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View Full Version : Attorney General Sessions Slams Calif. Leaders For Protecting Criminal Illegal Aliens

03-07-2018, 05:04 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions slammed California’s Democrat leadership for rejecting the rule of law, and for protecting criminal illegal immigrants (http://www.oann.com/ag-sessions-slams-calif-leaders-for-protecting-criminal-illegal-aliens/#).
The nation’s top cop spoke at a meeting with the California Peace Officers Association in Sacramento Wednesday.
He said the Justice Department’s lawsuit against the Golden State is to stop state lawmakers from actively obstructing law enforcement from deporting criminal illegal immigrants.
Sessions called out Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, saying she needlessly endangered the lives of law enforcement officers when she tipped-off the public about a four day ICE raid.
“ICE agents do incredible work every dya and they’re not backing down, they’re not going to be deterred and we’re not going to stop enforcing the law in Alabama or California either for that matter,” Sessions stated. “We are simply asking the state and other sanctuary jurisdictions to stop actively obstructing federal law enforcement (http://www.oann.com/ag-sessions-slams-calif-leaders-for-protecting-criminal-illegal-aliens/#).”
The attorney general said California officials are violating the law to promote (http://www.oann.com/ag-sessions-slams-calif-leaders-for-protecting-criminal-illegal-aliens/#) an agenda the American people fundamentally reject.

At least he finally said something :rolleyes:. He needs to spend less time at these good ol' boy get-togethers and get his butt on the job.

He could start by filing charges against the Governor of CA, the Mayor of Oakland, and the DA in San Francisco. The more he screws round doing nothing, the more illegals bleed in with willing accomplices that should be fired from any government positions.

03-08-2018, 08:55 AM
California wants to turn Mexican. This seems odd to me since Mexico is a hell-hole of violence and drugs and poverty now, but since California is now already more than half Mexican, I guess it's a "majority rules" situation. I expect them to secede. They could make a completely coherent nation on their own, and a large one. Sci-fi/alternative history writers by the dozens, since Ursula LeGuin in the 1970s, have assumed California would be the first out in a break up, and I agree.

03-08-2018, 09:47 AM
Mexico seems to have the prevailing notion that they still own California, Arizona,
New Mexico, and Texas.

Try going into Mexico without proper ID or clearance. You would get put
in some rat-infested jail for 2 years. Yet they cross our borders with impunity,
and allow people from Central America to travel to the USA in droves.

03-08-2018, 10:27 AM
Mexico seems to have the prevailing notion that they still own California, Arizona,
New Mexico, and Texas.

Try going into Mexico without proper ID or clearance. You would get put
in some rat-infested jail for 2 years. Yet they cross our borders with impunity,
and allow people from Central America to travel to the USA in droves.

Sure, agreed: this pass-through business is a way to let the rest of Latin America help them take back the American Southwest. It is obvious they already nearly have California, and the more Spanish-speakers who crowd up all these states, the more likely they'll get hold of them when there is a break-up. Or at least make alliances with the new Mexican-type countries.

We are seeing an invasion and takeover in real time. Just like the Muslims taking Europe.