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01-10-2018, 01:58 AM

I would like to know exactly where in Law the judge allows the program to continue - now, he's allowed it to continue until it's litigated, I get it - it's not really a defeat. But Congress...get your shit together and reign in the judicial branch a bit.

01-10-2018, 10:45 AM

I would like to know exactly where in Law the judge allows the program to continue - now, he's allowed it to continue until it's litigated, I get it - it's not really a defeat. But Congress...get your shit together and reign in the judicial branch a bit.Congress doesn't have to act in this case. DACA is neither a law, nor is it Constitutional. Trump can basically tell the judge to go pound sand. It is not within his purview to issue a ruling.

I agree. It's not just about Trump either. It's about the lefties legislating from the bench which has gone on WAY more than long enough. They need to be slapped back into place.

01-10-2018, 12:32 PM
The Congress has great jurisdictional discretion over the Judiciary via the Exceptions Clause, but they've no authority to "reign in" the Judiciary with regards to rulings or what cases the Supreme Court decides to hear. Nor are the courts the problem here, they're merely following the rule of law in order to ensure that the will of the people is carried out, until either the Congress or Supreme Court does something to stop the Dream Act.

Don't forget, Republicans could have stopped the Dream Act, but Neocon RINOs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell tacitly went with the Democrats. Their inaction allowed the Dream Act to become a construction at law, defacto law.


01-10-2018, 03:35 PM
Congress doesn't have to act in this case. DACA is neither a law, nor is it Constitutional. Trump can basically tell the judge to go pound sand. It is not within his purview to issue a ruling.

I agree. It's not just about Trump either. It's about the lefties legislating from the bench which has gone on WAY more than long enough. They need to be slapped back into place.

You all don't seem to think it's a problem; good. But it's worrying to me --- for one thing, Trump was clearly using DACA as a bargaining chip for the Wall and government funding.

We do need a LOT more conservative judges so this legislating from the benches stops. This is terrible what is going on. It's dictatorship of the leftwing judges, and I'm pretty sure the government isn't supposed to run that way.

01-10-2018, 03:42 PM
The Congress has great jurisdictional discretion over the Judiciary via the Exceptions Clause, but they've no authority to "reign in" the Judiciary with regards to rulings or what cases the Supreme Court decides to hear. Nor are the courts the problem here, they're merely following the rule of law in order to ensure that the will of the people is carried out, until either the Congress or Supreme Court does something to stop the Dream Act.

Don't forget, Republicans could have stopped the Dream Act, but Neocon RINOs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell tacitly went with the Democrats. Their inaction allowed the Dream Act to become a construction at law, defacto law.


Wrong again Gravy. If you bothered to check, as to why we have 3 Branches of Govmt. You'd already know CONGRESS makes the LAWS, not the JUDICIARY. The DOJ has the constitutional responsibility to ENFORCE, and FOLLOW the Constitution.
That judge is from the 9th CIRCUS court. Nothing else needs to be said about that.

01-10-2018, 04:01 PM
The Congress has great jurisdictional discretion over the Judiciary via the Exceptions Clause, but they've no authority to "reign in" the Judiciary with regards to rulings or what cases the Supreme Court decides to hear. Nor are the courts the problem here, they're merely following the rule of law in order to ensure that the will of the people is carried out, until either the Congress or Supreme Court does something to stop the Dream Act.

Don't forget, Republicans could have stopped the Dream Act, but Neocon RINOs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell tacitly went with the Democrats. Their inaction allowed the Dream Act to become a construction at law, defacto law.

:salute:Congress ALREADY acted. We have immigration laws currently. It's the judge's job to enforce THEM, not make up his own.

An "Act" does not become law if it contradicts existing law without addressing it. A new law would have to be written to override current existing law.

I wish I lived my life like a leftwingnut. Laws exist only if I agree with them.

Black Diamond
01-10-2018, 04:09 PM
Congress ALREADY acted. We have immigration laws currently. It's the judge's job to enforce THEM, not make up his own.

An "Act" does not become law if it contradicts existing law without addressing it. A new law would have to be written to override current existing law.

I wish I lived my life like a leftwingnut. Laws exist only if I agree with them.
Or it's not sexual assault if you use a cigar.

01-10-2018, 04:16 PM
Or it's not sexual assault if you use a cigar.

Funny.....reminded me of MONICA......again too! :laugh::laugh::dance::dance::laugh::laugh:


01-10-2018, 04:19 PM
That is NOT how I remember the movie "Devil in a Blue Dress". :laugh:

01-10-2018, 04:36 PM
That is NOT how I remember the movie "Devil in a Blue Dress". :laugh:

Me either Gunny. It was in reference to Clinton's BLUE DRESS of Monica.:laugh:

01-11-2018, 06:38 AM
Thank goodness for DACA and the foresight of President Obama in seeing to it that America of the future has people to (quoting George Bush) "do the jobs that Americans won't". Anchor babies today. Tax paying factory workers tomorrow.


01-11-2018, 07:06 AM
Thank goodness for DACA and the foresight of President Obama in seeing to it that America of the future has people to (quoting George Bush) "do the jobs that Americans won't". Anchor babies today. Tax paying factory workers tomorrow.
Oh HORSE SHIT, you vapid old water head.

First of all, there is only ONE COURT in America, per the constitution, that has EQUAL power to the PRESIDENT/EXECUTIVE BRANCH, and that is the SUPREME COURT, so these little federal judges out there "putting a stop" to presidential executive orders are being allowed to do so BECAUSE of CONGRESS, which has the power to enable them to do this or NOT, which in my opinion pretty much translates to allowing them to ABUSE their power and USURP the power of the president or NOT. Well this CRAP has gone on long enough and people are getting sick of it. Both parties like to allow these little federal activist judges to SCREW with the president when it isn't their parties president in the WHITE HOUSE, so congress doesn't do anything about it, but, they COULD if they WANTED, and quite frankly, maybe we need a constitutional amendment to take that power AWAY from congress, and restore the EQUAL power to three branches, and judiciary meaning the SUPREME court, and the SUPREME court ONLY. Far as I'm concerned these little activist shit stains playing LAW MAKER from the bench are nothing more than a pain in the ass distraction.

01-11-2018, 08:25 PM
Thank goodness for DACA and the foresight of President Obama in seeing to it that America of the future has people to (quoting George Bush) "do the jobs that Americans won't". Anchor babies today. Tax paying factory workers tomorrow.


Here's one for you too Gravy:clap: Thanks for showing us....again. How literally STUPID, and IGNORANT you are....CAPS ON PURPOSE, just for you.