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View Full Version : Russia probe: Trump lawyers 'in talks over Mueller interview'

01-08-2018, 07:12 PM
[QUOTE]The Washington Post, quoting an unnamed person close to Mr Trump, says investigation lead Robert Mueller is likely to interview him within weeks. Mr Trump's legal team has not confirmed the reports.
Mr Mueller is investigating possible collusion between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia in the US elections.
Tensions between Mr Mueller, the special counsel appointed to look into alleged Russian interference, and the president have risen since the investigation led to charges against several former members of Mr Trump's campaign team.
Mr Trump's administration denies working with Russia on the election, and the president has labelled the investigation "a witch hunt".

cont ... http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42614777

I'd tell Mueller to go pound sand.

01-08-2018, 07:16 PM
I REALLY love the last line. "The US intelligence community has already concluded that Moscow tried to sway the presidential election in favour of Mr Trump, though Russia denies this."

Since when? Guess the UK knows more than we do:rolleyes:

01-08-2018, 08:05 PM
I like how they call this absolute witch hunt, "the Russia probe."

Mueller knows his time is very, VERY short now, that the tides are changing and he's going to be shut down soon, so he's TRYING to be relevant. This is like the football game where there's 6 seconds left, you're losing by just a few points and you need a touch down so you THROW THE HAIL MARY... that's exactly what this last charade is all about... this is it... the last hoorah.

If I was president Trump, I'd tell Mueller to stick it where the sun don't shine too. I'd tell him you've had a year and a half to fuck with me for no reason and now you're FIRED, fuck off.

01-08-2018, 08:20 PM
I like how they call this absolute witch hunt, "the Russia probe."

Mueller knows his time is very, VERY short now, that the tides are changing and he's going to be shut down soon, so he's TRYING to be relevant. This is like the football game where there's 6 seconds left, you're losing by just a few points and you need a touch down so you THROW THE HAIL MARY... that's exactly what this last charade is all about... this is it... the last hoorah.

If I was president Trump, I'd tell Mueller to stick it where the sun don't shine too. I'd tell him you've had a year and a half to fuck with me for no reason and now you're FIRED, fuck off.Sad thing is, Trump's ego won't let him walk away. It doesn't matter if he did nothing. A witch hunt is designed to find a witch. every word will be twisted. He's not really as snarky with words as he thinks he is. Which what will make him go. To embarrass Mueller in a duel of words.

Prediction: No matter what is said and/or found out, those who follow Trump will believe him and those who hate Trump won't.

Btw ... The Outlaw Josey Wales is on REELZ :)

01-08-2018, 08:26 PM
Sad thing is, Trump's ego won't let him walk away. It doesn't matter if he did nothing. A witch hunt is designed to find a witch. every word will be twisted. He's not really as snarky with words as he thinks he is. Which what will make him go. To embarrass Mueller in a duel of words.

Prediction: No matter what is said and/or found out, those who follow Trump will believe him and those who hate Trump won't.

Btw ... The Outlaw Josey Wales is on REELZ :)
I think Trump's lawyers should be telling him right now, "you don't HAVE to do this, but if you want to, PLEASE, PLEASE, LISTEN TO US if we say PLEAD THE 5TH, do NOT just SPOUT OFF." Because that's what they did to Flynn, they trapped him in a "process crime," he said something different in an earlier interview than he did in a later one, and it could have been a simple little mistake, but they can HANG you for it regardless, and they did.

I have "The Outlaw Josey Wales" on blu-ray. I've watched that movie probably 100 times. I can damn near cite the dialog word for word from beginning to end... :laugh:

01-08-2018, 08:40 PM
I think Trump's lawyers should be telling him right now, "you don't HAVE to do this, but if you want to, PLEASE, PLEASE, LISTEN TO US if we say PLEAD THE 5TH, do NOT just SPOUT OFF." Because that's what they did to Flynn, they trapped him in a "process crime," he said something different in an earlier interview than he did in a later one, and it could have been a simple little mistake, but they can HANG you for it regardless, and they did.

I have "The Outlaw Josey Wales" on blu-ray. I've watched that movie probably 100 times. I can damn near cite the dialog word for word from beginning to end... :laugh:Why would he have to plead the 5th? Can't he claim Executive Privilege?

If I recall correct, didn't Clinton threaten to until Starr agreed to a limit in scope of the questions so small you could stir a drink with it?

That "process crime" crap would get them another "f*ck off" out of me. The cops pull that crap all the time. You changed your story, you're guilty. You didn't change your story. You memorized it. You're guilty. Screw THAT.

01-08-2018, 08:46 PM
I REALLY love the last line. "The US intelligence community has already concluded that Moscow tried to sway the presidential election in favour of Mr Trump, though Russia denies this."

Since when? Guess the UK knows more than we do:rolleyes:

The BBC evidently lives on a different planet to the rest of us. Still, what else is new ?

What concerns me is that a large percentage of our people still view the BBC as 'impartial' and 'inciteful'. They'll believe whatever the BBC claims to be true.

01-08-2018, 08:53 PM
The BBC evidently lives on a different planet to the rest of us. Still, what else is new ?

What concerns me is that a large percentage of our people still view the BBC as 'impartial' and 'inciteful'. They'll believe whatever the BBC claims to be true.It's like this, Drummond ... I have made it a point to not use CNN or Fox because it invariably leads to the topic being lost in a name-calling of sources. Generally, I cherrypick the articles, and as with this one, point out any obvious discrepancy or bias.

I like to look at the BBC just to keep up with how screwed up us yanks are :laugh: And, for us, it IS a different perspective. I'd put some al Jazeera on here from time to time if it made a point. And you can't argue with how many hits Baghdad Bob got:laugh:

01-08-2018, 09:48 PM
If he refuses to meet then he will be subpoena'd. What does he have to hide?

01-09-2018, 10:09 AM
If he refuses to meet then he will be subpoena'd. What does he have to hide?
The PRESIDENT can tell Mueller and his team for go fuck themselves. He can use EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE.

And "hide?" Has he been HIDING for the last YEAR AND A HALF? He's been 100 TIMES more cooperative thus far than the clinton crime foundation has EVER been in their CORRUPT LIFE with an investigation. I haven't seen president Trump using BLEACH BIT, or DELETING EMAILS, or SMASHING BLACK BEERIES WITH A HAMMER, *AFTER* there were subpoenaed to HAND THEM OVER. The clintons belong in PRISON, plain and simple.

Get a clue, Pete, for Christ sake. Your PARTISAN HACKERY is showing again.

01-09-2018, 07:07 PM
If he refuses to meet then he will be subpoena'd. What does he have to hide?You missed my point. He can claim Executive Privilege. I don't see him doing it though.

It isn't about hiding anything. It's about not playing into the witch hunter's hands in a witch hunt. Like I state previously, it isn't going to matter anyway. There's ZERO evidence or it would have been brought out long ago. Neither side is going to accept any result short of that if it goes against their politics.

01-09-2018, 07:41 PM
You missed my point. He can claim Executive Privilege. I don't see him doing it though.

It isn't about hiding anything. It's about not playing into the witch hunter's hands in a witch hunt. Like I state previously, it isn't going to matter anyway. There's ZERO evidence or it would have been brought out long ago. Neither side is going to accept any result short of that if it goes against their politics.


That may be a reference to either attorney-client privilege, executive privilege protecting the President, or both. Claims of executive privilege would likely be subject to legal challenge in the case, since the doctrine is intended primarily to protect national security — the overarching purpose of Mueller’s investigation.

01-09-2018, 07:52 PM

That may be a reference to either attorney-client privilege, executive privilege protecting the President, or both. Claims of executive privilege would likely be subject to legal challenge in the case, since the doctrine is intended primarily to protect national security — the overarching purpose of Mueller’s investigation.I don't see that Mueller has legal grounds to subpoena Trump to begin with. Invent a crime and say his name enough is not grounds.

Doesn't matter anyway. *I* would claim executive privilege; which, is primarily to protect National security ;). Trump won't. He's going to have his say or he'll probably pop. Best guess on my part is he will use the opportunity to try and make an ass out of Mueller more than he already has.

Black Diamond
01-09-2018, 07:55 PM
Donald Trump isn't going anywhere. As likely as Obama being thrown out over his birth certificate.

01-09-2018, 07:56 PM

That may be a reference to either attorney-client privilege, executive privilege protecting the President, or both. Claims of executive privilege would likely be subject to legal challenge in the case, since the doctrine is intended primarily to protect national security — the overarching purpose of Mueller’s investigation.And here's MY take on the overall ...

The Dems/left have been trying since Reagan to unseat a sitting Republican President. Somebody on your side of the aisle better grow some brain cells. IF the Dems pull their crazy shit off, and we know it will be dishonestly, plan on a war. It'll be the last straw and the gloves will come off. The left needs the government. I don't. Guess you know where I fall on the subject. If it isn't signed, sealed and delivered complete with a note from your mother 100% provable guilt ... the Dems are asking for a war they can't win.

Black Diamond
01-09-2018, 07:59 PM
And here's MY take on the overall ...

The Dems/left have been trying since Reagan to unseat a sitting Republican President. Somebody on your side of the aisle better grow some brain cells. IF the Dems pull their crazy shit off, and we know it will be dishonestly, plan on a war. It'll be the last straw and the gloves will come off. The left needs the government. I don't. Guess you know where I fall on the subject. If it isn't signed, sealed and delivered complete with a note from your mother 100% provable guilt ... the Dems are asking for a war they can't win.
Question. Is Mike Pence strong enough a marine to manage a civil war?

01-09-2018, 08:31 PM
Question. Is Mike Pence strong enough a marine to manage a civil war?IF they manage to pull some crap on Trump and he is removed from office, they will go balls to the wall to take Congress. Pence will be about as relevant as Andrew Johnson. Any civil war will come from the people, not the government. Which is a HUGE problem on the right. The right keeps sitting around waiting for government and the law and common sense to work like it's supposed to and doing nothing each time it doesn't. Probably won't until it's too late.

Remember, the government is a tool of the left, not the right. They want all the laws, and all the protection and have legislated themselves behind them by hook or crook. The Dems will be the US Gov't in any civil war. I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. I DO already consider Democrats to be the enemy of the Constitution; therefore, my enemy as well.

01-09-2018, 08:39 PM
IF they manage to pull some crap on Trump and he is removed from office, they will go balls to the wall to take Congress. Pence will be about as relevant as Andrew Johnson. Any civil war will come from the people, not the government. Which is a HUGE problem on the right. The right keeps sitting around waiting for government and the law and common sense to work like it's supposed to and doing nothing each time it doesn't. Probably won't until it's too late.

Remember, the government is a tool of the left, not the right. They want all the laws, and all the protection and have legislated themselves behind them by hook or crook. The Dems will be the US Gov't in any civil war. I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. I DO already consider Democrats to be the enemy of the Constitution; therefore, my enemy as well.

This is on Trump, no one is making this stuff up. If they charge Trump and is associates it's not on made up stuff. This isn't a TV show. The evidence will speak for it self. Trump brought this on himself.

01-09-2018, 08:49 PM
This is on Trump, no one is making this stuff up. If they charge Trump and is associates it's not on made up stuff. This isn't a TV show. The evidence will speak for it self. Trump brought this on himself.Incorrect. Trump did NOT bring this on himself. A bunch of lefties grasping at straws and fabricating a story brought it on him. It's obvious to all bu the most blind partisans on the left.

Since lefties hate anything that isn't a lefty, I doubt I dislike Trump as much as one of you to go to the lengths of BS you have hoping to pin something on him that amounts to nothing. As I said, there's STILL no evidence and your loudmouthed side couldn't keep it quiet for a second if there was.

You are absolutely correct in that it is not TV. So far, NOTHING has been worth the left's effort. Just wasted a lot of time and money for nothing. And you better hope and pray it comes out right and legal, whichever way the chips fall, or you aren't going to be able to turn off your TV and make the show you've created go away.

01-09-2018, 11:09 PM
You missed my point. He can claim Executive Privilege. I don't see him doing it though.

It isn't about hiding anything. It's about not playing into the witch hunter's hands in a witch hunt. Like I state previously, it isn't going to matter anyway. There's ZERO evidence or it would have been brought out long ago. Neither side is going to accept any result short of that if it goes against their politics.

he can try to claim it, but it won't hold up.

i wouldn't be so sure about there being zero evidence.