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View Full Version : TREY GOWDY: Rosenstein is Mastermind Behind Mueller Broad Jurisdiction Russia Case

02-07-2018, 05:07 PM
From the get go this thing was a clusterfuck, and the goals and limitations should have been spelled out. Instead, Mueller apparently starts with something and then goes wherever in the world he wants to take it, and then repeat the process.


TREY GOWDY: Rod Rosenstein is the Mastermind Behind Giving Mueller Broad Jurisdiction in Russia Witch Hunt

On Tuesday, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) sat down with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum for his first interview since he announced his retirement from public service.

When asked why Special Counsel Mueller was given such a broad jurisdiction to basically investigate whatever he wants under the guise of the ‘Russia investigation’, Gowdy confirmed it was Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who was the mastermind behind the language giving Mueller broad jurisdiction to go on a fishing excursion.

“We’ve seen Special Counsel’s in the past leave their purview and the investigation has gone on for a long time and next thing you know you are investigating a Monica Lewinsky case when the president didn’t even know her when the special counsel began his work. So you don’t have any fear of that here?” Martha MacCallum asked Gowdy referencing the Special Counsel who investigated former president Bill Clinton.

Gowdy responded by saying he believes Special Counsel Mueller has already gone off course and said the person to blame for that would be Rod Rosenstein because he is the mastermind behind giving Mueller broad jurisdiction.

Mueller is also to blame. He knows full well Hillary Clinton’s phony dossier sparked the ‘Russia investigation’.

The dirty dossier was used to obtain a spy warrant to spy on Donald Trump’s political campaign. Without the phony dossier we wouldn’t have a Mueller witch hunt.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/trey-gowdy-rod-rosenstein-mastermind-behind-giving-mueller-broad-jurisdiction-russia-witch-hunt-video/

02-07-2018, 06:07 PM
Wow. That's a HARD shot across the bow.

02-07-2018, 08:18 PM
Wow. That's a HARD shot across the bow.

I will miss him being on The Hill.

He is one of the very few that seeks FACT with no holds barred, non-partisan investigation.

Some people say they seek "Truth". Well, truth is relative to an individual. FACT is irrefutable.

02-08-2018, 03:39 PM
And Mueller hasn't been fired yet why?

This is what just boggles the shit otta me. In Washington, even though they KNOW the facts surrounding this or that, and those facts prove beyond a shadow of a doubt there was corruption or lawlessness, NOTHING HAPPENS to those involved.

If I was president Trump, I would call the whole damn circus to the White House and hash it out and demand answers WHY!

This is also why the VAST majority of Americans don't trust Washington, that's why we call it "THE SWAMP."

I'd FIRE Mueller if I was president, and I wouldn't care one damn bit if the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING went into FULL BLOWN MELT DOWN or not. I mean, HOW MUCH WORSE CAN THEY GET? It would probably show Americans just what kind of NUT JOBS that are OUT OF THEIR MINDS with HATE that they REALLY ARE. It might SHOCK some people that might otherwise not be.

In any case, president Trump's base would LOVE IT, and he might even pick up MORE support.

02-08-2018, 03:45 PM
And Mueller hasn't been fired yet why?

Could it be you don't really know the half of it? No no, of course conspiracy, yes, yes conspiracy.

02-08-2018, 04:14 PM
Could it be you don't really know the half of it? No no, of course conspiracy, yes, yes conspiracy.
Ya know, little Pete, we probably DON'T know the HALF OF IT, but what we DO know is ENOUGH.

So where have you been, on another planet? How many threads are there on this board SHOWING the corruption we know of now, and you IGNORE THEM. You are a HACK, no two ways about it.

There could be VIDEO of a leftist like you PUNCHING president Trump in the face, and you ass clowns would BREATHLESSLY report it as... "PRESIDENT ASSAULTS PERSON'S HAND WITH HIS FACE."

You people are pathetic.

02-09-2018, 05:37 PM
Could it be you don't really know the half of it? No no, of course conspiracy, yes, yes conspiracy.

petey. If what you say is anywhere near...true. How bout YOU telling us WHICH HALF you claim to know that is HONEST, VERIFIED, DOCUMENTED, and TRUE? Not opinion, not fabrication, not repeated liberal lies, but TRUE FACTS. Since you are the self-admitted expert here.

02-09-2018, 10:05 PM
who appointed that asshole rosenstein anyway?

02-09-2018, 10:19 PM
who appointed that asshole rosenstein anyway?

You didn't tell us YOU appointed him del (Rosenstein).

02-09-2018, 10:26 PM
You didn't tell us YOU appointed him del (Rosenstein).

that's because i didn't; trump did.

nice sentence structure, btw

02-09-2018, 10:37 PM
who appointed that asshole rosenstein anyway?What does that have to do with anything? Being appointed to a position doesn't make you less responsible for your actions, and who appointed you does not make that person responsible for your actions. You are. Rosenstein is responsible for Rosenstein's actions. How was Trump supposed to know at the time he appointed him everything being thrown at him was going to 180 back on his own DOJ and FBI? I certainly wouldn't have guessed it. Especially not a conspiracy to dump the President of the US without REAL cause.

They could have done that to Obama with plenty of cause. But this is how far we've sunk. Destroying our own government over petty, partisan politics.

When Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp:, he should have started with the bureaucracy you don't see that's worse than the Mafia. The one you CAN see is usually being watched by some idiot with a cell phone.

02-10-2018, 12:08 AM
Could it be you don't really know the half of it? No no, of course conspiracy, yes, yes conspiracy.

Well, liberals love conspiracy when they have no other facts to depend on.

02-10-2018, 04:13 PM
that's because i didn't; trump did.

nice sentence structure, btw

sCrew Ur Centence StRUCTure. Wanna be a grammar cop on the Internet? Go to DEMOCRATUNDERGROUD....they'll destroy you there, and you'll feel great for it.
