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View Full Version : Media and Democrats want to ban "assault rifles"

02-26-2018, 09:44 PM
And I still say I'll go along with it, and then they can STFU.

Assault rifle

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1][2][3][4][5] Assault rifles were first used during World War II.[6][7][8] Though Western nations were slow to accept the assault rifle concept, by the end of the 20th century they had become the standard weapon in most of the world's armies, replacing full-powered rifles and sub-machine guns in most roles.[8] Examples include the StG 44, AK-47 and the M16 rifle.

The presence of selective-fire modes on firearms permits more efficient use of rounds to be fired for specific needs, versus having a single mode of operation, such as fully automatic, thereby conserving ammunition while maximizing on-target accuracy and effectiveness. This capability is most commonly found on military weapons of the 20th and 21st centuries.


Ok, so, now what is a "selective-fire rifle", which is what an assault rifle is.

Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode.[1] The modes are chosen by means of a selector which varies depending on the weapon's design. Some selective-fire weapons have burst fire mechanisms to limit the maximum number of shots fired automatically in this mode. The most common limits are two or three rounds per trigger pull. Fully automatic fire refers to the ability for a weapon to fire continuously until either the feeding mechanism is emptied or the trigger is released. Semi-automatic refers to the ability to fire one round per trigger pull.

The presence of selective-fire modes on firearms permits more efficient use of rounds to be fired for specific needs, versus having a single mode of operation, such as fully automatic, thereby conserving ammunition while maximizing on-target accuracy and effectiveness. This capability is most commonly found on military weapons of the 20th and 21st centuries.


So, as I have stated many a times. Assault weapons are more or less already banned, except to the rare few with special permits and what not. The AR-15 and so many other "scary" rifles just like it, are only "semi-automatic" and don't have the option for firing capability adjustment. So they aren't even assault rifles anyway, no matter how many times the democrats and their uninformed supporters scream they are and demand they stop being sold. :rolleyes:

02-26-2018, 10:00 PM
You answered all your own questions. Not much fun there. I personally have no need nor the desire for an "assault" rifle. The label itself is a joke. If I shoot you with a BB gun, you've been "assaulted" by a "rifle". It's the toe in the door thing with me. Giving the leftwhinenuts a toe in the door is suicide.

What we need to do is ban the leftwhiners and Democrats and any of their media mouthpieces. You shoot a terrorist and be done with it. No extra attention, no fanfare. And before anyone asks ... I been thinking about this ....

OUTSIDE the US, what do we call people who shoot up schools? Churches? Innocent noncombatants?

They are what they are. Over there or right here.

02-26-2018, 10:10 PM
How about the NRA and the U.S. Justice Department...just agree to BAN Assault weapons?
Shutting the ANTI-GUN whiners up instantly?
But...the real danger could be...if it is left up to Democrats in Congress. They WON'T STOP WITH ASSAULT WEAPONS.
I suspect, as the old saying goes...."If you give them an inch...the will take a mile" Meaning, they won't stop with just assault weapons. Nothing would stop them from handguns, and ammo. Which already is happening. All before BETTER BACKGROUND CHECKS.

02-27-2018, 01:36 AM
`He who controls the language ...controls the masses ...12 BUZZWORDS LIBERALS USE TO SCARE YOU INTO AGREEING WITH GUN CONTROL....Assault RIFLES my ass...

`M-16s have a position for automatic fire; AR-15s don’t. It’s that simple.`

"Liberals, unlike people of reason, seem to delight in their ignorance of what the terms tossed around in the gun control debates actually mean, or at least they don’t care at all. This week’s article will list some popular gun control buzzwords, what they actually mean, and what they don’t...."



​Stupid naive leftist..Bad guys and good guys and gals laugh at their Ignorance...


02-27-2018, 02:42 AM
Five police held outside of a school with one teen and an AR - not sure confiscation is gonna work.

02-27-2018, 09:22 AM
How about the NRA and the U.S. Justice Department...just agree to BAN Assault weapons?
Shutting the ANTI-GUN whiners up instantly?
But...the real danger could be...if it is left up to Democrats in Congress. They WON'T STOP WITH ASSAULT WEAPONS.
I suspect, as the old saying goes...."If you give them an inch...the will take a mile" Meaning, they won't stop with just assault weapons. Nothing would stop them from handguns, and ammo. Which already is happening. All before BETTER BACKGROUND CHECKS.They won't stop at "assault weapons". Remember, they already went after magazine size with the Brady Bill. I suspect magazines and/or semi-auto weapons period will be next. Then speedloaders for revolvers. Then revolvers period.

They will just keep chipping away. The NRA's stance on this is correct. Don't give the left even an inch.

02-27-2018, 09:58 AM
The term "assault rifle" is nothing more than another example of the demtard namge change game. LTG is right, it's controlling the message, but it only works if your gullible enough to play their game.

If you packaged an AR-15 in a common, pretty wooden stock, then what, all of a sudden its no longer an ASSAULT RIFLE because it doesn't LOOK SCARY ANYMORE? It would still be capable of doing exactly what it did before.

It's all pure bull shit, LEFTIST bull shit. Wanting to ban AR's is nothing more than a STEP TOWARD TOTAL CONFISCATION, and that is EXACTLY what the dems want. You let them ban AR's, I guarantee you with my LIFE, later, they will want MORE. They will NOT, STOP, at AR's.

NEVER give the democrats an inch... EVER.

The 2nd A says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED," and by God that's the way we better keep it.

FUCK the gun ban crowd... seriously... FUCK, THEM.

02-27-2018, 12:43 PM
liberals and anti-'gun' people would not know an Assault Weapon even if
their head was caved in by one butts stock.

Already, anything like that is supposed to have a permit through ATF to LEGALLY OWN!

Oh, shit liberals....what about the ones that get weapons ILLEGALLY?

How about controlling the criminals and not the machine?
How about clearing the streets of gangs and punk that carry ILLEGALLY?

Ban automobiles....they kill more daily.
Ban bats knives, letter openers, and sickles while you are at it.

liberals suck and are deluded.

02-27-2018, 05:01 PM
The 2ND AMENDMENT was established to give Americans protection from Government.


Gun law in the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about federal gun laws. For state and local gun laws, see Gun laws in the United States by state.

https://bigpicturereport.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/second-amendment-on-parchment.png?w=640Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right belongs to individuals, ...

02-27-2018, 06:09 PM
I already posted this link.

Some need to learn how to READ before putting up junk from the MSM:


02-27-2018, 06:32 PM
I already posted this link.

Some need to learn how to READ before putting up junk from the MSM:

https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/laws-alcohol-tobacco-firearms-and-explosivesRegardless. The damage is done. They do the damage, then tie it up in court forever. In the meantime it becomes something more accepted and harder to undo.

We'll never get rid of DACA unless Trump defies the 9th District Court. If he does, there'll be no tears from me, but it's not very likely.

Same principle could or would apply to any BS giving in to the Dems on gun control. Anything but "go pound sand" will be a defeat and another hole in the already bleeding dyke of the Second Amendment.