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01-05-2018, 01:01 PM
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 45 Years

(CNSNews.com) -- According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the national unemployment rate for black workers, 16 years and over, was 6.8% in December, making it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since 1972 -- 45 years ago.

It may be the lowest rate for an even longer period of time as the BLS numbers only go back to January 1972, when the national unemployment rate for black workers was 11.2%.

In other words, black unemployment in the United States is probably the lowest it has been in 50 years, half a century.

Here are the data by month and year from the BLS:

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/black-unemployment-rate-lowest-45-years

Black Diamond
01-05-2018, 01:09 PM
Now it will be considered racist to point out black unemployment rate.

Black Diamond
01-05-2018, 01:14 PM
Seriously though. Why is everything broken down this way? Black vote. Black caucus. Black history month.

Do do y'all wanna be treated the same or not?

01-05-2018, 01:20 PM
Seriously though. Why is everything broken down this way? Black vote. Black caucus. Black history month.

Do do y'all wanna be treated the same or not?

Barack Obama was the worst POTUS for blacks i this country since the Civil War. Aint that some shit?

01-05-2018, 02:59 PM
The real Black unemployment rate is like 75%. The so called "unemployment rate" only considers those looking for a job, not the millions who roam the streets or stay in their parent's basement playing video games. Lower unemployment rates actually mean more people are off the job roles, not more gainfully employed. Added, robots and the Church of AI will soon put nearly all out of work, giving Americans more time to be great, hooray.

01-05-2018, 06:31 PM
I'm really tired of all the endless RACIST Bullshit being thrown around by Democrats, and YES, even BLACK Americans who use race to always get attention enough to blame TERRIBLE OLD ME THE WHITE GUY for all of their problems.

Truth is. Over many years. I have personally tried to discuss racism, racists, discrimination, and almost everything related to being a Black person with Black people, and listening to Black people who constantly use the RACE CARD to END any, and ALL discussions by being the LOUDEST, and YELLING ANGRILY in order to prevent WHITE people like me, and others from even daring to discuss, in a calm, civil way...the problems those BLACKS insist are being perpetuated by ME, and other WHITE people in this country.

Let me say it now. It is my opinion....the known, uneducated, Loudest, Yelling Black Americans who cling to the RACIST idea's are the BLACK AMERICANS who DO NOT WANT THE RACIST, DISCRIMINATION problems to be solved...because that would take away their VICTIMHOOD of society that answers their RACIST demands with more HANDOUTS, BENEFITS, GOODIES, and CHECKS in order for the Democrats to CONTINUE being the GOOD PARTY that gives the NEEDY RACISTS BLACKS everything they want....TO SHUT UP at election time.

I once heard someone say "America has the RICHEST poor people on Earth."
We all know...that is a true statement. I know it because I also know Black families who enjoy the AMERICAN DREAM with so much more of what I...THE OLD WHITE GUY, cannot, and will never HAVE. Would someone explain how those Poor Black Families are able to NOT WORK, but drive around to the MALL, and RESTAURANTS in brand new, shiny, black cars, with blackened out windows, shiny, Huge 1000 dollar wheels, and a home where a king could live? Yet, they are never afraid to complain if something doesn't go their way..and the check from UNCLE SAM isn't on time, or their DIRECT DEPOSIT from Welfare is late???
What's wrong with that picture????

Finally. If Black Americans are convinced they will always be poor. That is what they want.

01-06-2018, 11:55 AM
Now it will be considered racist to point out black unemployment rate.I was just wondering why it wasn't already. Why keep separate unemployment rate numbers? Just another excuse for those that want to whine to do so?