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02-11-2018, 05:14 PM
I was totally wrong about Sessions. I was sold on him as AG, and likely as was Trump. IMO, he has been mostly AWOL, and hasn't done 5% of his job. If they don't soon appoint a special prosecutor and/or start the legal process, then I would fire him if me.


Rep. Devin Nunes: WE KNOW AG Lynch and Secretary of State Kerry Were Aware of Crap Dossier Used to Spy on Trump

Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the latest developments in the largest political scandal in US history – The Deep State war on Donald Trump.

Rep. Nunes told Maria Congress has plenty of evidence already for the DOJ to prosecute Christopher Steele for lying to Congress under oath.

Nunes then dropped this bomb — Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Secretary of State John Kerry both were aware that the crap Russia dossier was used to spy on Donald Trump, his campaign and his Transition Team.

Maria Bariromo: Congressman how far up the chain does this go? Was Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton basically pulling the strings?

Rep. Devin Nunes: Well, we know the Attorney General was briefed in the spring of 2016. So we know she was made aware. We know now by the people of State Department who said John Kerry, Secretary Kerry was briefed on the dossier. We know most of the news media was briefed on the dossier. So all of this was out there. Everybody I think but the Trump campaign, Republicans and the American people, everybody else outside of those three groups knew about the dossier and were actively trying to open investigations, start investigations, to use this dirt to go after the other campaign.

Once again, where the hell is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?


Rep. Devin Nunes: Why Does Deep State Refuse to Prosecute Christopher Steele? This is a Slam-Dunk Case! (Where’s Jeff Sessions?)

Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the latest developments in the largest political scandal in US history – The Obama Deep State war against Donald Trump.

Rep. Nunes says there are multiple crimes uncovered so far and yet the Deep State refuses to prosecute DOJ and FBI crooks.

Rep. Devin Nunes: The good thing about the Grassley-Graham memo, not only was it a criminal referral to Justice, it was written before our memo was put together. So essentially what it does is it corroborates what we said. And it goes further than that and it really points out how Christopher Steele lied to the FBI. So it is a clear cut case. Christopher Steele lied to the FBI. And I can’t for the life of me know that when you have the House who said this guy lied to the FBI, and you have the senate who said this guy lied to the FBI, Christopher Steele, what is the Justice Department doing? Where is the prosecution of Christopher Steele. This is a slam dunk case that they have all the documents. And this is what makes people really wonder and have confidence that the DOJ and FBI are playing this straight up.

Nunes is right.

Where the hell is Jeff Sessions?


02-11-2018, 05:55 PM
I give up. Where IS Jeff Sessions?

02-11-2018, 05:57 PM
I give up. Where IS Jeff Sessions?

I really don't know what his reasoning is, but I wish I knew! At the bare minimum, so many things are more than deserving of investigation.

02-11-2018, 06:18 PM
I really don't know what his reasoning is, but I wish I knew! At the bare minimum, so many things are more than deserving of investigation.There are some people that need to be in jail, that's for sure.

I have zero tolerance for these DOJ and FBI officials participating in partisan politics. That is a BIG no-no in the government. We were allowed to vote, but if we chose to endorse a candidate, you have to get permission, and it can in no way reflect back on your branch of service. We did not discuss politics at work. You checked them at the door.

For one thing, it's something you don't have to, and shouldn't have to worry about coming back on you and it keeps sh*t like this DOJ/FBI crap from happening.

I can't believe these people were operating without oversight. That is the biggest thing that keeps this partisan crap stopped at the door.

02-11-2018, 06:31 PM
All of us have been talking about this EXACT stuff for more than a year. So, it's really not NEW news.

We need to replace Sessions....SOON. I just wish Trey Gowdy wasn't retiring. He'd be up so many Lying, Liberal Butts....They'd need to walk around Washington wearing SNORKLES.


02-11-2018, 06:44 PM
It's "news" only because the media and/or people involved have failed at keeping it from being exposed. So it has to be reluctantly addressed.

CNN probably has lots more meteor footage ...

02-12-2018, 09:46 AM
I found Sessions. speaking to some Sheriff's convention about the opioid crisis. While important enough, I guess, I DON'T consider the "opiod crisis" a higher priority than corruption in the Federal government.

I actually look at the opioid crisis the same as the "war on drugs". More of a manufactured "crisis" than an actual one, and not a war anyone's going to win because neither the users nor suppliers want to.

02-12-2018, 04:32 PM
I found Sessions. speaking to some Sheriff's convention about the opioid crisis. While important enough, I guess, I DON'T consider the "opiod crisis" a higher priority than corruption in the Federal government.

I actually look at the opioid crisis the same as the "war on drugs". More of a manufactured "crisis" than an actual one, and not a war anyone's going to win because neither the users nor suppliers want to.

Gunny. I agree with you, and go one step further. WHAT IF...the Federal Government is part of the OPIOID problem? Such as...Being a partner in the POPPY FIELDS in Afghanistan? And allowing shipments of the HEROIN from Afghanistan to take place???

Call me silly, but there's also a BIG MONEY aspect of DRUGS, not spoken about, but are know to exist....deep in the Clinton Foundation????? Everybody who donated to that Foundation did so for the REWARDS offered by the Clintons.
.................................................. .......

Federal money to fight opioid crisis may be going to wrong places ...
Oct 28, 2017 - The report from the Clinton Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health was released Saturday, two days after President Trump declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency. But Trump did not add any new money to combatting the epidemic that kills 91 Americans a ...

02-12-2018, 04:42 PM
Rep. Devin Nunes: WE KNOW AG Lynch and Secretary of State Kerry Were Aware of Crap Dossier Used to Spy on Trump

Rep. Nunes told Maria Congress has plenty of evidence already for the DOJ to prosecute Christopher Steele for lying to Congress under oath.

Nunes then dropped this bomb — Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Secretary of State John Kerry both were aware that the crap Russia dossier was used to spy on Donald Trump, his campaign and his Transition Team.

Maria Bariromo: Congressman how far up the chain does this go? Was Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton basically pulling the strings?

Once again, where the hell is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?


Rep. Devin Nunes: Why Does Deep State Refuse to Prosecute Christopher Steele? This is a Slam-Dunk Case! (Where’s Jeff Sessions?)

Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the latest developments in the largest political scandal in US history – The Obama Deep State war against Donald Trump.

Rep. Nunes says there are multiple crimes uncovered so far and yet the Deep State refuses to prosecute DOJ and FBI crooks.

Where the hell is Jeff Sessions?


Lots of AWOL there.

I will not prune it down much.

02-12-2018, 04:50 PM
Gunny. I agree with you, and go one step further. WHAT IF...the Federal Government is part of the OPIOID problem? Such as...Being a partner in the POPPY FIELDS in Afghanistan? And allowing shipments of the HEROIN from Afghanistan to take place???

Call me silly, but there's also a BIG MONEY aspect of DRUGS, not spoken about, but are know to exist....deep in the Clinton Foundation????? Everybody who donated to that Foundation did so for the REWARDS offered by the Clintons.
.................................................. .......

Federal money to fight opioid crisis may be going to wrong places ...
www.washingtonexaminer.com/federal-money-to-fight-opioid...to.../2638853 (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/federal-money-to-fight-opioid...to.../2638853)
Oct 28, 2017 - The report from the Clinton Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health was released Saturday, two days after President Trump declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency. But Trump did not add any new money to combatting the epidemic that kills 91 Americans a ...I don't doubt for a minute there's money being made by some individuals and perhaps even individual little groups. I don't think the Federal government itself is making any money on it or someone would have ratted by now. Too many lips involved in an operation of that scale to keep secret.

I am also aware that the President of Afghanistan's brother is using US convoys to get his crops safely to market. Or he was under investigation for it last I heard. Which we DON'T hear much. That would cast a bad light on our alleged "ally".

Probably some kickbacks around inside the US to turn a blind eye here and there but it has come under so much attention lately I would say few and far between. It's WAY more of a risk than when pill mills were operating freely in the open.

The again ... executives at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI conspired to keep a candidate from winning the Presidency. So who the F- knows anymore?

02-13-2018, 10:14 PM
I give up. Where IS Jeff Sessions?
This is what I keep posting on twitter... this guy is MIA... he needs to be fired... most think he's in way over his head now...
