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View Full Version : Trump Supporters as ‘More Unamerican’ Than DREAMers

01-17-2018, 01:26 PM
Another hollywood twit heard from. And yeah, reading those 2 tweets, I can see how they are racist. :rolleyes:

So now I'm an un-American, racist & bigoted deplorable. Where's my t-shirt?


Alyssa Milano Blasts Trump Supporters as ‘More Unamerican’ Than DREAMers

President Donald Trump sent two tweets that infuriated far left actress Alyssa Milano.

She went completely nuts, conflating Republicans with the KKK and declaring people who “continue to defend and support this President in all his racist horror, are more unamerican than any of those you are trying to deport.” Meaning, DREAMers – since immigration is the hot topic of the day.

Check this out…


Enter Milano:



“And those that continue to defend and support this President in all his racist horror, are more unamerican than any of those you are trying to deport.”




Milano is painfully unaware that the KKK was formed by Democrats.

She needs to grow up.

Americans are far better off under Trump than Hillary Clinton any day of the week!


Black Diamond
01-17-2018, 01:28 PM
Should have finished her off in commando.

01-17-2018, 06:34 PM
Should have finished her off in commando.

Tempest in a teapot.

Hollywooders think they have some ungodly insight and are smarter than
the majority of the population.

When, in fact, about half of those actors are drop-outs. Yeah...really influenetial!

01-17-2018, 08:47 PM
Tempest in a teapot.

Hollywooders think they have some ungodly insight and are smarter than
the majority of the population.

When, in fact, about half of those actors are drop-outs. Yeah...really influenetial!Scary thing is they ARE influential. People, especially young ones, believe them.

01-17-2018, 09:12 PM
Any of us here on DP could put her under the table in a simple argument.
I'd enjoy her telling me I am UNAMERICAN person. As I suspect...all of us would.

These snobs from tv, and the movies are just making noise because they are not working. So, they have to create an image that will remind people how stupid they are, by showing their hypocrisy, hatred, and stupidity for all to see.

Nobody really cares what she says. She's a Nobody.

01-17-2018, 09:33 PM
Any of us here on DP could put her under the table in a simple argument.
I'd enjoy her telling me I am UNAMERICAN person. As I suspect...all of us would.

These snobs from tv, and the movies are just making noise because they are not working. So, they have to create an image that will remind people how stupid they are, by showing their hypocrisy, hatred, and stupidity for all to see.

Nobody really cares what she says. She's a Nobody.What would be the point though? She'd leave here as stupid as she came, believing the same stupid crap. I don't consider that a win. A win to me is when you actually get someone to think. That doesn't happen with these people.

Start from the very beginning. Look what they already believe. Something illogical, nonsensical, based on emotion and zero fact. You can't fix stupid.