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01-09-2018, 08:18 AM
Thoughts. Feelings. Our very bones and muscles. We are built of energy - our atoms and the space between them is pure energy.

I rented this movie last night - and will buy it.


This speaks to the wonder of the design of creation.

01-09-2018, 10:56 AM
Thoughts. Feelings. Our very bones and muscles. We are built of energy - our atoms and the space between them is pure energy.

I rented this movie last night - and will buy it.


This speaks to the wonder of the design of creation.
Hmmm... surely the brain has the power to make us feel better. I've heard before that "if everything is OK upstairs, everything will be OK downstairs," pertaining to the brain and body.

But the brain can't change our DNA. That is truly the programming for our entire body, and whatever is in our DNA is what's going to happen. I think if mankind wants to unlock true health in all beings, then they have to learn how to repair broken DNA.

01-09-2018, 05:19 PM
Hmmm... surely the brain has the power to make us feel better. I've heard before that "if everything is OK upstairs, everything will be OK downstairs," pertaining to the brain and body.

But the brain can't change our DNA. That is truly the programming for our entire body, and whatever is in our DNA is what's going to happen. I think if mankind wants to unlock true health in all beings, then they have to learn how to repair broken DNA.

I think Mankind simply wants to re-connect with God. They are scared to call it God but the search to connect to The Creator overwhelms us.

01-10-2018, 04:33 PM
I think Mankind simply wants to re-connect with God. They are scared to call it God but the search to connect to The Creator overwhelms us.
You'd never know it. You google "church attendance" and all articles pretty much say it's in decline, that less and less people are identifying as Christian.

Black Diamond
01-10-2018, 04:35 PM
You'd never know it. You google "church attendance" and all articles pretty much say it's in decline, that less and less people are identifying as Christian.
"Church attendance" is being redefined. More and more folks are going online for their church services including me.

01-10-2018, 04:48 PM
One of the most important aspects of life, for everybody; is in having a Positive, instead of Negative outlook on everyday events, thoughts, and even people.

I am also a believer in the power of Prayer, along with maintaining a constant Positive attitude, which isn't always as easy as it might sound. You have to remind yourself to be Positive, and it normally might take 21 days of constantly telling yourself to be Positive. Like the glass is always Half Full, and not Half Empty.
It takes 21 days to break a habit, and 21 days to start a habit. I know because I have done it.

In order to keep that positive attitude. It is best to be around OTHER POSITIVE people, rather than Negative people.

Ever hear the expression: " You become who you are around?" If you hang around negative, miserable people, in a negative atmosphere...you become negative. And just the opposite by hanging around Positive, Happy, people.
But first....YOU HAVE TO BE POSITIVE. And this forum is doing a wonderful job, teaching me who I prefer to talk to. And those whom I prefer to EXPOSE as negative, angry, miserable people who are so easy to open up their hatred for almost everything, and everyone.

01-11-2018, 08:50 AM
"Church attendance" is being redefined. More and more folks are going online for their church services including me.
Interesting... I never knew there was even a debate going about this...


That's aside from what appears to be the trend of America becoming less and less religious, primarily because of millennials...


Then comes islam...


01-11-2018, 09:59 AM
Interesting... I never knew there was even a debate going about this...


That's aside from what appears to be the trend of America becoming less and less religious, primarily because of millennials...


Then comes islam...


High_Plains. In many ways, I agree with you. But, I have a different view many aren't talking about. Which is...During the Politically Correct Administration of Obama, and the demands of the Liberals to destroy everything they don't like, or agree with. I believe people will begin to turn around to express their religion again..because they were Silent, and didn't want to be singled out for going against the P.C. demands.
Many Americans quietly use their faith...privately, as to not upset the Liberal Idiots who believe only they are right, and anyone who proclaims a Faith in God...is a wacko to them.
That comes from lack of family, and selfishness that tells liberals...THEY COME FIRST when it comes to being instantly gratified by avoiding rules, and laws they don't like.
Just my opinion. The Millenials have no guides in life. They have been taught to expect everything for free, because they DESERVE IT...the Socialist way.

Abbey Marie
01-11-2018, 11:32 AM
Interesting... I never knew there was even a debate going about this...


That's aside from what appears to be the trend of America becoming less and less religious, primarily because of millennials...


Then comes islam...


Maybe this is is just me following AT's glass half full philosophy, but I think given the onslaught of liberalism, atheism, selfishness and crudeness we see today, just a modest decrease in church attendance is kind of amazing.

And I put some of the blame on the main line denoms themselves for losing their way, in a misguided attempt to be "welcoming" to all. They now pretty much stand for nothing. Unless it is PC enough to be unobjectionable.

01-11-2018, 11:47 AM
High_Plains. In many ways, I agree with you. But, I have a different view many aren't talking about. Which is...During the Politically Correct Administration of Obama, and the demands of the Liberals to destroy everything they don't like, or agree with. I believe people will begin to turn around to express their religion again..because they were Silent, and didn't want to be singled out for going against the P.C. demands.
Many Americans quietly use their faith...privately, as to not upset the Liberal Idiots who believe only they are right, and anyone who proclaims a Faith in God...is a wacko to them.
That comes from lack of family, and selfishness that tells liberals...THEY COME FIRST when it comes to being instantly gratified by avoiding rules, and laws they don't like.
Just my opinion. The Millenials have no guides in life. They have been taught to expect everything for free, because they DESERVE IT...the Socialist way.
I guess that's what makes me different from most people. I kind of agree with what you're saying pard, but when that happens, I went online and found me a nice SILVER CROSS to wear. I'm not a super Christian and I don't go around proselytizing to people, but I am a Christian and I will never deny it to anyone, and if being a Christian is something that will trigger a liberal, then WEAR A CROSS I WILL, and just hope some little ass wipe makes a smart ass comment or gets in my face. I'm not a violent man but I'd still enjoy ass kicking a liberal. This Christian doesn't turn the other cheek.

Abbey Marie
01-11-2018, 11:53 AM
I guess that's what makes me different from most people. I kind of agree with what you're saying pard, but when that happens, I went online and found me a nice SILVER CROSS to wear. I'm not a super Christian and I don't go around proselytizing to people, but I am a Christian and I will never deny it to anyone, and if being a Christian is something that will trigger a liberal, then WEAR A CROSS I WILL, and just hope some little ass wipe makes a smart ass comment or gets in my face. I'm not a violent man but I'd still enjoy ass kicking a liberal. This Christian doesn't turn the other cheek.

Minus the ass-kicking, lol, you and I really have a lot in common, T.
I proudly wear my cross especially when I know I will be amongst people who don't like Christianity. And here in northern Delaware, that is actually fairly common.
Someday I suppose I may literally lose my head over it, but so far I've only worn it in free countries like USA, Italy, England, Spain and Canada.

01-11-2018, 12:08 PM
Minus the ass-kicking, lol, you and I really have a lot in common, T.
I proudly wear my cross especially when I know I will be amongst people who don't like Christianity. And here in northern Delaware, that is actually fairly common.
Someday I suppose I may literally lose my head over it, but so far I've only worn it in free countries like USA, Italy, England, Spain and Canada.
There it is right there, on it's cool stainless steel ball chain... I've actually only had people tell me they LIKE it so far...


01-11-2018, 05:41 PM
As Christians. Our Faith is so much stronger than any of our non-believing fellow Americans. WE CAN ALWAYS BE PROUD...We never need to Defend our FAITH. It just is, and they can't do anything about it...except SWEAR IT ISN'T REAL.

That's their problem. Not Ours!

Finally. When we forgive them for everything, and tell them We will pray for them.
:laugh::laugh: THAT BLOWS THEIR MIND!:laugh::laugh:

01-12-2018, 03:11 AM
As Christians. Our Faith is so much stronger than any of our non-believing fellow Americans. WE CAN ALWAYS BE PROUD...We never need to Defend our FAITH. It just is, and they can't do anything about it...except SWEAR IT ISN'T REAL.

That's their problem. Not Ours!

Finally. When we forgive them for everything, and tell them We will pray for them.
:laugh::laugh: THAT BLOWS THEIR MIND!:laugh::laugh:

christians can't be proud. Christian's cant think "Oh well - their issues, not ours!". Christians can never brag about their faith, nor use their faith as an excuse for arrogance and not-caring.