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Abbey Marie
01-19-2018, 12:56 PM
"This year, President Trump will personally address the March for Life from the Rose Garden of the White House – something no president has ever done."

Black Diamond
01-19-2018, 12:57 PM
Roe will be overturned. May not be this year. But sooner than people think.

Black Diamond
01-19-2018, 12:58 PM
Course this will be more proof trump is anti woman.

Abbey Marie
01-19-2018, 01:01 PM
Course this will be more proof trump is anti woman.


I got a splinter in my thumb the other day. I'm pretty sure it was Trump's fault.

Funky Winkerbean
01-19-2018, 02:03 PM
If someone wants to March For Life that's fine, it sure beats the March For Death the country has been taking in the Middle East and Afghanistan for the past 30-35 years. And no president has marched for life before, not even a Republican? That's weird.

But now a point of debate if I might - by what precedence might Roe v. Wade and further Planned Parenthood v. Casey be overturned? I say none.

Black Diamond
01-19-2018, 02:10 PM
If someone wants to March For Life that's fine, it sure beats the March For Death the country has been taking in the Middle East and Afghanistan for the past 30-35 years. And no president has marched for life before, not even a Republican? That's weird.

But now a point of debate if I might - by what precedence might Roe v. Wade and further Planned Parenthood v. Casey be overturned? I say none.
I wouldn't be overturned by stare decisis.

01-19-2018, 09:02 PM
The article says protesters will march from the Capitol to the Supreme Court.


The Supreme Court is across the street behind the Capitol. Last person in line is going to march a mile to get to "the" march to go a hundred yards?:laugh:

01-19-2018, 09:28 PM
The article says protesters will march from the Capitol to the Supreme Court.


The Supreme Court is across the street behind the Capitol. Last person in line is going to march a mile to get to "the" march to go a hundred yards?:laugh:

Bullshit I say.

Since when have Conservatives marched like whining Liberals?

01-19-2018, 09:33 PM
Bullshit I say.

Since when have Conservatives marched like whining Liberals?I used to run into the District through Ft Myers every day. Around the Lincoln Memorial was 3.5 miles. The Washington Monument was 7.9. Around the Capitol was 10.1. You cut between the Capitol and the Supreme Court building to loop around and go back.

Lesson learned: NEVER wear a jock doing the Capitol run if you value the skin on the inside of your thighs :laugh:

01-19-2018, 09:43 PM
"This year, President Trump will personally address the March for Life from the Rose Garden of the White House – something no president has ever done."

March for Life is a noble cause because it has NO ends. Not liberal or Conservitave, but liberals do not view it as such.

01-19-2018, 10:28 PM