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View Full Version : Democrat Rep. Waters Accuses Pres. Trump Of ‘Racism’ Over Gridiron Dinner Joke

03-05-2018, 02:31 PM
Her allegations of racism against President Trump come after the president suggested Waters should “immediately take an IQ test,” during the light-hearted Gridiron dinner event this past weekend.
Previously, Waters actively promoted leftist conspiracies concerning the president’s mental state, and has repeatedly called for his impeachment.

“He (President Trump) has no credibility. He has been name calling. He’s been saying all kinds of things. And I certainly expected him to come out with some racist remarks about me.”— Rep. Maxine WatersWaters was named “one of the most corrupt elected officials” by the non-partisan ‘Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics’ over her role in the bailout of a bank (http://www.oann.com/democrat-rep-waters-accuses-pres-trump-of-racism-over-gridiron-dinner-joke/#) tied to her family.

Where's AT? His "favorite" bag of ass :laugh:

Calling Maxipad stupid is racist? I didn't know stupid came in colors. But please, NO ONE ON THE LEFT enlighten that dipshit. Vote for her dumb, crooked ass again. Wouldn't want that thing questioning your sanity if you don't. :rolleyes:

And before you say it, Pete ... no, I will NOT treat her with ANY KIND of respect. She doesn't deserve any.

03-05-2018, 04:30 PM

Where's AT? His "favorite" bag of ass :laugh:

Calling Maxipad stupid is racist? I didn't know stupid came in colors. But please, NO ONE ON THE LEFT enlighten that dipshit. Vote for her dumb, crooked ass again. Wouldn't want that thing questioning your sanity if you don't. :rolleyes:

And before you say it, Pete ... no, I will NOT treat her with ANY KIND of respect. She doesn't deserve any.
RESPECT is EARNED, not just GIVEN. That's something these little bubble headed leftist pussies don't get.

And this FLAMING, UNHINGED, HYSTERICAL, FROTHING AT THE MOUTH RETARDED MORON BITCH, Waters, she's a real piece of work. You have to be a complete IDIOT to vote for someone like that.

But we have little boys dressed up like FLAMING HOMO TRANNIES and our board leftists must think that's CUTE, because not one PEEP from them has been seen to denounce it. SILENCE is TACIT APPROVAL. Those leftists love them some HOMOS and PEDOPHILES. TEACH 'EM YOUNG! Tells you EXACTLY where these people's heads are at.

I keep saying, and every day it seems we see another example PROVING I'm right, that the democrap party is now the party of PERVERTS, ILLEGAL ALIENS and the CORRUPT.

03-05-2018, 05:38 PM
And that ain't all this INSANE racist SKANK is saying... she wants REPARATIONS for BLACKS too...


03-05-2018, 05:43 PM
And that ain't all this INSANE racist SKANK is saying... she want REPARATIONS for BLACKS too...


She has been on that bandwagon for years!

Sure, I will pay! Just find me the slaves I owned or my family owned in the 1750's.
Gonna be a tough search because there are none!

She is a total dipshit.

03-05-2018, 07:07 PM
South Los Angeles County. No wonder she's still got a job. She's black. Talk about racist. That's the ONLY reason. Same stupid reason blacks put Mr Half-n-Half who claims to be black in office. He claims to be black.

THERE's a reason to vote for someone.:rolleyes:

Taco Junkie
03-05-2018, 07:54 PM
She's part of the Black Caucus. Imagine if there was a White Caucus and only had white people on it. They'd be shitting anvils about it and screeching like banshees on fire.

I will give her credit for though. For being one of the 10 fugliest women ever.

03-05-2018, 07:55 PM
South Los Angeles County. No wonder she's still got a job. She's black. Talk about racist. That's the ONLY reason. Same stupid reason blacks put Mr Half-n-Half who claims to be black in office. He claims to be black.

THERE's a reason to vote for someone.:rolleyes:

She represents Compton. A cesspool of black gangs, drugs, rapes, car thefts.

03-05-2018, 07:59 PM
She's part of the Black Caucus. Imagine if there was a White Caucus and only had white people on it. They'd be shitting anvils about it and screeching like banshees on fire.

I will give her credit for though. For being one of the 10 fugliest women ever.Ha ... they named a band after you, Taco ... Asleep at the Wheel :laugh: There's a WHOLE thread on the Bro Caucus around here somewhere :)

And yeah, I agree on the fugly. Wait 'til AT sees this thread. He's got names for her NO ONE's ever heard :laugh:

03-05-2018, 08:26 PM
https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q5TlRirjetA/Wm1QmoufjgI/AAAAAAAAclw/bV5_JX1fB2AkdJ8mUNh9ifQoxv_aIW2WACLcBGAs/s1600/f1b5d5a9b34e31b83ddf8febc3c76b6601b0a304d40eba2de0 729cf7e230cf95.jpg

03-05-2018, 09:34 PM
I think we got another "Pocahontas" on our hands here. Or the leftdweebs do. Old Maxipad the screecher of racism and reparations is from St Louis and moved to LA. Makes one wonder just how much "slavery" runs through her family.

Wonder how many folks she's gotten out of the ghetto she represents?