01-03-2018, 06:56 PM
UUGH.... do everything you can to avoid that, bro.

I hear you. In Albuquerque they used ash the one or two times it was needed. In SoCal, well, nothing. I cringed when the news said they were bringing in salt and filling trucks with brine. Luckily they didn't use the brine as the temps are cold enough to freeze it.

01-03-2018, 08:17 PM
Unusual for down there, but pretty.

I agree...avoid salt! It eats through conceret like acid.

Up in WVa they used coal ciders.

In Northern California and Oregon, volcanic ciders and sand are used - no salt!