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02-24-2018, 04:15 PM
Yesterday we celebrated the Defender Day with my friends at the table, the National Holiday in Russia. Naturally, there were a lot of memories of our actual service in our armed forces, of our friends, still living and already gone from this life. No doubt that the subjects of Defense were prevailing. And in this respect we were analyzing and modeling the possible scenarios in view of recent American declarations and actions.
Discussing all these we came to one conclusion - Americans NEVER consider a possibility of conducting combat actions on their own territory with all the attendant destructions and casualties, including those, among civilians: old-men, women and children. They are sure that if the War will happen, it will be restricted only by European Scene of Operations as it was in previous Wars, when they didn't reach an American Continent.
Speaking about this it became evident, that in case of ANY assault against Russia from ANY European NATO country there will be an immediate reciprocal mass NUCLEAR strike at the objectives in territory of the USA - the heart of combat and logistics abilities of NATO. As far as your anti-missile defense system is holey the consequences may be dramatic. As the targets and the warheads may be the following: Colombian dams are 20 pieces. Niagara Dam 2 pieces. Hoover Dam - 2 pieces. Fort-Peck, Orovil, ever-memorable. (this is if they are not on the list of 342 power plants). Houston-chemical center of the United States, plants for the production of Westinghouse's nuclear fuel, and then calculate the amount of population falling into the zone of flooding and contamination. Then we'll see that from the distribution networks it is necessary to tear a little, so that everything goes into deep bleaching - where are the chlorine tanks at the plants / water intakes standing? and we'll get an altogether different picture of the consequences ...
And then it will be high time to revert to your European NATO partners and to see their readiness and eagerness to be engaged in close contact combat against Russians themselves, as before. Some of them have own experience fixed at their gene level.
Here are such sad conversations which were at our festive table last night. http://s4.rimg.info/314d748a7766c19373f589fd66d243ad.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-473920455.html)

02-24-2018, 06:06 PM
Really? The only time war with Russia is ever even thought of around here is when YOU bring it up. You're stupid and obviously senile, living in the part. Fact is, we can completely destroy every inch of Russia more than twice. Takes nothing more than THAT. Even if by some miracle and whatever doubtless dumbass reason you accomplished half of that "mass destruction".

You really need to get a life and quit playing with those little plastic soldiers in your bed pretending you're winning a war that never happened. You got punked. By a Democrat. Get over it.

02-24-2018, 10:45 PM
Russia only has 160 million people. That's max: half our population.

It simply doesn't matter, Russia. Now China -- that matters. They have 4 or 5 times our population, AND mostly male because of the strange birth control thing they do, and they are I think the only population that could plausibly invade: thru Mexico, obviously.

Pakistan has fully 180 million, maybe 200 million since I last looked. They worry me a LOT more than Russia, which is at least sane.

02-25-2018, 09:44 AM
" ....in case of ANY assault against Russia from ANY European NATO country there will be an immediate reciprocal mass NUCLEAR strike at the objectives in territory of the USA - the heart of combat and logistics abilities of NATO. "

And that right there is why a lot of us don't trust the Russians. First response goes right to a mass nuclear strike. If some nut job throws a grenade across the border and that nutjob happens to be from Turkey, Balu and his ilk launch a MASS nuclear strike. No measured response, no consideration of circumstance, no thought beyond "LAUNCH ALL NUKES"

Why wait? Do away with the pretense of retaliation. Some of us know that Balu and his buddies want the US destroyed at all cost and preferably with a nuclear holocaust. I am surprised they haven't conjured up some scheme to create an assault on the "motherland" just so they could have their nuclear war.

As for all the other stuff about the US not wanting war on their own soil.... DAMN RIGHT!! What nation really desires a full scale war on their own territory?

Just be glad that the US doesn't have that same philosophy towards the Russians. There has been plenty of provocation from their side.

02-25-2018, 10:21 AM
[COLOR="#0000FF"]" As for all the other stuff about the US not wanting war on their own soil.... DAMN RIGHT!! What nation really desires a full scale war on their own territory?

Just be glad that the US doesn't have that same philosophy towards the Russians. There has been plenty of provocation from their side.

Russian trolls, you know? Amazing changes in the world. They are having a lot more success breaking up America by sowing discord on forums than with nukes or any other kind of weapons.

IMO, Americans are silly tolerating Russia input on forums. They are paid, they are here to propagandize us, they are here to harm us and start a civil war.

We sure are living in the Future now. Since 2016, I figure.

02-25-2018, 10:23 AM
Yesterday we celebrated the Defender Day with my friends at the table, the National Holiday in Russia. Naturally, there were a lot of memories of our actual service in our armed forces, of our friends, still living and already gone from this life. No doubt that the subjects of Defense were prevailing. And in this respect we were analyzing and modeling the possible scenarios in view of recent American declarations and actions.
Discussing all these we came to one conclusion - Americans NEVER consider a possibility of conducting combat actions on their own territory with all the attendant destructions and casualties, including those, among civilians: old-men, women and children. They are sure that if the War will happen, it will be restricted only by European Scene of Operations as it was in previous Wars, when they didn't reach an American Continent.
Speaking about this it became evident, that in case of ANY assault against Russia from ANY European NATO country there will be an immediate reciprocal mass NUCLEAR strike at the objectives in territory of the USA - the heart of combat and logistics abilities of NATO. As far as your anti-missile defense system is holey the consequences may be dramatic. As the targets and the warheads may be the following: Colombian dams are 20 pieces. Niagara Dam 2 pieces. Hoover Dam - 2 pieces. Fort-Peck, Orovil, ever-memorable. (this is if they are not on the list of 342 power plants). Houston-chemical center of the United States, plants for the production of Westinghouse's nuclear fuel, and then calculate the amount of population falling into the zone of flooding and contamination. Then we'll see that from the distribution networks it is necessary to tear a little, so that everything goes into deep bleaching - where are the chlorine tanks at the plants / water intakes standing? and we'll get an altogether different picture of the consequences ...
And then it will be high time to revert to your European NATO partners and to see their readiness and eagerness to be engaged in close contact combat against Russians themselves, as before. Some of them have own experience fixed at their gene level.
Here are such sad conversations which were at our festive table last night.
First of all, Einstein, NO ONE wins a nuclear war... got that... NO ONE. EVERYTHING gets destroyed and there is no WINNER. The radiation cloud that would blow around the world would eventually kill EVERYTHING, all the people, all the animals, and all the plants. The only thing that might survive is the COCK ROACHES. So you fucking Russians win NOTHING. You launch nukes against America, we retaliate, you are in effect, KILLING YOURSELVES, because we would make a PARKING LOT out of Russia in return. It might do you well to REMEMBER THAT. We die... YOU DIE... simple as that.

Secondly, the reason Japan never wanted to invade the American homeland, and why just about any other nation on earth doesn't either, even to this day, is because WE'RE ALL ARMED TO THE TEETH. We haven't been DISARMED like you have. So if some country thinks they're going to come in here and OCCUPY America, there's no way in HELL that's going to happen, because behind every blade of grass there's a person with a GUN, and he's going to KILL YOU.

So you coming on this board with your BULL SHIT TALK about what big BAD ASS MOTHER RUSSIA is going to do to America is about as DUMBASS as DUMBASS gets.

You don't sound very freakin' smart.

02-25-2018, 11:12 AM
Russian trolls, you know? Amazing changes in the world. They are having a lot more success breaking up America by sowing discord on forums than with nukes or any other kind of weapons.

IMO, Americans are silly tolerating Russia input on forums. They are paid, they are here to propagandize us, they are here to harm us and start a civil war.

We sure are living in the Future now. Since 2016, I figure.Balu is cheap entertainment. Aside from that, we have another Russian on the board who is pretty much much the antithesis of Balu. Banning them just for being Russian isn't exactly being fair.

If Balu is an example of Russians trolling the internet trying to affect the outcome of the election, I'm more than willing to let him stand up and be counted. Anyone falling for his 1950s era crap needs some serious help :laugh:

02-25-2018, 11:24 AM
Balu is cheap entertainment. Aside from that, we have another Russian on the board who is pretty much much the antithesis of Balu. Banning them just for being Russian isn't exactly being fair.

If Balu is an example of Russians trolling the internet trying to affect the outcome of the election, I'm more than willing to let him stand up and be counted. Anyone falling for his 1950s era crap needs some serious help :laugh:

I expect they are both the same person. They are supposed to maintain many accounts to get paid; they have to do a minimum number of posts.

Americans are the most honest people on Earth, which is probably not saying much, but it sure leaves us vulnerable to the lies of all the rest.

Russians are here posting for one reason only: to propagandize us and break up America. I think that is pretty rotten. We don't do it to them, after all.

02-25-2018, 11:45 AM
Balu gave everybody something to talk about and read. Worth the time? Depends on how much time ones has and willing to invest.:laugh:

**Any anti-American stuff gets me angry.:salute:...But Balu has some good pic`s from time to time...so I try to refrain myself and look at it... as Balu`s strange inner thoughts....and personal feelings....but it will give us all more a better understanding of what Balu is trying to accomplish here ...Time will tell...


02-25-2018, 12:34 PM
He's either 100% paid troll or dumber'n a sack of puss.

Either way this American couldn't give a shit less what kind of dumbass Russian trolling he does here. He wouldn't change my mind about anything other than how stupid some Russians must be.

I mean what's he doing here with this thread, trying to scare us about losing a nuclear war with Russia? ... well ... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He'd have a better chance trying to sell stick matches to the devil in hell.

02-25-2018, 01:03 PM
I expect they are both the same person. They are supposed to maintain many accounts to get paid; they have to do a minimum number of posts.

Americans are the most honest people on Earth, which is probably not saying much, but it sure leaves us vulnerable to the lies of all the rest.

Russians are here posting for one reason only: to propagandize us and break up America. I think that is pretty rotten. We don't do it to them, after all.They are not. IPs don't match. Neither do personalities.

And of course we do it to them. Maybe by different means, but we definitely try to ensure each and every Russian knows what they're missing out on. Like the Democrats, Kalifornia, BLM, LBGPQRST or whatever they call themselves. Only criminals can shoot people. All that wonderful stuff :laugh:

02-25-2018, 01:05 PM
He's either 100% paid troll or dumber'n a sack of puss.

Either way this American couldn't give a shit less what kind of dumbass Russian trolling he does here. He wouldn't change my mind about anything other than how stupid some Russians must be.

I mean what's he doing here with this thread, trying to scare us about losing a nuclear war with Russia? ... well ... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He'd have a better chance trying to sell stick matches to the devil in hell.I'm going for dumber'n a door nail, myself. EVEN IF he is an "official" Russian troll, he sure picked a pointless brick wall to try spewing propaganda.

02-25-2018, 01:07 PM
They are not. IPs don't match. Neither do personalities.

And of course we do it to them. Maybe by different means, but we definitely try to ensure each and every Russian knows what they're missing out on. Like the Democrats, Kalifornia, BLM, LBGPQRST or whatever they call themselves. Only criminals can shoot people. All that wonderful stuff :laugh:
-------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/simpsons/mr-burns-evil-laugh-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

02-25-2018, 01:27 PM
I mean what's he doing here with this thread, trying to scare us about losing a nuclear war with Russia? ... well ... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Is that what he's doing? I never read Russians. Paid propaganda agents.

You can see how scaring Americans that we'll lose a nuclear war if we're mean to Russia would be in their national interests.

What a strange new world! Before, the Russians could not have waged a propaganda war on America. Now, because of our Internet, they can. We let them in to do it, just like the Europeans let in all the Muslims to overthrow them and take power.

I've run into Russians, more and more and more as time goes on, on forums for years now, and I'm fed up with it. No more Russians, no matter what.

02-25-2018, 02:58 PM
Is that what he's doing? I never read Russians. Paid propaganda agents.

You can see how scaring Americans that we'll lose a nuclear war if we're mean to Russia would be in their national interests.

What a strange new world! Before, the Russians could not have waged a propaganda war on America. Now, because of our Internet, they can. We let them in to do it, just like the Europeans let in all the Muslims to overthrow them and take power.

I've run into Russians, more and more and more as time goes on, on forums for years now, and I'm fed up with it. No more Russians, no matter what.
Ya know... I can't say for sure, but one surely has to question his motives here. The only thing he ever does is post things about Russia and it's military, and how he trashes America every chance he gets. It's Russia is great, America is screwed up, read this about Russia, read that about Russia, if Russia attacks America we'll do this, this and this... it's a farce.

What do cops do when they question suspects? They give them the "good cop, bad cop" routine. Well what do we have here? We have the "polite Russian" and then "Balu." The good Russian and the bad Russian. Sound familiar?

I trust no one I don't know, especially Russians on a message board telling me how great Russia is and how screwed up America is. Well I for one aren't phased by them. They can spout all they want and as far as I'm concerned they can go pound sand. We have the most sophisticated military in the world, bar none, and this is still the greatest nation on earth. They talk crap about us because we are.

Abbey Marie
02-25-2018, 03:01 PM
They are not. IPs don't match. Neither do personalities.

And of course we do it to them. Maybe by different means, but we definitely try to ensure each and every Russian knows what they're missing out on. Like the Democrats, Kalifornia, BLM, LBGPQRST or whatever they call themselves. Only criminals can shoot people. All that wonderful stuff :laugh:

Absotively. I have a teacher who was CIA for a few decades, and still consults. And high up at that. It is interesting to learn about covert action, and how much the U.S. does it.

Abbey Marie
02-25-2018, 03:05 PM
First of all, Einstein, NO ONE wins a nuclear war... got that... NO ONE. EVERYTHING gets destroyed and there is no WINNER. The radiation cloud that would blow around the world would eventually kill EVERYTHING, all the people, all the animals, and all the plants. The only thing that might survive is the COCK ROACHES. So you fucking Russians win NOTHING. You launch nukes against America, we retaliate, you are in effect, KILLING YOURSELVES, because we would make a PARKING LOT out of Russia in return. It might do you well to REMEMBER THAT. We die... YOU DIE... simple as that.

Secondly, the reason Japan never wanted to invade the American homeland, and why just about any other nation on earth doesn't either, even to this day, is because WE'RE ALL ARMED TO THE TEETH. We haven't been DISARMED like you have. So if some country thinks they're going to come in here and OCCUPY America, there's no way in HELL that's going to happen, because behind every blade of grass there's a person with a GUN, and he's going to KILL YOU.

So you coming on this board with your BULL SHIT TALK about what big BAD ASS MOTHER RUSSIA is going to do to America is about as DUMBASS as DUMBASS gets.

You don't sound very freakin' smart.

It seems counter-intuitive for any country to attack the U.S.A. in such a way. I believe it is a measure of how depressed the Russian people are that they would consider self-annihilation worth daydreaming about. Vodka anyone?

We should pity their misery, I suppose.

02-25-2018, 03:40 PM
It seems counter-intuitive for any country to attack the U.S.A. in such a way. I believe it is a measure of how depressed the Russian people are that they would consider self-annihilation worth daydreaming about.

It seems to me to be a reasonable basis for this propaganda attack. It's cheap: they use our Internet, all they have to do is hire a few thousand posters who sign up for ten or more accounts and do X posts per day. It's a lot cheaper than modern weapons systems. Russians all study English for many years in school, so while their English is easy to tell from Americans or British, still, they can communicate. They have the infrastructure for a propaganda war. Often they lie that they are living in America or Canada, but they aren't.

We have not won any important war since World War II, after all, and continue bogged down in a lot of hopeless "forever wars," so the public is pretty fed up. The Russians' job is to feed this discontent and demoralize us, as that one is said to be trying for.

I think it's working pretty well for the Russians, but I don't want to participate in anti-American activities. So as soon as I recognize a Russian propagandist, I stop reading him.

This is happening all over the Internet, not just here. They attack pretty much every forum.

02-25-2018, 03:54 PM
I see Balu now as part of the continued attempts by Russia to infiltrate, sway, deceive, and then silently attack us by DIVIDING us in the easiest ways possible. They know HOW GULLABLE Americans are, and how EASILY-LED we are. Need examples? Look at how our Democrats betray, cheat, and have been lying to Americans...primarily Black Americans for VOTES.

The Russians, and our enemies around the World know US...WE THE PEOPLE, better than we do.

02-25-2018, 05:25 PM
Time to knock off the 1950's rhetoric and bullshit, Balu.

We love your photos, but your COMMUNIST comments send you underground.

USA and Allies will make that vast wasteland a sheet of frozen glass.

Remember how many your beloved Stalin murdered?

02-25-2018, 05:38 PM
Time to knock off the 1950's rhetoric and bullshit, Balu.

We love your photos, but your COMMUNIST comments send you underground.

USA and Allies will make that vast wasteland a sheet of frozen glass.

Remember how many your beloved Stalin murdered?

I would say the same - your comments of a slave owner, descendant of the colonialists are disappointing me greatly. Think about the genocide of the American Indians, Negroes and the inhabitants of the British colonies if you consider them human beings. Or do you think that you are a collective Mother Teresa? If you think so, you think wrong. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/personal/pooh_lol.gif

02-25-2018, 05:39 PM
As the targets and the warheads may be the following: Colombian dams are 20 pieces. Niagara Dam 2 pieces. Hoover Dam - 2 pieces. Fort-Peck, Orovil, ever-memorable. (this is if they are not on the list of 342 power plants). Houston-chemical center of the United States, plants for the production of Westinghouse's nuclear fuel, and then calculate the amount of population falling into the zone of flooding and contamination. Then we'll see that from the distribution networks it is necessary to tear a little, so that everything goes into deep bleaching - where are the chlorine tanks at the plants / water intakes standing? and we'll get an altogether different picture of the consequences ...

Balu, why are even having thoughts on how specifically Russia should attack the US? What kind of around-the-dinner-table discussion is that? I can tell you that I never have had discussions with anyone on "if the US were to attack Russia, how should we do it?".

How about during your next dinner conversation, you focus more on how specifically Russia could attack North Korea? After all, you actually share a border with them. Plus, you'd be doing everyone a favor.

Polite Russian
02-25-2018, 05:56 PM
You know, I think, that it is time to trow away all that Russia vs USA shit. Damn propaganda. There are not too many young people here actucally believe all that crap. Only few crazy, or dumb persons and commies. But there always will be crazy and dumb people. And communists, their ideas - is past.

I do really hope, that soon people here will stop to be such a paranoiacs.

And I belive, that it is not only "USA vs Russia" discussion. It's about "Russia vs The whole white, european civilization".
Yes, in past, when my land was ruled by red traitors, there was propaganda and people here did not have any opportunity to know, how the West lives. But now, when we have the internet, when we can travel, we finally start to communicate with other folks. And I belive, that soon people will just laugh at that propaganda.

All civilized people must unite. Unite to discover the unknown, to travel and study to space, to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats. We must move forward. But we spare resources to just hate each other.
It is the most stupid thing, that humanity doing.

Abbey Marie
02-25-2018, 06:31 PM
It seems to me to be a reasonable basis for this propaganda attack. It's cheap: they use our Internet, all they have to do is hire a few thousand posters who sign up for ten or more accounts and do X posts per day. It's a lot cheaper than modern weapons systems. Russians all study English for many years in school, so while their English is easy to tell from Americans or British, still, they can communicate. They have the infrastructure for a propaganda war. Often they lie that they are living in America or Canada, but they aren't.

We have not won any important war since World War II, after all, and continue bogged down in a lot of hopeless "forever wars," so the public is pretty fed up. The Russians' job is to feed this discontent and demoralize us, as that one is said to be trying for.

I think it's working pretty well for the Russians, but I don't want to participate in anti-American activities. So as soon as I recognize a Russian propagandist, I stop reading him.

This is happening all over the Internet, not just here. They attack pretty much every forum.

I have to disagree, Mundame. If the point is to propagandize us, he would be trying to convince us that Russia has a better system, is a better place to live. You can't win the hearts and minds of a kick-a** country like ours, with threats.

02-25-2018, 06:37 PM
I would say the same - your comments of a slave owner, descendant of the colonialists are disappointing me greatly. Think about the genocide of the American Indians, Negroes and the inhabitants of the British colonies if you consider them human beings. Or do you think that you are a collective Mother Teresa? If you think so, you think wrong. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/personal/pooh_lol.gif

I owned slaves?

My family were dirt farmers in the south Potomac Valley,
raised potatoes, corn and barley.

I am part Seneca....that is a Tribe in North America!
don't give me that comparison!
You do not know squat.

Your hero Stalin murdered 3 million:


02-25-2018, 07:29 PM
You know, I think, that it is time to trow away all that Russia vs USA shit. Damn propaganda. There are not too many young people here actucally believe all that crap. Only few crazy, or dumb persons and commies. But there always will be crazy and dumb people. And communists, their ideas - is past.

I do really hope, that soon people here will stop to be such a paranoiacs.

And I belive, that it is not only "USA vs Russia" discussion. It's about "Russia vs The whole white, european civilization".
Yes, in past, when my land was ruled by red traitors, there was propaganda and people here did not have any opportunity to know, how the West lives. But now, when we have the internet, when we can travel, we finally start to communicate with other folks. And I belive, that soon people will just laugh at that propaganda.

All civilized people must unite. Unite to discover the unknown, to travel and study to space, to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats. We must move forward. But we spare resources to just hate each other.
It is the most stupid thing, that humanity doing.Y'all got some pretty mice looking women, I'll say that. Damned if I can understand a word they say though :laugh:

Polite Russian
02-25-2018, 07:40 PM
Y'all got some pretty mice looking women, I'll say that. Damned if I can understand a word they say though :laugh:

haha, what do you mean? :D

02-25-2018, 08:37 PM
​Here is an Interesting video I found just looking around and add to the conversation here...best to watch the whole thing to understand ....*And @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) there is a pretty Russian Girl in it giving her opinions...:laugh:


**Published on Dec 15, 2016


02-25-2018, 08:49 PM
haha, what do you mean? :DIt means I don't speak Russian. I'm pretty good with Euro languages because they all follow the same basic principles. Russian is like when I was trying to learn Greek when I lived on Crete. Different letters and rules. I an actually understand more Japanese than I can Russian. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-25-2018, 10:59 PM
​Here is an Interesting video I found just looking around and add to the conversation here...best to watch the whole thing to understand ....*And @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) there is a pretty Russian Girl in it giving her opinions...:laugh:


**Published on Dec 15, 2016


China is the great threat, far more so than Russia..This ongoing hostility/agenda and maneuvers by the dem party and pro-china idiots is exactly why Russia is targeted to be vilified.
The status -quo-- of China manufacturing for us is why so many are choosing Chin over Russia, that and the cold-war era not being forgotten.

Truth is we have a damn lot more in common with Russia than we do with China.

Balu supports his nation , just as we support ours..
We would be better of as firmer allies with Russia than with China.

By the way, I am no propagandist, and suspect neither is Balu.
I am a hardcore history buff and also see how CHINA HAS FOOLED US FOR A FEW DECADES NOW.

China created a ballistic missile system designed specifically to knock out -AMERICAN AIRCRAFT CARRIERS!!
Wake up....-Tyr

02-26-2018, 01:12 AM
Balu, why are even having thoughts on how specifically Russia should attack the US? What kind of around-the-dinner-table discussion is that? I can tell you that I never have had discussions with anyone on "if the US were to attack Russia, how should we do it?".

How about during your next dinner conversation, you focus more on how specifically Russia could attack North Korea? After all, you actually share a border with them. Plus, you'd be doing everyone a favor.
It is very simple. That Holiday was a Day of Defender a dayof those servicemen in active service or retired, who spent a part of their life to ensure the security of our country. So, it is quite natural that at the table men started talking shops. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/yes4.gif

02-26-2018, 01:24 AM
​Here is an Interesting video I found just looking around and add to the conversation here...best to watch the whole thing to understand ....*And @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) there is a pretty Russian Girl in it giving her opinions...:laugh:


**Published on Dec 15, 2016


To understand it is better to live in Russia, say for a couple of years. Not to visit as a tourist and see Russia from the tourist double-Decker, but to live among the Russians. This will give a chance to understand something about us.
As to the girl, the is from the Institute I've graduated from in early 70-s and, I like her approaches and how she expresses her thoughts.

02-26-2018, 01:57 AM
I have to disagree, Mundame. If the point is to propagandize us, he would be trying to convince us that Russia has a better system, is a better place to live. You can't win the hearts and minds of a kick-a** country like ours, with threats.

You are right.
It is unrealistic task to compete against your state propaganda machine blinkering your eyes and brains.
Please, read again attentively the very beginning of my first post in the thread and you will see that there is no a single threat, subject to...

...we were analyzing and modeling the possible scenarios in view of recent American declarations and actions.
Discussing all these we came to one conclusion - Americans NEVER consider a possibility of conducting combat actions on their own territory with all the attendant destructions and casualties, including those, among civilians: old-men, women and children. They are sure that if the War will happen, it will be restricted only by European Scene of Operations as it was in previous Wars, when they didn't reach an American Continent. Speaking about this it became evident, that in case of ANY assault against Russia from ANY European NATO country there will be an immediate reciprocal mass NUCLEAR strike at the objectives in territory of the USA

02-26-2018, 07:20 AM
You know, I think, that it is time to trow away all that Russia vs USA shit. Damn propaganda. There are not too many young people here actucally believe all that crap. Only few crazy, or dumb persons and commies. But there always will be crazy and dumb people. And communists, their ideas - is past.

I do really hope, that soon people here will stop to be such a paranoiacs.

And I belive, that it is not only "USA vs Russia" discussion. It's about "Russia vs The whole white, european civilization".
Yes, in past, when my land was ruled by red traitors, there was propaganda and people here did not have any opportunity to know, how the West lives. But now, when we have the internet, when we can travel, we finally start to communicate with other folks. And I belive, that soon people will just laugh at that propaganda.

All civilized people must unite. Unite to discover the unknown, to travel and study to space, to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats. We must move forward. But we spare resources to just hate each other.
It is the most stupid thing, that humanity doing.

This counts as some very welcome balance ... thank you.

We have to hope that Balu's worldview is a minority one, even in his homeland. We all do.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-26-2018, 07:59 AM
You know, I think, that it is time to trow away all that Russia vs USA shit. Damn propaganda. There are not too many young people here actucally believe all that crap. Only few crazy, or dumb persons and commies. But there always will be crazy and dumb people. And communists, their ideas - is past.

I do really hope, that soon people here will stop to be such a paranoiacs.

And I belive, that it is not only "USA vs Russia" discussion. It's about "Russia vs The whole white, european civilization".
Yes, in past, when my land was ruled by red traitors, there was propaganda and people here did not have any opportunity to know, how the West lives. But now, when we have the internet, when we can travel, we finally start to communicate with other folks. And I belive, that soon people will just laugh at that propaganda.

All civilized people must unite. Unite to discover the unknown, to travel and study to space, to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats. We must move forward. But we spare resources to just hate each other.
It is the most stupid thing, that humanity doing.

""All civilized people must unite. Unite to discover the unknown, to travel and study to space, to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats. We must move forward. But we spare resources to just hate each other""

""to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats.""

^^^^^Dead on target. The Islamic threat is the main one we in America are being blinded to, by both dem party and globalist propaganda..
China owns the Dem party.... --Tyr

02-26-2018, 07:59 AM
So, Russia is still pretty much what we thought it was... restricting what they can access on the internet, and if you speak out against "the system," Putin throws you in prison, and since most people support Putin, probably because they have to, he can cheat on any election he's see's fit. Russia still operates as though it's a dictatorship and totalitarian.

I wonder if the Russians know that America spends NINE TIMES as much money a year on our military, and that our military has no equal. I guarantee you that we have toys we haven't even broke out yet, that no one even knows about.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-26-2018, 08:13 AM

Forget North Korea or Russia: The Real Threat to America Is China
Ramon Marks

January 4, 2018
Printer-friendly version

The strategic implications of China’s rising power have prompted ambivalent reactions from the U.S. and western democracies. Unlike the quick coalescence on the containment strategy for the Soviet Union after World War II, there is still no real consensus on how the United States should deal with China in the 21st century. Some see its ascension as aggressive and dangerous, calling for a firm balancing response led by the United States and its allies, but avoiding what Graham Allison calls Thucydides Trap, the war between an established and rising power. Others on the spectrum are less certain, pondering whether strategic patience and positive diplomatic and business engagement is the answer, giving time for China to evolve into what many hope will ultimately be a comfortable fit with the free market global system.

The fact that China has already bypassed the United States as the world’s biggest economy according to IMF rankings for the past three years, and continues to grow its economy more than three times faster than the U.S., has yet to be fully absorbed strategically. It is hard for many to believe that an authoritarian state is surpassing the United States in the 21st century as the world’s top economic power, with accompanying political, diplomatic and military power to follow.

Since the end of World War II, and particularly since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has been an article of faith that the United States is the world’s preeminent power, in every domain, including economic, political and military. With China’s talented population four times larger than the U.S., its vast natural resources strategically positioned in Eurasia, and its unique adaptation of market economics, it has significant potential to shatter those long-held assumptions of U.S. national security strategy.

The United States will only be able to do so much to punch above its weight in any long-term economic competition with China. Size matters. A market economy of 1.4 billion educated people controlled by authoritarian values will have inevitable advantages over the United States with a population one quarter the size, no matter how talented and dynamic.

Instead of accepting these emerging realities, however, the reaction by many in the United States has been denial. Some quibble over which statistical measures to believe. The IMF GDP ranking is based on purchasing power parity, the measure favored by economists for comparing national economies as it tracks the purchasing power of each country using its own currency. These deniers point instead to nominal GDP figures which are based on market exchange rate conversion of local currency into U.S. dollars. Under nominal GDP, the U.S. does remain technically number one for the moment, but given China’s rate of growth, the U.S. will be surpassed even under this less accurate measure by 2029, or earlier.

Others are total deniers, arguing that China will never reach economic parity with the United States. They believe that China’s rapid growth is unsustainable, creating mountains of debt that will inevitably cause collapse. Others outright deny China’s numbers, arguing that they cook the books with lies, with real GDP and growth less than what is officially reported. Deniers also point to China’s diminishing labor supply, caused by low fertility rates and an aging population. Another school of deniers even claims that the problem is not China, but rather the United States, itself. Superior Chinese entrepreneurs, who are more open to bold risk and initiative, have outperformed the U.S. The U.S. should not blame China but get its own house in order.

If the fundamental premises of any arguments put forward by deniers is correct, the United States should have nothing to worry about, time is on its side, particularly if the U.S. rebuilds its infrastructure and pursues successful domestic policies to strengthen its ability to meet China business competition. Building a 21stcentury policy on such assumptions, however, is at best unwise. If wrong, the U.S. will face the day when China is a unipolar, authoritarian hegemon. The risk is too great.

Arguments by deniers also have substantive pitfalls. Inevitable economic collapse is not a sure thing. The Chinese yuan is not freely convertible. Western investors cannot swiftly convert the yuan into dollars as a correcting mechanism if they become uncomfortable with rising Chinese debt. China, through its Communist Party, also has ironclad control over its population and press. They will not challenge the Party’s debt creation policies. With an extraordinarily high savings rate, quadruple that of the United States, the Chinese government can also take advantage of hundreds of billions of annual free cash flow, giving them far greater flexibility to finance debt. Moreover, China can always play its ultimate card. The government exercises total control over its banking system, enabling it to swiftly shuffle debt to equity as it has done when expedient in the past.

02-26-2018, 10:18 AM
Forget North Korea or Russia: The Real Threat to America Is China
Ramon Marks

January 4, 2018
Printer-friendly version

The strategic implications of China’s rising power have prompted ambivalent reactions from the U.S. and western democracies. Unlike the quick coalescence on the containment strategy for the Soviet Union after World War II, there is still no real consensus on how the United States should deal with China in the 21st century. Some see its ascension as aggressive and dangerous, calling for a firm balancing response led by the United States and its allies, but avoiding what Graham Allison calls Thucydides Trap, the war between an established and rising power. Others on the spectrum are less certain, pondering whether strategic patience and positive diplomatic and business engagement is the answer, giving time for China to evolve into what many hope will ultimately be a comfortable fit with the free market global system.

The fact that China has already bypassed the United States as the world’s biggest economy according to IMF rankings for the past three years, and continues to grow its economy more than three times faster than the U.S., has yet to be fully absorbed strategically. It is hard for many to believe that an authoritarian state is surpassing the United States in the 21st century as the world’s top economic power, with accompanying political, diplomatic and military power to follow.

Since the end of World War II, and particularly since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has been an article of faith that the United States is the world’s preeminent power, in every domain, including economic, political and military. With China’s talented population four times larger than the U.S., its vast natural resources strategically positioned in Eurasia, and its unique adaptation of market economics, it has significant potential to shatter those long-held assumptions of U.S. national security strategy.

The United States will only be able to do so much to punch above its weight in any long-term economic competition with China. Size matters. A market economy of 1.4 billion educated people controlled by authoritarian values will have inevitable advantages over the United States with a population one quarter the size, no matter how talented and dynamic.

Instead of accepting these emerging realities, however, the reaction by many in the United States has been denial. Some quibble over which statistical measures to believe. The IMF GDP ranking is based on purchasing power parity, the measure favored by economists for comparing national economies as it tracks the purchasing power of each country using its own currency. These deniers point instead to nominal GDP figures which are based on market exchange rate conversion of local currency into U.S. dollars. Under nominal GDP, the U.S. does remain technically number one for the moment, but given China’s rate of growth, the U.S. will be surpassed even under this less accurate measure by 2029, or earlier.

Others are total deniers, arguing that China will never reach economic parity with the United States. They believe that China’s rapid growth is unsustainable, creating mountains of debt that will inevitably cause collapse. Others outright deny China’s numbers, arguing that they cook the books with lies, with real GDP and growth less than what is officially reported. Deniers also point to China’s diminishing labor supply, caused by low fertility rates and an aging population. Another school of deniers even claims that the problem is not China, but rather the United States, itself. Superior Chinese entrepreneurs, who are more open to bold risk and initiative, have outperformed the U.S. The U.S. should not blame China but get its own house in order.

If the fundamental premises of any arguments put forward by deniers is correct, the United States should have nothing to worry about, time is on its side, particularly if the U.S. rebuilds its infrastructure and pursues successful domestic policies to strengthen its ability to meet China business competition. Building a 21stcentury policy on such assumptions, however, is at best unwise. If wrong, the U.S. will face the day when China is a unipolar, authoritarian hegemon. The risk is too great.

Arguments by deniers also have substantive pitfalls. Inevitable economic collapse is not a sure thing. The Chinese yuan is not freely convertible. Western investors cannot swiftly convert the yuan into dollars as a correcting mechanism if they become uncomfortable with rising Chinese debt. China, through its Communist Party, also has ironclad control over its population and press. They will not challenge the Party’s debt creation policies. With an extraordinarily high savings rate, quadruple that of the United States, the Chinese government can also take advantage of hundreds of billions of annual free cash flow, giving them far greater flexibility to finance debt. Moreover, China can always play its ultimate card. The government exercises total control over its banking system, enabling it to swiftly shuffle debt to equity as it has done when expedient in the past.

Tyr, we agree that Islamism, and China, are both threats. But .. so is Russia. The belligerence of their whole approach to world affairs, and not caring to accept culpability for any wrongdoing ... in world security terms, this is a very worrying feature.

We ignore this at our peril.

Polite Russian
02-26-2018, 10:20 AM
It means I don't speak Russian. I'm pretty good with Euro languages because they all follow the same basic principles. Russian is like when I was trying to learn Greek when I lived on Crete. Different letters and rules. I an actually understand more Japanese than I can Russian. :)

haha, yeah, I think, that I can understand your feelings about russian. We have crazy language and it is, probably, hard for you to undersand the "language logic" and pronounce our words right.

I have a friend, she is from Sweden and I used to teach her a little :D Well, she have some progress.

Polite Russian
02-26-2018, 10:22 AM
""All civilized people must unite. Unite to discover the unknown, to travel and study to space, to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats. We must move forward. But we spare resources to just hate each other""

""to eliminate that middle-eastern islamic threats.""

^^^^^Dead on target. The Islamic threat is the main one we in America are being blinded to, by both dem party and globalist propaganda..
China owns the Dem party.... --Tyr

We know a lot about islamic threats. Google for chechen wars. And North Caucasus is still unstable region. Our special forces often kill some of that terrorist barbarians

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-26-2018, 12:22 PM
Tyr, we agree that Islamism, and China, are both threats. But .. so is Russia. The belligerence of their whole approach to world affairs, and not caring to accept culpability for any wrongdoing ... in world security terms, this is a very worrying feature.

We ignore this at our peril.

Tyr, we agree that Islamism, and China, are both threats. But .. so is Russia.

True in that any of the big five powers that are nuked up and have a large modern military is a threat.
Given that, say those three threats are a clear and present danger, we should look at which one is engaged in war with us now!
Answer, Islam-- which is in the process of creating the Koranic prophesied Caliphate.
Should that happen and Iran is nuked up-- which threat is greater??
Russia would not unless absolutely forced , fire nukes at us because we have more nuclear capability than they do.
Can you say the same about the ffing insane murdering muslim bastards!!????
Islam and China each present a greater threat THAN DOES RUSSIA, my friend, IMHO..


02-26-2018, 03:15 PM
Obama became the biggest enemy of America after OBL checked-out.

02-26-2018, 07:27 PM
True in that any of the big five powers that are nuked up and have a large modern military is a threat.
Given that, say those three threats are a clear and present danger, we should look at which one is engaged in war with us now!
Answer, Islam-- which is in the process of creating the Koranic prophesied Caliphate.
Should that happen and Iran is nuked up-- which threat is greater??
Russia would not unless absolutely forced , fire nukes at us because we have more nuclear capability than they do.
Can you say the same about the ffing insane murdering muslim bastards!!????
Islam and China each present a greater threat THAN DOES RUSSIA, my friend, IMHO..


You make good points. The Islamic threat in particular MUST NOT be minimised.

My problem with Russia has, if anything, been confirmed by one of Russia's posters here (happily, the other has a more welcome approach !). I get the distinct impression of a mentality which very literally thinks that 'might is right', and that, since Russia is a 'mighty' country, it must be excused any answerability for any aggressions it may care to commit.

I'm not sure it CAN get any more worrying than that !! A world Superpower thinking itself unconstrained by any considerations that oppose it at all ... such a power must surely represent a great threat to any nation holding to decent principles and values.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-27-2018, 10:30 AM
You make good points. The Islamic threat in particular MUST NOT be minimised.

My problem with Russia has, if anything, been confirmed by one of Russia's posters here (happily, the other has a more welcome approach !). I get the distinct impression of a mentality which very literally thinks that 'might is right', and that, since Russia is a 'mighty' country, it must be excused any answerability for any aggressions it may care to commit.

I'm not sure it CAN get any more worrying than that !! A world Superpower thinking itself unconstrained by any considerations that oppose it at all ... such a power must surely represent a great threat to any nation holding to decent principles and values.

I do not make Russia out to be anon-threat my friend..

In fact, I quite readily point out its history and how both Napoleon and Hitler found out the hard way what a great threat Russia is.
As to how we work either with Russia or against it--well that is a very serious consideration.
Currently the dem party 's previous agenda and ongoing vilification bolds ill for us as a nation..
Our primary concern should be how to deal with the greater threats of Islam and China,IMHO...


Polite Russian
02-27-2018, 12:17 PM
This counts as some very welcome balance ... thank you.

We have to hope that Balu's worldview is a minority one, even in his homeland. We all do.

Don't worry, majority here, as I know, just don't care. They just live and do their majority things.
We are the country of cynics. I don't know anyone, who actually believe any propaganda. And those who believe usualy just have less IQ then a piece of bread.

02-27-2018, 02:58 PM
Don't worry, majority here, as I know, just don't care. They just live and do their majority things.
We are the country of cynics. I don't know anyone, who actually believe any propaganda. And those who believe usually just have less IQ then a piece of bread.

(See comments)

I'm not a diplomat and so I'll say directly ...

I'm not a diplomat and so I'll say it straight.

Boris Johnson said: England will confront Russia as long as it includes the Crimea.

I'm not a diplomat and so I'll say directly - Russia does not care much about what England wants from Russia. England has nothing to frighten Russia. Everything else does not impress Russia.
Peter Poroshenko said: the day after Russia leaves the Crimea and returns the Donbass, Ukraine will begin negotiations with her on the whole spectrum of problems. That is, immediately the day after the return of the Crimea.
I'm not a diplomat and therefore I will say directly - there was such a Soviet film: "Tomorrow will never come." This is about your case, Petya.
An American real colonel said that Russia wrongly believes that if it uses nuclear weapons, it will serve the purposes of de-escalating tensions. Russia is wrong. The use of nuclear weapons will not serve as de-escalation. Moscow so does not reach its goals.
I'm not a diplomat and so I will say directly - and we are not going to seek de-escalation AFTER the use of nuclear weapons. We achieve de-escalation BEFORE its application. And after that we will simply destroy you - together with the rest of the world. This is our goal of using nuclear weapons. So say anything, but do not even try.
I am not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly that Russia will not allow the existence of an anti-Russian Ukraine and either subordinate it to its goals or destroy it to its foundations. No matter how many years it will take. There are enough forces and opportunities for this in Russia. And there will be no compromises here. Wandering as she likes, Ukraine is the mistaken dream of Ukrainian rulers. Erroneous and harmful to their health.
I am not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - dear former republics of the USSR, especially Georgia, Belarus and Kazakhstan! Russia temporarily tolerates your lack of control and will certainly put you under its control. It will never be so that you will decide for yourself what external alliances you will join and what sticks in the wheels of Russia you will insert. What to dictate to her the conditions. Than her blackmail and scare. Do not get carried away. It will never be like this forever. You will be returned back and placed in a subordinate position. And you yourself know this very well, just delay the moment of the coming of this hour. As soon as Russia strengthens its economic power, the elites of all former republics will be replaced by obedient to Russia. By force and bribery it will be done. So Russia has always done and there is no reason to think that this time will be different. No chance.
The Baltic states will also be returned under Russian control or strangled to the point of exhaustion. The reason is simple: Russia needs control of the way out of the Baltic Sea to the Danish Straits and the North Sea, and it will be received. Not now, so after 200 years. But it will be so. Europe will never hesitate to forever lock Russia through the bottleneck of the Baltic ports. If this requires dismantling NATO - Russia will do it. And he will not stop until he does. Fortunately, NATO has many enemies in the world except Russia. There are with whom to unite.
I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - Russia will put Europe on a gas needle and thereby take it by the throat, no matter how it twitches. And after that Russia spits on the objections of Europe in Ukraine and will do what it considers necessary - naturally, giving a face to Europeans. Ukraine, no one will save anything. Her karma is like that. And just as Russia will squeeze America out of Europe - even if it is necessary to put pressure on a couple with China and this will take 200 years.
I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - Russia will do everything to destroy the US first reputationally, and then economically and militarily. As the United States does not reconcile with the existence of Russia, Russia will not reconcile itself to the existence of the United States. All the nastiness that Russia can make the US, she will do. Which can not - postpone for later and do later. But he will certainly do - there should be no illusions.

I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - No one will wean Russia from imperial ambitions and reflexes. Russia was, is and will be a great empire and it will destroy everyone who tries to resist it. Even if it takes 300 years.
I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - Russia will destroy the fifth column and finish the technological backwardness of the past. To do this, the fight against corruption will take a more severe form. The grounds for this are the following: the elites have already formed and have come to a consensus on the way to survive. It consists in dissociation from the US and their agents. To strengthen the domination of the domestic budget, the budget will play a crucial role and anyone who encroaches on stealing through kickbacks and cuts is subject to mopping up. Yeltsin's clan is doomed. Liberals are doomed. Their time ended after 2014, when Crimea returned to Russia. They will not be told about it, but it is so. It is time for a new elite agreement. The old ones have lost their power. The special forces will wage war with the West through the state corporations and anyone who tries to interfere as an enemy of the people will be eliminated. Economically, politically, and if necessary - physically. The transition period to such a regime is six years after Putin's election in March 18th. Start the process - from 8-00 Moscow time on March 19, 2018.

The Russians are just kind of nice and quick-witted. In fact, the Russians remember all the evil that they have ever suffered, and remember all those who caused it. The weakness of the Russians is deceptive. It is temporary and always turns into their strength. They are incredibly tenacious and quickly trained. History showed it. The Russians are very stubborn and persistent. Resting once, they will die, but they will not back down for anything, but after retreating, they will certainly return and beat the lost. They are ready to endure any need, unpretentious and indifferent to losses. No amount of traitors in the ranks of Russians should inspire hope. No matter how many of them turn out to be, the Russians will certainly destroy among themselves those who betrayed them, and will destroy them cruelly. Publicly and graphically.
Russians are naïve and trustful, but they are as sensitive as wild beasts, and they can not be deceived. Never dare to offend the Russians and hope that it will get away with it. Those who did this made deadly mistakes. One can never believe that the Russians will be able to decompose, destroy and corrupt. No matter how deep these processes go, at a certain moment the Russians will come to their senses and say: "Stop, enough! Stir the movie back. It does not matter whether Moscow, Paris, Berlin, London or Washington is ahead of it." Russia's enemies never believe that the Russians will one day find themselves in their capitals - but the Russians always find themselves there. Never touch Russians. Do not betray them, do not beat them in the back, or you start digging your own grave, not yourself, your children, or your grandchildren.
I am not a diplomat, and therefore I can afford it myself - to say very important things that are very important, which you should never forget if you deal with the Russians. The Russians always return what anybody came to Russia with. He came with good - return good. Has come with peace - the world will return. Came with death - will return death. Never try to play with the Russians in various small and cunning political games. Russians are not the people with whom such things go. The more you have the illusion that you started and you succeed, the more painful it will be to sober up. Play it with anyone you want - but not with the Russians. This is not chauvinism - this is a warning. As a warning on the post: "Do not climb - it will kill!" If you do not believe it and then you do not have to take offense. You have been Warned.

I am not a diplomat and therefore can afford it. Although diplomats sometimes lose patience.
But the Russians have one thing - they are straightforward. This makes it very easy to work with them. Do not look for something more in the Russian words than what they said. As a rule, then it always turns out that they warned, but they were not heard. Or heard, but did not believe.
I'm not a diplomat, and therefore I will say directly - do not expect that you are lucky with the Russians. You are not lucky with them. They are good friends, but as enemies they are even better. If they are your neighbors, be very careful and do not make sudden movements. Moreover, do not try to show the Russians that you can make them disgusting. This is very dangerous for you. Never try to scare the Russians.

Then, perhaps, you will remain alive.
This is the truth that diplomats will not say.
But someone must, right?

Alexander Khaldei

02-27-2018, 04:09 PM
and there you have it.... IF Russia cannot rule the world it will destroy it.

"....we will simply destroy you - together with the rest of the world. This is our goal of using nuclear weapons."

02-27-2018, 04:37 PM
and there you have it.... IF Russia cannot rule the world it will destroy it.

"....we will simply destroy you - together with the rest of the world. This is our goal of using nuclear weapons."
Or bore it to death through verbosity. Geez ... that's longer than one of reedak's posts.

02-27-2018, 04:46 PM
Or bore it to death through verbosity. Geez ... that's longer than one of reedak's posts.

all part of the plot...

02-27-2018, 04:51 PM
all part of the plot...Some "plot". I ain't reading all that hot air. If I get REAL bored I still have my Close Order Drill manual from DI School :laugh:

02-27-2018, 04:52 PM

02-27-2018, 10:41 PM
"....we will simply destroy you - together with the rest of the world. This is our goal of using nuclear weapons."

It is better to look at what was said through the prism of this expression - 'I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.' Do you remember this 'story' and and the 'values' in question?
Think it over, bearing in mind predictions of Nostradamus and Vanda.

02-27-2018, 10:54 PM
It is better to look at what was said through the prism of this expression - 'I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.' Do you remember this 'story' and and the 'values' in question?
Think it over, bearing in mind predictions of Nostradamus and Vanda.Someone point out to Mr Not-so-Braveheart that keeps people on ignore because he's a pussy that you ain't rebuilding jack-ass-shit in a planet enveloped in a nuclear winter. What a dolt.

02-27-2018, 10:59 PM
Look. I found Balu! :martian: "I'm going to blow up the Earth"

02-28-2018, 07:39 AM
All Russians, all the time.

This forum has so been invaded and overwhelmed by the Russians. I've seen them do it again and again.

I guess it's like the Muslims invading via "refugees" and illegals and overstaying visas and anyway they can and taking over Europe by the millions and then us.

It turns out there are other ways besides open military troops landing to invade and conquer an area. Both Russians and Muslims are conquering us without troops.

What to do? I'll put both these on ignore and the others that come, and check for American content from time to time.

02-28-2018, 07:42 AM
Don't worry, majority here, as I know, just don't care. They just live and do their majority things.
We are the country of cynics. I don't know anyone, who actually believe any propaganda. And those who believe usualy just have less IQ then a piece of bread.

Good man !

I'm very glad to see you on this forum. You're a breath of fresh air ....

02-28-2018, 07:48 AM
Someone point out to Mr Not-so-Braveheart that keeps people on ignore because he's a pussy that you ain't rebuilding jack-ass-shit in a planet enveloped in a nuclear winter. What a dolt.

He's a fanatical idiot.

@Balu (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3557) .... your country nearly got a shot at all-out war, back in 1962. If all the nukes in the world, just back THEN, had been fired ... what do you think would've been the result ? Some unimaginable 'victory' for Russia ?

A victory resulting in an Earth reduced to a radioactive cinder, no more capable of sustaining human life, for any appreciable time, than Mars. Some 'victory', eh.

02-28-2018, 09:31 AM
All Russians, all the time.

This forum has so been invaded and overwhelmed by the Russians. I've seen them do it again and again.

I guess it's like the Muslims invading via "refugees" and illegals and overstaying visas and anyway they can and taking over Europe by the millions and then us.

It turns out there are other ways besides open military troops landing to invade and conquer an area. Both Russians and Muslims are conquering us without troops.

What to do? I'll put both these on ignore and the others that come, and check for American content from time to time.Not sure what you mean. "All Russians all the time?" Where? There are 2 Russian members of this board and one rarely posts. The other one needs some serious mental help. At least a course on catching up from 1953 to present day.

That would account for maybe 3-7 posts a day. Hardly prolific.

Now putting someone on ignore? THAT means they won. If there's anything to win. You've been silenced.

02-28-2018, 10:43 AM
Balu reminds me of a modern day democrat... they're zealots... brain washed... indoctrinated and radical.

They're lost causes. Let them rant for a good laugh is about all they're worth.

Polite Russian
02-28-2018, 01:13 PM
All Russians, all the time.

This forum has so been invaded and overwhelmed by the Russians. I've seen them do it again and again.

I guess it's like the Muslims invading via "refugees" and illegals and overstaying visas and anyway they can and taking over Europe by the millions and then us.

It turns out there are other ways besides open military troops landing to invade and conquer an area. Both Russians and Muslims are conquering us without troops.

What to do? I'll put both these on ignore and the others that come, and check for American content from time to time.

You confuse Russians with communists. Again. Not. All. Russians. Are. The. Same.
Don't do that please. I know some americans, who speak the same crap like "we will kill you all, nuke the Moscow" etc.
Russians today is just usual people. who DON'T wanna war.

It's just a big problem with english language here, honestly. People don't learn it, so our integration to western part of internet is moving slower, then it shoud be.

Polite Russian
02-28-2018, 01:14 PM
Good man !

I'm very glad to see you on this forum. You're a breath of fresh air ....

Thanks. I appreciate that :3

02-28-2018, 03:21 PM
You confuse Russians with communists. Again. Not. All. Russians. Are. The. Same.
Don't do that please. I know some americans, who speak the same crap like "we will kill you all, nuke the Moscow" etc.
Russians today is just usual people. who DON'T wanna war.

It's just a big problem with english language here, honestly. People don't learn it, so our integration to western part of internet is moving slower, then it shoud be.
I have a good friend that has been in a head banger band for decades. They've toured the world a few times, and on the last tour, last year, they played in Moscow. He texted me pictures of himself in Red Square and what not and said he liked Russia, and had a good time, thought the people were great.

So I have no doubt there's good people in Russia. Same as in America, we have our America hating democrap party, and then the pro American conservatives. If a Russian bought the house next to me here in my little town, I'd welcome him/her/them with open arms so long as they never gave me a reason to think they were doing anything to harm my country. If they just wanted to move to America and enjoy our nation or even become citizens, the LEGAL way, we Americans have no problem with that.

I'll bet even Putin has his good qualities, in such that I have no doubt he loves his country and that's a good thing. When you have a president like the DOG TURD KENYAN MUSLIM FRAUD we had, namely OBAMA, and wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" the country into just another third world SHIT HOLE, that's bad. I'd have traded Putin for obama any day of the week had Putin been an American. I don't believe we ever witnessed Putin do anything that he thought was BAD for Russia, but we saw obama shitting on America and our constitution every chance that shit stain got.

02-28-2018, 04:13 PM
You confuse Russians with communists. Again. Not. All. Russians. Are. The. Same.
Don't do that please. I know some americans, who speak the same crap like "we will kill you all, nuke the Moscow" etc.
Russians today is just usual people. who DON'T wanna war.

It's just a big problem with english language here, honestly. People don't learn it, so our integration to western part of internet is moving slower, then it shoud be.This the way it works on THIS board, and I fee pretty safe speaking for the owner and rest of the staff. ALL are welcome here provided they follow the rules. We don't toss people simply because we don't like where they are from and/or their politics. You may get a hard time for one or both, but you are expected to handle that yourself, again, in a manner that falls within the rules, and preferably in a polite, civil one.

I don't see an issue here.

Polite Russian
02-28-2018, 04:23 PM
This the way it works on THIS board, and I fee pretty safe speaking for the owner and rest of the staff. ALL are welcome here provided they follow the rules. We don't toss people simply because we don't like where they are from and/or their politics. You may get a hard time for one or both, but you are expected to handle that yourself, again, in a manner that falls within the rules, and preferably in a polite, civil one.

I don't see an issue here.

I don't see it too :D
I just said to mundame, that not all russians are crazy commies, who wanna blow up the Earth for equality and all of that.

I support freedom of speech

02-28-2018, 04:29 PM
I don't see it too :D
I just said to mundame, that not all russians are crazy commies, who wanna blow up the Earth for equality and all of that.

I support freedom of speechWhat you said was fine. I was just clarifying it for anyone who might have a question.