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02-04-2018, 04:51 PM
It's funny looking back on some comments from the pundits. They thought he was nuts. Some thought some of us 'here' were nuts for believing him. :)

A lot of good memories from his first year in office. Many said he would crash and burn, but he has done the opposite. He has fulfilled TONS of his promises. Jobs are great and unemployment is low. And we get to look back at so many predictions of his coming true, but also so many of his haters predictions being the ones crashing and burning. :)


FLASHBACK: Chris Cillizza Called Trump ‘Bonkers’ For Saying Clinton And FBI Were Behind Dossier

CNN’s Chris Cillizza called President Donald Trump and his followers “bonkers” and “crazy” last year for believing the FBI and the Clinton campaign were involved in the now-infamous Steele dossier.

Cillizza chastised Trump and his cadre of followers in October of last year for suggesting and supporting the idea that Democrats and elements inside the FBI were involved in funding the dossier. He called them conspiracy theorists at the time.

“He is suggesting that a dossier prepared by a former member of British intelligence has not only been totally discredited … but that it might have been funded by some combination of Russia, the Democratic Party and, wait for it, the FBI!” Cillizza wrote in a missive at the time.

Trump has mercilessly lambasted CNN in the past for what he calls promulgating fake news – the 24-hour news network won the president’s fake news award in early January. Cillizza has been a frequent critic of the Trump administration, and implored Republicans in his October article to dismiss the president’s alleged conspiracy theories.

“You can love Donald Trump and still believe that the idea that the Russians, the Democrats and the FBI co-funded a dossier designed to discredit Trump’s 2016 campaign is totally bonkers,” said Cillizza, a former writer with The Washington Post who fashions himself a type of advocacy journalist.

He added: “But, there is no plausible scenario by which what Trump suggested this morning — a wide-scale conspiracy involving three separate actors across federal agencies and continents — actually happened.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/02/03/chris-cillizza-trump-crazy-steele-dossier/

02-04-2018, 04:53 PM
TRUMP WAS RIGHT! FISA Warrant Allowed FBI to Spy on Carter Page And ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN


Back in March 2017 President Trump tweeted about Barack Obama’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.
POTUS Trump tweeted this in March.

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Today we know that the FBI was investigating the Trump Tower servers during the election.

We also know Susan Rice lied at first but then admitted when she got caught that she was unmasking her political opponents’ phone calls. Rice blamed racism after she got caught.

Ex-officials said what Susan Rice’s unmasking requests were not routine and “never done.” And… she was not alone in her unmasking requests.

Obama officials later moved the unmasking documents to the Obama library.

The Deep State was spying on the Trump campaign and leaking documents to the liberal media for over a year now.

On Friday The House Intelligence Committee released their explosive FISA memo to the public.

The document proves that the FBI lied to the FISA Court in order to spy on Trump Campaign volunteer Carter Page during the 2016 election.

The crooked FBI then went back to the FISA Court several times — and once after the election — to extend their FISA Court warrant to spy on Carter Page.

And now we know why they continued to lie to the FISA Court…

Because the warrant ALSO allowed the Obama FBI and DOJ to spy on Carter Page — but ANYONE in his circle.
So they kept lying to the court so that they could continue spying on Donald Trump, his campaign members and his family.
This is 1000 times bigger than Watergate.

John Fund reported on this Sunday morning on FOX News:

Thank you John fund, national review on Fox News at noon today- only one I have heard state that the fisa warrant not only unmasked Page, but anyone in his “circle”. That is why warrant was re activated when Carter Page joined Trump team. We are not dumb.

— kathy Slayter (@slaytergirl) February 4, 2018


02-04-2018, 06:20 PM
This is precisely why the left is out of their minds.

But America is suffering because of it. The "so called" main stream media isn't main stream anymore. They are the propaganda wing of the democrat party. You couldn't slip a pin between them, and both have sunk beyond low. They have gone past the toilet and the sewer and are now in the pits of HELL. These people are evil and corrupt and have no shame or conscience. They are the trash of America.