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View Full Version : White House Defends Pres. Trump’s Decision To Not Release Democratic Memo

02-12-2018, 08:06 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:56 PM PT — Mon. February 12, 2018The White House cites top national security concerns as the reason why President Trump blocked the release of the Democrat FISA memo.
During an interview Monday, Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said the Democrat memo puts American lives at risk, because it reveals too much about classified sources and methods.
He accused Democrats of hypocrisy by trying to block the release of the Nunes memo over national security concerns, but then demanding their own memo be released.
Gidley said this is the perfect example of the left “playing politics” with national security.
“The president released the first memo — he declassified it because it did not reveal sources and methods…this report from the Democrats does not keep American lives safe,” said Hogan. “What it does…it reveals serious national security information that could, quite frankly, put our lives at risk, and the president is not going to do that.”
President Trump refused to release the memo last week, and ordered Democrats to make revisions to the 10 page document.


"Gidley said this is the perfect example of the left “playing politics” with national security."

Not sure what you can add to THAT. The Dems are still trying to write their own rules.

02-12-2018, 08:12 PM
so when the committee voted unanimously to release the memo, i guess that means the republicans don't give a shit about american lives.

and when schiff said he wanted the fbi/cia etc to go over it to make sure there were no security issues, he was lying.

or could it possibly be that trump is as full of shit a a christmas goose?

tough call, huh? :laugh:


02-12-2018, 08:29 PM
so when the committee voted unanimously to release the memo, i guess that means the republicans don't give a shit about american lives.

and when schiff said he wanted the fbi/cia etc to go over it to make sure there were no security issues, he was lying.

or could it possibly be that trump is as full of shit a a christmas goose?

tough call, huh? :laugh:


Damn, del. You really ARE that stupid after all. You are so full of shit, when you wipe your eyes, it looks like chocolate pudding on the tissue. You can twist it anyway you want. It's still funny to watch you, and Schiff-head make fools of yourself, over, and over again.

02-12-2018, 08:29 PM
so when the committee voted unanimously to release the memo, i guess that means the republicans don't give a shit about american lives.

and when schiff said he wanted the fbi/cia etc to go over it to make sure there were no security issues, he was lying.

or could it possibly be that trump is as full of shit a a christmas goose?

tough call, huh? :laugh:

https://www.npr.org/2018/02/05/583532494/house-intelligence-committee-votes-unanimously-to-release-democratic-memoThey made it clear what the difference was between the two memo's. Not a guessing game. The Dem's can fix theirs, or not. I wish they would. I want it published so I can rip it to fucking shreds.

You're in pretty bad shape when you're defending people who aren't even as smart as a dumb grunt.

02-12-2018, 08:47 PM
Damn, del. You really ARE that stupid after all. You are so full of shit, when you wipe your eyes, it looks like chocolate pudding on the tissue. You can twist it anyway you want. It's still funny to watch you, and Schiff-head make fools of yourself, over, and over again.

let someone know when you have a thought, intelligent or otherwise

people always enjoy a surprise

02-12-2018, 08:48 PM
They made it clear what the difference was between the two memo's. Not a guessing game. The Dem's can fix theirs, or not. I wish they would. I want it published so I can rip it to fucking shreds.

You're in pretty bad shape when you're defending people who aren't even as smart as a dumb grunt.

i'll let you know when that happens

how's your eye?

02-12-2018, 08:57 PM
The dems were told to rewrite it. Once again president Trump beats them at their own game.

They WANTED him to release it after it had been HEAVILY redacted, so they could spin their crap about the president doesn't want you to know the truth about this or that, when the actual redacting would have been of classified info, not anything incriminating.

The dems just play SHITTY. That's just the bottom line with EVERYTHING they do, they're SHYSTERS. Their problem is Trump is usually one step ahead of them, thus why they're in this constant state of lying hysteria. Their ship is sinking and they can't do anything to stop it. You can almost SMELL the desperation at this point.

02-12-2018, 09:01 PM
let someone know when you have a thought, intelligent or otherwise

people always enjoy a surprise

Right you are del. And everyone here will enjoy the surprise when you do too!

02-13-2018, 12:08 PM
i'll let you know when that happens

how's your eye?Itches like a MFer.

"When that happens" remains to be seen. I've dealt with enough classified material over the years to understand the difference they are talking about between the 2 memo's. "Means and methods" = names, dates, places, -- the who, what, when, why and where which can turn a (u) doc into a (S) in a second. I've seen documents that were broken down line by line with a (U), (C), (S) or (TS) at the end of each sentence denoting so much as one classified word in a sentence. That's how it rolls.

That is the reason given. Given the nature of the reason, we aren't going to know what has to be removed. All we know is, once the document has been corrected, it can be resubmitted. Everything else is speculation.

My speculation is based on past behavior from Democrats denying any wrongdoing no matter what, and the reported size of the Dem memo (10 pages) that it is a bunch of excuses "why not". Now the excuse will be that it is censored, no matter what they put out. Same old game.

If they have legitimate reasons listed for bothering to rebut at all, it remains to be seen and I have no problem acknowledging them. I can't think of a whole bunch of reasons to legitimize or excuse such behavior.

What I DON'T get is why the Democrats are defending them to begin with. They'd be "rogue operatives doing this sh*t on their own" was I required to answer the question. Aside from finger pointing, I don't think anything, besides acting guilty and taking on the role or defender, has pointed a finger at the entire Democratic party as an entity. Only specific players.

02-13-2018, 01:07 PM
Partisan tribal hypocrisy in plain view here. There is nothing you guys won't rationalize to keep your identity.

02-13-2018, 01:26 PM
Partisan tribal hypocrisy in plain view here. There is nothing you guys won't rationalize to keep your identity.

----------------------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/crying-with-laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

Black Diamond
02-13-2018, 01:37 PM
Partisan tribal hypocrisy in plain view here. There is nothing you guys won't rationalize to keep your identity.
I think it's hilarious. Now the left has more to squeal about. Break out the safety pins.

02-13-2018, 02:18 PM
so when the committee voted unanimously to release the memo, i guess that means the republicans don't give a shit about american lives.

and when schiff said he wanted the fbi/cia etc to go over it to make sure there were no security issues, he was lying.

or could it possibly be that trump is as full of shit a a christmas goose?

tough call, huh? :laugh:


Weak, Troll....Very Weak.

Even given a explanation...just troll along and cast brickbats.


02-13-2018, 02:19 PM
Partisan tribal hypocrisy in plain view here. There is nothing you guys won't rationalize to keep your identity.

Pete, you would not know accuracy if it snuck up and bit you on the ass.

02-13-2018, 02:51 PM
We already saw what the Dems stated about the last memo - and they were obviously lying through their teeth. So no need to believe them on this one either.

Has the world blown up since the release of the last memo? Their rhetoric on the last one showed Americans the games the play to protect themselves. They outright lied to America.

02-13-2018, 03:43 PM
Partisan tribal hypocrisy in plain view here. There is nothing you guys won't rationalize to keep your identity.Only seems that way because there's only one Pete. No one's ever contacted me for a consensus "response to Pete". I address you as an individual. I expect the same in return.

02-13-2018, 03:54 PM
Only seems that way because there's only one Pete. No one's ever contacted me for a consensus "response to Pete". I address you as an individual. I expect the same in return.
But that's not the way these radical democrats play nowadays. You might as well be talking to a brick wall.

02-13-2018, 04:15 PM
Partisan tribal hypocrisy in plain view here. There is nothing you guys won't rationalize to keep your identity.

Now that's really funny petey. Coming from someone who PRETENDS to be something, or someone you will never be...except, behind a keyboard in anonymity. The only thing we need to rationalize is whether or not to just LAUGH OUR ASSES OFF AT YOU, coming here to further your identity, we all know, as a FOOL.