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01-17-2018, 12:57 PM
I don't care if it's 8 people, 800,000 or 800 trillion - not one single amount is worthy of being put in front of one of our military members.

Do I think this is exactly what they said? No, I don't. But they DO know that this would be the result if they decide this is the hill to hang onto.


Dems Think 800,000 Illegal Immigrants Are Worth Forcing Active Military To Go Without Pay

Democrats are threatening to hold national security hostage, potentially costing the economy billions and forcing hundreds of thousands of federal government employees to go without pay in exchange for securing legal protections for 800,000 illegal immigrants.

Congress has three days to strike a deal to keep the government funded through October. If members fail to come to an agreement by Jan. 19, all “non-essential” government employees and active U.S. Military personnel will be working with out pay (including troops currently deployed). Funding for agencies like federal museums or national parks will also be cut off.

Congressional Democrats are apparently content with allowing military and law enforcement personnel to go without pay to secure protections and benefits for illegal immigrants and members of their extended families.

As the clock ticks closer to the Friday deadline, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi aren’t backing away from their demands to tie a legislative solution to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to the must-pass spending bill. Democrats think they have the leverage to force leadership’s hands on immigration, believing a government shutdown would look poorly on Republicans, who hold a majority in both chambers of Congress.

“The fact remains the only way to guarantee the legal status for DREAMers is to pass DACA protections into law and do it now,” Schumer said Wednesday. “For that reason, a resolution to the DACA issue must be part of a global deal on the budget.”

Pelosi has been careful to show her cards publicly, tacitly throwing her support behind a bipartisan agreement struck last week in the House and Senate that shields DREAMers from deportation, maintains chain migration, provides under 6 percent of the funding Trump asked for construction of the border wall and continues the Obama-era visa lottery program. The Trump administration, along with a number of conservative Republicans in Congress, are against the proposal, arguing that it does too little to stop chain migration and opens the nation up to a host of economic and national security threats.

The minority leader’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.


What Dems Are Really Threatening To Do

Shutting down the federal government has some true and lasting consequences, which is probably why it has only happened four times since the 1970s.

When Republicans were the minority party in 2013, they forced a government shutdown over Obamacare’s individual mandate after years of trying to stop the program from taking effect.

The federal government closed its doors for 16 days, and the results were far-reaching. Some 800,000 federal workers that were deemed “non-essential” were furloughed without payment and an additional 1.3 million government employees, including active duty military personnel and civilians, had to work without pay.

Military and active duty federal employees were paid retroactively in 2013, but there is no legal guarantee that these individuals will receive payment for their work in the event of a government shutdown. Members of Congress have to first come to a short-term spending agreement before agencies, like the Department of Defense, can authorize paying their employees.

“In case of a potential government shutdown, the Department of Defense has no legal authority to pay any personnel – military or civilian – for the days during which the government is shut down,” the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) states.

The 2013 shutdown also cost the U.S. an estimated $24 billion in economic output, according to the Standard and Poor’s ratings agency. Everyday the government shut its doors, the U.S. economy lost (in output terms) $1.6 billion a week, $300 million a day, or roughly $12.5 million per hour.


What Dems Were Saying When Republicans Shutdown The Government

Schumer, Pelosi and others within the Democratic Party were livid when Republicans shut the government down over Obamacare, calling them anarchists and claiming they were legitimately killing Americans.

Schumer went to the Senate floor one week before the government shut down in October to rail against then freshmen Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas for threatening to shut down the government over Obamacare.

The minority leader said that Cruz was effectively holding “the American people hostage until everyone agrees with his view.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/16/dems-shutdown-government-dreamers/

01-17-2018, 06:40 PM
These people are so selfish and stupid.

When the government 'shut down' several years back, Coasties at SAR and Air Stations still went to work.
Essential services will not be cut off just because some Democrat whiners are having a spoon-pounding fit.

01-17-2018, 07:52 PM
Total BS. Republicans hold control of the House, Senate and the White House. They are setting the agenda and making the decisions.
Democrats have very little leverage in this. They want Trump to keep his promise to protect the Dreamers, all of whom are in this country through no fault of their own. Most are working and contributing to the American economy.
If DACA is not included in budget negotiations, Republicans are free to (again) sweep it under the rug after they get a budget deal. Trump and his henchmen are constant and pathological liars who can not be trusted to honor any deal not put in writing.
Republicans are responsible for any government shutdown that may result from the lack of a deal. Dems will be quite willing to negotiate any deal that includes protection for DACA and renewal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Otherwise, the GOP can go pound sand.

01-17-2018, 08:17 PM
Total BS. Republicans hold control of the House, Senate and the White House. They are setting the agenda and making the decisions.
Democrats have very little leverage in this. They want Trump to keep his promise to protect the Dreamers, all of whom are in this country through no fault of their own. Most are working and contributing to the American economy.
If DACA is not included in budget negotiations, Republicans are free to (again) sweep it under the rug after they get a budget deal. Trump and his henchmen are constant and pathological liars who can not be trusted to honor any deal not put in writing.
Republicans are responsible for any government shutdown that may result from the lack of a deal. Dems will be quite willing to negotiate any deal that includes protection for DACA and renewal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Otherwise, the GOP can go pound sand.

gabby. You are right. Total BS. Everything you said is Total BS. Your hypocrisy is showing again. Guess your gardener, maid, and part-time, under the table help has you pulling for them Huh?

01-17-2018, 08:20 PM
Total BS. Republicans hold control of the House, Senate and the White House. They are setting the agenda and making the decisions.
Democrats have very little leverage in this. They want Trump to keep his promise to protect the Dreamers, all of whom are in this country through no fault of their own. Most are working and contributing to the American economy.
If DACA is not included in budget negotiations, Republicans are free to (again) sweep it under the rug after they get a budget deal. Trump and his henchmen are constant and pathological liars who can not be trusted to honor any deal not put in writing.
Republicans are responsible for any government shutdown that may result from the lack of a deal. Dems will be quite willing to negotiate any deal that includes protection for DACA and renewal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Otherwise, the GOP can go pound sand.

Nice try, but wrong again.

The GOP wants to put forth stop gap funding measures - which requires voting though, and at least 9 democrat votes. And guess who -just as I stated - is preventing this from happening unless they get what they want?

So it's the Dems telling the soldiers and others to pound sand.

01-17-2018, 08:28 PM
Even the WaPo is pointing out that it'll be the Dems forcing a shutdown to get what they want...



01-17-2018, 08:34 PM
The Gunnery Sergeant is reaching that part that Mick calls low tolerance for stupid. declare martial law. Lock down DC and the Capitol. You want to piss? Better get to agreeing. Arrest any fuckwit that pisses me off in Congress and hold them offshore aboard the shittiest, crappiest boat I can find and put their asses in the Gulf Stream.

Global warming will be ended as a result because the sea level will rise 5 ft from all the leftwingnut tears.

Anyone thinks McCarthy was bad will be wishing for the good old days. I'll turn that f-ing place into a Marine Corps Base until further notice and start weeding out pointless f*cks. Which means anyone that's a Democrat can put their heads between their legs and kiss their asses goodbye. I'll deport all your asses to teh ME where youo can feel sorry for everyone's human rights abuses up close and personal.

Fucking losers need to just get the fuck out of this country. I'm sick of this bullshit.

01-17-2018, 08:50 PM
There is only ONE good thing about a SHUTDOWN in the govt....


Q&A: Everything You Should Know About Government Shutdowns


Government Shutdown History

Updated April 26, 2017
There have been 18 government shutdowns in modern U.S. history. There were six shutdowns ranging from eight to 17 days in the late 1970s, but the duration of government shutdowns shrank dramatically beginning in the 1980s.

And then there was the longest government shutdown in U.S. history in late 1995, lasting three weeks and sending hundreds of thousands of government workers home without paychecks.

There has been only one government shutdown since then. The most recent government shutdown began on Oct. 1, 2013, when some members of the 113th Congress refused to support the continued funding of federal government operations unless parts of the Obamacare healthcare reform law were reversed or delayed. That shutdown last 16 days.

More Recent Government Shutdowns

01-17-2018, 09:05 PM
Total BS. Republicans hold control of the House, Senate and the White House. They are setting the agenda and making the decisions.
Democrats have very little leverage in this. They want Trump to keep his promise to protect the Dreamers, all of whom are in this country through no fault of their own. Most are working and contributing to the American economy.
If DACA is not included in budget negotiations, Republicans are free to (again) sweep it under the rug after they get a budget deal. Trump and his henchmen are constant and pathological liars who can not be trusted to honor any deal not put in writing.
Republicans are responsible for any government shutdown that may result from the lack of a deal. Dems will be quite willing to negotiate any deal that includes protection for DACA and renewal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Otherwise, the GOP can go pound sand.The only thing the Republicans need to sweep under the rug are a handful of Dem bodies. After you kill two or three in front of the others, the remaining Sheeplcrats will cave. Only question is will they before or after they "soil" themselves.

01-17-2018, 11:27 PM
One thing I admire about Gunny: He is not afraid to express his opinion. You always know where Gunny stands on an issue.
Unlike BananaBoat, I am not offended. Entertained is more like it. :cool:

01-17-2018, 11:30 PM
One thing I admire about Gunny: He is not afraid to express his opinion. You always know where Gunny stands on an issue.
Unlike BananaBoat, I am not offended. Entertained is more like it. :cool:You laugh. That is EXACTLY how African militants take over a village. Pretty effective.

01-17-2018, 11:50 PM
You laugh. That is EXACTLY how African militants take over a village. Pretty effective.

I don't think anyone here is interested in taking over an African village.

01-18-2018, 12:07 AM
Total BS. Republicans hold control of the House, Senate and the White House. They are setting the agenda and making the decisions.
Democrats have very little leverage in this. They want Trump to keep his promise to protect the Dreamers, all of whom are in this country through no fault of their own. Most are working and contributing to the American economy.
If DACA is not included in budget negotiations, Republicans are free to (again) sweep it under the rug after they get a budget deal. Trump and his henchmen are constant and pathological liars who can not be trusted to honor any deal not put in writing.
Republicans are responsible for any government shutdown that may result from the lack of a deal. Dems will be quite willing to negotiate any deal that includes protection for DACA and renewal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Otherwise, the GOP can go pound sand.

And you supported Obama, Pilosi and Reed?

Get off it woman. You are a one-way train. Everything is fine if the Dems "Rule" - which is a term I heard in the past.
But cannot swallow compromise. Selfish and one-minded. Childish and spoiled.

01-18-2018, 09:30 AM
I don't think anyone here is interested in taking over an African village.Nope. But a room full stupid Dem Congresscritters piques my interest.

You'd be interested if you thought you could get those ignorant villagers to vote for a "D".

01-18-2018, 12:25 PM
Well, let's consider this.

When things are in an impasse in Congress, who gets up and leaves?


When thing get a bit murky, who raises hell ?


Spoiled brats that do NOT represent their electorate regions. They
represent themselves and PARTY only.

01-18-2018, 01:43 PM
After many, many years of watching, reading, and listening to Democrat politicians. I have learned, and discovered something we all need to watch for, and remember.

Whenever any Democrat accuses any Republican...namely the President, or Republican members of both houses of Congress. What actually lies behind their accusations...has been shown IMO, to always be a reflection of their tactics to Hide their own actions, words, and accusations from the Uninformed Americans who voted for them.
I believe this since Democrats always brag, or complain about NEVER ENOUGH MONEY being allocated to children in any budget...while the money is always very high, and not doing anything but improving the TEACHERS UNION coffers.
Just as the Dems always scream that OLD PEOPLE (Like me) are going to die because the Republicans are stealing money from S.S. Medicare, and Medicaid. Remember the ad with Ryan pushing the old lady in the wheel chair over the cliff?
And, just as the Dems always claim that Republicans are taking food out of the mouths of poor children...allowing them to starve.

In other words. DEMS USE THEIR LIES to convince the Uninformed who vote for them, to prove THEIR LIES every time someone who isn't a Democrat...talks about saving money.

Today. It's DACA. Something Trump is trying to make work...as the Dems did. But now, the Dems are telling the DREAM ACT children...Republicans are against it...all because they don't want the WALL, and they DO NOT CARE ABOUT NATIONAL SAFETY, or the MILITARY.

01-18-2018, 04:17 PM
Well, let's consider this.

When things are in an impasse in Congress, who gets up and leaves?


When thing get a bit murky, who raises hell ?


Spoiled brats that do NOT represent their electorate regions. They
represent themselves and PARTY only.Seriously. Take it Government employees and Democrat handout recipients. So who will get most screwed by no pay? The poor and those leeches on their system, the latter being Dems by an almost exclusionary margin.

And let's call this exactly what it is. The Democratic Party, sworn to uphold the Constitution, are holding people's pay hostage unless Trump/Republicans agree to let them violate Federal law passed by Congress and signed by the President. More of that "the Constitution is a suicide pact" by the left.

01-18-2018, 08:02 PM
First off, the term "illegal immigrant" is an oxymoron. To be an immigrant in America you have to be here legally, period, end of story. If you are here illegally, you are not an immigrant, coupled with the fact that if you weren't born here, you are an alien, thus, you are an illegal alien. To call them anything else is being duped by the leftist name change game.

Second, the ONLY thing democrats are worried about is VOTES. Democrat compassion for illegal aliens children? No, not when most of them are between the age of 18 and 24, and a few thousand of them are convicted criminals and gang members. This... is... about... votes, and we all know it. This has been common knowledge for decades, and now there's a leaked democrat memo admitting it...


Third, the dems trying to get their little illegal aliens legalized so they can sign them up to vote by tying it to financing legislation is a cheap political partisan hack stunt, so if the government gets shut down because of it, THEY OWN IT.

01-18-2018, 09:35 PM
Except for the minor little detail that the government pays some of us.

01-18-2018, 10:06 PM
Except for the minor little detail that the government pays some of us.

Gunny. I have never"NOT" gotten my Military Pension deposited in the bank since 1995, when it began. Yes. Govt. pays us. But shutting down the govt...I PROMISE....will not bother us.

How do I know? I used to type the instructions created by the DOD/Treasury many years ago.
They have effective, positive, un-interupted instructions (LAWS) that have never changed.
And, if there is a Govt. Shutdown.....the Military WILL GET PAID. The problems with a shutdown and the military deals with planning for future operations, fuel, maintenance, and hundreds of other expenditures that must be postponed with a CONTINUING RESOLUTION from Congress.

The Dems are playing a serious game with this DACA BS. And, in November...they are gonna wish they hadn't.

Black Diamond
01-18-2018, 10:10 PM
Trump could play the Obama "over the cliff" game.

01-18-2018, 10:25 PM
I say play the 'freeze all assets and accounts" game for all Democratic members of Congress not willing to agree on a budget without DACA so they can be on the same zero income footing as everyone they're screwing.

01-18-2018, 10:41 PM
Laura Ingraham is on right now having a segment where she started by quoting some little known numbers about DACA, which just hours ago USA Today reported that is more like 3.6 million...


The American people are getting LIED to... AGAIN... by the entire stinking CHEAP LABOR, OPEN BORDERS bunch in Washington. I'm so sick of these bought and paid for shysters I could puke.

We need term limits. People are too STUPID to use the vote. They just don't pay close enough attention to know the person they're voting for is a SHYSTER. They might hear some of hype on tv from a campaign ad, they might just vote for who their friend is voting or some other just as STUPID reason for voting for whoever, so consequently all too often the same rotten sons a bitches just keep getting reelected.

We need friggin' term limits. 2 4 year terms, just like the president, and you're gone, b'bye, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

01-18-2018, 10:48 PM
Laura Ingraham is on right now having a segment where she started by quoting some little known numbers about DACA, which just hours ago USA Today reported that is more like 3.6 million...


The American people are getting LIED to... AGAIN... by the entire stinking CHEAP LABOR, OPEN BUNCH in Washington. I'm so sick of these bought and paid for shysters I could puke.

We need term limits. People are too STUPID to use the vote. They just don't pay close enough attention to know the person they're voting for is a SHYSTER. They might hear some of hype on tv from a campaign ad, they might just vote for who their friend is voting or some other just as STUPID reason for voting for whoever, so consequently all too often the same rotten sons a bitches just keep getting reelected.

We need friggin' term limits. 2 4 year terms, just like the president, and you're gone, b'bye, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.I like the idea, and I don't. The upside is no more career politicians clinging on WAY past any worth if there ever was any.

Downside is NOTHING would ever be accomplished. The system moves too slow to keep up with 4-8 years.


01-18-2018, 10:57 PM
I like the idea, and I don't. The upside is no more career politicians clinging on WAY past any worth if there ever was any.

Downside is NOTHING would ever be accomplished. The system moves too slow to keep up with 4-8 years.

I think the same ass clowns getting reelected all the time is why the system moves too slow. They do that intentionally to keep their jobs. If they knew they didn't have 50 years to spend there lining their pockets with lobbyist cash, things might just get done in a much more timely fashion. It's a good ole boys club. They get there and find out they can get rich on lobbyist cash and never really have to do anything, so they don't. But if they had all this passion to get elected and they knew their time in Washington wasn't unlimited, then they'd HAVE to get work.

01-18-2018, 11:06 PM
I think the same ass clowns getting reelected all the time is why the system moves too slow. They do that intentionally to keep their jobs. If they knew they didn't have 50 years to spend there lining their pockets with lobbyist cash, things might just get done in a much more timely fashion. It's a good ole boys club. They get there and find out they can get rich on lobbyist cash and never really have to do anything, so they don't. But if they had all this passion to get elected and they knew their time in Washington wasn't unlimited, then they'd HAVE to get work.Other side of the coin ... in play right now .... how long have they dumped the hot potato of illegal immigration onto the "next bunch of guys"?

Trump has pushed the issue and look where it's gotten him. Looks like he's painted himself into a corner or a lot of people are going to get screwed. The Dems have wanted those votes all along and they aren't going to give them up easily. Trump has nothing to threaten them with. And the Dems and the media are going to non-stop blame Trump.

If he can end-run Congress, NOW would be the time.

01-18-2018, 11:21 PM
Here's an idea: Cut their pay. I mean down to living like the rest of us pay. When I got stationed in DC I had to find an apt, pay for my own meals and laundry, and if I wanted to go home on leave I paid for the trip. Cut all their perks out to. They aren't serving our country. They're serving their bank accounts. Cut that shit out. If you do the job it's because you want to, like the rest of us.

Make their retirement as uncomfortable as ours. Make them pay for health insurance. No more free trips to Walter Reed or Bethesda.

Maybe if they had to live like we do they might have a better idea of how to represent us.

01-18-2018, 11:35 PM
Other side of the coin ... in play right now .... how long have they dumped the hot potato of illegal immigration onto the "next bunch of guys"?

Trump has pushed the issue and look where it's gotten him. Looks like he's painted himself into a corner or a lot of people are going to get screwed. The Dems have wanted those votes all along and they aren't going to give them up easily. Trump has nothing to threaten them with. And the Dems and the media are going to non-stop blame Trump.

If he can end-run Congress, NOW would be the time.
I actually think president Trump has the Ace in the hole, which is NOTHING gets passed unless HE signs it. The dems don't have the white house, they don't have congress, they don't have the senate and they don't have the supreme court, in fact, they don't have anything other than their propaganda wing, but the latest poll out shows that people don't trust them and don't think they're fair, and not only that, people don't give a damn about DACA either, and if they knew DACA was basically just AMNESTY for 3.6 illegal aliens, it wouldn't fly either. No, I think president Trump has a strong hand here, and so do the repubs. They have to stick to their guns instead of CAVING like they ALWAYS do... they don't need to cave. There's quite a few ways to get their own message out now, and they can stress that it's democrats that want full amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is why the government has shut down.

Here's an idea: Cut their pay. I mean down to living like the rest of us pay. When I got stationed in DC I had to find an apt, pay for my own meals and laundry, and if I wanted to go home on leave I paid for the trip. Cut all their perks out to. They aren't serving our country. They're serving their bank accounts. Cut that shit out. If you do the job it's because you want to, like the rest of us.

Make their retirement as uncomfortable as ours. Make them pay for health insurance. No more free trips to Walter Reed or Bethesda.

Maybe if they had to live like we do they might have a better idea of how to represent us.
That's a shit hot idea there, Gunny, only problem with that is they're the people that are the ones that have to do it, and they're not going cut their own throats.

01-19-2018, 12:11 AM
I actually think president Trump has the Ace in the hole, which is NOTHING gets passed unless HE signs it. The dems don't have the white house, they don't have congress, they don't have the senate and they don't have the supreme court, in fact, they don't have anything other than their propaganda wing, but the latest poll out shows that people don't trust them and don't think they're fair, and not only that, people don't give a damn about DACA either, and if they knew DACA was basically just AMNESTY for 3.6 illegal aliens, it wouldn't fly either. No, I think president Trump has a strong hand here, and so do the repubs. They have to stick to their guns instead of CAVING like they ALWAYS do... they don't need to cave. There's quite a few ways to get their own message out now, and they can stress that it's democrats that want full amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is why the government has shut down.

That's a shit hot idea there, Gunny, only problem with that is they're the people that are the ones that have to do it, and they're not going cut their own throats.I'm still figuring my way around that minor detail :laugh:

01-19-2018, 02:35 AM
Total BS. Republicans hold control of the House, Senate and the White House. They are setting the agenda and making the decisions.
Democrats have very little leverage in this. They want Trump to keep his promise to protect the Dreamers, all of whom are in this country through no fault of their own. Most are working and contributing to the American economy.
If DACA is not included in budget negotiations, Republicans are free to (again) sweep it under the rug after they get a budget deal. Trump and his henchmen are constant and pathological liars who can not be trusted to honor any deal not put in writing.
Republicans are responsible for any government shutdown that may result from the lack of a deal. Dems will be quite willing to negotiate any deal that includes protection for DACA and renewal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Otherwise, the GOP can go pound sand.


Funky Winkerbean
01-19-2018, 06:20 AM
This is not a party problem but an American problem. All political parties think of soldiers and veterans as merely pawns to be slaughtered and then discarded. To blame a political party, no matter the party, this is not the best way to understand the world. The best way to understand the world is to understand that government is mankind's greatest hindrance, particularly a government like the Federal Government of the United States, which is actually a foreign owned corporation.But good luck with blaming Democrats for everything wrong in your life, while you do that, Democrats will be busy blaming Republicans for everything wrong in their life. The Federal Government of the United States? They'll be laughing all the way to the Federal Reserve Bank.

01-19-2018, 09:26 AM
This is not a party problem but an American problem. All political parties think of soldiers and veterans as merely pawns to be slaughtered and then discarded. To blame a political party, no matter the party, this is not the best way to understand the world. The best way to understand the world is to understand that government is mankind's greatest hindrance, particularly a government like the Federal Government of the United States, which is actually a foreign owned corporation.But good luck with blaming Democrats for everything wrong in your life, while you do that, Democrats will be busy blaming Republicans for everything wrong in their life. The Federal Government of the United States? They'll be laughing all the way to the Federal Reserve Bank.
When it's ONE PARTY that constantly supports anything and anyone that is either PERVERTED, CORRUPT, ILLEGAL or ANTI AMERICAN, then yes, we CAN "blame just one party," and that party is the DEMOCRATS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-19-2018, 09:40 AM
When it's ONE PARTY that constantly supports anything and anyone that is either PERVERTED, CORRUPT, ILLEGAL or ANTI AMERICAN, then yes, we CAN "blame just one party," and that party is the DEMOCRATS.

Hit the nail on the head my friend. I was going to post that very same thing.
Seems somebody posts without examining reality as a prudent and wise person would.
It most definitely is reality that the Dem party AND ITS MAINSTREAM MEDIA THIRD ARM are both Un-American entities that have the power to weaken and try to destroy this nation--
which they openly engage in now that the public at large is so brainwashed, dumbed down and massively ignorant.
So yes, we can and therefor we must place the blame where it truly lies. -Tyr

Funky Winkerbean
01-19-2018, 10:19 AM
When it's ONE PARTY that constantly supports anything and anyone that is either PERVERTED, CORRUPT, ILLEGAL or ANTI AMERICAN, then yes, we CAN "blame just one party," and that party is the DEMOCRATS.

I disagree, I think both parties treat soldiers and veterans with little more than lip service, so it seems we'll have to disagree. Democrats made the military queer, Republicans have done nothing to stop that. Republicans sent our soldiers into harms way in the Middle East and Afghanistan for no good reason, Democrats have done nothing to stop that.

Our entire US economy depends on war and destruction, both parties know this and will never do anything to change. War is what's important, not the soldiers, they're merely pawns who've been foolish enough to buy into the proposition that the United States is a free country.

Soldiers simply need to stop volunteering. That's the real answer. Real peace. Illegal immigrants? Nothing's going to stop that. Not ever.

01-19-2018, 10:55 AM
I disagree, I think both parties treat soldiers and veterans with little more than lip service, so it seems we'll have to disagree. Democrats made the military queer, Republicans have done nothing to stop that. Republicans sent our soldiers into harms way in the Middle East and Afghanistan for no good reason, Democrats have done nothing to stop that.

Our entire US economy depends on war and destruction, both parties know this and will never do anything to change. War is what's important, not the soldiers, they're merely pawns who've been foolish enough to buy into the proposition that the United States is a free country.

Soldiers simply need to stop volunteering. That's the real answer. Real peace. Illegal immigrants? Nothing's going to stop that. Not ever.Brilliant. I'll go along with the government as whole is the issue, not a single party.

When you start thinking that it's the solution to "real peace", you go off the rails. Not volunteering for the US military is playing ostrich and pretending there are not people out there who would love for us to do so thereby making us an easier place to destroy.

Here's a refresher course for those who think everyone forgets from one day to the next. We were not in Afghanistan. OBL orchestrated a terrorist attack on the US. The Taliban was in control of Afghanistan and harboring OBL. Bush demanded they turn him over. They refused. We went after him anyway. WE did not go looking for HIM until he attacked us.

There IS evil out there. Pretending the wolves aren't circling your flock doesn't make the wolves disappear.

I'll tell you the same thing I've said for years. The Republicans don't do shit. They don't want to. They want to sit and collect a check. go unnoticed and watch the world pass by. The Democrats want to destroy what's left of our society. I prefer the former to the latter. If I wanted to live in Germany or France, I'd move there.

01-19-2018, 11:43 AM
Interesting how the Republicans are playing the "our brave military" card in this when the proposed operating budget has very little to do with them. Th proposed budget includes a startling increase in military spending, the majority of which goes to increased weapons spending. There is a minimal cost of living increase for active military. I didn't see anything about improving the VA or hiring more doctors.
If GOP lawmakers want Dem support, they need to include DACA and Child Heathcare.
All of this would have gone through last week if Trump could have kept off Twitter and allow lawmakers to do their jobs. Instead, the ignorant fool decided to sabotage a bipartisan proposal that included funds for DACA and border security.
Trump is more interested in flying off to Florida (AGAIN!) and hosting a high dollar fundraiser than leading his party. Perhaps GOP leaders can bring Stormy Daniels in to negotiate with him. :rolleyes:

01-19-2018, 12:11 PM
"....​Interesting how Democrat's Put...and prefer Illegals over America...Americas Military and "American" real children....Democrats want to crowd out every other Priority to keep Illegal immigration alive and well at the cost of the AMERICAN tax payer....

All for future votes from Illegals.....Stinkin Democrats (Liberal) Leftist...."

http://www.clker.com/cliparts/c/a/4/1/1194984950810759386thought_cloud_jon_philli_01.svg .hi.pnghttps://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.-oOlTRN5xwyjkPJop7VmkQHaE8&pid=15.1&P=0&w=262&h=175

Funky Winkerbean
01-19-2018, 02:38 PM
Brilliant. I'll go along with the government as whole is the issue, not a single party.

When you start thinking that it's the solution to "real peace", you go off the rails. Not volunteering for the US military is playing ostrich and pretending there are not people out there who would love for us to do so thereby making us an easier place to destroy.

Here's a refresher course for those who think everyone forgets from one day to the next. We were not in Afghanistan. OBL orchestrated a terrorist attack on the US. The Taliban was in control of Afghanistan and harboring OBL. Bush demanded they turn him over. They refused. We went after him anyway. WE did not go looking for HIM until he attacked us.

There IS evil out there. Pretending the wolves aren't circling your flock doesn't make the wolves disappear.

I'll tell you the same thing I've said for years. The Republicans don't do shit. They don't want to. They want to sit and collect a check. go unnoticed and watch the world pass by. The Democrats want to destroy what's left of our society. I prefer the former to the latter. If I wanted to live in Germany or France, I'd move there.

It's truly disgusting for sure, especially since it's come to light that the Democrat strategy depends upon illegal immigrants for their success in the electorate, it shows that Democrats are on their last legs. And that right there means the country is in great danger, like a wounded water buffalo, a most dangerous animal.


01-19-2018, 05:59 PM
Gunny. I have never"NOT" gotten my Military Pension deposited in the bank since 1995, when it began. Yes. Govt. pays us. But shutting down the govt...I PROMISE....will not bother us.

How do I know? I used to type the instructions created by the DOD/Treasury many years ago.
They have effective, positive, un-interupted instructions (LAWS) that have never changed.
And, if there is a Govt. Shutdown.....the Military WILL GET PAID. The problems with a shutdown and the military deals with planning for future operations, fuel, maintenance, and hundreds of other expenditures that must be postponed with a CONTINUING RESOLUTION from Congress.

The Dems are playing a serious game with this DACA BS. And, in November...they are gonna wish they hadn't.We are supposed to. We didn't get paid once under Carter. I know Reagan signed the continuing resolution, but I couldn't remember how it affected us and I was on active duty last time they shut down (95).

01-19-2018, 06:04 PM
Interesting how the Republicans are playing the "our brave military" card in this when the proposed operating budget has very little to do with them. Th proposed budget includes a startling increase in military spending, the majority of which goes to increased weapons spending. There is a minimal cost of living increase for active military. I didn't see anything about improving the VA or hiring more doctors.
If GOP lawmakers want Dem support, they need to include DACA and Child Heathcare.
All of this would have gone through last week if Trump could have kept off Twitter and allow lawmakers to do their jobs. Instead, the ignorant fool decided to sabotage a bipartisan proposal that included funds for DACA and border security.
Trump is more interested in flying off to Florida (AGAIN!) and hosting a high dollar fundraiser than leading his party. Perhaps GOP leaders can bring Stormy Daniels in to negotiate with him. :rolleyes:Ummm .... I'm not a Republican and I AM military so I'm playing the ME card.

BUT ,, the only thing the Republicans did wrong was not foresee a side losing its ass off playing dirty pool and holding the lives of US Citizens hostage over criminals they hope to get votes from. It's nice to know illegal aliens are more important to Democrats than US citizens. And it figures.