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View Full Version : Texas Kicks Off Primaries On Tuesday

03-01-2018, 11:07 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:04 AM PT — Thurs. March 1, 2018Texas is kicking off the midterm primaries next Tuesday on the battle of the Alamo’s 182nd anniversary.
In Congress, there is a Senate seat and 36 House seat nominations to be voted on, along with state positions of governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general.
President Trump is urging his Texas Twitter followers to head to the polls to support incumbents who are helping him ‘Make America Great Again.’
State candidates mentioned in the tweet — all running for a second term — are Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpgDonald J. Trump
✔@realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)

I want to encourage all of my many Texas friends to vote in the primary for Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton. They are helping me to Make America Great Again! Vote early or on March 6th.
12:11 PM - Feb 27, 2018 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/968549117625602054)

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Governor Abbott is expected to win as a Democrat has not won this position in more than 20 years.
Patrick, who supports religious freedom, is facing GOP challenger Scott Smidler.
Paxton appears to be alone on the ballot with one Democrat on the other side.
On the federal level, the president is backing Senator Ted Cruz.
Cruz released a new ad on the Wednesday before encouraging young people to make their voices heard at the polls.
“I call young people Generation Freedom. Let me say to all the young people: Speak the truth. Spread the fire of liberty. What young person with any sense wants to live with big government, with Washington controlling everything about you?” — Senator Ted Cruz
Two other Republicans have registered for this race with the Federal Election Commission.
On the Democrat side there are two candidates on the commission’s list with reports of a total five running.
This includes Congressman Beto O’Rrourke, who is not running for re-election for his 16th congressional seat. He will be giving up his seats on the Armed Services and Veterans Services Committees.
In other congressional races the GOP has a chance to snag a seat held by Democrat Congressman Gene Green, who is retiring from District 29.
Congressman John Culberson of the 7th District is running as a candidate voters can trust to keep his word.
He could face Democrat Laura Moser, but she is not well liked by her own party as its Congressional Campaign Committee released opposition research against her.
Regardless, Culberson is expected to hold on to his seat.
Congressman Will Hurd wants to keep his seat in the 23rd District, which includes a large area of Southwest Texas.
“Your support gives me the strength to fight for better care for our veterans and use my experience as a former undercover CIA officer to protect our homeland.” — Congressman Will Hurd
Congressman Pete Sessions of the 32nd District near Dallas is endorsed for re-election by the National Right to Life.
A Democrat hoping to run against him in November is former NFL player Colin Allred, who is now a lawyer.
There are open seats held by Republican incumbents who decided not to run again.
They include Joe Barton of District 6, Lamar Smith of the 21st, and Blake Farenthold of the 27th.
The list of Republicans running for these seats is a long one.
The polls on primary day are open from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM in two different time zones.

Time to dust off the card and Driver's License. We have to have ID to vote here. Need to do some housecleaning around here.