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View Full Version : Definitive proof - armed teachers work in schools

02-26-2018, 10:31 AM
CNN and others posted articles this week, stating that since the officer had a gun at this latest school shooting, and didn't do anything to help, that it was "definitive proof" that having armed folks at the schools won't work. :rolleyes: Pete, of course, posts the same and agrees with them.

Well, then here's proof that arming teachers in schools prevents shootings. And instead of just one example, we have 170 of them here. So unless the Dems want to be hypocrites in how they analyze things, then this proof is much more overwhelming.


Schools That Already Have Armed Teachers Show the Way for Schools That Don’t

School districts that already have armed teachers stand out as an example for what schools with “gun-free” designations can do to ensure student safety.

For example, Fox 5 reports that Texas has 1,000 school districts, and approximately 170 of those districts allow teachers and school staff to be armed on campus for self-defense. These armed districts do not make news with reports of accidental shootings, students getting their teachers’ guns, or armed faculty committing crimes on campus. Rather, they enjoy not making news, as the deterrent of having certain teachers armed appears to make attackers think twice before striking.

The Callisburg Independent School District, which is “about 85 miles North of Dallas,” has had armed teachers for about four years, and school superintendent Steve Clugston simply views it as part of what must be done to protect students. He said, “We’ll do whatever’s necessary to protect our kids and staff. We don’t want to be at the mercy of somebody that’s intent on doing harm.”

He added, “We’re trying to put our teachers in a position to be better equipped to protect their kids. And I have complete faith in our team, that they’re willing to stand up and protect our people.”

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/24/schools-already-armed-teachers-show-way-schools-dont/