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View Full Version : Bay Area police forces cut ties with ICE

01-17-2018, 08:01 PM

Officials from several Bay Area law enforcement agencies said Wednesday that federal officials haven’t looped them in on any plans for major sweeps for undocumented immigrants, and added that they didn’t plan to help with any such operations.

The response from local jurisdictions came after The Chronicle reported that U.S. officials are gearing up for a major dragnet in Northern California, during which they will seek to arrest more than 1,500 undocumented immigrants.

Federal officials have expressed frustration with sanctuary policies adopted by the state and local governments that limit cooperation with immigration-law enforcement. Last month, the acting director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, Thomas Homan, said California “better hold on tight” and that if local officials “don’t want to protect their communities, then ICE will.”

The plan for sweeps drew a scathing reaction Wednesday from many California lawmakers. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco called it “deeply shameful,” and state Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles, called it a threat by the Trump administration to “weaponize federal agencies against California.”

01-17-2018, 08:20 PM
http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Bay-Area-police-won-t-help-ICE-on-immigration-12505781.php?t=c3d5471bfdNice. Responding to "rumor has it ...". Or, rather, posturing.

Dumbass leftwingnuts are pushing for a war, and you best be thanking the God you heathens don't believe in I'm not President. I'd give you just what you're asking for. In spades.

Black Diamond
01-17-2018, 08:24 PM
Nice. Responding to "rumor has it ...". Or, rather, posturing.

Dumbass leftwingnuts are pushing for a war, and you best be thanking the God you heathens don't believe in I'm not President. I'd give you just what you're asking for. In spades.
How close are we ?

01-17-2018, 08:25 PM
I hope we see the largest round up of illegals in American history. Giddyup round 'em up!

01-17-2018, 08:40 PM
How close are we ?Look at the news. The part you can believe. There's a thread about Trump being a threat to the "shadow government". If that means the status quo bureaucracy, their panties have been yanked straight upward. Every where you look is an exposed flaw.

States defying the President and the Constitution.

Courts defying the President and the Constitution.

Local Barney Fife's defying Federal law.

Anarchist groups roaming around wherever they please.

Democrats in Congress whose sole mission is to obstruct the function of the government.

Looking pretty bleak to me.

01-17-2018, 08:44 PM
I hope we see the largest round up of illegals in American history. Giddyup round 'em up!Is that even official? Or a he said-she said? ICE has to do is start in SF and a line down the Interstates (5 &15) and move west and run their asses into the ocean. The give up or swim or run their asses back to Mexico. Sure, a few will slip through, but because of the mountains and passes in CA, and the way they separate Kookville from the rest of the US it is not an impossible undertaking.

01-17-2018, 09:21 PM
DEMOCRAT Politicians are calling the shots.

The Mayors do this at their own Peril.
The U.S. D.O.J. holds the power, with the president, to FEDERALIZE all police agencies in those cities.
Does the Federal government have any authority over state and local law enforcement?
10 Answers
Cliff Gilley
Cliff Gilley, JD cum laude, Seattle University Class of 2000
Answered Aug 11, 2014 · Author has 14.3k answers and 26.4m answer views
Not in the way that is posited in the question details -- the President only has authority to direct Federal law enforcement policy; states are free to direct their own law enforcement agencies however they wish. The only exceptions are where the Federal law has pre-empted state law (a situation that may yet be tested with legal pot in WA and CO) and in situations where there are allegations of civil rights violations, in which case the FBI has authority to investigate and the DOJ has the authority to sanction a police agency found to be abusing its power (as it has done in Seattle in recent years).

It also might be within Congress' power to enact Federal law that increased oversight in certain circumstances, such as use-of-force investigations (as noted in the comments), or to control the purse-strings of Federally-subsidized programs.
11.6k Views · 10 Upvotes

01-17-2018, 09:27 PM
Be interesting to see what the "tough guys" in Frisco do staring at an order Federalizing them. National Guardsmen that do that go to jail.

01-17-2018, 10:15 PM
Be interesting to see what the "tough guys" in Frisco do staring at an order Federalizing them. National Guardsmen that do that go to jail.

Gunny. I don't believe the cops are actually doing this on their own. The Mayor's, and city councils are who PAY the cops. So, they run the show. I'd like to see the cops leave, and let the Homeless, crappers on the streets be in charge. It's almost that way now, and the Mayor's refuse to obey their own local laws...much less any Federal laws.

Sanctuary city cops are between a rock, and a hard place. They either do as the POLITICIANS say, or they lose their jobs.

Seems to me...THE SWAMP GOES FROM WASHINGTON D.C. to every LIBERAL, DEMOCRAT state, town, and city. They all need a HUGE FLUSH.

01-17-2018, 10:41 PM
Gunny. I don't believe the cops are actually doing this on their own. The Mayor's, and city councils are who PAY the cops. So, they run the show. I'd like to see the cops leave, and let the Homeless, crappers on the streets be in charge. It's almost that way now, and the Mayor's refuse to obey their own local laws...much less any Federal laws.

Sanctuary city cops are between a rock, and a hard place. They either do as the POLITICIANS say, or they lose their jobs.

Seems to me...THE SWAMP GOES FROM WASHINGTON D.C. to every LIBERAL, DEMOCRAT state, town, and city. They all need a HUGE FLUSH.If they are actually Federalized by orders, the Fed pays them, not the local yokels.

01-17-2018, 10:50 PM
If they are actually Federalized by orders, the Fed pays them, not the local yokels.

Right you are Gunny. And, much to the displeasure of the Local Democrat Politicians. The officers WILL...enforce....ALL LAWS. Fed, State, and Local...which includes ICE.

BYE BYE Sanctuary city.