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01-29-2018, 04:21 AM
In this case - if you're of the opinion you LIKE a plastic drinking straw, This California democrat wants to make you a criminal.


A lawmaker in California reportedly introduced a bill last week that would make it a criminal offense for any person in a restaurant to serve a patron a plastic straw in their drinks without it being requested.

The penalty would be up to six months in jail or $1,000 fine or a combination, The Washington Examiner reported.

“We need to create awareness around the issue of one-time use plastic straws and its detrimental effects on our landfills,” Ian Calderon, a Democrat in the state’s assembly said, according to the report.

Calderon, in a statement, said 500 million straws are used in the U.S. daily, citing the National Park Service. The report said it is hard to quantify the number and called the claim “dubious.”

In short, Calderon is a fool. He's just plain dumb. And he's anti-liberty, anti-freedom, and merely pandering for votes from the most-idiotic of voters - enviro-nazis.

01-29-2018, 08:27 AM
In this case - if you're of the opinion you LIKE a plastic drinking straw, This California democrat wants to make you a criminal.


In short, Calderon is a fool. He's just plain dumb. And he's anti-liberty, anti-freedom, and merely pandering for votes from the most-idiotic of voters - enviro-nazis.

Oh sure...20 years from now those illegal drinking straws will be designated "undocumented drinking aids"....

01-29-2018, 08:37 AM
In this case - if you're of the opinion you LIKE a plastic drinking straw, This California democrat wants to make you a criminal.


In short, Calderon is a fool. He's just plain dumb. And he's anti-liberty, anti-freedom, and merely pandering for votes from the most-idiotic of voters - enviro-nazis.Saw this last night. For the millionth time, California needs to get slapped back into its place, or culled from the herd. "Dumb" doesn't even cover it.

They're threatening resistance to the DOJ if they get subpoena'd. The SF DA said he will prosecute anyone caught aiding Federal authorities in busting illegals. WHAT freakin' part of "in violation of Federal law" don't they get?

On one hand, they have one of THE most over-legislated states in the US, on the other they think they're above it. Why should I care about CA law when CA can't abide the law?

The straw thing is out there. Smoking in your own vehicle is another. I can't smoke in my own truck while driving? But I can have a tv in the back seat, a PC in the dashboard, talk on a hands-free device which no matter what anyone says, it divided your attention and takes it off the road. But I can't have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth?

And NOTHING will piss someone off quicker than to get back on the road and find out the 20 gallon Super-size "value" drink they just paid $8 for doesn't have a freakin' straw.

01-29-2018, 08:50 AM
A few years back they made it illegal to be served water in an eatery unless it was requested.

Not many places I frquented would abide by that.

01-29-2018, 09:02 AM
A few years back they made it illegal to be served water in an eatery unless it was requested.

Not many places I frquented would abide by that.I used to hang out in country bars. A shocker, I know :). CA was one of the first states to prohibit smoking in bars. Something I think is beyond stupid. You can be a fat slob and pickle your liver but HEAVEN FORBID you get a whiff of second hand smoke :rolleyes:

The main hangout in Temeculah was a HUGE barn-like structure. Giant dance floor. The works. It would be maybe 1/4 full -- meaning empty-appearing. The smoking are outside however would be a sardine can. They just moved one of the bars outside. Same with my old hangouts here. Their outside decks "smoking areas" have more people and are better set up than inside the bar; which, is just a shell for the business address.

BUT ... you can go fry your lungs out on some weed and no one cares. Or breathe the worst air in the world just walking down the street.

01-29-2018, 09:08 AM
I hate non-smoking bars and clubs. :( When I go out I have my GF smoke a couple because...I kinda like the smell when i'm drinkin' and dancin' :)

01-29-2018, 09:25 AM
I hate non-smoking bars and clubs. :( When I go out I have my GF smoke a couple because...I kinda like the smell when i'm drinkin' and dancin' :):laugh:

It doesn't bother me. Smoking "rooms" in airports bother me. You can easily find them. They're the rooms packed like sardine cans you can't see inside of because of the smoke. I don't smoke in the house here. I have no problem with it. Well, besides it being a pain in the ass, I don't :). No one else smokes, so I don't smoke in their house or vehicles. I just consider it being polite. I even can almost buy off on restaurants. I don't smoke while I eat.

But a bar? Where, un-PC as it sounds but people go to get drunk and have a good time? They are so concerned for their health yet they'll drink themselves sh*t-faced and get behind the wheel of a ton of steel and hurtle themselves down the road at 70 mph?

Or the BIGEE with me was here in SA, the head foaming at the mouth anti-tobacco bimbo weighs 350 if a dime and drives a gas-guzzling Suburban. The picture of health :rolleyes: And the b* doesn't even go to bars, or so she claims. Was a BIG deal here for quite a few years. After she got done with the restaurants, she went after the bars. Guess our homes are next.

01-29-2018, 09:41 AM
Goes back to "let the market decide" - NOT nanny-state governments.


It doesn't bother me. Smoking "rooms" in airports bother me. You can easily find them. They're the rooms packed like sardine cans you can't see inside of because of the smoke. I don't smoke in the house here. I have no problem with it. Well, besides it being a pain in the ass, I don't :). No one else smokes, so I don't smoke in their house or vehicles. I just consider it being polite. I even can almost buy off on restaurants. I don't smoke while I eat.

But a bar? Where, un-PC as it sounds but people go to get drunk and have a good time? They are so concerned for their health yet they'll drink themselves sh*t-faced and get behind the wheel of a ton of steel and hurtle themselves down the road at 70 mph?

Or the BIGEE with me was here in SA, the head foaming at the mouth anti-tobacco bimbo weighs 350 if a dime and drives a gas-guzzling Suburban. The picture of health :rolleyes: And the b* doesn't even go to bars, or so she claims. Was a BIG deal here for quite a few years. After she got done with the restaurants, she went after the bars. Guess our homes are next.

01-29-2018, 09:57 PM
Liz Wheeler on the Tipping Point: "So let me get this straight. Here in CA, we can make plastic drinking straws illegal but we can't make illegal aliens illegal?"

I love her :)

01-29-2018, 10:04 PM
The stupidity of the liberal mind knows no bounds.

Normal people have to know better and be able to tell them to STFU.

01-29-2018, 10:21 PM
The stupidity of the liberal mind knows no bounds.

Normal people have to know better and be able to tell them to STFU.Y'all are going to regret me figuring out how to get Liz Wheeler videos on youtube :laugh:

01-29-2018, 10:32 PM
Y'all are going to regret me figuring out how to get Liz Wheeler videos on youtube :laugh:
I love Liz. She has Tomi Laren beat because she just seems to have more maturity and wisdom.

I read Tomi Lahren runs 7 miles every morning. That's pretty hard core so the girl definitely has her eye on the prize. I would say she has a bright future, but at 23 years old, much of her rants I think are just generic. She hasn't developed any panache yet but she'll get there. Her immaturity is apparent. She hasn't learned how to speak with a knifes edge yet that cut through the leftist filth. Anyone could really do and say what she's doing but they're not a pretty little bleach blond, yes Abbey, another one of those blonds, that has yet to learn that looks aren't going to get you to the top, your BRAIN will.

I think Liz Wheller knows this though. That girl knows how to spell it out without trying to sound like an immature little beach babe on a rant.

01-29-2018, 10:35 PM
Y'all are going to regret me figuring out how to get Liz Wheeler videos on youtube :laugh:

Gunny. Here ya go....Just for you...

01-29-2018, 10:36 PM
I love Liz. She has Tomi Laren beat because she just seems to have more maturity and wisdom.

I read Tomi Lahren runs 7 miles every morning. That's pretty hard core so the girl definitely has her eye on the prize. I would say she has a bright future, but at 23 years old, much of her rants I think are just generic. She hasn't developed any panache yet but she'll get there. Her immaturity is apparent. She hasn't learned how to speak with a knifes edge yet that cut through the leftist filth. Anyone could really do and say what she's doing but they're not a pretty little bleach blond, yes @Abbey (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=11), another one of those blonds, that has yet to learn that looks aren't going to get you to the top, your BRAIN will.

I think Liz Wheller knows this though. That girl knows how to spell it out without trying to sound like an immature little beach babe on a rant.Liz is vicious. They should have hired HER to play Hela in the Thor movie. I NEVER get tired of her ripping someone to shreds. SHe doesn't stop at "defeated"; she stops at DEAD.

Pffft ... I always got banned for that sh*t :laugh2:

01-29-2018, 10:45 PM
Liz is vicious. They should have hired HER to play Hela in the Thor movie. I NEVER get tired of her ripping someone to shreds. SHe doesn't stop at "defeated"; she stops at DEAD.

Pffft ... I always got banned for that sh*t :laugh2:
Lizz should be one Hannity has taken under his wing, not Lahren. She's just a little girl and her rants show it. She can get her point accros but she hasn't learned how to do it without the side to side head shit and verbal immaturity. She should quit trying to be Beach Blanket Barby and try and expand her vocabulary if she expects to hit the top.

IDK... is that just me or am I being too harsh?

That's what I see... I like her but she has a lot of growing up to do.

Is that because I'm getting so old? ... :laugh:

01-29-2018, 10:54 PM
Lizz should be one Hannity has taken under his wing, not Lahren. She's just a little girl and her rants show it. She can get her point accros but she hasn't learned how to do it without the side to side head shit and verbal immaturity. She should quit trying to be Beach Blanket Barby and try and expand her vocabulary if she expects to hit the top.

IDK... is that just me or am I being too harsh?

That's what I see... I like her but she has a lot of growing up to do.

Is that because I'm getting so old? ... :laugh:No idea. Liz doesn't need Hannity and he's too PC for her. Lahren I've seen once in whichever thread I posted about her taking out Joy Fatass on the View. They treated her condescendingly and she did pretty good from what I saw.

I doubt Liz could tone it down enough to be on Fox. She's what Megyn Kelly wishes she was.

01-29-2018, 11:01 PM
No idea. Liz doesn't need Hannity and he's too PC for her. Lahren I've seen once in whichever thread I posted about her taking out Joy Fatass on the View. They treated her condescendingly and she did pretty good from what I saw.

I doubt Liz could tone it down enough to be on Fox. She's what Megyn Kelly wishes she was.

Right... Lizz has the polish Lahren wishes she had. They're both on the same page but Lizz has much more verbal finesse. That's just the way I see it.

Bottom line, two extremely gorgeous young conservative women. Glad to have them.

01-29-2018, 11:21 PM
Right... Lizz has the polish Lahren wishes she had. They're both on the same page but Lizz has much more verbal finesse. That's just the way I see it.

Bottom line, two extremely gorgeous young conservative women. Glad to have them.I'm not sure what comparison you are trying to make. If you call getting run over by Liz driving a Greyhound bus "finesse" ...:laugh: That's just it, and what I like about her. Liz is there to make the kill and shows no mercy, and she's got a sharp tongue. It's why I like her.

Lahren doesn't seem that type. She will be the more diplomatic polished type. Especially if she's with Hannity. I can't stand him, btw. And she better watch out she doesn't get too big for him or she'll be back in the files room.

Megyn Kelly on the other hand (and I mention her just for comparison) thinks she's a Liz Wheeler and just comes off as a bitch when she tries to be. Lahren needs to be who she is, just like Megyn Kelly needs to. She sank her own boat going after Trump because she tried too hard to be the "tough journalist asking the tough questions".

I predict Kelly ends up lost in the shuffle. She doesn't fit in where she is. They don't want her where she was.

The other thing I like about Liz is she hitched her wagon to a mom-n-pop news show that isn't even big enough to handle its own stories. When they get more corporate, if they succeed, a lot of that maverick crap will disappear and they'll be more PC. I'm just enjoying the ride while they aren't there yet.

01-29-2018, 11:27 PM
I'm not sure what comparison you are trying to make. If you call getting run over by Liz driving a Greyhound bus "finesse" ...:laugh: That's just it, and what I like about her. Liz is there to make the kill and shows no mercy, and she's got a sharp tongue. It's why I like her.

Lahren doesn't seem that type. She will be the more diplomatic polished type. Especially if she's with Hannity. I can't stand him, btw. And she better watch out she doesn't get too big for him or she'll be back in the files room.

Megyn Kelly on the other hand (and I mention her just for comparison) thinks she's a Liz Wheeler and just comes off as a bitch when she tries to be. Lahren needs to be who she is, just like Megyn Kelly needs to. She sank her own boat going after Trump because she tried too hard to be the "tough journalist asking the tough questions".

I predict Kelly ends up lost in the shuffle. She doesn't fit in where she is. They don't want her where she was.

The other thing I like about Liz is she hitched her wagon to a mom-n-pop news show that isn't even big enough to handle its own stories. When they get more corporate, if they succeed, a lot of that maverick crap will disappear and they'll be more PC. I'm just enjoying the ride while they aren't there yet.
That's weird, bro, because I see Lizz as the one having more 'polish."

They're both fire brand conservative gals and we should be honored to have them. I know I am. I'd much rather listen to either of them than even attempt at trying to look at that trans... boy/girl... look at it and try and figure out what the fuck gender it is, Madcow thing on PMSNBC... :laugh:

01-29-2018, 11:38 PM
Here's some Tomi on the Grammy's for ya, Gunny ....


01-29-2018, 11:41 PM
That's weird, bro, because I see Lizz as the one having more 'polish."

They're both fire brand conservative gals and we should be honored to have them. I know I am. I'd much rather listen to either of them than even attempt at trying to look at that trans... boy/girl... look at it and try and figure out what the fuck gender it is, Madcow thing on PMSNBC... :laugh:Define "polish". As a speaker? Keeping her poise? More self-assure? Wisdom, age and experience will crap all over youth and talent every time.

Most important, IMO, is Liz knows her skill set and uses it to her advantage. She's the right personality in the right place at the right time. Can't beat that.

Megyn Kelly is a good example of just the opposite. She doesn't know how to use her skills to her advantage, and she's definitely at the wrong place for ANY time.

Lahren what I saw of her was just being her. Good start. It's a lot easier to be who you are than play a role you aren't suited to. I'd say going on the View wasn't the wisest choice. I'd want to throw furniture on that show.

01-29-2018, 11:48 PM
Define "polish". As a speaker? Keeping her poise? More self-assure? Wisdom, age and experience will crap all over youth and talent every time.That right there. IDK... maybe it's just me, but I see Lizz as the one with the polish. I think Tomi is just a little immature in her presentation.

Most important, IMO, is Liz knows her skill set and uses it to her advantage. She's the right personality in the right place at the right time. Can't beat that.

Megyn Kelly is a good example of just the opposite. She doesn't know how to use her skills to her advantage, and she's definitely at the wrong place for ANY time.
I couldn't give a crap less about Kelly. I've seen hide nor hair of her since she left Fox. I used to call her the "SHE WOLF OF AUSCHWITZ." She comes off to me as a sullen mad bitch with her tampax shoved in too far.

01-30-2018, 09:40 AM
In this case - if you're of the opinion you LIKE a plastic drinking straw, This California democrat wants to make you a criminal.


In short, Calderon is a fool. He's just plain dumb. And he's anti-liberty, anti-freedom, and merely pandering for votes from the most-idiotic of voters - enviro-nazis.

Idiotic Democrats

But, I repeat myself.

01-30-2018, 02:01 PM
In this case - if you're of the opinion you LIKE a plastic drinking straw, This California democrat wants to make you a criminal.


In short, Calderon is a fool. He's just plain dumb. And he's anti-liberty, anti-freedom, and merely pandering for votes from the most-idiotic of voters - enviro-nazis.

Maybe it's a joke? It's hard to believe he can be serious. For one thing, most anti-plastic people complain about plastic grocery bags.