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View Full Version : DHS asked prosecutors to consider charging sanctuary city leaders

01-16-2018, 09:34 PM
The Department of Homeland Security has asked federal prosecutors to examine the possibility of bringing criminal charges against leaders of so-called sanctuary cities, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told lawmakers Tuesday.
"The Department of Justice is reviewing what avenues may be available," Nielsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee. The secretary added that sanctuary policies were "putting my [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] officers at risk."
The Trump administration has vowed to withhold federal money from localities that refuse to give federal immigration authorities access to jails and provide advance notice when someone in the country illegally is about to be released.
"We've got to start charging some of these politicians with crimes," Tom Homan said in the Jan. 2 appearance.

cont ... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/16/dhs-asked-prosecutors-to-consider-charging-sanctuary-city-leaders.html

One can only hope. Another lower court ruling that needs to be shoved back down their throats.

01-16-2018, 09:45 PM
cont ... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/16/dhs-asked-prosecutors-to-consider-charging-sanctuary-city-leaders.html

One can only hope. Another lower court ruling that needs to be shoved back down their throats.[/FONT]

I do not see how they can circumvent Federal Law! State's Rights is one thing;
Federal Law is a whole larger monster.

Yeah, Obama allowed it, but GWB and even that clown Bill Clinton would not.

Enforce the frikkin' laws!

01-16-2018, 10:16 PM
I do not see how they can circumvent Federal Law! State's Rights is one thing;
Federal Law is a whole larger monster.

Yeah, Obama allowed it, but GWB and even that clown Bill Clinton would not.

Enforce the frikkin' laws!Here's how I see it. Against Federal law, Mayors have chosen to give sanctuary to criminals. They are ALL criminals by definition since they all entered the US illegally. The person giving them sanctuary should therefore be help accountable, culpable, whatever for their conduct.

So I agree with Nielsen. They should be prosecuted. I'd say obstructing justice right out of the chute. The law doesn't ask whether or not you agree with and I sure don't get to pick and choose. These mayors have placed themselves above the law. Worse, so have the justices specifically sworn to uphold the law. Ther should be a way to remove them from the bench for misconduct.

01-16-2018, 10:28 PM
Here's how I see it. Against Federal law, Mayors have chosen to give sanctuary to criminals. They are ALL criminals by definition since they all entered the US illegally. The person giving them sanctuary should therefore be help accountable, culpable, whatever for their conduct.

So I agree with Nielsen. They should be prosecuted. I'd say obstructing justice right out of the chute. The law doesn't ask whether or not you agree with and I sure don't get to pick and choose. These mayors have placed themselves above the law. Worse, so have the justices specifically sworn to uphold the law. Ther should be a way to remove them from the bench for misconduct.

You are completely correct!

One cannot pick and choose what laws they agree with or not. Elecected official has a bond
to obey the LAW, not by-pass it and create his/her own.

01-17-2018, 05:42 AM
So why aren't they being charged and prosecuted?

Sessions having problem with enforcing federal law?

I do not like that lop eared little twit. I think he should be fired.

He got the job for being loyal to Trump on the campaign trail... that was a mistake.