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View Full Version : Mehmet Simsek: Turkey wants unified, stable Syria

02-09-2018, 11:20 PM
Turkey will continue with operation “Olive Branch” in Syria until they have pushed “all those terror groups out of Afrin,” Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek has said.
Speaking to BBC Hardtalk’s (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/n13xtmdc) Stephen Sackur, Mr Simsek said Turkey wanted a unified, stable Syria because anything else would be a security threat.

video at link: http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-42994720/mehmet-simsek-turkey-wants-unified-stable-syria

What this guy is saying is "it's on" without saying so. Turkey considers the YPG a security threat on its border, and they want a unified, stable Syria; which, means eradicating the YPG. If they can't be in Turkey OR Syria, only one other choice.

Gunny's personal view w/invectives :) : Turks are arrogant bastards and we need to kick their asses back into Turkey. You think I'm kidding. They think in their stupid little minds they can take us.

Way it looks, if we kick their asses out of Syria we might get away with it. If we go into Turkey, they'll go to the Russians. I wouldn't want Turkey. The shithole has been a problem child its entire existence. They played us against the Russians during the Cold War and are quite willing it seems to now play Russia against us if need be.

Dumbasses don't see that puts Turkey squarely between the US and Russia and guess who usually gets blown up first?

Our other choice is leave the YPG in the wind when they have been completely loyal to us since the First Gulf War which would be totally shitty of us. IMO :)

02-09-2018, 11:26 PM
Syria has accused the US of carrying out a "brutal massacre" with a bombing attack in Deir al-Zour province.
The overnight air and artillery strikes killed an estimated 100 pro-government fighters near the Euphrates river, according to the US.
It claimed a right to self-defence, saying it was responding to an attack on its coalition forces.
The Pentagon said Russian mercenaries were also killed, but Russia denies having personnel in the area.
The strikes happened in the Middle Euphrates Valley, which serves as an informal demarcation line in eastern Syria. The government controls the western side and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) the east.
The two sides have clashed over the past year while trying to drive Islamic State (IS) militants from their last major stronghold in the country.

cont ... http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42994235

Good. I hope it hurt. Looks like we lied about it too. Even cooler. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.