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View Full Version : U.N. Demands Syria Ceasefire As Air Strikes Pound Rebel Areas

02-06-2018, 07:37 PM
February 6, 2018
By Tom Perry
BEIRUT (Reuters) – The United Nations called on Tuesday for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Syria of at least a month, as heavy air strikes were reported to have killed scores of people in the last major rebel stronghold near Damascus.
Separately, U.N. war crimes experts said they were investigating several reports of bombs allegedly containing chlorine gas being used against civilians in the rebel-held towns of Saraqeb in the northwestern province of Idlib and Douma in the Eastern Ghouta suburbs of Damascus.
The Syrian government denies using chemical weapons.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Tuesday’s bombardment of Eastern Ghouta had killed 63 people. A local official, Khalil Aybour, put the toll at 53.
On Monday, air strikes killed 30 people in Eastern Ghouta, the Observatory said.
“Today there is no safe area at all. This is a key point people should know: there is no safe space,” Siraj Mahmoud, the head of the Civil Defence rescue service in opposition-held rural Damascus, told Reuters.
“Right now, we have people under rubble, the targeting is ongoing, warplanes on residential neighborhoods.”
Insurgent shelling of government-held Damascus killed three people, the Observatory and Syrian state media reported.
Air strikes also killed at least six people in rebel-held Idlib including five in Tarmala village, the Observatory said.
U.N. officials in Syria called for fighting to stop to enable aid deliveries and the evacuation of sick and wounded, listing seven areas of concern including northern Syria’s Kurdish-led Afrin region, being targeted by a Turkish offensive.
“For the last two months we have not had a single (aid-delivery) convoy. This is really outrageous,” said Panos Moumtzis, assistant U.N. secretary general and regional humanitarian coordinator for the Syria Crisis.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, helped by Iranian-backed militias and the Russian air force, is pursuing military campaigns against insurgents in the last major pockets of territory held by his opponents in western Syria.
There were air raids on towns across Eastern Ghouta including Douma, where an entire building fell, a witness said.
The U.N. representatives noted that Eastern Ghouta had not received inter-agency aid since November.
“Meanwhile, fighting and retaliatory shelling from all parties are impacting civilians in this region and Damascus, causing scores of deaths and injuries,” said their statement, released before the latest casualty tolls emerged on Tuesday.
They said civilians in Idlib were being forced to move repeatedly to escape fighting, noting that two pro-government villages in Idlib also continued to be besieged by rebels.
Some two million people now live in Idlib, one million of whom have already been displaced. Since the most recent Syrian army offensive began in mid December, 300,000 people have been displaced within Idlib, said Moumtzis.
“We’re running out of solutions where we put these people.”
Syria’s protracted war, which spiraled out of street protests against Assad’s rule in 2011, will soon enter its eighth year, having killed hundreds of thousands of people and forced millions to leave the country as refugees.
Paulo Pinheiro, head of the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, said the government siege of Eastern Ghouta featured “the international crimes of indiscriminate bombardment and deliberate starvation of the civilian population”.
Reports of air strikes hitting at least three hospitals in the past 48 hours “make a mockery of so-called “de-escalation zones”, Pinheiro said, referring to a Russian-led truce deal for rebel-held territory, which has failed to stop fighting there.
“There is a misperception that the de-escalation areas have resulted in peace and stability… if anything, these have been serious escalation areas,” said Moumtzis.
France’s Foreign Ministry said it was concerned by the reports of chlorine used on civilians in Syria, but it was too soon to confirm them. French President Emmanuel Macron said last May that “any use of chemical weapons would result in reprisals and an immediate riposte, at least where France is concerned”.
The conflict has been further complicated since January by a an offensive that neighboring Turkey launched against the Kurdish YPG militia in Afrin.
The YPG has been an important U.S. ally in the war against Islamic State militants, but Ankara sees it as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is listed as a terrorist group by Turkey, the European Union and Washington.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan ramped up his verbal assault on the U.S. role in Syria on Tuesday, saying U.S. forces should leave Manbij, a Syrian city held by YPG-allied forces with support from a U.S.-led anti-Islamic State coalition.
“If the United States says it is sending 5,000 trucks and 2,000 cargo planes of weapons for the fight against Daesh (Islamic State), we don’t believe this,” Erdogan said.
“It means you have calculations against Turkey and Iran, and maybe Russia.”
In accord with Iran and Russia, Turkey’s military is setting up observation posts in parts of Idlib and Aleppo province.
But militants firing rockets and mortars killed one soldier on Monday as Turkish forces moved to set up such a post south of Aleppo, near the front line between rebels and pro-Syrian government forces, the military said.
It was the second attack on the soldiers in a week.
In an apparent warning to Ankara, a commander in the military alliance supporting Assad said the Syrian army had deployed new air defenses and anti-aircraft missiles to front lines with rebels in the Aleppo and Idlib areas.
“They cover the air space of the Syrian north,” the commander told Reuters. That would include the Afrin area where Turkish warplanes have been supporting the ground offensive by the Turkish army and allied Free Syrian Army factions.
(Reporting Tom Perry, Lisa Barrington, Ellen Francis and Angus McDowall in Beirut, Daren Butler and Orhan Coskun in Istanbul, Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; writing by Tom Perry; editing by Mark Heinrich, William Maclean)

F*ck Erdogan. Don't believe us? Who gives a f*ck? We need to back the people who have been backing us. I don't care who it pisses off, and I'm tired of this p*ssy political sh*t being played with human lives.

Turkey was our alleged "ally" during the Cold War which translates into they used us to keep the USSR out and we used them to spy on the USSR and keep it contained. The Turks didn't like us, and we sure as hell didn't like them. I HATED living in that place.

Different world now and Erdogan is playing the same game with Putin now he used to play with us. Only playing with Putin is like playing with a snake. Let him have his new "friend". Turkey is just another Iraq. Looks good on paper, but just another 3rd World wannabe.

And the UN? Screw that pointless waste of cash. All they do is talk.

02-06-2018, 10:01 PM
February 6, 2018
ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Turkey will tell U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson the two countries must repair damaged mutual trust, its foreign minister said on Tuesday, following a series of disagreements, especially over the Syria crisis.
Relations between the NATO allies have been strained by U.S. support for the YPG Kurdish militia in Syria. Turkey considers the YPG a terrorist group, but it is a key component of U.S.-backed forces battling Islamic State in Syria.
Turkey is targeting the YPG in an air and ground operation in Syria’s northwest Afrin region launched two weeks ago. President Tayyip Erdogan has promised to sweep the militia from Turkey’s southern border, a move that could put Turkish troops in confrontation with U.S. forces on the ground in Syria.
“Our trust is damaged. We have to mend our trust. The contacts between us are important,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told broadcaster TGRT Haber in an interview.
“When Tillerson comes we will share these ideas with him sincerely, we will share our expectations,” he said.
Turkish media earlier reported that Tillerson and U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster would both visit Turkey in the near future. Cavusoglu did not say when they would visit.
Ankara sees the YPG as an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is designated a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union as well as by Turkey.
“The United States should understand and meet our concerns,” Cavusoglu said. “You are cooperating with this terror organization knowingly. And this poses a threat to us.”
Erdogan has said Turkish forces would push east toward the town of Manbij, part of Kurdish-held territory some 100 km (60 miles) east of Afrin, where U.S. troops were deployed to deter Turkish and U.S.-backed rebels from clashing.
On Tuesday Erdogan repeated his demand for U.S. forces to pull back from Manbij, saying the United States was setting itself up against Turkey, Iran and possibly Russia by arming the YPG-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in a large part of northern Syria which borders Turkey.
Washington says it wants to continue the fight against Islamic State and to create a bulwark against Iranian influence in Syria and Iraq.
(Reporting by Ezgi Erkoyun and Tuvan Gumrukcu; Writing by David Dolan; Editing by Gareth Jones)
http://www.oann.com/turkey-says-will-tell-tillerson-it-wants-to-mend-trust-with-u-s/Edoban calls us liars, then sends smackass here to do a kiss job on Tillerson and make the boo boo go away. Nice. :rolleyes:

02-06-2018, 10:09 PM
TODAY....the U.N. is as reliable as Nancy Pelosi is pretty, and Schumer is drunk.

02-06-2018, 10:12 PM
TODAY....the U.N. is as reliable as Nancy Pelosi is pretty, and Schumer is drunk.You mean the UN used to be reliable? When was that? Pre-1950? So ... for ONE year they were reliable?

Now I have to go see if I can find out what they did that one year ...:laugh:

02-06-2018, 11:02 PM
On a more serious note, I know y'all wonder why I keep bringing up all this ME crap. Look at a map of the ME. Is there a country in the ME NOT at war? Either against an identifiable enemy, or insurgents? From Afghanistan to North and Central Africa Islamic extremists have got little wars going everywhere. And where does the fallout keep landing? On Europe and us.

Both Russia and the US are involved in Syria, and that's a ticking time bomb. Add Saddam Jr in Turkey and Assad in Syria and Hezbollah. Then you got Israel and so-called Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, the UAE, the Kurds, and pretty much everyone is fighting over the same turf. Not to be outdone, Myanmar is working on a 1st class ethnic cleansing. Islamic extremists are in Indonesia and the Philippines. Kim jung idiot threatening the US every other week. so who ISN'T at war?

And here we sit, between two supposed allies. The YPG who has been loyal as Hell to us and Turkey who spits at us behind our backs. The Taliban has ramped up its terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan, another supposed ally is thumbing their noses at us.

So I'd say it's an interesting topic because that war over there is going to end up over here if it isn't stopped over there. There hasn't been this many countries poised for war at one time since WW I. And all it took was an excuse to get that ball rolling. All we can be absolutely sure of is France will surrender to somebody.

02-07-2018, 12:41 PM
The Middle East has been a mess for well over 2000 years and will continue to be
a mess no matter what we try.

It might be best to back off, sit down, let them eat themselves alive.

02-07-2018, 01:28 PM
The Middle East has been a mess for well over 2000 years and will continue to be
a mess no matter what we try.

It might be best to back off, sit down, let them eat themselves alive.One HUGE problem with that plan. The refugees are ending up in all our countries and bring their bad habits and retarded, backward religion with them.

That would work IF we built "Trump's Wall" around THEM and let no one out. I likened them to fire ants, and rightly so. You have a fire ant bed. You stir it up, run over it with the lawn mower, pour water on it, EVEN IF YOU POISON IT, when you get up in the morning that ant bed is destroyed and you have 5 more scattered around just like it that popped up wherever a fire ant landed. To get rid of them, you basically have to exterminate them entirely out of your yard turning into a void zone; which, means you ran them off to your neighbor's yard. They won't just freakin' die.

02-07-2018, 05:52 PM
You mean the UN used to be reliable? When was that? Pre-1950? So ... for ONE year they were reliable?

Now I have to go see if I can find out what they did that one year ...:laugh:

GUNNY....I kinda said....Pelosi, and Schumer reliable. They are reliable for New York City. Reliable for NOT PAYING PARKING TICKETS. This is from a couple of years ago. Hasn't gotten any better....
Deadbeat Diplomats Owe NYC $16 Million in Unpaid Parking Fines


02-07-2018, 07:59 PM
GUNNY....I kinda said....Pelosi, and Schumer reliable. They are reliable for New York City. Reliable for NOT PAYING PARKING TICKETS. This is from a couple of years ago. Hasn't gotten any better....
Deadbeat Diplomats Owe NYC $16 Million in Unpaid Parking Fines

http://time.com/3421587/diplomats-parking-tickets-new-york/Yeah, you slipped that in on me before I got my post out. "Fast" is not an adverb that describes my typing skills these days :)

02-08-2018, 04:41 PM
As long as there's ISLAM, there is going to be wars and terrorists. Islam is the CANCER of the earth.

It's my opinion that muslims should be contained to muslim nations and not allowed to live ANYWHERE else.

The only thing about all these wars is we get to hone our war skills and learn what works and what doesn't. I swear it's nothing more than a HUMAN PROVING GROUND for our weapons and tactics.


02-09-2018, 05:47 PM
As long as there's ISLAM, there is going to be wars and terrorists. Islam is the CANCER of the earth.

It's my opinion that muslims should be contained to muslim nations and not allowed to live ANYWHERE else.

The only thing about all these wars is we get to hone our war skills and learn what works and what doesn't. I swear it's nothing more than a HUMAN PROVING GROUND for our weapons and tactics.

https://image.ibb.co/mAbiac/want_sharia.jpgWe know already what works and what doesn't work. History is chock full of examples from Thermoplae and Athens, to Charles Martel in France ... kill them all. Contain them in their sandbox. Nothing else has stopped them from spreading like a virus.

Just no one's got the balls to do it for fear of being called some-kinda-phobic.