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01-06-2018, 04:02 PM
Quite frankly, I think it was dead in the water the day it all started. But the beauty of it all is that SO SO much of it emanates from the Democrats, and so much of it I believe will be found out to be some sort of setups. So the game was started by the Dems, but I believe in the long run they will run out of stamina, and the truth comes out and they shoot themselves in the foot. All just a matter now of who gets nailed and who escapes.

It started out as an investigation into the Trump administration and possible collusion. And thus far, NO evidence against him, and there IS evidence pointing to democrats and others.


Trump: Collusion Investigation ‘Is Dead’

President Trump said on Saturday that collusion allegations about his presidential campaign are “dead.”

Speaking to reporters from Camp David, Trump instead accused the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee of colluding with the Russians.

“I guess the collusion now is dead because everyone found that after a year of study there’s been absolutely no collusion,” Trump said during a press conference.

“There has been no collusion between us and the Russians,” continued Trump, standing in front of members of his administration and several Republican lawmakers.

The FBI began investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government in July 2016. Special Counsel Robert Mueller took up the inquiry in May 2017, shortly after Trump fired James Comey as FBI director.

Trump appeared to reference the Steele dossier in his jab at the Clinton campaign and DNC.

“Now, there has been collusion between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the Russians,” he said.

The Clinton campaign and DNC paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump’s activities in Russia. Former British spy Christopher Steele, who worked as a subcontractor for Fusion, used Russian sources to dig up dirt on Trump.


01-06-2018, 10:19 PM
The only people I see looking bad, guilty of wrongdoing ... whatever, are the Democrats. It's like they're digging their own graves and too stupid to put down the shovel, take a break, and re-think their strategy, or lack thereof.:laugh:

01-06-2018, 11:13 PM
Quite frankly, I think it was dead in the water the day it all started. But the beauty of it all is that SO SO much of it emanates from the Democrats, and so much of it I believe will be found out to be some sort of setups. So the game was started by the Dems, but I believe in the long run they will run out of stamina, and the truth comes out and they shoot themselves in the foot. All just a matter now of who gets nailed and who escapes.

It started out as an investigation into the Trump administration and possible collusion. And thus far, NO evidence against him, and there IS evidence pointing to democrats and others.


Trump: Collusion Investigation ‘Is Dead’

President Trump said on Saturday that collusion allegations about his presidential campaign are “dead.”

Speaking to reporters from Camp David, Trump instead accused the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee of colluding with the Russians.

“I guess the collusion now is dead because everyone found that after a year of study there’s been absolutely no collusion,” Trump said during a press conference.

“There has been no collusion between us and the Russians,” continued Trump, standing in front of members of his administration and several Republican lawmakers.

The FBI began investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government in July 2016. Special Counsel Robert Mueller took up the inquiry in May 2017, shortly after Trump fired James Comey as FBI director.

Trump appeared to reference the Steele dossier in his jab at the Clinton campaign and DNC.

“Now, there has been collusion between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the Russians,” he said.

The Clinton campaign and DNC paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump’s activities in Russia. Former British spy Christopher Steele, who worked as a subcontractor for Fusion, used Russian sources to dig up dirt on Trump.

Not to mention it was started on a FAKE DOSSIER that the CLINTON CRIME FOUDATION PAID FOR that COMEY ADMITTED he ILLEGALLY LEAKED to get his BFF Mueller appointed as SPECIAL COUNSEL. This is what they called their "INSURANCE POLICY" to TAKE TRUMP OUT in case he won.

It's just a matter of time, there's blood in the water now, and you can tell the dems know it because they've reached a FEVER PITCH of throwing out TRASH on the president. They're scared, and they damn sure should be.

01-06-2018, 11:23 PM
Not to mention it was started on a FAKE DOSSIER that the CLINTON CRIME FOUDATION PAID FOR that COMEY ADMITTED he ILLEGALLY LEAKED to get his BFF Mueller appointed as SPECIAL COUNSEL. This is what they called their "INSURANCE POLICY" to TAKE TRUMP OUT in case he won.

It's just a matter of time, there's blood in the water now, and you can tell the dems know it because they've reached a FEVER PITCH of throwing out TRASH on the president. They're scared, and they damn sure should be.I honestly don't think anything will be done to any of the people behinf the REAL collusion. Once someone knocks Mueller in the head with a brick and he gets that the jig is up, he'll just quietly announce the investigation over.

We can bitch on a message board until we turn blue. I don't see the people who can do anything about it doing anything. Trye Gowdy might raise a stink, but I have him already figured for a Dem "X" on his back anyway. They'll go after him the way they did Gingrich, Bonilla and Lott. Any Republican that is competent is a threat to Dems.

01-06-2018, 11:25 PM
I honestly don't think anything will be done to any of the people behinf the REAL collusion. Once someone knocks Mueller in the head with a brick and he gets that the jig is up, he'll just quietly announce the investigation over.

We can bitch on a message board until we turn blue. I don't see the people who can do anything about it doing anything. Trye Gowdy might raise a stink, but I have him already figured for a Dem "X" on his back anyway. They'll go after him the way they did Gingrich, Bonilla and Lott. Any Republican that is competent is a threat to Dems.
IDK, Gunny... we'll see... I think heads will roll.

I think the Clintons ought to be scared shitless. Those two slimy old criminals ought to have an ESCAPE PLAN in place, maybe to IRAN... :laugh:

Black Diamond
01-06-2018, 11:27 PM
Aside from whether or not agencies need cleaning, my baseline has always been:

Kennedys and Clintons get away with everything.

See what happens.

01-06-2018, 11:31 PM
Aside from whether or not agencies need cleaning, my baseline has always been:

Kennedys and Clintons get away with everything.
No denying that.

See what happens.
If heads don't roll and some people go to jail, then justice truly has NOT been served... once again... one set of rules for us poor peons and another for those in Washington.

01-06-2018, 11:47 PM
No denying that.

If heads don't roll and some people go to jail, then justice truly has NOT been served... once again... one set of rules for us poor peons and another for those in Washington.I've seen more than one Marine go to E-0, do time and get a Big Chicken Dinner on the way out for good measure for doing less than Hitlery. And what about John Walker? He's STILL doing life and rightly so.

Her ass should be sharing a cell with him, but it probably wouldn't fit.:laugh:

That reminds me ... she accused Trump of staring at her ass. I din't see him sporting a wide-angle lens:laugh:

Black Diamond
01-06-2018, 11:59 PM
I've seen more than one Marine go to E-0, do time and get a Big Chicken Dinner on the way out for good measure for doing less than Hitlery. And what about John Walker? He's STILL doing life and rightly so.

Her ass should be sharing a cell with him, but it probably wouldn't fit.:laugh:

That reminds me ... she accused Trump of staring at her ass. I din't see him sporting a wide-angle lens:laugh:
That book was the craziest thing ever. It's like she's running again.