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View Full Version : Senate GOP plans a vote aimed at ending shutdown

01-20-2018, 08:20 PM
Just some more to show that it's the Dems forcing things here to get what they want.


The Latest: Senate GOP plans a vote aimed at ending shutdown

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the government shutdown (all times local):

7:30 p.m.

A Senate showdown vote on a Republican plan for ending the federal shutdown is on track to occur by early Monday. Democrats say they have the votes to block it.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has proposed a measure financing the government through Feb. 8.

Senate Democrats derailed a House-passed measure early Saturday that would have run through Feb. 16.

They say they want to provide enough money to keep agency doors open only a few days. They say the shorter time frame puts more pressure on Republicans to cut deals on immigration and the budget.

The shutdown began at midnight Friday. The public won't feel its full effects until the next workweek begins Monday.

The vote would occur by 1 a.m. EST Monday but could happen earlier.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/latest-trump-calls-shutdown-present-democrats-130421700--politics.html

01-20-2018, 08:26 PM
Just some more to show that it's the Dems forcing things here to get what they want.


The Latest: Senate GOP plans a vote aimed at ending shutdown

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the government shutdown (all times local):

7:30 p.m.

A Senate showdown vote on a Republican plan for ending the federal shutdown is on track to occur by early Monday. Democrats say they have the votes to block it.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has proposed a measure financing the government through Feb. 8.

Senate Democrats derailed a House-passed measure early Saturday that would have run through Feb. 16.

They say they want to provide enough money to keep agency doors open only a few days. They say the shorter time frame puts more pressure on Republicans to cut deals on immigration and the budget.

The shutdown began at midnight Friday. The public won't feel its full effects until the next workweek begins Monday.

The vote would occur by 1 a.m. EST Monday but could happen earlier.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/latest-trump-calls-shutdown-present-democrats-130421700--politics.htmlThis looks like a McConnell cave job to me. What's he think he's going to accomplish? There's no real choice now but to break the Democrats or the GOP can just kiss it goodbye.

01-20-2018, 08:28 PM
It ALL boils down to the dems fighting for illegal aliens and their votes... that's all of it right there. If the dems can't get the illegal aliens amnesty to vote, they're fucked, and they know it, so they've made their stand, this is it. They're fighting for the future of their party.

My prediction is president Trump will not cave on this though, the man is smart... but... he'll give the dems limited DACA IF he gets...

1) an end to chain migration
2) an end to the visa lottery

It will spell an end to the constant influx of voters for the democrats... so they're really in a pickle, because I think most Americans know this now.

01-20-2018, 08:32 PM
The Dems have become the party of high-chair spoon pounding brats!

They shut down the government several years back. Walked out on the vote session
to keep in running, and THEY were the majority.

01-20-2018, 08:35 PM
White House: No Amnesty Deals for Illegals When Government of Lawful Americans is Shut Down

White House officials insisted there will be no negotiations on including DACA amnesty into the government funding resolution despite Senate Democrats’ shutdown of the government on Saturday.

“We will not negotiate over the status of people here unlawfully while Democrats shut down the government of the millions who are here lawfully,” a White House aide told Breitbart News on Saturday.

White House director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short and White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney confirmed the sentiment in a briefing with reporters at the White House.

Short said that while they were open to further discussions on a DACA deal, they did not want a deal attached to the continuing resolution to fund the government.

“[W]e’re not going to be held hostage and let our troops be held hostage over this,” he said. “When they reopen the government, we will continue the discussions.”

Short said that Trump’s success in his first year as president was partially what prompted Democrats to shut down the government, accusing them of trying to impress leftist activists.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/20/white-house-no-daca-deal-democrats-reopen-government/

01-20-2018, 08:39 PM
It ALL boils down to the dems fighting for illegal aliens and their votes... that's all of it right there. If the dems can't get the illegal aliens amnesty to vote, they're fucked, and they know it, so they've made their stand, this is it. They're fighting for the future of their party.

My prediction is president Trump will not cave on this though, the man is smart... but... he'll give the dems limited DACA IF he gets...

1) an end to chain migration
2) an end to the visa lottery

It will spell an end to the constant influx of voters for the democrats... so they're really in a pickle, because I think most Americans know this now.


01-20-2018, 08:44 PM
White House: No Amnesty Deals for Illegals When Government of Lawful Americans is Shut Down

White House officials insisted there will be no negotiations on including DACA amnesty into the government funding resolution despite Senate Democrats’ shutdown of the government on Saturday.

“We will not negotiate over the status of people here unlawfully while Democrats shut down the government of the millions who are here lawfully,” a White House aide told Breitbart News on Saturday.

White House director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short and White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney confirmed the sentiment in a briefing with reporters at the White House.

Short said that while they were open to further discussions on a DACA deal, they did not want a deal attached to the continuing resolution to fund the government.

“[W]e’re not going to be held hostage and let our troops be held hostage over this,” he said. “When they reopen the government, we will continue the discussions.”

Short said that Trump’s success in his first year as president was partially what prompted Democrats to shut down the government, accusing them of trying to impress leftist activists.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/20/white-house-no-daca-deal-democrats-reopen-government/
I love this president. Finally someone with BALLS OF STEEL. He's getting major bucks from me in 2020 if he keeps this sort of STICKING IT TO THE DEMS up.

01-20-2018, 08:47 PM
Am I a service connected disabled veteran? Yes I am. Could my disability compensation be held up on Feb. 1? IDK... I really don't care.

I've stuck to the sage advice that one should have at least enough money in savings so that you could go without an income for at least six months. Don't know if I could make it that far but, I damn sure can a few so fuck it. Keep the government closed until the dems are groveling in the gutter where they belong.

I fucking love it.

01-20-2018, 08:56 PM
White House: No Amnesty Deals for Illegals When Government of Lawful Americans is Shut Down

White House officials insisted there will be no negotiations on including DACA amnesty into the government funding resolution despite Senate Democrats’ shutdown of the government on Saturday.

“We will not negotiate over the status of people here unlawfully while Democrats shut down the government of the millions who are here lawfully,” a White House aide told Breitbart News on Saturday.

White House director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short and White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney confirmed the sentiment in a briefing with reporters at the White House.

Short said that while they were open to further discussions on a DACA deal, they did not want a deal attached to the continuing resolution to fund the government.

“[W]e’re not going to be held hostage and let our troops be held hostage over this,” he said. “When they reopen the government, we will continue the discussions.”

Short said that Trump’s success in his first year as president was partially what prompted Democrats to shut down the government, accusing them of trying to impress leftist activists.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/20/white-house-no-daca-deal-democrats-reopen-government/I think Congress's pay should be stopped. Those assholes are starving everyone out while they collect a check. Playing with the livelihood of US citizens like that is despicable for a last desperate grab at some votes. That shit don't fly with me. If you're going to put the lives of our people on the line YOURS damned well better be out front in the lead.

01-20-2018, 09:24 PM
I think Congress's pay should be stopped. Those assholes are starving everyone out while they collect a check. Playing with the livelihood of US citizens like that is despicable for a last desperate grab at some votes. That shit don't fly with me. If you're going to put the lives of our people on the line YOURS damned well better be out front in the lead.
I'd say the vast, VAST majority of Americans would agree with that.

I sure the hell do.

The dems are playing a game they can't win right now... not with this president... and I love it... FINALLY... it's what constitutional conservatives like me have been PRAYING for, for years... DECADES. I've seen the repubs CAVE for TOO MANY YEARS... it is just BEYOND AWESOME to see we have a president that is letting the dems know that shit is OVER.

01-21-2018, 01:10 AM
I think Congress's pay should be stopped. Those assholes are starving everyone out while they collect a check. Playing with the livelihood of US citizens like that is despicable for a last desperate grab at some votes. That shit don't fly with me. If you're going to put the lives of our people on the line YOURS damned well better be out front in the lead.

Love that! My opinion as well.

Going to cut off funding to military and essential civilians (which I was as a GS-11 SAR and LE Controller)?
Then cut off your own miserable salary while you are at it.

I still had to go to work. My boat and air crews still had to go to work. Clerks and the like were told to stay
home, but response crews could not by any means. Oh, we got paid back - but it was tough on young folks
with families to feed.

Fucking liberal crybabies.

01-21-2018, 10:26 AM
Love that! My opinion as well.

Going to cut off funding to military and essential civilians (which I was as a GS-11 SAR and LE Controller)?
Then cut off your own miserable salary while you are at it.

I still had to go to work. My boat and air crews still had to go to work. Clerks and the like were told to stay
home, but response crews could not by any means. Oh, we got paid back - but it was tough on young folks
with families to feed.

Fucking liberal crybabies.

looks like you're the one crying snowflake