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View Full Version : FedEx Delivers 3.2B of Good News to Employees, Fueled By Trump Tax Package

01-26-2018, 04:43 PM
Peanuts, just bread crumbs for all. :dunno:


FedEx Delivers 3.2B of Good News to Employees, Fueled By Trump Tax Package

Federal Express (FedEx) announced Friday that employees will receive $3.2 billion of benefits, thanks to President Donald Trump delivering on his promise to lower taxes.

“FedEx Committing More Than $3.2 Billion in Wage Increases, Bonuses, Pension Funding and Expanded U.S. Capital Investment Following the Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” the company declared in a press release:

FedEx Corporation is announcing three major programs today following the recently enacted U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:

1) Over $200 million in increased compensation, about two-thirds of which will go to hourly team members by advancing 2018 annual pay increases by six months to April 1st from the normal October date. The remainder will fund increases in performance-based incentive plans for salaried personnel.

2) A voluntary contribution of $1.5 billion to the FedEx pension plan to ensure it remains one of the best funded retirement programs in the country.

3) Investing $1.5 billion to significantly expand the FedEx Express Indianapolis hub over the next seven years. The Memphis SuperHub will also be modernized and enlarged in a major program the details of which will be announced later this spring.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/fedex-delivers-32b-good-news-employees-credits-arrival-trump-tax-package

01-26-2018, 06:58 PM
If the democrats think they're going to win big in November, they're just not playing with a full deck.

Just like Hitlery was going to win big, they're pushing the same shit again about the midterms. They just can NOT accept the fact that the majority of Americans are NOT on board with their CRAP. I predict republicans win even MORE seats in the midterms. People may not admit it, but when they get behind that curtain they're going to vote with their WALLET, and they know why there's MORE MONEY in it now than they had during the KENYAN YEARS.

Well... too bad for them... sucks to be a democrat. They've all been coddled and brain washed from 8 years of obama only to wake up and find that they're the MINORITY.