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View Full Version : Trump Russia: Democrats say firing special counsel could cause crisis

02-02-2018, 10:57 PM
Senior Democrats have warned President Donald Trump not to use a controversial memo as a "pretext" to fire the special counsel investigating alleged Russian involvement in the US election.
They warned that such action could trigger a constitutional crisis not seen since the Nixon era.
The memo (http://docs.house.gov/meetings/IG/IG00/20180129/106822/HMTG-115-IG00-20180129-SD001.pdf), written by Republicans, accuses the FBI of abusing its powers.
President Trump approved the declassification of the memo and said it revealed a disgraceful story.
It accuses the FBI and the justice department of using an unsubstantiated and Democratic-funded report to obtain the warrant that gave permission to spy on an aide to Mr Trump.
Democrats said the release of the memo was aimed at disrupting investigations into alleged links between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. President Trump has consistently denied any such collusion.
The FBI had warned against the memo's release and said key facts had been omitted.
What have Democrats said?Democrats say the memo, released on Friday, is a "shameful effort to discredit" the FBI and inquiries into Russian meddling.
In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Nancy Pelosi and eight other senior Democrats warned Mr Trump against trying to sack special counsel Robert Mueller or the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein.

Key parts of memo - and what it means (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42827167)

"We write to inform you that we would consider such an unwarranted action as an attempt to obstruct justice in the Russia investigation," the statement said.
They said such action could result in a constitutional crisis not seen since the 1970s when then President Richard Nixon gave orders to fire justice officials involved in the Watergate scandal.
The White House later said "no changes" would be made at the Department of Justice and Mr Rosenstein was fully expected to continue in his job.
cont ...http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42926976

The Democrats are so stupid and predictable. THEY are the idiots who created this BS, violated the law in doing so, yet bluster and preen like a drunk who's been cut off. Tossing out lame threats:rolleyes:

I'm against firing Mueller. Bad plan overall. However, that part of me that wants to just shove this down all these back-pedaling, obstructionist Demtards throats wants to do it just to say :fu: Now do something about it.

It boggles the mind that the more desperate they get, the further they dig themselves into their own hole. Complete lack of logic doesn't work well in my brain housing group. I would call a screeching halt to everything swinging and circle the damned wagons was I them. Get some space, some air, and a plan. They got plenty of the fist two between their ears. Not a clue when it comes to the last one.

02-02-2018, 11:34 PM
The President has already told them....several times. He has no intention of Firing Muller.

The Dems are just twisting in the wind, trying to find some other phony way to make up FAKE NEWS they can fool their voters with...and they are FAILING...big time.

02-02-2018, 11:59 PM
The President has already told them....several times. He has no intention of Firing Muller.

The Dems are just twisting in the wind, trying to find some other phony way to make up FAKE NEWS they can fool their voters with...and they are FAILING...big time.But at what point do you have to get to as a Demtard to realize you're acting like morons? I mean, I've done some D-U-M-B stuff in my life and there's always that part where the brick drops on your skull and says "Platoon, HALT". This is dumb and you're making an ass of yourself. Yet they don't seem to have that function enabled. At all.

I was thinking about lists of names, and you know I know more dumbass, snowflake Demtard names than I even know Republican names at all? Because of the retarded crap they say and do. It's like they get up and say "I'm going to look dumber today than I did yesterday no matter what it takes".

When you start down the names ... Clinton x 2, Warren, Waters, Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Wasserman-Schultz. I hate to say this because I remember when I thought Barbara Boxer was a whack job but she looks positively sane and normal compared to these flakes.

And I REALLY want to know who votes for these idiots. WTF can they be looking at that makes anything any one of of them says sound normal?

Lest we forget .... McCain has to go. I don't give a damn if he's got cancer or the craps. Both are obviously eating what little brain he ever had.

02-03-2018, 12:32 AM
I was thinking about lists of names, and you know I know more dumbass, snowflake Demtard names than I even know Republican names at all? Because of the retarded crap they say and do. It's like they get up and say "I'm going to look dumber today than I did yesterday no matter what it takes".

When you start down the names ... Clinton x 2, Warren, Waters, Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Wasserman-Schultz. I hate to say this because I remember when I thought Barbara Boxer was a whack job but she looks positively sane and normal compared to these flakes.

Impressive list, but you forgot at least one key player - John Kerry, the self-styled 'war hero'. He who just visited the Palestinian officals, but carries no
official designation by the U.S. government now.

02-03-2018, 07:40 AM
Mueller should be fired, so should Rosenstein, like yesterday, and Comey should be arrested.

But like I say, just wait until MORE information comes out. They're saying we only know 10-15% of what we WILL know about this ENTIRE mess, and it's now the investigators that are being investigated and shown to be the ones that are corrupt. So when the dems begin to realize that the mountain is just too big to hide, and that it's really killing their chances at winning any elections, then you'll start to see a shift, probably overnight as they all get their group think marching orders, to SHUT... THIS... DOWN.

Problem is for the dems now, that whether they want this shut down or not, it won't be until it's over, period. THEY started this shit, and now the republicans and president Trump and going to finish it.

I hope the democrat party is nothing more than a whimpering pile of worthless irrelevant dog shit when this is done. These people are absolutely disgusting, corrupt, perverted anti American trash.

02-03-2018, 10:50 AM
Mueller should be fired, so should Rosenstein, like yesterday, and Comey should be arrested.

But like I say, just wait until MORE information comes out. They're saying we only know 10-15% of what we WILL know about this ENTIRE mess, and it's now the investigators that are being investigated and shown to be the ones that are corrupt. So when the dems begin to realize that the mountain is just too big to hide, and that it's really killing their chances at winning any elections, then you'll start to see a shift, probably overnight as they all get their group think marching orders, to SHUT... THIS... DOWN.

Problem is for the dems now, that whether they want this shut down or not, it won't be until it's over, period. THEY started this shit, and now the republicans and president Trump and going to finish it.

I hope the democrat party is nothing more than a whimpering pile of worthless irrelevant dog shit when this is done. These people are absolutely disgusting, corrupt, perverted anti American trash.


Drifter, it's clear you need a vacation.

02-03-2018, 11:18 AM

Drifter, it's clear you need a vacation.

Where is he wrong?

02-03-2018, 11:27 AM
Problem is for the dems now, that whether they want this shut down or not, it won't be until it's over, period. THEY started this shit, and now the republicans and president Trump and going to finish it.

I hope the democrat party is nothing more than a whimpering pile of worthless irrelevant dog shit when this is done. These people are absolutely disgusting, corrupt, perverted anti American trash.

It is best to NOT open a can of worms if you cannot bear the contents!

02-03-2018, 01:42 PM
Impressive list, but you forgot at least one key player - John Kerry, the self-styled 'war hero'. He who just visited the Palestinian officals, but carries no
official designation by the U.S. government now.There are too many to remember at one time. That much stupid all at once reminds me of the ending of the movie "The Crow" :laugh:

02-03-2018, 01:48 PM
Mueller should be fired, so should Rosenstein, like yesterday, and Comey should be arrested.

But like I say, just wait until MORE information comes out. They're saying we only know 10-15% of what we WILL know about this ENTIRE mess, and it's now the investigators that are being investigated and shown to be the ones that are corrupt. So when the dems begin to realize that the mountain is just too big to hide, and that it's really killing their chances at winning any elections, then you'll start to see a shift, probably overnight as they all get their group think marching orders, to SHUT... THIS... DOWN.

Problem is for the dems now, that whether they want this shut down or not, it won't be until it's over, period. THEY started this shit, and now the republicans and president Trump and going to finish it.

I hope the democrat party is nothing more than a whimpering pile of worthless irrelevant dog shit when this is done. These people are absolutely disgusting, corrupt, perverted anti American trash.The backlash of the political ramifications at this point make it not worth firing Mueller. If he was smart, he would as quietly as possible conclude his witch hunt and walk as far away from it as possible. IF he was smart.

Doesn't matter at this point what he "finds" (as in invents). It isn't going to be accepted as anything but contrived. Trump firing him would have the left screeching cover up from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Trump looks like the good guy getting screwed and he needs to maintain that appearance rather than the guy trying to hide something.

Black Diamond
02-03-2018, 02:08 PM
The backlash of the political ramifications at this point make it not worth firing Mueller. If he was smart, he would as quietly as possible conclude his witch hunt and walk as far away from it as possible. IF he was smart.

Doesn't matter at this point what he "finds" (as in invents). It isn't going to be accepted as anything but contrived. Trump firing him would have the left screeching cover up from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Trump looks like the good guy getting screwed and he needs to maintain that appearance rather than the guy trying to hide something.
I think in general it should be understood why trump never fired mueller. Nothing to hide.

At the same time, since trump thrives on controversy somehow, it wouldn't surprise me if he fired mueller this week in the same obnoxious way he fired comey.

Black Diamond
02-03-2018, 02:10 PM
Drifter, it's clear you need a vacation.
So does mueller but who's counting.

02-03-2018, 02:12 PM
So does mueller but who's counting.

I thought there was nothing to hide? Let the process play out. Trump and repubs sure act guilty.

Black Diamond
02-03-2018, 02:18 PM
I thought there was nothing to hide? Let the process play out. Trump and repubs sure act guilty.
No they don't. The democrats were the ones who didn't want the memo released. Trump hasnt fired mueller because there's nothing to hide. But this is a waste of tax dollar money. Not that you care about that. Considering how your boy Obama doubled the debt after saying it's unpatriotic to run up deficits.
the process is playing out and you and the democrats are getting grabbed by the pussy. Again.

02-03-2018, 02:21 PM
No they don't. The democrats were the ones who didn't want the memo released. Trump hasnt fired mueller because there's nothing to hide. But this is a waste of tax dollar money. Not that you care about that. Considering how your boy Obama doubled the debt after saying it's unpatriotic to run up deficits.
the process is playing out and you and the democrats are getting grabbed by the pussy. Again.

You sure seem to know a lot. Are you a russian spy?

Black Diamond
02-03-2018, 02:24 PM
You sure seem to know a lot. Are you a russian spy?
No. They say I am smart. I should start listening. I am a mutt but not Russian at all.

Now balu. He might be some kind of Russian something. Doubt he's a spy though. He retreats too easily.

02-03-2018, 02:58 PM
No. They say I am smart. I should start listening. I am a mutt but not Russian at all.

Now balu. He might be some kind of Russian something. Doubt he's a spy though. He retreats too easily.Balu talks too much to be any kind of spy.

02-03-2018, 02:59 PM
I thought there was nothing to hide? Let the process play out. Trump and repubs sure act guilty.

petey. If there is anything to hide...the Dems will make sure they hide it. The only CRISIS the Dems and Pelosi have....is how they can convince themselves...their lies were exposed for all to see, and they still INSIST...it's the Republicans, and Trump.

If anyone wants a few laughs. Go to CNN, or PMSNBC...if you can stand it more than a minute without LAUGHING. They are 24/7 declaring the President HAS TO BE A RUSSIAN SPY...just like PETEY is a Russian spy.

02-03-2018, 03:52 PM
petey. If there is anything to hide...the Dems will make sure they hide it. The only CRISIS the Dems and Pelosi have....is how they can convince themselves...their lies were exposed for all to see, and they still INSIST...it's the Republicans, and Trump.

If anyone wants a few laughs. Go to CNN, or PMSNBC...if you can stand it more than a minute without LAUGHING. They are 24/7 declaring the President HAS TO BE A RUSSIAN SPY...just like PETEY is a Russian spy.I don't get the question. What has Trump tried to hide? Seems to me he's let Mueller have a free rein. In over a year no one's found anything. At all. NOTHING. I'm not sure what part of "it just ain't there" the Dems don't get, but they're hurting only themselves. They look like complete fools ath their own hands.

Now if someone was to be this thorough with the Clintons ,,,,

Black Diamond
02-03-2018, 04:30 PM
I don't get the question. What has Trump tried to hide? Seems to me he's let Mueller have a free rein. In over a year no one's found anything. At all. NOTHING. I'm not sure what part of "it just ain't there" the Dems don't get, but they're hurting only themselves. They look like complete fools ath their own hands.

Now if someone was to be this thorough with the Clintons ,,,,
If he had anything to hide, wouldn't he have fired mueller by now?