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View Full Version : How Women Can Provide Value Again

01-25-2018, 06:37 AM
This person is a fireplug.


We cannot improve ourselves to people who are liabilities in various ways. She hits a homerun with the "list of demands!"

01-25-2018, 01:36 PM
darin ... video no workee. Tried earlier this morning and just now.

01-26-2018, 01:52 AM
try it again?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-26-2018, 07:19 AM
This person is a fireplug.


We cannot improve ourselves to people who are liabilities in various ways. She hits a homerun with the "list of demands!"

She is pretty, extremely intelligent and not afraid to speak the truth.
I was in awe of her, as she hit most of the points about women that it took me about 50 years to discover.
A woman, any woman this wants marriage to be a fairy-tale romance that gives them treasure everyday, but have no obstacles, none of life's usual problems is truly mentally defective and a curse to any man that marries her--that is truth and reality.
That can be flipped to the man, if he thinks his wife must be a sex-goddess, best cook that every existed, serve him as a slave(sexually and otherwise) and never age...
Icould go on , with more truths but likely it would only piss people off.
As too much truth does that..
I married my third wife to find a woman that understand that marriage is a true unification, that takes love, dedication, fidelity and service to each other...all with the goal of helping each other be happy, improve and live a better life.
Found that lady, now going onto 14 years of bliss...
But it took sacrifice on my part to get there and now that knowledge and sacrifice has finally born fruit.

And no, this is not the same as Tailfins attitude towards women.
It truly is a matter of each partner giving respect, love and dedication to the other..

Once long ago, daughters were taught that and sons were admonished to treat females with respect and honor --if seeking a wife to seek a moral and responsible mate.
My third time around Ifollowed that guideline and found success..-Tyr

Abbey Marie
01-26-2018, 03:25 PM
Wow. I don't personally know any women, young or old, who sound like the women described by this young lady. Not one of my many young nieces, and not any of my daughter's friends.
Women telling their daughters all men are rapists? This is the language of a minority uber-feminist. I don't deny that such women exist, but the narrator is telling us it is literally everywhere. I'm not buying it.

I do see that there clearly is a disconnect today between young men and women. But I blame it on technology, and the fact that people rush into playing house.

Does anyone think her insistence that men reject out of hand every single mom, is a great idea? I'm not sure how I feel about that, as I think it contributes to more abortions. Thoughts?

01-26-2018, 04:06 PM
Well, I agree, I don't know quite what to make of this young woman. Or all these clearly dysfunctional women she describes. I think we're in the Future now and there is no longer a visible path back to the past we come from.

It's true that obesity is a majority affliction now. Don't know what society is going to do about that, since it's MOST women, after all. (And men.)

Not ever marrying single mothers? I agree, not sure about that one. It's NOT a good sign, of course --- they've either let themselves get knocked up, or gotten an early divorce, which may or may not be their fault. (I don't believe for a minute that 70% of divorces are initiated by the wife!!! It's usually Mr. Wanderpaws bugging out. Does she mean if we catch them on the prowl? Well, darn. I'd say he's the one initiated that divorce, if he got caught tomcatting.)

Is this child with the online "TV" show married? If not, why not? She's plenty old enough and pretty enough. I wonder about her. Enough with the criticizing, go find a guy who actually wants marriage, I'd say. A lot of guys don't want to marry, and that is absolutely fine. Just say, "It's been great, I have to get on with my life, good-bye," and go. They get one year, MAX. Maybe less, not a minute more. It worked for me.

01-26-2018, 08:16 PM
15 minutes... I couldn't listen to it all.

But I will say this... I have tried, VERY temporarily, a dating website, and I have put on there "no kids," as in not had any either, and no heavy or chunky girls, and you would not believe the kind of militant responses I got.

You'd have thought I was the biggest PIG on the planet to have the GALL to want to meet a girl that was attractive and didn't have any kids.

I met this one who looked great on Match in Apache Junction and agreed to meet her at a local eatery. Well first of all she was LATE, and second of all she looked NOTHING like her DOCTORED UP PICTURE. She as HALF BALD, SHORT like a DWARF and FAT. She LIED, LIED, LIED. I was sitting outside because she was late, and when I saw her approaching I saw similarities and thought to myself, my freakin' GAWD I hope that's not her as she went inside. But as I stood to leave she barged back outside and said "TOM?" I thought... FUCK. But, I thought well, be polite and just cut it off as SOON AS YOU CAN.

I never tried another dating website.

01-28-2018, 09:45 AM
Wow. I don't personally know any women, young or old, who sound like the women described by this young lady. Not one of my many young nieces, and not any of my daughter's friends.
Women telling their daughters all men are rapists? This is the language of a minority uber-feminist. I don't deny that such women exist, but the narrator is telling us it is literally everywhere. I'm not buying it.

I do see that there clearly is a disconnect today between young men and women. But I blame it on technology, and the fact that people rush into playing house.

Does anyone think her insistence that men reject out of hand every single mom, is a great idea? I'm not sure how I feel about that, as I think it contributes to more abortions. Thoughts?

She is in seattle. The things she describes are common. I think she went a little extreme for effect - but from the mind of a mid-20s male, would single moms be less attractive? Might. I think her conecpts are pretty squared away even if to the eaches she may be a little off-base.

01-28-2018, 08:47 PM