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View Full Version : Please explain to me the difference Nunes and Comey memos

02-03-2018, 07:46 PM
Someone please explain the difference to me...

First, we had James Comey, who wrote up seven memos about his confidential meetings in a SCIF with President Trump, and then gave four of them to some Columbia professor "friend" of his, for the sole purpose of that friend leaking them to the NY Times. And it has since been revealed that the purpose of leaking the memos was to get the Special Counsel appointed to investigate Trump and the Russians. Furthermore, some of the leaked memos contained classified information.

When it finally came out in the media that all this had happened, nothing much happened to Comey, and no outcry from the Democrats. Personally, I think Comey should be in Gitmo right now.

Later, the House Intelligence Committee votes to release one of its own memos about possible abuses by Obama people to get improper FISA warrants to allow FBI and DoJ surveillance of people on the Trump team during the Presidential election. Suddenly its a circus. Leftist media outlets and Democrat politicians first say that it would be an outrage to release the memo and it would reveal national secrets, but then after the memo is out they both say that there's nothing in the memo. To say nothing of the FBI, which for some reason has to make some announcement that they have "grave concerns" about releasing the memo.

What the hell is going on here? Is it unspeakable to release a memo or isn't it? It can't be both. The media and the Democrats are both 98% full of crap, and if the FBI doesn't get its act together soon I will start thinking they are full of crap as well.

Can anyone explain to me the difference between these two release-the-memos situations?

02-03-2018, 08:35 PM
One is to expose and the other is a CYA.

02-03-2018, 08:46 PM
Someone please explain the difference to me...

First, we had James Comey, who wrote up seven memos about his confidential meetings in a SCIF with President Trump, and then gave four of them to some Columbia professor "friend" of his, for the sole purpose of that friend leaking them to the NY Times. And it has since been revealed that the purpose of leaking the memos was to get the Special Counsel appointed to investigate Trump and the Russians. Furthermore, some of the leaked memos contained classified information.

When it finally came out in the media that all this had happened, nothing much happened to Comey, and no outcry from the Democrats. Personally, I think Comey should be in Gitmo right now.

Later, the House Intelligence Committee votes to release one of its own memos about possible abuses by Obama people to get improper FISA warrants to allow FBI and DoJ surveillance of people on the Trump team during the Presidential election. Suddenly its a circus. Leftist media outlets and Democrat politicians first say that it would be an outrage to release the memo and it would reveal national secrets, but then after the memo is out they both say that there's nothing in the memo. To say nothing of the FBI, which for some reason has to make some announcement that they have "grave concerns" about releasing the memo.

What the hell is going on here? Is it unspeakable to release a memo or isn't it? It can't be both. The media and the Democrats are both 98% full of crap, and if the FBI doesn't get its act together soon I will start thinking they are full of crap as well.

Can anyone explain to me the difference between these two release-the-memos situations?"That was then and this is now? :)"

Comey should have been prosecuted for any classified information he revealed to anyone that did not have clearance and access (access is compartmentalization) and he did not verify has clearance and access. Sharing a cell with Hillary, btw.

Congress can declassify material. They do it routinely. What they did was the right way to do things.

The rest is politics and doesn't make sense, and isn't going to. For instance, when it was revealed that Hillary got a pass, why wasn't a new investigation into her server/e-mails immediately started? As I stated in another thread, since FISA info is considered classified, as loosely as the Trump matter was handled there should be half a dozen people up on criminal charges.

And I know I'm not the only one on here that is offended all to Hell about this media circus and politicians and bureaucrats slinging classified material around like love letters in school when the rules for handling and disclosing.disseminating classified material do NOT leave anything misunderstood and you get hammered repeatedly with them.

To see this sloppiness that would land any of us little people a life sentence pisses me off. Prosecute them like they were John Walker.

The media doesn't know shit about classified material, nor the real workings of the inner bureaucracy in DC (not a conspiracy theory - I was stationed there and saw it). They're usually guessing or spreading rumors. They know only what they are supposed to, by design. All of that is getting laid bare with this fiasco.

"Constitutional crisis"? No. Credibility crisis fro the left and the media? You betcha. Been a long time coming.

02-03-2018, 08:48 PM
The Nunes memo was investigated by a committee in Congress made up of both parties.

The Comey memo was invented, then written, following several illegal actions performed by fans of Hillary Clinton who didn't want, or feel it would be necessary to INDICT Her before she became THE NEXT PRESIDENT. They (Comey) had already agreed to let her off 3 months before he even talked to her about her SERVER, EMAILS, WEINER, and his WIFE, the DNC, and the STEELE report designed to DESTROY Trump, and blame the RUSSIANS for the things the DEMOCRATS were doing to make it easy for HILLARY to win.

Is that a good answer???:laugh: I hope so, because...IT IS TRUE, and I have no reason to lie.

02-04-2018, 02:31 PM
One is to expose and the other is a CYA.

I guess that is true on both counts, but I'm asking why the media and the Dems and the FBI are making a big thing out of the current memo release when they didn't make a big thing out of the Comey memo release/leak. Especially since the Comey leak was illegal whereas the current memo release is not.

02-04-2018, 02:32 PM
"That was then and this is now? :)"

Comey should have been prosecuted for any classified information he revealed to anyone that did not have clearance and access (access is compartmentalization) and he did not verify has clearance and access. Sharing a cell with Hillary, btw.

Congress can declassify material. They do it routinely. What they did was the right way to do things.

The rest is politics and doesn't make sense, and isn't going to. For instance, when it was revealed that Hillary got a pass, why wasn't a new investigation into her server/e-mails immediately started? As I stated in another thread, since FISA info is considered classified, as loosely as the Trump matter was handled there should be half a dozen people up on criminal charges.

And I know I'm not the only one on here that is offended all to Hell about this media circus and politicians and bureaucrats slinging classified material around like love letters in school when the rules for handling and disclosing.disseminating classified material do NOT leave anything misunderstood and you get hammered repeatedly with them.

To see this sloppiness that would land any of us little people a life sentence pisses me off. Prosecute them like they were John Walker.

The media doesn't know shit about classified material, nor the real workings of the inner bureaucracy in DC (not a conspiracy theory - I was stationed there and saw it). They're usually guessing or spreading rumors. They know only what they are supposed to, by design. All of that is getting laid bare with this fiasco.

"Constitutional crisis"? No. Credibility crisis fro the left and the media? You betcha. Been a long time coming.


02-04-2018, 02:33 PM
The Nunes memo was investigated by a committee in Congress made up of both parties.

The Comey memo was invented, then written, following several illegal actions performed by fans of Hillary Clinton who didn't want, or feel it would be necessary to INDICT Her before she became THE NEXT PRESIDENT. They (Comey) had already agreed to let her off 3 months before he even talked to her about her SERVER, EMAILS, WEINER, and his WIFE, the DNC, and the STEELE report designed to DESTROY Trump, and blame the RUSSIANS for the things the DEMOCRATS were doing to make it easy for HILLARY to win.

Is that a good answer???:laugh: I hope so, because...IT IS TRUE, and I have no reason to lie.

Yep, good answer. :cool:

02-04-2018, 02:36 PM
Here's an op-ed from a former member of the FBI about how disgusted he is by Comey's tenure as FBI chief, and his probable politicization of the agency.


Comey and McCabe are names that will live in infamy.

02-04-2018, 02:44 PM
Here's an op-ed from a former member of the FBI about how disgusted he is by Comey's tenure as FBI chief, and his probable politicization of the agency.


Comey and McCabe are names that will live in infamy.

I saw that yesterday on Youtube. If the FBI's good people are pissed at COMEY. Wonder how they feel now about the OTHER TRAITORS who have been shown to Betray All of America??

One other important point I feel WE ALL NEED TO HEAR. Imagine how all of this would have been hidden, had it not been for the INTERNET, and CABLE news like FOX????

02-04-2018, 03:27 PM
I saw that yesterday on Youtube. If the FBI's good people are pissed at COMEY. Wonder how they feel now about the OTHER TRAITORS who have been shown to Betray All of America??

One other important point I feel WE ALL NEED TO HEAR. Imagine how all of this would have been hidden, had it not been for the INTERNET, and CABLE news like FOX????

Or if Crooked Hillary had been elected President...