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View Full Version : White House Envoy: Ukraine-Russia Conflict Bares Threat Of Big War In Europe

03-01-2018, 10:24 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:41 AM PT — Thurs. March 1, 2018White House Special Representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker warns of a looming war in Europe due to ongoing military and political conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
This comes as the Ukrainian military is still battling a pro-Russian insurgency in its two easternmost regions whilst the status of the disputed Crimean peninsula remains unclear.
“On average, a Ukrainian soldier is killed about every three days defending the territory of this country inside the territory of this country,” stated Representative Volker. “So you can imagine what that would be like here, that would be somebody in Texas fighting and dying about every three days against an invasion in Texas.”
The Special Envoy said both the Ukrainian army and the insurgents are suffering casualties amid never-ending mortar shelling, tank rounds, and sniper fire as well as artillery barrages.
Volker claims more than 10,000 Russians and Ukrainians have been killed since the war erupted in mid-2014, with two million-people from the war-affected areas displaced.
This is the first major war in Europe since 1945, and there are heightened risks of its sudden escalation to a much greater and potentially catastrophic scale.
According to Volker, some 100,000 Russian military personnel are standing at the Ukrainian border, whilst up to 30,000 Russian soldiers and contractors are present inside Eastern Ukraine.
The hostilities started back in 2014 when Russian President Vladimir Putin directed an effort to derail the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, which ousted his close ally former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich.

After several months of fighting, akin to the major tank battles of the World War II, Russia and Ukraine struck the so-called Minsk agreements to end bloodshed. However, Volker said “nothing happened” as the war continues albeit at a smaller scale.
Volker said the Trump administration is taking measures to stave-off a possible escalation and avoid a major European war.
These efforts are focused on exposing the Kremlin’s presence in Ukraine, which the former denies. They are also focused on coordinating the sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian individuals and entities responsible for the conflict.
“And we’ve also lifted the restrictions on arms sales to Ukraine that were put in place by the Obama administration, which is very important because there’s is what I view as an artificial distinction between lethal and non-lethal military equipment,” Volker announced.
However, Volker has acknowledged the Russian-Ukrainian war is a stalemate and little can be done to prevent further loss of life.
Meanwhile, the State Department says U.S.-Russian relations have hit a new low as the Kremlin has been “inadequate” in times when cooperation between Washington and Moscow is crucial to ensure international stability.
“We’re at a low point in our relationship with Russia,” explained Heather Nauert, Spokeswoman for the State Department. “In honor of the memory of Boris Nemtsov’s life and his work, we renew our call on the Government of Russia to uphold its obligations to promote and protect universal human rights, including freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and freedom of association.”
Special Envoy Volker said the upcoming elections in Russia are unlikely to bring change, and the menace of a Pan-European war still lingers.

This what I was alluding to in the Putin is all that :blabla:thread. His threat is meant to keep us/Europe/NATO from assisting Ukraine. That is why he is bitching about the "new" missiles we just moved from somewhere else.

Black Diamond
03-01-2018, 10:29 PM

This what I was alluding to in the Putin is all that :blabla:thread. His threat is meant to keep us/Europe/NATO from assisting Ukraine. That is why he is bitching about the "new" missiles we just moved from somewhere else.
He wants to go back to Soviet borders. No matter how long it takes.

03-01-2018, 10:47 PM
He wants to go back to Soviet borders. No matter how long it takes.Under his own terms. All he wants is their assets. At least under the Soviet Union, voluntary or not, the USSR was responsible for the satellite nations. That's what ran them broke in the 80s. He doesn't want all of Ukraine. Just the oil.

Until Polite Russian told me, I didn't know Ukranians weren't Russians.