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View Full Version : Armed security guard at Florida school never encountered gunman during deadly rampage

02-22-2018, 07:31 PM
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/student-opens-fire-fla-high-school-kills-17-1.3820936) and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.
“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”
The new revelation emerged hours after the 19-year-old Cruz, a gun fanatic who was expelled from the school, was charged with 17 counts of premediated murder (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/fla-school-gunman-nikolas-cruz-faces-premediated-murder-charges-article-1.3822318).

Cruz is suspected of pulling a fire alarm to lure the students into his path before unleashing a hail of bullets inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Wednesday afternoon.
Some 12 people were slain inside the school. Two others died just outside, and another student was found dead down the street.
Two succumbed to their wounds at a local hospital.

A total of 16 victims were hospitalized following the massacre.
Five were suffering from life-threatening injuries, officials said.
Dr. Evan Boyar, medical director of Broward Emergency Health North, said the injured includes a victim who suffered “a penetrating wound to the chest.”
The patient was intubated but was doing well and following commands, Boyar said.
Another victim was intubated and in critical condition, Boyar said.

And a third was receiving treatment for an extremity wound.
The Florida rampage marked the 18th school shooting in the first 45 days of 2018.
The disturbing tally is more than twice the number of school shootings this time last year.
Long before the latest shooting, Florida education officials have been begging lawmakers for more funds toward bolstering school safety.
But the pleas have fallen on deaf ears, according to USA Today.
The state’s 67 school districts share a pot of money earmarked for such security needs as armed guards, bullying prevention and after-school programs.
But the cash — a total of $64.4 million — has remained the same for the past seven years, leading to reductions in school resource officers.
The money … is nowhere near enough to do what’s necessary to keep schools safe,” Andy Tuck, a member of the state Board of Education, said at a July 17 meeting, according to USA Today.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/armed-guard-florida-school-encountered rampaging-gunman-article-1.3822777

Just wow. What a yellow piece of shit. He could have stopped this idiot? The only guy with a gun and he couldn't engage and disable the attacker. That's in the WTF? category.

02-22-2018, 09:38 PM
The news tonight is saying the guard definitely didn't go into the school after the gunman.

02-22-2018, 09:40 PM
The news tonight is saying the guard definitely didn't go into the school after the gunman.Marines got a few names for people like that ...

02-22-2018, 09:48 PM
Marines got a few names for people like that ...

Yeah Gunny. The same name we all have for cowards, like the one Obama pardoned.

Wouldn't wanna be him right now.

02-22-2018, 09:55 PM
The news tonight is saying the guard definitely didn't go into the school after the gunman.

​Yup....just waited outside and took up defensive position waiting on police (according to FOX) (Tucker & Hannity)

Gov controlled security....love to have his name and do a background on him....
Translation: How much training and experience he had....

02-22-2018, 09:56 PM
Yeah Gunny. The same name we all have for cowards, like the one Obama pardoned.

Wouldn't wanna be him right now.Desertion under fire. Whale shit don't sink that low. They should hand his ass over to the victims' parents. He had a damned firearm and instead of protecting those kids, he ran.

I hope that shit follows hom every step of the way the rest of his miserable life. Fucking pussy.

02-22-2018, 10:00 PM
Desertion under fire. Whale shit don't sink that low. They should hand his ass over to the victims' parents. He had a damned firearm and instead of protecting those kids, he ran.

I hope that shit follows hom every step of the way the rest of his miserable life. Fucking pussy.

Just guessing here, but he sounds like just another liberal. Only there for the paycheck.

02-22-2018, 10:04 PM
Desertion under fire. Whale shit don't sink that low. They should hand his ass over to the victims' parents. He had a damned firearm and instead of protecting those kids, he ran.

I hope that shit follows hom every step of the way the rest of his miserable life. Fucking pussy.

Was thinking about that when I first heard the news about him....Now that word is getting out...I wouldn't wanna be "That Guy"....For some reason I feel the left leaning media will try to keep his Identity very quite....Within the next couple of days we might find a story on who this guy is...Background...Training etc...Hell even who he voted for....

02-22-2018, 10:24 PM
"BSO Sheriff Scott Israel announced school resource officer ...`Scot Peterson` ..has been suspended amid an investigation. Peterson chose to resign and retire."


02-22-2018, 10:35 PM

02-22-2018, 10:41 PM
Yeah Gunny. The same name we all have for cowards, like the one Obama pardoned.

Wouldn't wanna be him right now.
You must be talking about the faggot deserter that dresses like a girl now... and wants people to call HIM, "she."

02-22-2018, 10:50 PM
You must be talking about the faggot deserter that dresses like a girl now... and wants people to call HIM, "she."

Turns my stomach to even think about that P.O.S. I will forever Blame Obama for allowing such scum to get a handshake from someone Pretending to be President.

This guy in Florida needs to spend some time in a prison with known Jailmates who hate anyone who does anything AGAINST CHILDREN.
There's a special place in HELL for cowards like him.

And those who refuse to DEFEND Children too!

02-22-2018, 11:04 PM
I think the world has passed me by. I just don't understand people. I'd have gone after the punk without a firearm. This guy had one.

Bigger picture: NOBODY went after him. He walked right out of the school.

02-22-2018, 11:18 PM
You must be talking about the faggot deserter that dresses like a girl now... and wants people to call HIM, "she."

Bradley Manning. Running for Senator in Maryland, as if we didn't have quite enough trouble here as it is. [Sigh]

02-22-2018, 11:22 PM
Bigger picture: NOBODY went after him. He walked right out of the school.

He does seem to have thought he could get away with it. He dropped all his weapons and equipment and ran out with the other kids. Then wandered around --- but he was recognized (by several people) so they got him.

If he had gone to another school where he was not known ----

He may very well have gotten away with it!

Well, I'm assuming he didn't leave fingerprints on the guns and stuff, because they must have those, you'd think, with 39 official visits from police in the past year.

02-23-2018, 10:20 AM
Guess having an armed guard doesn't work. Columbine had one too.

02-23-2018, 11:40 AM
Guess having an armed guard doesn't work. Columbine had one too.Having a TRAINED armed guard that isn't a pussy would work fine. Until the pussy sued for being discriminated against for being a pussy at least.

You're on a roll this morning.:rolleyes:

02-23-2018, 12:04 PM
Guess having an armed guard doesn't work. Columbine had one too.

Don't be a fool. Peterson didn't go in there and shoot the evil little bastard who was inside slaughtering kids and teachers because he was a coward.

A coward as your security means you have no security.

02-23-2018, 12:05 PM
Scot Peterson :


02-23-2018, 12:22 PM
Since guns kill people, just leave the "good guns" near the class room doors....problem solved

02-23-2018, 12:47 PM
And how about that piece of work, Sheriff Israel of the BSO. Holding off on notifying the public of the inaction of his deputy until he had a chance to go on national TV to demand gun control and berate Dana Loesch for not "protecting the kids". Too bad for him that Obama isn't in office anymore. Otherwise, he might be in line for promotion to head of Homeland Security. With leadership like that at BSO, no wonder that deputy acted the way he did.

02-23-2018, 01:25 PM
Don't be a fool. Peterson didn't go in there and shoot the evil little bastard who was inside slaughtering kids and teachers because he was a coward.

A coward as your security means you have no security.

How do you test for cowardness in an interview? I'm sure he doesn't wear it as a badge.

02-23-2018, 02:50 PM
Guess having an armed guard doesn't work. Columbine had one too.

Troll much? Having an armed guard that doesn't arm himself and go to protect, is as good as having no guard at all. And you knew that, but jumped at the chance to claim that armed guards won't work, because of this one douchebag. :rolleyes:

How do you test for cowardness in an interview? I'm sure he doesn't wear it as a badge.

There will never be a 100% way to know, just as it is now with the police. But if they hire folks that have plenty of firearms training & better if they have law enforcement background, then the majority will perform as expected. And having someone, or multiple armed people in a school, will be much better than having no one there armed to potentially protect and/or disable a gunman or similar.

Abbey Marie
02-23-2018, 02:51 PM
And how about that piece of work, Sheriff Israel of the BSO. Holding off on notifying the public of the inaction of his deputy until he had a chance to go on national TV to demand gun control and berate Dana Loesch for not "protecting the kids". Too bad for him that Obama isn't in office anymore. Otherwise, he might be in line for promotion to head of Homeland Security. With leadership like that at BSO, no wonder that deputy acted the way he did.

I think Israel is the same guy I heard was good friends with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

02-23-2018, 02:58 PM
Troll much? Having an armed guard that doesn't arm himself and go to protect, is as good as having no guard at all. And you knew that, but jumped at the chance to claim that armed guards won't work, because of this one douchebag. :rolleyes:

There will never be a 100% way to know, just as it is now with the police. But if they hire folks that have plenty of firearms training & better if they have law enforcement background, then the majority will perform as expected. And having someone, or multiple armed people in a school, will be much better than having no one there armed to potentially protect and/or disable a gunman or similar.

There's about 150k school institutions in the US. Good luck finding enough qualified people who want the job. 99.9999% of the time it's going to be sitting in a chair or wandering the halls. Sign me up!

02-23-2018, 03:06 PM
There's about 150k school institutions in the US. Good luck finding enough qualified people who want the job. 99.9999% of the time it's going to be sitting in a chair or wandering the halls. Sign me up!

Qualify and apply. If I were in charge, you wouldn't have a hope in hell.

Schools need some new professors - "No point, close the schools down as the good luck won't find qualified people to work." :rolleyes:

What is YOUR solution then Pete? Tell us what solves this issue? Where would you start that would prevent criminals from getting guns and perhaps getting into a school grounds with one?

02-23-2018, 03:37 PM
And what does Deputy Peterson have to say?:


02-23-2018, 03:46 PM
In every one of those institutions across this nation, they have something in common you are unable to understand, due to your obvious mental problems.
What they have in common is..Each has people called Teachers, Instructors, Coaches, or Professors who...AS AMERICANS, can choose to have a "CONCEALED CARRY" license that allows them to be ARMED...in the "GUN FREE ZONES"....liberal idiots hate to make SAFE.

02-23-2018, 04:38 PM
How do you test for cowardness in an interview? I'm sure he doesn't wear it as a badge.Matter of fact Pete, you are wrong. Again. Any veteran with combat experience has it on his/her DD-214. How many combat vets you suppose we have from Iraq and Afghanistan?

02-23-2018, 05:20 PM
Another dumbass claiming that it's "definitive proof" that a good guy with a gun won't always help. :rolleyes: These idiots will run with this. And they would NEVER acknowledge anytime that a gun saved lives in any situation. The FACT is in this particular situation, a gun never even came into play. They may have an argument, had the officer entered and somehow exchanged fire and it failed. This incident only proved FURTHER, imo, that had that gun entered, it could only have helped. And LaPierre's statement is still true - ""To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun," - problem was, there was NO good guy with a gun. This was someone useless, so the fact that he was outside with a gun and never engaged means nothing.


Here's definitive proof that a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy with a gun

Washington (CNN)When the shooting started at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last Wednesday, there was an armed deputy on duty at the school -- someone tasked, specifically, with keeping the students inside safe.

He was outside when the first shots were fired. And he stayed there for four minutes as the shooter murdered 17 people.

These revelations about the actions -- or, more accurately, inaction -- of deputy Scot Peterson came on the same day that National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre spoke in front of the Conservative Political Action Conference, making a by now very familiar argument for guns.

"To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun," LaPierre said to applause from the CPAC crowd on Thursday morning.

The problem for LaPierre is that this latest shooting in Parkland, Florida, isn't an affirmation of that view. It's a direct rebuttal.

There was a good guy with a gun just outside the school when the bad guy with a gun started murdering people. The good guy with the gun wasn't the solution. He didn't stop it.

What the Parkland school shooting exposes is the fallacy in LaPierre's argument: This is not a simple problem. And it does not have a simple solution like arming more people.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/23/politics/lapierre-nra-analysis/index.html

02-23-2018, 05:23 PM
Another dumbass claiming that it's "definitive proof" that a good guy with a gun won't always help. :rolleyes: These idiots will run with this. And they would NEVER acknowledge anytime that a gun saved lives in any situation. The FACT is in this particular situation, a gun never even came into play. They may have an argument, had the officer entered and somehow exchanged fire and it failed. This incident only proved FURTHER, imo, that had that gun entered, it could only have helped. And LaPierre's statement is still true - ""To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun," - problem was, there was NO good guy with a gun. This was someone useless, so the fact that he was outside with a gun and never engaged means nothing.


Here's definitive proof that a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy with a gun

Washington (CNN)When the shooting started at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last Wednesday, there was an armed deputy on duty at the school -- someone tasked, specifically, with keeping the students inside safe.

He was outside when the first shots were fired. And he stayed there for four minutes as the shooter murdered 17 people.

These revelations about the actions -- or, more accurately, inaction -- of deputy Scot Peterson came on the same day that National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre spoke in front of the Conservative Political Action Conference, making a by now very familiar argument for guns.

"To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun," LaPierre said to applause from the CPAC crowd on Thursday morning.

The problem for LaPierre is that this latest shooting in Parkland, Florida, isn't an affirmation of that view. It's a direct rebuttal.

There was a good guy with a gun just outside the school when the bad guy with a gun started murdering people. The good guy with the gun wasn't the solution. He didn't stop it.

What the Parkland school shooting exposes is the fallacy in LaPierre's argument: This is not a simple problem. And it does not have a simple solution like arming more people.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/23/politics/lapierre-nra-analysis/index.htmlCNN is now getting it's queue from Pete?:dunno:

02-23-2018, 05:26 PM
CNN is now getting it's queue from Pete?:dunno:

Or perhaps the regurgitation we witnessed here was from someone watching CNN?

02-23-2018, 05:33 PM
Or perhaps the regurgitation we witnessed here was from someone watching CNN?I didn't think of that. I thought nobody watched CNN.

I was done with their asses long ago, but THE final nail was when they decided to cover some meteor BS while everyone else in the country was paying attention to the government shutdown. Then Don Lemon going off on MKL Jr's son because he wouldn't call Trump racist. I see no point in even bothering.

02-23-2018, 05:38 PM
Or perhaps the regurgitation we witnessed here was from someone watching CNN?

Abbey Marie
02-23-2018, 06:08 PM
If he was truly a good guy, things probably would have turned out differently.

02-23-2018, 06:52 PM
Guess having an armed guard doesn't work. Columbine had one too.

I'm sure that the armed guard was the exception to the rule. Something you'd rather not acknowledge.

How far do you take your 'our system isn't always up to par, therefore, discredit the principles it's founded upon' line, anyway ? Do you say ... society has criminals in it, therefore the society (and NOT the criminal) is ultimately at fault .. so ... what ? Should it be done away with ?

Can you really tell me that victims of shootouts AREN'T better served by firepower used against the perpetrators ?

In this case, it seems that one person failed in his duty. Just that. ONE. This says nothing whatever about the effectiveness of others. It says nothing about the principle of having an armed guard present, able to act !!

But being a Leftie, you're trying to push an argument saying otherwise.

The UK has some of the toughest gun laws on this planet. Has having them, done away with the phenomenon of maniacs going around slaughtering people ? OF COURSE NOT.

02-23-2018, 07:13 PM
How do you test for cowardness in an interview? I'm sure he doesn't wear it as a badge.

Look them square in the eyes.

02-23-2018, 07:39 PM
News is reporting that this Scott Peterson guy is on video hiding behind a cement column during the shootings. Sorry, Scottie, but you can't spin that as "doing your job" or "calling it in". That's just being a disgraceful coward.

Now that he's retired from being a school security monitor, maybe he should consider a career change... maybe he could be the new spokesman for Depends Underwear for Men?

02-23-2018, 07:50 PM
News is reporting that this Scott Peterson guy is on video hiding behind a cement column during the shootings. Sorry, Scottie, but you can't spin that as "doing your job" or "calling it in". That's just being a disgraceful coward.

Now that he's retired from being a school security monitor, maybe he should consider a career change... maybe he could be the new spokesman for Depends Underwear for Men?Completely agree.

HOWEVER, not to go unnoticed ... the FBI agents and police officers who ignored white star clusters being popped in the sky over this punk should be held just as accountable. THEIR dereliction of duty is as complicit in enabling loser boy as Mr Chicken's. Had they acted, Cruz likely would not have been able to obtain a firearm.

As the last line of defense, there's just no excuse for Petersen. Chickenshit don't cover it.

02-23-2018, 09:27 PM
He wasn't an 'armed guard,' he was an armed Sheriff's deputy assigned as safety officer to the school-he had a duty to enter that school, in fact, it appears he was inside and went outside.

Tonight there are reports there were 3 other Broward County Sheriff's deputies also on site, also didn't enter. After the Coral Springs police entered, new sheriff's deputies also entered, but not the original 4.

All the talk of blaming guns and politicians is smoke for the failure of law enforcement and local government from the FBI to social services to schools and the Sheriff's department.

02-23-2018, 10:55 PM
Watching Laura Ingram show on Fox `tonight`...The Broward County Sheriff (scott Israel) was mentioned and feels there are "to many guns" for the public according to a Deputy interviewed .....(he said his opinions are different from the sheriffs)

Which might lead many / some to believe he (The sheriff) has a very "Liberal" mind-set....*which can have an "effect" on many of his Deputies.....(Keeping their jobs)...which can be just as bad as being a coward...**But now we hear new there are 4 deputies that held back...which points back to my first premise .....(keeping their jobs)

02-23-2018, 11:18 PM
Watching Laura Ingram show on Fox `tonight`...The Broward County Sheriff (scott Israel) was mentioned and feels there are "to many guns" for the public according to a Deputy interviewed .....(he said his opinions are different from the sheriffs)

Which might lead many / some to believe he (The sheriff) has a very "Liberal" mind-set....*which can have an "effect" on many of his Deputies.....(Keeping their jobs)...which can be just as bad as being a coward...**But now we hear new there are 4 deputies that held back...which points back to my first premise .....(keeping their jobs)

There's a time to ask for permission, and a time to ask for forgiveness. The latter is easier to get than the former. Especially if you are doing the right thing.

You're there and you're it. Talking time's over when the rounds start going down range.

The whole situation is just disgusting me. The pussy cop. Or cops. The lack of any proactive anything that could have prevented the situation. The politicians. The media. And the damned sheep bleating there asses off after the fact. They're the worst because they are stupid enough to be sheep.

Let's make it even harder for honest people who do the right thing to do it. The police will protect us. Sure. How'd THAT work out?

HS students holding up a nation for a week? GMAFB. This is our future? Standing around waiting on Superman to save the day. This country isn't going to last much longer at all.

02-23-2018, 11:48 PM
Watching Laura Ingram show on Fox `tonight`...The Broward County Sheriff (scott Israel) was mentioned and feels there are "to many guns" for the public according to a Deputy interviewed .....(he said his opinions are different from the sheriffs)

Which might lead many / some to believe he (The sheriff) has a very "Liberal" mind-set....*which can have an "effect" on many of his Deputies.....(Keeping their jobs)...which can be just as bad as being a coward...**But now we hear new there are 4 deputies that held back...which points back to my first premise .....(keeping their jobs)


"When Broward County DEMOCRAT Sheriff Scott Israel Was Accused of Corruption, He Responded: ‘Lions Don’t Care About the Opinions of Sheep’ (https://rightwingconservativenewsblog.com/2018/02/23/when-broward-county-democrat-sheriff-scott-israel-was-accused-of-corruption-he-responded-lions-dont-care-about-the-opinions-of-sheep/)

FEBRUARY 23, 2018 (https://rightwingconservativenewsblog.com/2018/02/23/when-broward-county-democrat-sheriff-scott-israel-was-accused-of-corruption-he-responded-lions-dont-care-about-the-opinions-of-sheep/)
DEMOCRAT Israel reportedly hired his political supporters to do outreach for the police."

02-24-2018, 04:55 AM
How do you test for cowardness in an interview? I'm sure he doesn't wear it as a badge.

You hire battle tested veterans.

$75k / year isn't bad money, and it's easy. I'll wager that an Afghanistan theatre Marine wouldn't have any qualms with going in and taking out a 17 year old punk in a school.

Your trolling fails.

FYI, it's shit like that why you reap the whirlwind. I have no sympathy for you when you get your ass reamed because of that stupid trolling streak that you engage in. You've earned it.

Abbey Marie
02-24-2018, 09:45 AM
Watching Laura Ingram show on Fox `tonight`...The Broward County Sheriff (scott Israel) was mentioned and feels there are "to many guns" for the public according to a Deputy interviewed .....(he said his opinions are different from the sheriffs)

Which might lead many / some to believe he (The sheriff) has a very "Liberal" mind-set....*which can have an "effect" on many of his Deputies.....(Keeping their jobs)...which can be just as bad as being a coward...**But now we hear new there are 4 deputies that held back...which points back to my first premise .....(keeping their jobs)

Yes. I think I mentioned above that he is a friend of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Total lib.

02-24-2018, 10:23 AM
You hire battle tested veterans.

$75k / year isn't bad money, and it's easy. I'll wager that an Afghanistan theatre Marine wouldn't have any qualms with going in and taking out a 17 year old punk in a school.

Your trolling fails.

FYI, it's shit like that why you reap the whirlwind. I have no sympathy for you when you get your ass reamed because of that stupid trolling streak that you engage in. You've earned it.

$75k? wtf, that is well well over the salary of a teacher. Again we have 150k schools. Do we have that many interested vets that aren't homeless and with mental illness?

02-24-2018, 10:41 AM
$75k? wtf, that is well well over the salary of a teacher. Again we have 150k schools. Do we have that many interested vets that aren't homeless and with mental illness?
You just CAN'T help yourself, can you? You just can't make ONE POST without throwing in your LEFTIST SHIT, and this, ANOTHER INSULT to VETERANS.

Ya... you are a prick... really... a class A fucking PRICK, just like MOST leftist.

@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89) @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) @aboutime (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2272) @Elessar (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3442)

02-24-2018, 11:03 AM
You just CAN'T help yourself, can you? You just can't make ONE POST without throwing in your LEFTIST SHIT, and this, ANOTHER INSULT to VETERANS.

Ya... you are a prick... really... a class A fucking PRICK, just like MOST leftist.

@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89) @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) @aboutime (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2272) @Elessar (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3442)

Not insults. It is a fact that many homeless are vets and many have issues like PTSD. There is no shame and we should be able to talk about them. I consider them serious issues that need much more funding, visibility and solutions.

02-24-2018, 11:57 AM
$75k? wtf, that is well well over the salary of a teacher. Again we have 150k schools. Do we have that many interested vets that aren't homeless and with mental illness?More sticking your foot in your mouth? Vets are homeless and/or have mental illness. Typical progressive left attitude toward vets. Channel Gabby much?

Define mental illness, Pete. You think I'm some kind of "Rambo wannabe" because I don't think like you. Never occurs to you some of us are good at what we do. That doesn't make me a warmonger, a fictional Hollyweird character, nor mentally ill.

Mentally ill TO ME is someone that will stand around and allow themselves to be slaughtered when the means to defend one's self and others are readily available, simply for a stupid, nonsensical and illogical political opinion. Here's a newsflash for you from a "crazy" veteran ... there aren't any politics in a firefight, dipshit. Those bullets heading your way don't give a damn who you voted for nor what screwy idealism you have and the maniac firing those bullets thanks you immensely for making it easy on him by not fighting back. They don't care how you die. Just that you die.

You lefties need to pull your heads out of your asses before you get both handed to you because THAT is where you're heading. I could give a shit less except you are taking MY country and my children's and grandchildren's country straight down the shitter with you. But you don't care, right? Because a stupid illogical political opinion is WAY more important than the anyone's future. That you and your ilk will get EXACTLY what you are begging for and deserve bothers me not.

02-24-2018, 12:23 PM
Define mental illness, Pete.

We have a standard called the DSM5

02-24-2018, 12:51 PM
We have a standard called the DSM5Who is "we"? You? The left? Some bonehead doctors that by the time I got done analyzing THEm would be in tears? SO how come Democrats don't have to live up to this "standard" to get to vote? Y'all are more dangerous to this country than all the school shootings in US history combined. I guarantee you few senior Democrats in Congress could pass a sanity test. Not if the test includes the real world. Logic. Fact. Common sense. Having any kind of thought that isn't warped by a political view.

I may be what you call a "crazy" vet, but I can turn MY politics off. Which WOULD be a definite qualifier for the job, and disqualify YOU. There are no politics in the military where mission accomplishment is concerned. Mission: stop the shooter as quickly as possible by any and all means necessary. END OF STORY,

Not "what the Sheriff going to think?" He's going to throw you under the bus and blame the guns, that's what. So while you're pondering your career in law enforcement, more people die. And you can think what you want, Pete. I would kill the fucker as quickly and efficiently as I could without hesitating and not lose ANY sleep. And I'm good at it. That doesn't make me "crazy". It means I have a skill set you are afraid of and anything a lefty fears they try and legislate into irrelevance or out of existence with some "standard" contrived to suit their political agenda.

But the firearm is NOT the weapon, Pete. I am.

02-24-2018, 01:19 PM
Watch. First, if anyone was looking for a way to get a week's worth of international attention, the media has handed them a recipe on a silver spoon with a ribbon around it.

Second, when it happens again, and it will, the media and leftwhiners are going to crucify the shooter for blowing away some poor, misunderstood kid. And it will STILL be the firearm's fault.

02-24-2018, 01:59 PM
Not insults. It is a fact that many homeless are vets and many have issues like PTSD. There is no shame and we should be able to talk about them. I consider them serious issues that need much more funding, visibility and solutions.
NICE TRY at a BACK PEDDLE, since you know how many VETERANS are here. Your comment was just another one of your SHITTY little sideways INSULTS at us.

I think you do it on purpose, and I don't believe for second that it's because you give a flying FUCK about any of us. You democrats hate the military and thus you hate veterans as well, and you shit stains have even called us "DANGEROUS" and "TERRORISTS."

We are you're worst nightmare, and it's no wonder why you want to DISARM us all, because then you could FORCE your bull shit commie agenda on us and we'd have ZERO way to ensure you DON'T. THAT is, in fact, what the 2nd A is all about after all, giving the PEOPLE the POWER to ensure they don't live under a tyrannical government, and that is EXACTLY what you FASCIST DEMOCRATS are, tyrannical.

I think each and every one of you fuckers is pure filth, and a cancer on America.

02-24-2018, 02:09 PM




02-24-2018, 02:31 PM
NICE TRY at a BACK PEDDLE, since you know how many VETERANS are here. Your comment was just another one of your SHITTY little sideways INSULTS at us.

I think you do it on purpose, and I don't believe for second that it's because you give a flying FUCK about any of us. You democrats hate the military and thus you hate veterans as well, and you shit stains have even called us "DANGEROUS" and "TERRORISTS."

We are you're worst nightmare, and it's no wonder why you want to DISARM us all, because then you could FORCE your bull shit commie agenda on us and we'd have ZERO way to ensure you DON'T. THAT is, in fact, what the 2nd A is all about after all, giving the PEOPLE the POWER to ensure they don't live under a tyrannical government, and that is EXACTLY what you FASCIST DEMOCRATS are, tyrannical.

I think each and every one of you fuckers is pure filth, and a cancer on America.

Take a vacation. Can we start a fund to send drifter to the Bahamas for a week or something?

02-24-2018, 02:34 PM
$75k? wtf, that is well well over the salary of a teacher. Again we have 150k schools. Do we have that many interested vets that aren't homeless and with mental illness?

You screw with Vets again?

And you never even made Cub Scouts?

Best back way the hell off.

Just to remind You Idiot...

There are a few here that do NOT NEED a firearm.

A simple pencil to the temple will suffice.

02-24-2018, 02:55 PM
Not insults. It is a fact that many homeless are vets and many have issues like PTSD. There is no shame and we should be able to talk about them. I consider them serious issues that need much more funding, visibility and solutions.

Do you want to know PTSD, Pete?

How about I had 87 people die on me when I was at USCG Group Los Angeles-Long Beach at 4:23 PM (1643) 30 January 2000.
Alaska Air Flight 247 nose-dived into the Santa Barbara Channel from ~19,000 feet.

Try to tell Vets here about PTSD when you have been nothing but a liberal, non-serving coward?

Think a Jar-head like Gunny has not seen death and injury?

I have pulled dead bodies out of the water, 1250,...either personally or had to send boat and helo crews.
I have rescued over 250,000.

PTSD, Pete?

Out of your league

02-24-2018, 03:07 PM
You screw with Vets again?

And you never even made Cub Scouts?

Best back way the hell off.

Just to remind You Idiot...

There are a few here that do NOT NEED a firearm.

A simple pencil to the temple will suffice.

what? don't see how this is a response to what I wrote

02-24-2018, 03:10 PM
Do you want to know PTSD, Pete?

How about I had 87 people die on me when I was at USCG Group Los Angeles-Long Beach at 4:23 PM (1643) 30 January 2000.
Alaska Air nose-dived into the Santa Barabra Channel from ~19,000 feet.

Try to tell Vets here about PTSD when you have been noting but a liberal, non-serving coward?

Think a Jar-head like @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) has not seen death and injury?

I have pulled dead bodies out of the water, 1250,...either personally or had to send boat and helo crews.
I have rescued over 250,000.

PTSD, Pete?

Out of your league

I don't know what this is in response to.

02-24-2018, 03:16 PM
Take a vacation. Can we start a fund to send drifter to the Bahamas for a week or something?BULL - SHIT! If "crazy vet" gets youo a free ride to the Bahamas for a week your ass best be putting my psycho ass on THAT list. :slap: I can bury your arguments with a laptop and bucket of iced Coronas on the beach in St Croix in flip flops and swim trunks as easily as I can in this shitty weather we're having here. Share the "misery", dude.

02-24-2018, 03:16 PM
I don't know what this is in response to.

Because you are a fool that ignores his own insults

02-24-2018, 03:46 PM
Because you are a fool that ignores his own insults

I would never insult military or veterans.

02-24-2018, 04:40 PM
Take a vacation. Can we start a fund to send drifter to the Bahamas for a week or something?
When you go back to this kind sophomoric crap, you're showing that you have nothing more.

You got caught spitting on us veterans again and now it's back to your little pissant insult game.

02-24-2018, 04:41 PM
I would never insult military or veterans.
You lie straight through your teeth, right in our face, as if we didn't know better.

You have no shame do you, lefty?

02-24-2018, 04:50 PM
When you go back to this kind sophomoric crap, you're showing that you have nothing more.

You got caught spitting on us veterans again and now it's back to your little pissant insult game.

nah man, I'm worried about you. You sound stressed out.

02-24-2018, 05:48 PM
I would never insult military or veterans.

YES, YOU WOULD petey. The mere fact you felt a need to lie about it, and you come here...proves the opposite is true.

You can prove that by telling WE VETERANS...when you served in the military, and how long.
Otherwise...you lie like Hillary on Steroids.

02-24-2018, 06:19 PM
I would never insult military or veterans.

Then WHY do You?

You LIE through your coward liberal teeth.

You served how long?

Answer that question....

02-24-2018, 07:00 PM
Then WHY do You?

You LIE through your coward liberal teeth.

You served how long?

Answer that question....

The homeless and mental illness comment was not an insult. I would never make light of those serious issues.

02-24-2018, 07:10 PM
The homeless and mental illness comment was not an insult. I would never make light of those serious issues.You are the one that tied homeless and insane to vets. Why's it got to be vets, Pete? Vets are 1% of te US population. What's the percentage of homeless and insane people in the US population? I'd say homeless, insane vets are by far the minority.

02-24-2018, 07:15 PM
The homeless and mental illness comment was not an insult. I would never make light of those serious issues.

Then answer me instead of running and hiding.

How long did you serve, Pete?

Tell us!

What branch? What MOS?

02-24-2018, 07:19 PM
You are the one that tied homeless and insane to vets. Why's it got to be vets, Pete? Vets are 1% of te US population. What's the percentage of homeless and insane people in the US population? I'd say homeless, insane vets are by far the minority.


Obama made an issue 8 years ago.....homeless Vets a threat..

What he did Not address was drug addicts and former criminals out on the streets.

To him they had to be cuddled and taken care of.

Obama did not give a rat's ass hot in hell about suffering Vets.

02-24-2018, 07:25 PM
You are the one that tied homeless and insane to vets. Why's it got to be vets, Pete? Vets are 1% of te US population. What's the percentage of homeless and insane people in the US population? I'd say homeless, insane vets are by far the minority.

We're talking about finding 150K qualified able bodied vets to protect schools

02-24-2018, 07:26 PM
Then answer me instead of running and hiding.

How long did you serve, Pete?

Tell us!

What branch? What MOS?

Didn't serve. Not sure how it's relevant.

02-24-2018, 07:31 PM
We're talking about finding 150K qualified able bodied vets to protect schools

WE are talking about?

Ummm....what was the topic thread?

Who is WE?

You never answered my questions...

How long did you serve?

What are your qualifications?

What puts you on a pedestal to insult Vets and LE?

Tell us how GREAT You are!:laugh:

02-24-2018, 07:34 PM
WE are talking about?

Ummm....what was the topic thread?

Who is WE?

You never answered my questions...

How long did you serve?

What are your qualifications?

What puts you on a pedestal to insult Vets and LE?

Tell us how GREAT You are!:laugh:

see the next post

02-24-2018, 07:43 PM
We're talking about finding 150K qualified able bodied vets to protect schools"Were". Then you judged us mentally ill and homeless.

So you think REITERATING (because it's already against the law to shoot up schools and kill people) with more paper that it is even "more" against the law to do it now is going to stop one damned thing?

And you think that this "more paper" thrown at the problem is going to stop criminals from obtaining firearms to commit their crimes. They're criminals, Pete. Not sure what part of the simplicity to that you don't get. They don't care about your laws. They welcome them. They LOVE a disarmed public. They're cowards. They don't want to get shot back at.

Look at this idiot. Attacks a school full of kids, in a gun-free zone where he is all but assured safety for himself, then surrenders like the coward he is when caught. There's no fear of consequences for these people because people who think like you clear the damned road of obstacles for them.

Yeah, another piece of toothless legislation is cheaper. You get what you pay for.

02-24-2018, 07:44 PM
see the next post

I asked direct questions it takes you four or five posts to answer?

Who the hell are you to judge Vets?

Who the hell are you do do that and insult?

02-24-2018, 10:44 PM
"Were". Then you judged us mentally ill and homeless.

No I didn't. But mental illness and homelessness is a major problem for many veterans. Have you not seen the stats?

02-24-2018, 10:45 PM
I asked direct questions it takes you four or five posts to answer?

Who the hell are you to judge Vets?

Who the hell are you do do that and insult?

I'm not making a judgement, I'm stating a fact. Stop twisting my words and intent!

02-24-2018, 11:36 PM
I'm not making a judgement, I'm stating a fact. Stop twisting my words and intent!You have yet to state a fact. You stated unsubstantiated, left wing rhetoric. Your statement is offensive. Problem with you lefties. You're so full of yourselves and your own opinions, you think they are more important than the feelings of others.

I got a good memory, Pete. You made a statement you were on a board full of 70 years old Rambo's. Rambo was a pussy, besides being a fictional character. On top of that, you relegated war vets to mentally ill and homeless. More BS rhetoric. You didn't even do your homework. You just took that crap from Gabby and ran with it and she's more full of it than you are.

THEN, you sit back and act amazed that some of the vets on the board take exception to your insults. I mean if you want to sling them, then expect return fire and don't get your little feelings hurt when you get it.

If you are really as dependent on others for protection as you act, I hope you pray a couple of times a day.

02-24-2018, 11:39 PM
I'm not making a judgement, I'm stating a fact. Stop twisting my words and intent!

Twist Your words!


One-line inserts are hard to twist.

How about growing up and being a MAN?

02-24-2018, 11:39 PM
Number of homeless vets near 40k

Number of mentally ill vets is 4.2 million

02-24-2018, 11:43 PM
Number of homeless vets near 40k

Number of mentally ill vets is 4.2 million
https://nvf.org/veteran-mental-health-facts-statistics/Those numbers are bullshit. Funny how you'll believe pure bullshit if it supports your rhetoric. Think there might be a connection?

02-24-2018, 11:57 PM
Those numbers are bullshit. Funny how you'll believe pure bullshit if it supports your rhetoric. Think there might be a connection?

ok, what are the numbers then?

02-25-2018, 08:40 AM
NICE TRY at a BACK PEDDLE, since you know how many VETERANS are here. Your comment was just another one of your SHITTY little sideways INSULTS at us.

I think you do it on purpose, and I don't believe for second that it's because you give a flying FUCK about any of us. You democrats hate the military and thus you hate veterans as well, and you shit stains have even called us "DANGEROUS" and "TERRORISTS."

We are you're worst nightmare, and it's no wonder why you want to DISARM us all, because then you could FORCE your bull shit commie agenda on us and we'd have ZERO way to ensure you DON'T. THAT is, in fact, what the 2nd A is all about after all, giving the PEOPLE the POWER to ensure they don't live under a tyrannical government, and that is EXACTLY what you FASCIST DEMOCRATS are, tyrannical.

I think each and every one of you fuckers is pure filth, and a cancer on America.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

I want to applaud this, loudly ... and I'm not even American !!!

Other countries, such as my own, have our own versions of Pete and his ilk. Our 'mainstream' version in the UK is the Labour Party. I see equivalents of Pete coming out of the woodwork, thanks in no small part to Labour, in their thousands.

I'd make one point. Pete, being Left wing, will be part of a strand of thinking that looks to influence the world in general. America is an important location to see undermined, for sure ... but Pete's ilk think globally. The fight against Socialist filth (excellent description) is a global one.

I'll never see it in my lifetime, of course. But my idea of an enriched world is one where Socialism (and all its versions) is reviled everywhere.

Given stalwarts such as yourself .. and, of course, the stellar political leadership you currently have, and all that America stands for .. I say, 'GOD BLESS AMERICA'.:salute::salute:

02-25-2018, 10:16 AM
You know, if you don't feed the trolls, they go away.

I put them on the ignore list and don't read or reply.

Just saying.

02-25-2018, 10:26 AM
You know, if you don't feed the trolls, they go away.

I put them on the ignore list and don't read or reply.

Just saying.

Last time I did that I got butchered. Let me guess, no one will give you the same treatment. Good ol boys club here.

02-25-2018, 10:40 AM
Last time I did that I got butchered. Let me guess, no one will give you the same treatment. Good ol boys club here.

Well, a spoiled liberal that cannot stand his own bullshit rhetoric shoved back in his face!

Still have a golden spoon that your pound on the tray to your high chair?

I will give you a pacifier.....Binki