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02-20-2018, 01:16 PM
Here's what the BLIND HATE the left has for our president gets them... used like the TOOLS that they are by the RUSSIANS. The old term "main stream media" is now defunked. There is NOTHING "main stream" about the hate and partisan hackery coming from the left. What used to be considered the main stream media is now the *DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING,* and they are very UN-American.

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

One of the revelations in Friday’s indictment handed down by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was that alleged Russian attempts to sow disunity in 2016 included the organization of both pro- and anti-Trump rallies in New York City on the Saturday after Election Day.

A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was “a love rally,” and repeated the marchers’ anti-Trump mantras, such as: “We reject the President-elect.”

While the two liberal anti-Trump networks offered heavy coverage of the anti-Trump rally throughout the day, a check of coverage between noon and 5:00 p.m. Eastern found that the Fox News Channel offered only a short re-cap (66 seconds) at the start of their 4:00 p.m. Eastern hour.

Of course, none of the networks were aware of who was allegedly behind the march, but CNN and MSNBC reveled in the inflammatory messages of the march. At one point, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt credulously responded to the ridiculously alarmist rhetoric: “That woman, when she’s saying she’s concerned that black people will be shot in the street....Is that a legitimate concern for her? Because, that’s scary.”

Correspondent Morgan Radford cheerfully played along: “Alex, it’s not only a legitimate concern for her, it’s a legitimate concern for a lot of people I’ve spoken to....They’re wondering if this [Trump’s election] is almost a license to carry in terms of hate.”

Read more at:

02-20-2018, 01:20 PM
I hope someday this obese ugly PIG gets what's coming to him...

Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

Progressive director Michael Moore participated in an anti-Trump protest in New York that was organized by Russians, according to information released Friday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


02-20-2018, 01:25 PM
Michael Moore isn't running for president, so who cares

02-20-2018, 01:39 PM
Michael Moore isn't running for president, so who cares
He's one of you dems leading heros, and one more of you dems we find out is working with the RUSSIANS against America.


Looks like posting that triggered you.

02-20-2018, 01:43 PM
He's one of you dems leading heros, and one more of you dems we find out is working with the RUSSIANS against America.


Looks like posting that triggered you.

No triggering, I couldn't care less about Moore. He hasn't been relevant since Columbine.

02-20-2018, 01:51 PM
Michael Moore isn't running for president, so who caresNone of the people indicted by Mueller prove anything other than some people did or didn't like Hitlery or Trump. So who cares? Besides you, anyway ...

Black Diamond
02-20-2018, 01:56 PM
Michael Moore isn't running for president, so who cares
Neither is manafort.

02-20-2018, 01:59 PM
Neither is manafort.

hahaha you're defending manafort?

Black Diamond
02-20-2018, 02:01 PM
hahaha you're defending manafort?
Ok for the slow and queer:

He's not running for president so who cares.

02-20-2018, 02:12 PM
Ok for the slow and queer:

He's not running for president so who cares.

I'm sorry did Michael Moore do something illegal?

02-20-2018, 02:15 PM
I would have thought that ANYONE who "helped" Russia sow any type of discord over the elections - is a complete shitbag. Funny how some will shrug their shoulders, no biggie at all that someone worked with Russia, to try and alter the election, no matter how small or large the efforts were.

Shit, if it was just a regular citizen on the right that did similar, leftie heads would be exploding again. If anything, it goes towards the character and honesty of many. :)

02-20-2018, 02:18 PM
I would have thought that ANYONE who "helped" Russia sow any type of discord over the elections - is a complete shitbag. Funny how some will shrug their shoulders, no biggie at all that someone worked with Russia, to try and alter the election, no matter how small or large the efforts were.

Shit, if it was just a regular citizen on the right that did similar, leftie heads would be exploding again. If anything, it goes towards the character and honesty of many. :)

omg this is rich. Michael Moore inadvertently attends a march funded by Russia and you flip out, but flat out ignore and actively resist Trump's plethora of Russian connections and evidence. You have sold your soul because you share a few of Trump's policies.

02-20-2018, 02:21 PM
No triggering, I couldn't care less about Moore. He hasn't been relevant since Columbine.
If that was true, then he wouldn't have been made a high profile participant at this leftist cry baby march.

You leftist mad now or what? Or are you happy your propaganda wing got DUPED by the Russians?

I suppose that makes you want to watch them MORE now.

02-20-2018, 02:22 PM
omg this is rich. Michael Moore inadvertently attends a march funded by Russia and you flip out, but flat out ignore and actively resist Trump's plethora of Russian connections and evidence. You have sold your soul because you share a few of Trump's policies.

The richness is how everything the folks on the right do needs to be investigated and they are guilty until proven innocent. Meanwhile, folks like yourself will completely ignore, look at the sky and whistle, while you whine about Trump to the same sky, and ignore every last crime from the left, to the point of complete denial in the face of facts that are so many, that they apparently have crushed your little head and what was left of your brains.

02-20-2018, 02:25 PM
If that was true, then he wouldn't have been made a high profile participant at this leftist cry baby march.

You leftist mad now or what? Or are you happy your propaganda wing got DUPED by the Russians?

I suppose that makes you want to watch them MORE now.

Not high profile. I didn't even know about the march. Don't care. Hardly anyone else would have known if the story didn't break. Did you guys know about the march before this story.

02-20-2018, 02:25 PM
omg this is rich. Michael Moore inadvertently attends a march funded by Russia and you flip out, but flat out ignore and actively resist Trump's plethora of Russian connections and evidence. You have sold your soul because you share a few of Trump's policies.
I'm sorry, is a billionaire business man having connections to Russia illegal?

Oh... you weren't implying it was CAMPAIGN COLLUSION were you? Great, lets have the evidence then... we'll wait...

02-20-2018, 02:26 PM
The richness is how everything the folks on the right do needs to be investigated and they are guilty until proven innocent. Meanwhile, folks like yourself will completely ignore, look at the sky and whistle, while you whine about Trump to the same sky, and ignore every last crime from the left, to the point of complete denial in the face of facts that are so many, that they apparently have crushed your little head and what was left of your brains.

Nope, I have so many times supported any legit investigations. Not my fault nothing is happening. That is on your buddy Sessions. If Mueller takes down some dems, great. Illegal needs to be punished.

02-20-2018, 02:31 PM
No triggering, I couldn't care less about Moore. He hasn't been relevant since Columbine.

He was not even relevant at Combine!!

02-20-2018, 02:33 PM
He was not even relevant at Combine!!

I mean in respect with his documentary. Regardless of what you thought of it, it was high profile and relevant.

02-20-2018, 02:33 PM
Not high profile. I didn't even know about the march. Don't care. Hardly anyone else would have known if the story didn't break. Did you guys know about the march before this story.
Yes, Pig Moore is ALWAYS high profile because he's one of you liberal left's heros.

And what you know and when you know it isn't the benchmark for the rest of the nation, and you don't speak for the nation either.

I absolutely knew about this protest. What I didn't know was that Russians organized and paid for it and used CNN and PMSNBC to report on it.

More and more the facts are coming out making it blatantly apparent that the democrats had more dealings with Russia than the republicans or Trump were falsely accused of.

02-20-2018, 02:33 PM
I was at the supermarket today and saw a New York Times --- the major headline was that as soon as the shooting in Florida happened, many Twitter and Facebook groups known to be by Russians popped up supposedly about gun control or anti-gun control, revving up the citizens!

AND the Washington Times today has a front page headline that Russians tried to push up support for Bernie Sanders and also Jill Stein during the election.

We are so being played by the Russkies. There's even one on this site, as I have mentioned on one of his threads. The idea is clearly to break up the United States, and you can see that would be in their interest: no more U.S. interference in the Ukraine and Syria and Iran.

I'm getting pretty worried about this Russian chaos-peddling, but maybe the social media companies will figure a way to overcome the problem. I think they need to because look how many people don't watch cable or network news anymore or read those awful papers like the Washington Post. Or watch NFL -- viewership down by 9%. Facebook and Twitter could lose big if they are perceived as just havens for foreign or establishment propaganda and nothing honest going on at all.

02-20-2018, 02:36 PM
I absolutely knew about this protest. What I didn't know was that Russians organized and paid for it and used CNN and PMSMBC to report on it.

More and more the facts are coming out making it blatantly apparent that the democrats had more dealings with Russia than the republicans or Trump were falsely accused of.

That's the thing! They've been accusing Trump, when all the time it was Hillary and/or her campaign behind the whole thing!

Well, the Russkies clearly are trying to subvert us on their own also, but the Hillary campaign was there cheering them on, and I must say, this is a bad development.

Black Diamond
02-20-2018, 02:36 PM
omg this is rich. Michael Moore inadvertently attends a march funded by Russia and you flip out, but flat out ignore and actively resist Trump's plethora of Russian connections and evidence. You have sold your soul because you share a few of Trump's policies.
And there's the conspiracy theory again.

02-20-2018, 02:43 PM
And there's the conspiracy theory again.

When you have a special investigation and 16 indictments it's not a conspiracy. How's your birther movement going?

Black Diamond
02-20-2018, 02:52 PM
When you have a special investigation and 16 indictments it's not a conspiracy. How's your birther movement going?
I'm not a birther. Never have been. Try again dumbfuck.

And trump hasnt been indicted. Or did you miss that? No American involvement. So yeah. Whenever you say "trump Russia connection" That's just your pussy bleeding because you and Hillary got your asses handed to you last year.

birtherism= Trump/Russia

02-20-2018, 03:24 PM
I'm not a birther. Never have been. Try again dumbfuck.

And trump hasnt been indicted. Or did you miss that? No American involvement. So yeah. Whenever you say "trump Russia connection" That's just your pussy bleeding because you and Hillary got your asses handed to you last year.

birtherism= Trump/Russia

trump = trump campaign

02-20-2018, 03:24 PM
birtherism= Trump/Russia
I beg to differ.

No Hawaiian hard copy birth certificate for obama that can be held and verified as authentic has ever been seen, ever, and there never will be. That is a fact.

What we did see that was purported as a scan of an original and released online was proven by experts the world over to be an amateurish digital forgery. That is a fact.

I'm always open to anyone that thinks they can prove either of those statements false.

Not to mention obama also has a stolen SS#, and his selective service card was proven to have been tampered with as well.

This was ALLOWED to happen. You can't tell me that virtually EVERYONE in Washington is FULLY aware of these facts. It was IGNORED purposely. Obama was the big experiment... the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT... the left won't be able to call anyone a RACIST anymore if obama is elected. Well, that backfired in epic fashion. Obama set race relations in America back 50 years. But allowing the fraud of him being born in Hawaii is something they will never touch, because they were virtually ALL in on it. They knew, so they'd have to ADMIT they were part of it, and it being the largest scandal in American history, they're NOT going to do that. The FBI COULD have simply gone to Hawaii and demanded to see this fabled hard copy birth certificate, but they didn't. Instead, the VERY first EO obama signed when he took office was to HIDE his ENTIRE PAST LIFE. Hmmm... wonder why?

Maybe 50, 75 years from now, like this "Hunting Hitler" show that's on tv now, when all those that could be punished are pretty much dead and gone, they'll admit he's a fraud and prove there never was any hard copy birth certificate for obama in Hawaii, that in fact he was born in Kenya just as his grandmother said he was who was there when it happened.

I also believe these leftists know, but they lie through their teeth, just like all the lying they're all being caught doing about Hitlery and emailgate, Hitlery and Uranium 1gate, FISAgate, Collusiongate, Memogate... these democrats lie like rugs. They know but will never admit it.

02-20-2018, 03:42 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/icons/icon1.png CNN and MSNBC COLLUDING With Russia to Sow Discord in USA...
Here's what the BLIND HATE the left has for our president gets them... used like the TOOLS that they are by the RUSSIANS. The old term "main stream media" is now defunked. There is NOTHING "main stream" about the hate and partisan hackery coming from the left. What used to be considered the main stream media is now the *DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING,* and they are very UN-American.

Sad but true HPD. This bias kicked into high gear once the media realized how popular Reagan had become and how his electoral landslides threatened to turn the Democrat Party into an historical footnote. It became turbocharged under George W with the whole "Bush lied, people died" mantra. It has now evolved into the completely unhinged from reality, hate fueled, bile spewing propaganda machine under Trump that you appropriately describe as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. It's time to switch Joseph awards. Since they are no longer journalists, they should not qualify for Joseph Pulitzer's Prize. A more appropriate recognition for organizations of their ilk would be the Joseph Goebbels Award.

Black Diamond
02-20-2018, 03:54 PM
trump = trump campaign
Trump and Russia rigged the election together. You keep going with that.

02-20-2018, 04:23 PM
Trump and Russia rigged the election together. You keep going with that.

I wait for the investigation to conclude. You somehow know classified information.

02-20-2018, 04:37 PM
We can all depend on YOU bringing more lies, and fake news to the rest of us.

Still....your never-ending Hypocrisy will last FOREVER.

You are still trying to convince all of us that ONLY YOU are capable of bringing facts here???

Double-speak school for you began in pre-school. Whenever you graduate. Let us know.

02-20-2018, 04:40 PM
We can all depend on YOU bringing more lies, and fake news to the rest of us.

Still....your never-ending Hypocrisy will last FOREVER.

You are still trying to convince all of us that ONLY YOU are capable of bringing facts here???

Double-speak school for you began in pre-school. Whenever you graduate. Let us know.

heard it all before a million times, you got anything new?

02-20-2018, 04:57 PM
heard it all before a million times, you got anything new?

glad to see you cannot dispute the truth.

Taco Junkie
02-20-2018, 05:10 PM
I'm sorry did Michael Moore do something illegal?

He's not running for president so who cares?