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02-14-2018, 01:00 PM
Rather than make a bunch of posts, I'm too tired today, so I'm placing them all in one thread.


Shaun White wins the gold medal! He comes back and wins a gold medal for the 3rd time. The media hasn't said a peep up till this point, and no change the subject to allegations of harassment. I'm not downplaying it, but why wait until he wins gold? Also, during all the chaos at the end of his race, having just won the gold medal and still at the bottom of the hill, he briefly let the US flag drag on the snow. I'll give him a pass. :)

The ugly story of Shaun White's sexual-harassment lawsuit and trying to reconcile it with his Olympic gold

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea – They grabbed, pawed, frothed, hopeful he might deign to make eye contact or maybe even snap a selfie. For nearly two hours following his Olympic gold medal-winning run in snowboard halfpipe, Shaun White, in the midst of television appearances and radio hits, never ignored the cadre of fans who stayed to pay homage for too long. Every few minutes, he acknowledged them, and they roared back. Eventually he veered toward those who braved the frigid air. The reaching arms almost swallowed him. Personal space does not exist in cults of personality.

Halfway across the world, those who don’t deify White struggled to reconcile what he’d done Wednesday morning – throw arguably the greatest run in halfpipe snowboarding history – with what he’d allegedly done in previous years. The 100th Winter Olympics gold medalist in American history – according to a lawsuit by Lena Zawaideh, the former drummer in his band, that White later settled – texted her pictures of penises. He showed her video of a couple having sex on top of a bear that the man had shot dead and another “hardcore porn” video involving a priest, a nun and feces when she was 17 or 18 years old. He allegedly forced her to drink vodka. He insisted she change her look and wardrobe, once threatening to send her home because he didn’t like a fleece sweater she had worn. He stuck his hands down his pants, then shoved them in her face to smell them, the lawsuit alleged.

Rest - https://sports.yahoo.com/ugly-story-shaun-whites-sexual-harassment-lawsuit-trying-reconcile-olympic-gold-104140422.html

Internet explodes after Shaun White drags American flag on ground

After winning the gold medal in the men’s halfpipe with a dramatic final-round score of 97.75, Shaun White did what most Olympic athletes do: He hugged people, he celebrated, he cried and was then handed an American flag. Unfortunately for White, the flag ended up being the only part of his performance that went negatively.

As White passed the flag to his right hand, the hand that was clutching his snowboard, the flag ended up on the ground being drug through the snow while he walked off the hill.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/sports/internet-explodes-shaun-white-drags-flag-043438261.html

Now it's Susan Rice who has an email surface showing involvement in this ever-growing scandal. She adds more fuel to the fire under James Comey's ass, adding more proof to the whole saga showing how they planned this whole thing, and covered up this whole thing, or tried to anyway.

Susan Rice Email Suggests Comey 'Seriously Misled' Senate Regarding Meeting With Obama

Susan Rice's "note to self" email released by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday may put former FBI director James Comey in legal jeopardy because it shows he may have made "an intentional and material omission of a highly relevant fact" in his written sworn statement to the U.S. Senate last summer.

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) obtained Rice's email after requesting “records of meetings between President Obama and then-FBI Director Comey regarding the FBI’s investigation of allegations of collusion between associates of Mr. Trump and the Russian government.”

As PJ Media reported, former national security adviser Susan Rice wrote the email and then sent it to herself at 12:15 p.m. on January 20, 2017, just as Donald Trump was being inaugurated as president.

The email reads in part: "On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/susan-rice-email-suggests-comey-seriously-misled-senate-regarding-meeting-obama/

TRUMP ATTORNEY: Susan Rice Secret Meeting With Comey, Obama Took Place ONE DAY Before Comey Briefed Trump on Dossier

On Monday it was announced Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former NatSec Advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s inauguration day.

On Tuesday, an attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow pointed out on his radio show Jay Live this meeting between Rice, Obama, Yates and Comey took place one day before James Comey briefed then-President elect Donald Trump on the phony dossier.

Comey lied to Trump’s face and told him not to worry about the dossier and that he was not under investigation. This is after the dossier had already been used to obtain FISA warrants.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/trump-attorney-susan-rice-secret-meeting-comey-obama-took-place-one-day-comey-briefed-trump-dossier-video/

As if the idea of a "sanctuary city" for illegals wasn't bad enough, now they will cover for them and everyone else to get stoned!

Berkeley Votes to Become ‘Sanctuary City’ for Marijuana Crimes

California’s war on the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution took a dramatic new step on Tuesday, as the city of Berkeley declared itself a “sanctuary city” for marijuana-related crimes.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:

Berkeley is thought to be the first such “sanctuary city” in the nation.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/california/2018/02/14/berkeley-votes-become-sanctuary-city-marijuana-crimes/

Colleges and Free Speech. Does that even exist anymore? They will say so, but that really applies to whatever side of the aisle they cater to and try to promote, that in today's day is pretty much liberal politics. And this is their free speech in action. And I'm seeing more and more and more today where kids are making "demands" in college and walking out like this more and more. I say give them an F for the day and/or non-attendance absenteeism. That, or if they continue to disrupt like that, expel them from the class or school.

Campus Madness: Amid Uproar, Princeton's Class on Free Speech Issues Has Been Canceled

From the 'beyond parody' file, a class at Princeton University dedicated to exploring (among other things) the messy and challenging bounds of free expression has been canceled after students in the class melted down over the professor's approach to the course material. The Huffington Post and the Weekly Standard have followed the contretemps, which seems at least as worrisome as any episode out of the "Campus Madness" genre's recent annals. I'll explain why in a moment, but first, the dispiriting details -- starting with HuffPo (whose write-up came prior to the professor pulling the plug):

[QUOTE]Several students walked out of an anthropology course at Princeton University on Tuesday after a professor repeatedly used a racial slur in his class about hate speech. The professor, Lawrence Rosen, is an award-winning legal anthropologist who has taught at Princeton University for 40 years. He received emeritus status last year. Rosen’s course, titled “Cultural Freedoms: Hate Speech, Blasphemy and Pornography,” explores the legal and cultural limits of free speech. This week, he led a discussion on verbal symbols and what types of speech should be protected. The heated debate that followed was first reported on by The Daily Princetonian. Destiny Salter, a 19-year-old Princeton student who identifies as black, told HuffPost that about 10 minutes into the class, Rosen gave this example: “Which is more provocative: A white man walks up to a black man and punches him in the nose, or a white man walks up to a black man and calls him a n****r?”″ He repeated the example once more, leaving students “shocked and visibly uncomfortable,” Salter said. A few minutes later, students began to point out their discomfort with a white professor using the word in its entirety. When one student asked if Rosen planned to keep repeating the word in future classes, the professor reportedly responded that he would if he deemed it necessary for the discussion....“I did not come to this school to hear my professor spout the N-word in class. Period,” [Salter said].

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2018/02/14/campus-madness-amid-uproar-princetons-class-on-free-speech-has-beencanceled-n2448636

Crumbs. That's what out of touch Nancy Pelosi considers $1,000 that some folks and families have been getting as bonuses or similar. Hell, I would be thrilled to get it! And I'm sure many others are as well. This is a great idea, to make the bonuses tax free - AND - make fun of Pelosi at the same time!!

GOP Congressman Unveils New ‘Crumbs Act’

One Republican congressman is introducing a bill to make the tax cuts even more beneficial to the American worker — and he’s taking a stab at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi while doing it.

Indiana Rep. Todd Rokita will introduce legislation to make the first $2,500 of any worker bonus in 2018 tax-free, Fox News reports.

Millions of Americans have received bonuses and/or pay raises as a result of the GOP tax cuts passed in late December.

Pelosi has often referred to the bonuses as “crumbs.”

Rokita will call his bill the “Creating Relief and Useful Middle-Class Benefits and Savings” — or “CRUMBS” Act.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/02/14/rep-rokita-crumbs-act-pelosi/

Dems better shape up if they want to win seats in the mid-terms. It's far from unusual for the opposing party to gain seats in the mid-term after an election. But the Dems are by darn trying their hardest to change that!!

POLL: Republicans Overtake Democrats Heading Into Midterms

Republicans overtook Democrats on a generic congressional ballot for the first time since April 2017, a new Politico-Morning Consult poll finds.

The poll found 39 percent of voters preferring a Republican candidate to 38 percent of voters preferring the Democratic candidate. Uncertainty is high, however, with 23% of voters still undecided as to who they will support.

The Morning Consult-Politico poll also found that Trump’s approval rating is 47% overall.

The shock poll follows a warning from Democratic SuperPAC Priorities USA that Democratic focus on day to day news involving the Trump administration is winnowing advantages in the polls. “In the last few weeks, Democrats turned their attention to other issues while Trump has continued to promote his economic policies, and Trump’s numbers have incrementally improved as a result,” the group said in a stark warning.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/02/14/poll-republicans-overtake-democrats-heading-into-midterms/

And with that, the polls, also shows an increase in approval for Trump/Jobs... it's another thing to add to the list that makes the liberals need some antacid by days end. :)

Poll: Trump Job Approval Up, While GOP Ahead in Generic Ballot

Thirty-nine percent of voters would now back the Republican candidate for Congress in their district, compared to 38 percent who would support the Democratic candidate, a new Politico/Morning Consult poll reveals.

The poll also found President Donald Trump's approval going up with 47 percent now backing his job performance, compared to 47 percent who disapprove of it.

It is the first time since April that Trump's approval rating in the poll equals the percentage of those who disapprove on the way he's doing his job.

And it is a marked increase from a Jan. 10 Politico/Morning Consult poll. That survey showed 44 percent approved of Trump's job performance, compared to 51 percent who disapproved.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/poll-trump-approval-gop/2018/02/14/id/843251/

Newt goes off - but he's right! Only the delusional on the left still try and stick up for this woman, to play make believe, and make believe she's not a criminal who deserves to be prosecuted - but the proof they are finding more and more and more of today, shows that she had much help in keeping her from being investigated and/or prosecuted.

Newt Gingrich: In Any Reasonable System Of Law, Hillary Would Already Be In Jail

Newt Gingrich let the sparks fly during a recent appearance on FOX News. He was speaking about all of the things Hillary did which would have landed any normal person in jail. Just the missing emails are a crime.

Here’s a partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

“I mean, I think you probably have the president [Obama] involved. You have the Attorney General Loretta Lynch who you’ll remember met in secret with Bill Clinton the week they were interviewing Hillary,” Gingrich said. “You now have evidence that Comey, the director of the FBI at the time was writing the statement exonerating Hillary two months before the interview. I mean let’s go down this list and then on both the protect Hillary side and the get Trump side, it is the most extraordinary example of the deep state totally abusing the rule of law.”

“There are a lot of different players now engaged in this and they seem to be pretty consistently lining up, except of course for Adam Schiff and the Democrats who are in the see no evil, report no evil, just hide with evil for the weekend kind of group,” he added.

“Let me just point out. To show you how sick the elite media is, they report all that as though it’s something bad about Trump. In any reasonable system of law, Secretary Clinton would already be in jail. All of her senior aides would be in jail.”

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/newt-gingrich-reasonable-system-law-hillary-already-jail-video/

While the media is fawning over fat little kid from north korea's little sister, and trying to still stop Trump from being elected - they are purposely ignoring everything Shrillary. And covering for her, means also then covering for anyone else that may have been involved. This article is just the tiny little tip of the worlds largest iceberg.

The media is ignoring ties between the Clinton campaign and Russians

While the media is filled with stories and theories about Trump’s interactions — or lack thereof — with Russia, not enough attention is being paid to revelations about pro-Hillary Clinton operatives’ use of opposition research that ostensibly came from Russia. With the Democrats unable to govern and lacking much of an affirmative agenda, they want Russia to be the story. Yet with each passing day, more seems to be revealed that not only undercuts the absolute faith Democrats have in the Trump-Russia collusion narrative but also demonstrates just how much they did and how far they were willing to go to establish an improper or embarrassing link between Trump and Russia.

There is no better illustration of this than what we now know went on between Clinton allies Sidney Blumenthal and Jonathan Winer and the author of the infamous dossier, Christopher Steele. We know that Steele was paid with Clinton campaign money and that he was “passionate about [Trump] not being president.” We know that Winer, an old Washington hand and former John Kerry staffer was Steele’s man at the State Department and, incredibly, admitted to distributing more than 100 of Steele’s commercial business documents within senior offices at the State Department. Soon enough, we will know who Steele’s clients were that paid for their views to be disseminated within the Obama administration and what Russian interests were involved. And by the way, it turns out Blumenthal, a long-time specialist in the political dark arts, had his own anti-Trump dossier, authored by political activist Cody Shearer, which he gave to Winer; Winer passed it to Steele, and Steele passed it to the FBI. Presto. Keeping someone between the political operatives and the FBI: That’s how real pros do it in the swamp.

Anyway, you would think this operation would warrant appropriate news coverage and multiple follow-up questions from the mainstream media. But instead, it is mostly crickets. Compare the coverage of the Blumenthal-Steele-Winer troika and their work to influence the FBI and supply anti-Trump campaign dirt to the media with the coverage of a single meeting that took place with a Russian lawyer and Trump campaign personnel. Ask yourself which is most significant: Donald Trump Jr. — the hapless, amateur son of then-candidate Trump — having a one-off, stray meeting in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer who perhaps promised, but did not deliver, compromising information on Clinton, or Winer, Blumenthal and foreign national Steele all playing a role in getting campaign dirt through Steele’s and State Department channels into the hands of the FBI? With all the breathless scrutiny surrounding Trump Jr.’s meeting, one would think there would at least be a modicum of interest in Blumenthal, Winer and Steele.

Rest - https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2018/02/13/the-media-is-ignoring-ties-between-the-clinton-campaign-and-russians/?utm_term=.bb1b633d54a6

02-14-2018, 02:34 PM
Damn! You were busy!:laugh:

02-14-2018, 03:15 PM
Damn! You were busy!:laugh:

I read a shitload of sites daily. Usually I'll leave the stories I want to post open in different tabs, and then of course post them separately. That was just a coffee cups worth of reading!