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02-03-2018, 05:13 PM
What a lying worm!


Over One Hundred News Reports on Michelle Obama Mocking Melania Trump’s Inaugural Gift – Only ONE Mentioned Obama Gave Gift to Laura Bush

This how the media works to smear conservatives and protect liberals. Former First Lady Michelle Obama taped an interview on Wednesday with Ellen DeGeneres that aired Thursday in which she commented for the first time about a gift presented to her by Melania Trump at the White House the morning of her husband Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017. A laughing Obama told DeGeneres that Melania Trump had broken protocol by bringing the gift, saying, “Never before do you get this gift…what am I supposed to do with this gift.”, blaming Melania for placing her in an uncomfortable situation that forced President Barack Obama to resolve by taking the gift inside the White House.

The news media gleefully ran with Michelle Obama’s story of the uncouth rube Melania Trump showing up on the big day with a large, unwieldly ‘robin’s egg blue’ Tiffany gift box, forcing a breach of protocol that only Barack Obama could fix.

There’s just one problem with Michelle Obama’s story: She herself just eight years before had presented First Lady Laura Bush with a gift in the exact same situation the morning of January 20, 2009 as Laura and out-going President George W. Bush met the Obamas at the North Portico of the White House on Barack Obama’s Inauguration Day. The only differences were Michelle Obama’s gift was in a white box with a red ribbon–and Laura Bush wasn’t flustered, she handled the gift with aplomb without any help from her husband.

Oh, and the news media didn’t make an international incident out of it and Laura Bush didn’t lie about Michelle Obama on national television.

Melania Trump was following a protocol set by Michelle Obama, but that’s not how it was reported.

People Magazine broke the Michelle Obama gift story on the overnight of January 30-31, with a preview clip provided by the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/one-hundred-news-reports-michelle-obama-mocking-melania-trumps-inaugural-gift-one-mentioned-obama-gave-gift-laura-bush/

02-03-2018, 06:55 PM
Only in America :rolleyes:. A gift makes international headlines.

I saw where the multicultural, all-inclusive, tolerant left has had a field day making fun of her accent and her looks. Jealous much? :laugh:

02-03-2018, 07:28 PM