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View Full Version : Russia Sends Newest Stealth Warplanes For Combat Trial In Syria As Airstrikes On Ghou

02-23-2018, 08:50 AM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:05 AM PT — Thurs. February 22, 2018Russia is reportedly sending more military aircraft to Syria to ramp up its operation against rebels near Damascus.
Russia is sending its newest warplanes to support the offensive of pro-Assad forces against rebels in the Eastern Ghouta and Homs regions.
Russian media reports two of the jets have arrived at Russia’s main airbase in Syria.
The fighting in Eastern Ghouta has intensified in recent days, causing mounting casualties on both sides.
The Syrian government, backed by the Russian aerospace forces and military contractors on the ground, said curbing rebel resistance is key to ensuring peace in the country.
Meanwhile, airstrikes by Syrian and Russian air forces continue to pound eastern Ghouta.
U.N. pleas for a ceasefire continued this week as the coalition places pressure on Russia to use its influence to call for a month-long peace deal.
300 people have been killed in Ghouta since Sunday.
The U.N. has warned about the escalating humanitarian crisis, saying a ceasefire is necessary in order to send emergency supplies to civilians still trapped in the region.
Russia has rejected calls for a ceasefire, claiming it could hinder efforts to combat rebel groups and terrorists in the region.

Hate agreeing with Russia just on GP, but I agree with Russia's stance. You don't win a war by letting the enemy call time out. Newsflash for all the Europ*ssies and leftwing nut wimps here at home: War is inhumane. Don't start them. If one DOES start, don't expect for to be held around you at your convenience. Get out of the line of fire? Novel concept, I know. Kinda like lefties sitting in the path of a hurricane and wondering why they got hit by a hurricane :rolleyes:

I can relate to Assad on one level -- enemies of the state are trying to take his country kinda like the leftwingnuts here. He's willing to fight for it.

Otherwise, Assad's a POS, but a secular one. Last despotic secular regime we overthrew brought us ISIS.

Polite Russian
02-25-2018, 06:19 AM
Weird thing. Putin said, that we already defeat ISIS and we are leaving Syria... and then he send new warplanes there. Well.. okay.
I support our military operation there. It is better to kill terrorists where they train them, far from homeland (there are a lot of chechens and other caucasus muslims there, who fight for ISIS) But our government is making some strange things with all that "rotations" there.

02-25-2018, 08:19 AM
Why is it that everywhere there's muslims there's killing and war?

The WORLD needs to quit acting like muslims aren't the problem, and confront islam head on. Put them on notice that if they can't stop all the killing and fighting, it's going to be the WORLD against the muslims, and we'll wipe their ass off the face of the earth. Either that or quit all the killing, all the caliphates, the ISIS, the Hezbollah, ALL of that. If it pops up, if islam wants to survive on earth as a religion, then THEY have to QUASH that sort of thing as soon it rears it's ugly head.

Think we'll ever see the day that happens? Nope... because muslims have infiltrated too much of the world, and they have the people where they've infiltrated SCARED.

02-25-2018, 08:35 AM
If we don't end up fully fighting in Syria, I'll be surprised. That business of 100 of our troops fighting, basically, Russians, is NOT a good sign.

02-25-2018, 08:38 AM
Why is it that everywhere there's muslims there's killing and war?

I think this is an important question.

One reason I just thought of is that they are the modern Mongols. Highly aggressive and invasive and conquering --- the Mongols surged in about 450 AD and again around 1250 AD. It was very hard to hold them back from overwhelming Europe entirely. Then the same with the Muslims, invading Europe all over from about 700 and off and on for another millennium. That was stopped in Vienna in...1673? Approx.

And now the Muslims are on the rise all over again, and again have invaded Europe, with many more young men and more successfully.

02-25-2018, 09:03 AM
I think this is an important question.

One reason I just thought of is that they are the modern Mongols. Highly aggressive and invasive and conquering --- the Mongols surged in about 450 AD and again around 1250 AD. It was very hard to hold them back from overwhelming Europe entirely. Then the same with the Muslims, invading Europe all over from about 700 and off and on for another millennium. That was stopped in Vienna in...1673? Approx.

And now the Muslims are on the rise all over again, and again have invaded Europe, with many more young men and more successfully.
The Crusades all over again, except this time it looks like Britain is going to hand over it's nation to the muslims and simply knuckle under. They're afraid to fight back, the nation has been disarmed, political correctness has paralyzed them, and now that they have a muslim mayor in London, give Britain another 20 years and it'll be under sharia law.

02-25-2018, 10:24 AM
The Crusades all over again, except this time it looks like Britain is going to hand over it's nation to the muslims and simply knuckle under. They're afraid to fight back, the nation has been disarmed, political correctness has paralyzed them, and now that they have a muslim mayor in London, give Britain another 20 years and it'll be under sharia law.

I entirely agree. For some reason, Europe won't fight for its own existence. Clearly a lot of people DO want to, but the majority will just let the Muslims take over, bomb all the cathedrals, establish political control by Muslims. I think Europe is lost. More and more Muslims are still pouring in, including huge numbers of blacks from Chad and Mali and others, 250 on a single rubber raft, and the crazy Europeans go out and rescue them!! Shooooo, I'd shell the rafts if I ran things: that would stop it right away.