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02-23-2018, 09:18 AM
:( (:laugh:)

I have to admit, in the past 11 or 12 years, I have done everything I possibly can using the internet to sow the seeds of dissent within the Democratic party and leftwingnuts in general. I have pleaded with people to vote for idiots I couldn't stand (McLame and Romney) and one I felt was unqualified to to hold the office (Trump) rather than let the Enemy of the State (O-blah-blah) and/or the Mafia Queenpin win.

I have and will conspire to keep any and all Democrats out of office, and melting down in there "safe" spaces where shooters know they can find them.

Using the Dem/leftgoob standard, I feel it only fair that GWB, McLame and Romney, and of course myself, be added to Mueller's indictment. After all, I supported them irrelevant of the fact they have no clue who the f- I am. They are just guilty.

And should I be indicted, I want every conservative on this board to know I will not mention a name of any of you. Until Mueller heaps enough petty charges on me that I start making up shit just to save my own ass. :)

Taco Junkie
02-23-2018, 01:09 PM
The leftwads will make you confess


02-24-2018, 06:36 PM
You are not in any danger, considering how much ALL OF US HERE would be in trouble if Hitlery had won.
The Liberal GESTAPO would have SHUT DOWN every conservative, Republican site like DP on January 21st, 2017.
That would have been followed by the Declaration of MARTIAL LAW, that ordered every police force to IMPOUND all guns. Then, Hillary, and her Vice President Biden, would have Forced CONGRESS to ELIMINATE THE FIRST AMENDMENT....through an Internal COUP!

02-24-2018, 06:51 PM
You are not in any danger, considering how much ALL OF US HERE would be in trouble if Hitlery had won.
The Liberal GESTAPO would have SHUT DOWN every conservative, Republican site like DP on January 21st, 2017.
That would have been followed by the Declaration of MARTIAL LAW, that ordered every police force to IMPOUND all guns. Then, Hillary, and her Vice President Biden, would have Forced CONGRESS to ELIMINATE THE FIRST AMENDMENT....through an Internal COUP!If I, in any way. am responsible for her loss ... good.

02-24-2018, 07:40 PM
:( (:laugh:)

I have to admit, in the past 11 or 12 years, I have done everything I possibly can using the internet to sow the seeds of dissent within the Democratic party and leftwingnuts in general. I have pleaded with people to vote for idiots I couldn't stand (McLame and Romney) and one I felt was unqualified to to hold the office (Trump) rather than let the Enemy of the State (O-blah-blah) and/or the Mafia Queenpin win.

I have and will conspire to keep any and all Democrats out of office, and melting down in there "safe" spaces where shooters know they can find them.

Using the Dem/leftgoob standard, I feel it only fair that GWB, McLame and Romney, and of course myself, be added to Mueller's indictment. After all, I supported them irrelevant of the fact they have no clue who the f- I am. They are just guilty.

And should I be indicted, I want every conservative on this board to know I will not mention a name of any of you. Until Mueller heaps enough petty charges on me that I start making up shit just to save my own ass. :)

Listen to me and shut up!

You are my friend and so very trusted.

I am a Moderate that hates wingers far sides of both parties.

Couple of things YOU have are your COURAGE, HONESTY, DIRECTNESS...and humility!
I cannot say it any better

02-24-2018, 10:34 PM
We all love you, Gunny. [:-) It's all been very, very confusing.

I love Trump, too, but you know ........we all know.........he's a bit of a wild child.

Hey, it's better than the alternative, and I'm hoping for the best.

02-26-2018, 12:11 AM
We all love you, Gunny. [:-) It's all been very, very confusing.

I love Trump, too, but you know ........we all know.........he's a bit of a wild child.

Hey, it's better than the alternative, and I'm hoping for the best.

No...we dont "all" know....Trump...The American.... "wild child" (as you say) defeated everyone in his way to make America Great again....Trump is what Americans wants...nothing soft...nothing Phony ...nothing cheap...nothing WEAK....

....No one could have withstood what Trump went through and is going through...Now...No one....Trump is supposed to be here right now and at this time....He is the best America has to take on the stinkin leftist...and the weak kneed Looking for a different "alternative" closet Trump haters..