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02-02-2018, 05:47 PM
Pelosi, Chris Matthews, Comey, McCain, Schiff and some others, losing their respective lunches over this, different reasons as to why. A gift to Putin? Sure. National security released? Sure. More like busted, shits being turned around, folks look stupid.


Nancy Pelosi Comes Unglued After FISA Memo Released: ‘Trump Just Sent His Friend Putin a Bouquet’

Media was set ablaze after the House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The unclassified memo shows former FBI Director James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Yates and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein misled the FISA court.

The Dems and Deep State are scrambling to discredit the damning FISA memo.

The reaction from the left has been schizophrenic as they desperately try to take control over the narrative.

Nancy Pelosi tweeted out her official statement in response to the release of the FISA memo.

Pelosi tweeted, “[email protected] has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing Nunes’ unredacted, classified memo. His decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend Putin.”

.@realDonaldTrump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing Nunes’ unredacted, classified memo. His decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend Putin. pic.twitter.com/kdUgIrCE6l

— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) February 2, 2018

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/nancy-pelosi-comes-unglued-fisa-memo-released-trump-just-sent-friend-putin-bouquet/

James Comey Fires Off Unhinged Tweet After FISA Memo Released Showing FBI Corruption

Media was set ablaze after the House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The unclassified memo shows former FBI Director James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Yates and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein misled the FISA court.

James Comey is unhinged. The fired FBI Director unleashed an angry tweet shortly after the FISA memo was released to the public exposing the FBI’s corruption.

James Comey attacked Nunes’ memo as “dishonest and misleading” and said it wrecked the House Intel Committee and exposed a classified investigation of an American citizen.

In other words, Comey is angry he and his criminal cabal of crooked cops have been exposed.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/james-comey-fires-off-unhinged-tweet-fisa-memo-released-showing-fbi-corruption/

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Reacts to FISA Memo: “I’m Very Suspicious… This Is a Trump Document”

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.
The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews reacted to the explosive document in predictable fashion — By ignoring the content.

Matthews instead accuse Rep. Devin Nunes’ staffers of being Trump pawns.

Chris Matthews: “I,m very suspicious this is staff written by someone who is very involved with the Trump people… I think it’s a political document … I’m very suspicious that this was written by a staff member close to Trump people … This is a Trump document.”

That’s all they got.
Blame Trump for illegal spying on Trump.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/msnbcs-chris-matthews-reacts-fisa-memo-im-suspicious-trump-document-video/

Adam Schiff Melts Down After FISA Memo Released – Accuses POTUS Trump of Undermining Mueller Probe

Media was set ablaze after the House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The Deep State and Dems are in a panic as the world sees the FBI was weaponized to target a political campaign.

Fired FBI Director James Comey came out swinging shortly after the FISA memo was released and mocked the memo.

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) melted down after the FISA memo was published. He attacked President Trump’s decision to release the document.

Schiff has been in overdrive leading up to the release of the FISA memo.

Schiff wasted no time in responding to the allegations. He is itching to release his junk counter-memo.

The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We’ll fight to release our classified response. Until then here’s a glimpse at what’s wrong with their memo:

The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe.

We’ll fight to release our classified response. Until then here’s a glimpse at what’s wrong with their memo: pic.twitter.com/HX0J6UtDLY

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) February 2, 2018

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/adam-schiff-melts-fisa-memo-released-accuses-potus-trump-undermining-mueller-probe/

02-02-2018, 05:49 PM

02-02-2018, 06:20 PM
... all aboard the UNHINGED TRAIN ...

Black Diamond
02-02-2018, 07:03 PM
Comey whining about something supposedly being misleading. :laugh:

02-02-2018, 07:38 PM
James Comey attacked Nunes’ memo as “dishonest and misleading” and said it wrecked the House Intel Committee and exposed a classified investigation of an American citizen

The UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNLAWFUL DECLASSIFIED investigation of a US citizen? What a freakin' rube :laugh:

I like Chris Matthews' too: "I'm suspicious because I'm suspicious ..." No leg-humping mood today, Chris? :slap: I wonder if know how just beyond stupid he looks? I can't even watch nor listen to him. Geez ... the grandkids' mutt is smarter than he is.

Black Diamond
02-02-2018, 07:46 PM
The UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNLAWFUL DECLASSIFIED investigation of a US citizen? What a freakin' rube :laugh:

I like Chris Matthews' too: "I'm suspicious because I'm suspicious ..." No leg-humping mood today, Chris? :slap: I wonder if know how just beyond stupid he looks? I can't even watch nor listen to him. Geez ... the grandkids' mutt is smarter than he is.
He is still tingling with jungle fever.

02-02-2018, 08:05 PM
The UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNLAWFUL DECLASSIFIED investigation of a US citizen? What a freakin' rube :laugh:

I like Chris Matthews' too: "I'm suspicious because I'm suspicious ..." No leg-humping mood today, Chris? :slap: I wonder if know how just beyond stupid he looks? I can't even watch nor listen to him. Geez ... the grandkids' mutt is smarter than he is.

Gunny. The jingle I created about Chris sounds even better now...it goes:


02-02-2018, 08:48 PM
I should be a comedian. Oh yeah ... I WAS a drill instructor .... I'm getting material from the Dumbo-crats to last awhile. Least the rest of the night. :smoke: