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01-05-2018, 12:17 PM
Here ya go!

01-05-2018, 12:52 PM
About time x10.

01-05-2018, 12:59 PM
Report: DOJ Reopening Clinton Email Investigation

The Department of Justice is reportedly reopening the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information on a private, unsecure email server.

According to The Daily Beast, investigators will be taking "a fresh look" at the case, specifically "how much classified information was sent over Clinton’s server; who put that information into an unclassified environment, and how; and which investigators knew about these matters and when."

Republicans on key congressional committees told The Hill earlier this week that they now have secured "written evidence" that the FBI knew Clinton and her staff broke laws, and yet a decision was made at the top to give her "an HQ special."

That evidence includes passages in FBI documents stating the “sheer volume” of classified information that flowed through Clinton’s insecure emails was proof of criminality as well as an admission of false statements by one key witness in the case, the investigators said.

The name of the witness is redacted from the FBI documents but lawmakers said he was an employee of a computer firm that helped maintain her personal server after she left office as America’s top diplomat and who belatedly admitted he had permanently erased an archive of her messages in 2015 after they had been subpoenaed by Congress.

The investigators also confirmed that the FBI began drafting a statement exonerating Clinton of any crimes while evidence responsive to subpoenas was still outstanding and before agents had interviewed more than a dozen key witnesses.

"Nothing about that investigation was right," Chris Swecker, former assistant director of the FBI, told Fox News' Tucker Carlson Wednesday night. "Those of us who have conducted federal criminal investigations know that you use the grand jury, you use search warrants, you don't hand out immunities like candy. I mean -- everything in that investigation runs contrary to the way a real, credible and thorough FBI investigation is conducted."

Swecker added that the FBI doesn't normally go to witnesses and say "mother, may I?" to obtain information.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/report-doj-reopening-clinton-email-investigation/

01-05-2018, 03:23 PM
A few of us that had to deal with classifed and official 'media' said she should have been taken to court.

There are no excuses. I had to sign an SF-87 every year stating I knew the limits.
I had to take Cyber security training annually.
There are no excuses.

01-05-2018, 03:26 PM
Don't get your hopes up, after all the FBI is corrupt and needs to be cleaned out. Any findings will be partisan, witch hunt and invalid. Right?

Not that I really give a shit. The Clinton's can go to jail for all I care. Just want everyone to be consistent.

01-05-2018, 03:44 PM
Don't get your hopes up, after all the FBI is corrupt and needs to be cleaned out. Any findings will be partisan, witch hunt and invalid. Right?

Not that I really give a shit. The Clinton's can go to jail for all I care. Just want everyone to be consistent.

They ARE corrupt, and were lead by a corrupt man as all this took place. Lordy only knows who may be left in their, like Stzrok, that doesn't give a shit about the law, and does shit out of bounds. Seeing what he did/wrote, and they worked with Comey to give Clinton a pass - I still don't trust them in the slightest bit.

01-05-2018, 06:04 PM
Don't get your hopes up, after all the FBI is corrupt and needs to be cleaned out. Any findings will be partisan, witch hunt and invalid. Right?

Not that I really give a shit. The Clinton's can go to jail for all I care. Just want everyone to be consistent.

Funny how you continue to ignore the real facts, and about how Trump, and Sessions are in the process of WEEDING OUT the Obama left-over's from the FBI, and Justice Dept.
If you were honest about wanting Consistency....why didn't you demand it during the 8 years of the LYING OBAMA-CLINTON years? Your Hypocrisy gets in the way all the time.

01-05-2018, 06:09 PM
Judging by history, and believing there's still plenty of corrupt obama hold overs in the DOJ and FBI, and the DOJ still being led by the likes of the FECKLESS MORON SESSIONS, and little partisan HACK ROSENSTIEN, and seeing that the Clintons have shed convictions like a teflon frying pan in the past, I have ZERO faith that they'll EVER be held accountable for ANY of the corruption and lawlessness they've committed. I still DON'T see the republican LEADERS like Ryan and McDORCKEL stepping up and PUSHING this and taking the LEAD like they SHOULD BE. Two fucking gutless RINO LOSERS.

I'll believe the Clinton trash will PAY for their CRIMES when I see one or BOTH of them in JAIL.

01-05-2018, 07:20 PM
Judging by history, and believing there's still plenty of corrupt obama hold overs in the DOJ and FBI, and the DOJ still being led by the likes of the FECKLESS MORON SESSIONS, and little partisan HACK ROSENSTIEN, and seeing that the Clintons have shed convictions like a teflon frying pan in the past, I have ZERO faith that they'll EVER be held accountable for ANY of the corruption and lawlessness they've committed. I still DON'T see the republican LEADERS like Ryan and McDORCKEL stepping up and PUSHING this and taking the LEAD like they SHOULD BE. Two fucking gutless RINO LOSERS.

I'll believe the Clinton trash will PAY for their CRIMES when I see one or BOTH of them in JAIL.

One can only hope so!

01-05-2018, 08:50 PM
I forgot one, which changes my opinion about never doing it again.

New members of the GITMO Vacation of a LIFETIME club!

One GREAT Resolution before I die!

