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02-12-2018, 03:11 PM
Amazing how they so quickly forget about what NK is all about. :(


Mansour: The Olympic Gold Medal for Sucking Up to a Murderous Totalitarian Regime Goes to…

There’s a new competitive sport at this year’s Winter Olympics in South Korea. Its participants are members of the establishment media. Their aim: to suck up to the despotic regime in North Korea. The gold medal goes to the most ingratiating and morally obtuse totalitarian ass-kisser. And though the games have just begun, I think I know who the winner is.

Though this new competition was introduced especially for the Pyeongchang Games, it has many historical antecedents, which I shall get to in a moment. For now, the current field of play is the media’s fawning coverage of Kim Yo Jong, sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who has become the media’s belle of the ball. As a CNN headline put it, she is “stealing the show” at the Winter Olympics.

The Zucker News Network, vying for the gold, trilled about Kim’s ability to offer “a smile, a handshake and a warm message” to fellow attendees. And CNN didn’t stop there: “If ‘diplomatic dance’ were an event at the Winter Olympics,” it added, “Kim Jong Un’s younger sister would be favored to win gold.”

Not to be outdone, Reuters jumped into the competition with this headline: “North Korea heading for diplomacy gold medal at Olympics.”

But neither CNN nor Reuters—nor any of the other swooning media outlets, trying hard as they might—can top the person who I think deserves the 2018 gold medal for Best Suck-up to a Murderous Regime.

And make no mistake, it is murderous. The North Korean regime is run like a Stalinist police state, enslaving and killing millions of its own people, including Kim’s own family members. Human Rights Watch calls it “one of the most repressive authoritarian states in the world,” and Amnesty International agrees. Kim Yo Jong, who heads the “Propaganda and Agitation Department” of the country’s communist party, is a major bloody cog in that monstrous system. For the unfortunate souls who live under her family’s regime, any rejection of her propaganda will get you a death sentence or your entire family a prison sentence.

On that last point, United Nations inspector Michael Kirby spoke in 2013 about the “unspeakable atrocities” committed in North Korea’s political prison camps, including “survivors who suffered through childhoods of starvation”–forced to survive on lizards, rodents, and grass–due to the regime’s practice of “guilt by association” to punish “other generations for a family member’s perceived political views or affiliation.” Kirby also heard testimony of women forced to drown their own babies in buckets.

If there were any justice in this world, Sister Kim would be locked up for crimes against humanity. But instead, the establishment corporate media piles on the praise, making themselves once again useful idiots for a mass murderer’s propaganda machine.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/02/12/mansour-the-olympic-gold-medal-for-sucking-up-to-a-murderous-totalitarian-regime-goes-to/

15 Media Outlets that Colluded with North Korea to Romanticize Their Slave State

Now that normal Americans have completely written off the disgraced institution of the American media, these amoral news outlets have been forced to pander to the only audience they have left — the far-left.

This is why, over the weekend, we witnessed almost every major news outlet prostitute itself to offer North Korea’s Hitler the kind of positive press coverage President Trump would never receive, even if he rescued our economy and decimated the Islamic State (oh, wait, he did).

Yep, over the weekend, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, ABC, NBC, PBS, even the Wall Street Journal… these big media outlets (and more) colluded with murderous North Korean tyrants to normalize their slave state, to romanticize a murderous regime that comes complete with concentration camps, public executions in the thousands, and actual slaves.

Yep, over the weekend, the same media outlets that see only evil in Trump’s every utterance, colluded with a North Korea that regularly threatens our nuclear annihilation (and is aggressively seeking the means to do so), that starves and tortures its own people by the millions, and is in reality a massive prison camp disguised as a country.

Oh, and North Korea kills Americans … slowly … they die soon after they are returned home.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/02/12/15-major-media-outlets-romanticized-slave-state-north-korea/

02-12-2018, 03:14 PM
The evidence that the democrat party is now the party of "HATE AMERICA" just keeps building by the day.

02-12-2018, 03:58 PM
"Not to be outdone, Reuters jumped into the competition with this headline: “North Korea heading for diplomacy gold medal at Olympics.”

But neither CNN nor Reuters—nor any of the other swooning media outlets, trying hard as they might—can top the person who I think deserves the 2018 gold medal for Best Suck-up to a Murderous Regime."

Sucks, but our liberals eat it up like morning oatmeal.

02-12-2018, 04:22 PM
"Not to be outdone, Reuters jumped into the competition with this headline: “North Korea heading for diplomacy gold medal at Olympics.”

But neither CNN nor Reuters—nor any of the other swooning media outlets, trying hard as they might—can top the person who I think deserves the 2018 gold medal for Best Suck-up to a Murderous Regime."

Sucks, but our liberals eat it up like morning oatmeal.Sure the idiots suck it up. But how many of them do you see in line to go to North Korea?

02-12-2018, 04:35 PM
Sure the idiots suck it up. But how many of them do you see in line to go to North Korea?

Maybe 1 out of 500.

Where are all these liberal babies, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Code Pink, BLM, Occupy Movement - that
said they would leave the USA if Trump was elected? Ohhh....All are still here, sucking the liberal teat.

Let them go to NorKor and try to show their 'compassion' but when jailed, whine that the USA did not
protect them.

Maybe 'war hero' John Kerry can escort them.:laugh:

02-12-2018, 04:39 PM
Why was it again Jimmy Carter boycotted the 80 Olympics? Something that pales in comparison to consorting with North Korea.

02-12-2018, 04:42 PM
Sure the idiots suck it up. But how many of them do you see in line to go to North Korea?
Ya... you know how long these NOKO adoring shit for brains would last there?

About 6 hours, and they'd be jailed, first time they bitched about something like they can't stop doing here in America, and then they'd come home in fucking coma and die like the last American held captive there did.

These fuckin' leftists are just disgusting, period, end of story, and I think the majority of Americans are really catching on.

02-12-2018, 04:53 PM
Ya... you know how long these NOKO adoring shit for brains would last there?

About 6 hours, and they'd be jailed, first time they bitched about something like they can't stop doing here in America, and then they'd come home in fucking coma and die like the last American held captive there did.

These fuckin' leftists are just disgusting, period, end of story, and I think the majority of Americans are really catching on.MAN! You are F-ING generous as Hell. Six hours, huh? I'd give them until they were out of sight for a second.

Bet some Hollyweirdo or Nancy Pelosi can run right over there against the wishes of the President and get treated like royalty though.