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02-01-2018, 12:19 PM
U.S. Test of Missile Interceptor Fails Off Hawaiian Coast, Officials SayBy HELENE COOPER (https://www.nytimes.com/by/helene-cooper) and ERIC SCHMITT (https://www.nytimes.com/by/eric-schmitt)JAN. 31, 2018
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Photo https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/02/01/us/01dc-missile/01dc-missile-master768-v2.jpg

A test in California of an interceptor known as the SM-3 Block IIA. Credit Ralph Scott/Missile Defense Agency WASHINGTON — An American interceptor missile missed its target in a test off the Hawaiian coast on Wednesday, Defense Department officials said, renewing concerns of how the United States will defend itself in the event of a missile attack by North Korea or another adversary.
A Pentagon official said that the interceptor, an SM-3 Block IIA missile that is being developed by the Raytheon Company, was launched from a test site in Hawaii. Officials likened the test launch to an attempt to hit a bullet with another bullet.
It was the second failure over the past year of a test of the SM-3, known as the standard missile; the last one (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-missile-defense-test-fails-to-intercept-target/) was in June (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-missile-defense-test-fails-to-intercept-target/).
Mark Wright, a spokesman for the Missile Defense Agency, confirmed “a live-fire missile flight test” from Kauai. He did not confirm that the test had failed.

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But two Defense Department officials, speaking on grounds of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the test’s failure, said that the missile missed hitting the incoming dummy missile.
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The failure comes as tensions with North Korea are running high. But it was somewhat routine for a missile defense system that even advocates will not promote as providing a defensive shield. Around half of the tests over the 13 years since the system became operational have been declared fully or partly successful.
Last August, the United States did successfully intercept a medium-range ballistic missile off the coast of Hawaii.
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North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile in November that flew both higher and longer than previous launches. Analysts said that missile had exhibited a potential range of more than 8,000 miles, able to reach Washington or any other part of the continental United States (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/28/world/asia/north-korea-missile-test.html).
Pyongyang has worked hard to be able to overwhelm defense systems that the Pentagon has placed in California, Alaska and Hawaii. North Korea regularly practices firing salvos of missiles because the American system is designed to intercept only one or two incoming warheads at a time.
Analyses of recent North Korean flight tests and missiles that have been paraded through the streets of Pyongyang suggest that the North may also be seeking to develop maneuverable warheads. Such a tactic, if successfully developed, would help warheads dodge antimissile interceptors.
Tests of the United States’ multibillion-dollar efforts at missile defense have had mixed results. A Pentagon report last year criticized the long-range system, saying that it “demonstrates a limited capability to defend the U.S. homeland from small numbers” of medium- and long-range missiles “launched from North Korea or Iran.”
Military officials said that it was unclear why Wednesday’s test failed.
On Tuesday, President Trump used his State of the Union speech to lash out at the North Korean government. He said that the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, had brutalized his own people, and that he must be made to relinquish his nuclear program.


1. Cloudy and windy weather,
2. No radio beacon installed.

02-01-2018, 12:32 PM
THIS ... RIGHT F-ING HERE is what I have against OUR big mouthed-a$$ media. Why don't we just announce to the morons in the world when something doesn't work? Especially something as "trivial" as National defense?

Our enemies don't need to spy on us. All they have to do is watch the freakin' blabbermouth MSM or read a paper.

We need to go back to keeping the media informed only when they need to know. Bad enough our own idiots here in the US talk a bunch of crap every time something doesn't work. But they are nice enough to clue in our enemies.

02-01-2018, 12:38 PM
Gosh! I wonder why they TEST something new?

Why not just wait and deploy things that are unproven?

However, You're right Gunny...media has big mouths that do more harm than good.

02-01-2018, 02:15 PM
THIS ... RIGHT F-ING HERE is what I have against OUR big mouthed-a$$ media. Why don't we just announce to the morons in the world when something doesn't work? Especially something as "trivial" as National defense?

Our enemies don't need to spy on us. All they have to do is watch the freakin' blabbermouth MSM or read a paper.

We need to go back to keeping the media informed only when they need to know. Bad enough our own idiots here in the US talk a bunch of crap every time something doesn't work. But they are nice enough to clue in our enemies.

"But two Defense Department officials, speaking on grounds of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the test’s failure, said that the missile missed hitting the incoming dummy missile."

But yet we have THIS...

"Mark Wright, a spokesman for the Missile Defense Agency, confirmed “a live-fire missile flight test” from Kauai. He did not confirm that the test had failed."


02-01-2018, 02:17 PM
Gosh! I wonder why they TEST something new?

Why not just wait and deploy things that are unproven?

However, You're right @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30)...media has big mouths that do more harm than good.

Public deserves to know if we are being protected or not. Isn't that the point of the memo release too?

02-01-2018, 02:58 PM
There's a reason they call it a TEST.

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02-01-2018, 03:00 PM
Public deserves to know if we are being protected or not. Isn't that the point of the memo release too?

petey. If the military didn't want us to know...why would anyone report it? You really are a piece of work...that doesn't really work, brain wise, or intelligence wise. Your hatred, and love for being a liberal jerk is SHOWING.

02-01-2018, 04:52 PM
Public deserves to know if we are being protected or not. Isn't that the point of the memo release too?Nope. There are things the public does NOT need to know. Lot easier to win that way.

Do you REALLY think if there wasn't already something in place that works you'd hear about something that doesn't? I assure you not.

02-01-2018, 05:28 PM
Anyone actually believe that all this technology works properly the first time?

This particular missile system has been around for a few years but it certainly isn't "old" and lots of "upgrades" are really new.
This did give me a chuckle though because the irony is that right now we have a missile system that may or may not intercept an NK missile that may or may not hit the US or its allies. Seems fair, no?

02-01-2018, 05:36 PM
Anyone actually believe that all this technology works properly the first time?

This particular missile system has been around for a few years but it certainly isn't "old" and lots of "upgrades" are really new.
This did give me a chuckle though because the irony is that right now we have a missile system that may or may not intercept an NK missile that may or may not hit the US or its allies. Seems fair, no?It just irks me that without having a clue, the MSM can't wait to spill the beans to world that we failed.

I wonder if these arrogant chumps ever think THAT one through? If we fail, what becomes of their pampered little a$$es ...

02-01-2018, 05:37 PM
Public deserves to know if we are being protected or not. Isn't that the point of the memo release too?

There are certainly things out there protecting the public that they do not need to know about.

If the public knows ALL, most certainly potential enemies will know as well.

02-01-2018, 05:40 PM
It just irks me that without having a clue, the MSM can't wait to spill the beans to world that we failed.

I wonder if these rrogant chumps ever think THAT one through? If we fail, what becomes of their pampered little a$$es ...

Of course you have a valid point. Remember, we recently had a CinC that told our enemies exactly what we were going to do, how we were going to do it and when. It's as crazy as thinking you can defeat ISIS by finding them jobs.

02-02-2018, 09:40 AM
Maybe we should start test firing our missiles across the bow of the N Korean peninsula .... "Maybe" they'll land in the Sea of Japan. Maybe.