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View Full Version : The Department Of Justice Files A Suit Against Calif. Over Sanctuary State Policies

03-07-2018, 06:07 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:13 AM PT — Wed. March 7, 2018The Department of Justice is suing California over its sanctuary policies after nearly one year of state Democrats attempting to obstruct federal immigration law.
The lawsuit, filed in Sacramento Tuesday night, is claiming that three recently passed state laws are in violation of the Constitution’s supremacy clause.
The motion calls for a judge to block enforcement of assembly bills 450 and 103 as well as Senate bill 54.
These statutes prohibit local and state law enforcement agents from asking someone about their legal status or from voluntarily telling immigration officials when a possible criminal alien is set to be released from prison.
According to the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Thomas Homan, this puts the lives of both officers and American citizens at risk.
“You got a state of California that wants to put politics ahead of public safety, ahead of officer safety,” stated Homan. “What they’ve done is force my officers to arrest dangerous criminals on their turf, in their homes (http://www.oann.com/the-department-of-justice-files-a-suit-against-calif-over-sanctuary-state-policies/#) and their places of business rather than arresting them in the safety and security of a county jail (http://www.oann.com/the-department-of-justice-files-a-suit-against-calif-over-sanctuary-state-policies/#), its ridiculous.”
In the private sector, businesses are likewise restricted from assisting federal agents in their targeted immigration sweeps (http://www.oann.com/the-department-of-justice-files-a-suit-against-calif-over-sanctuary-state-policies/#), in turn, helping to protect illegal aliens from workplace raids.
Some of the biggest supporters of sanctuary laws have also been named in the lawsuit, including Governor Jerry Brown and State Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who previously issued a threat to employers.
“If they voluntarily start (http://www.oann.com/the-department-of-justice-files-a-suit-against-calif-over-sanctuary-state-policies/#) giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws they subject themselves to actions by my office.” — Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General
However, the Justice Department is now turning the tables on obstructionist Democrats in the Golden State by basing its own lawsuit off a 2012 Supreme Court (http://www.oann.com/the-department-of-justice-files-a-suit-against-calif-over-sanctuary-state-policies/#) case filed by the Obama administration.
The nation’s highest court struck down parts of Arizona’s immigration laws in the case, ruling it went against decisions made by the federal government.
As legal proceedings get underway, several other measures in California are now under review by DOJ officials to determine whether they too violate federal immigration law.

Not enough. Guess it's a start. Seems to me there should be MORE than one lawsuit filed.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-07-2018, 10:14 PM

Not enough. Guess it's a start. Seems to me there should be MORE than one lawsuit filed.

Seems to me, that some of these Cali-state political leaders should be jailed for the deliberate and fragrant obstruction of justice, attempt to void FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS and REFUSAL TO OPERATE BY THE DICTATES OF THEIR SWORN OATHS OF OFFICE..

03-07-2018, 10:30 PM
They grow and sell DOPE too... so what... I don't see the FEDS going after them for that?

Why not go after them for everything they do against federal law instead of cherry picking?

Go after all these states that allow the sale of weed against federal law, AND sanctuary city crap.

03-07-2018, 10:58 PM
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2.
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/921373073441509376/rxMWFQ3C_400x400.jpghttp://s.quickmeme.com/img/44/443aca45579e24bd9a0e746daaf2f728db625712f15c0abf5d 5071537e024dc0.jpg


03-07-2018, 11:31 PM
About frikkin time!

Mow your own lawns, trim hedges and weed flower plots! Lazy assed

Pull the homeless off the streets to harvest the crops in the Central and Salinas Valleys!

Put the illegals back across the border.

03-08-2018, 08:50 AM
Hey, it's better than the Battle of Bull Run, which is what happened first last time states refused to accept federal law (Lincoln's election). I'm interested that people in this thread think California is getting off surprisingly easy if all that happens is a lawsuit..........

Yeah, agreed, this is next door to secession. IMO. As soon as it got in the news about that Mayor warning everyone illegal, I said to Himself, "That's it, California is going out."

If it does, secession being incredibly contagious, look at the two-three day break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, I would expect Texas to be Number Two.

Number Three?

03-08-2018, 08:59 AM
A lawsuit sounds crazy, but I would guess it's the administration's effort to do SOMETHING without scaring California into further rebellion. (Yeah, this is rebellion.)

They must realize this is incipient civil war and don't want to drive them further out. The danger is that other states, such as in New England, could go too and the country be busted up very quickly.

I think this is a good solution to try -- a lawsuit, to do something to object to it but not to drive California into more explicit separation.

03-08-2018, 12:54 PM
You know what the State of California is using as its defense? The 10th Amendment. "It not California's job to enforce Federal law".:rolleyes:

:lame2: Let's say they have a point ... a teency-weency one on principle .... it is not California's job to enforce Federal law.

It IS California's Federal law. It IS California's responsibility to prosecute and to remove any and all persons from public office violating Federal law, and encouraging criminals and citizens alike to do so.

It IS California's responsibility to remove from office and prosecute an elected official threatening legal repercussions against anyone aiding Federal officers.

Now I doubt since it is filed in CA, any judge there is going to rule against CA. The DA in SF will probably threaten the Federal justice if he/she does. I would say California is going to get slammed because the law is clear. Then again, the law is clear and look at the mockery made of it so far.

03-08-2018, 01:04 PM
Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

03-08-2018, 01:26 PM
Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.The Tenth Amendment is pretty clear as well. If THAT is indeed their defense, I want to see a Federal judge, or even a local one, agree with their argument.

Hopefully, if nothing else (as usual), there will at least be some employment vacancies at the end of this joke.

03-08-2018, 01:35 PM
California will lose, and if they try and secede, that will nullify the Posse Comitatus act of using military force against them.

They're in open violation of federal law, they are committing treason. They have no recourse that is within their constitution obligations.

I actually think another Civil War is long overdue.

"... the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"... Thomas Jefferson.

03-08-2018, 01:58 PM
California will lose, and if they try and secede, that will nullify the Posse Comitatus act of using military force against them.

They're in open violation of federal law, they are committing treason. They have no recourse that is within their constitution obligations.

I actually think another Civil War is long overdue.

"... the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"... Thomas Jefferson.One state in insurrection won't mean a civil war. It'll mean one state getting its ass kicked. If a couple others want to join in, the more the merrier.

The civil war we need isn't a state vs state one. It's a political one. Too much of thos country is controlled by nothing but big cities where the cockroaches hide. You get rid of the Top Five largest trash heaps in this country the air will smell a LOT cleaner when you walk outside.

Send them to Europe. The want to be euro-socialists anyway. Europe will take them in too. They can illegally emigrate :)

03-08-2018, 02:07 PM
One state in insurrection won't mean a civil war.
Didn't say it would, but I agree, the more the merrier.

The civil war we need isn't a state vs state one.
It would be state against the feds.

It's a political one. Too much of thos country is controlled by nothing but big cities where the cockroaches hide. You get rid of the Top Five largest trash heaps in this country the air will smell a LOT cleaner when you walk outside.
You got that right! And that includes elections too. You eliminate these cess pools like L.A. and Chicago and NYC, and dems would NEVER win another presidential election. But a start to that might be coming sooner than we think. CA is about to start letting illegal aliens vote in federal elections, and I guarantee that if they do that, their votes will NOT be counted. They'd have to PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that illegals were NOT voting in their elections. But... pfft... we know they are NOW. CA is issuing DL's to ALL illegals, and they're being registered as VOTERS AT THAT TIME. CA is TRULY a TOILET in open TREASON of America as we know it. But it's also apparent that the reason they're doing this, ANYWHERE, is for VOTES... VOTES... VOTES... it's not like it's a SECRET. Eliminate the illegal alien vote and dems are in deep trouble. That's what ALL THIS IS ABOUT. The dems don't really give a CRAP about these people or their WELFARE. It's all about VOTES and STAYING IN POWER.

Send them to Europe. The want to be euro-socialists anyway. Europe will take them in too. They can illegally emigrate :)
I'd chip in $100 right now for one way plane tickets... :beer:

03-08-2018, 03:34 PM
Did you all hear what Gov. Jerry Brown just said this afternoon?

He got on a microphone and claimed the federal government was declaring war against California. With that lawsuit, was what he called "declaring war." I'm thinking, not yet, Governor Moonbeam..........

Amazing. Here's the administration trying to bore everyone to death with this lawsuit (against actual rebellion) to calm the situation down, and Gov. Brown heats it up deliberately! I'm telling you, I do think California wants out. Jerry Brown always wanted to be president ---------- remember?? President of the Republic of California, maybe.

Well, we'll see.

If something really big happens, it always happens in the snap of the fingers, really fast, one to three days --- it has to happen fast, I think, because otherwise people would try to stop it.

03-08-2018, 03:47 PM
California will lose, and if they try and secede, that will nullify the Posse Comitatus act of using military force against them.

They're in open violation of federal law, they are committing treason. They have no recourse that is within their constitution obligations.

I actually think another Civil War is long overdue.

"... the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"... Thomas Jefferson.

Oh, it's overdue all right, but not because of the Jefferson quote. It's overdue by decades just from the point of view of all large polities normally breaking up and reforming at regular intervals ---- Britain, Russia, Spain, everywhere. But we are stuck, we have been since the last Civil War.

And now fatally divided at a very fine level in many places, families and neighbors. That's the worst situation: it's less bad when it's territorial, as when the South broke off. Or Scotland, or Ireland from Britain.

Himself agrees with you, HPD, that California can't win. Someone here, maybe you, pointed out that California has huge strong federal military bases --- good point. However, I don't think that's an obvious win for the feds given the contagious quality of secession (seven Southern states out before Lincoln's inauguration; all the USSR's territories broke off instantly, in half a week) -- if there were a big bust-up, I do not expect the military to reliably side with the leftists, after all. And that is what California is, leftist ---- like Scotland.

But I do think they could win. California is huge, and has all that oceanfront for shipping, has the best agricultural land in the country --- it's highly viable as a nationstate. They are clearly united and want to basically be Mexico North (I can't think why, but we can see that's what they want). I think Texas would go next, but not in alliance with California, just a good chance for self-government. Then New England and New York together, I would guess. They almost broke off together during the War of 1812, after all.

Britain is breaking off from the EU --- there is another secession case. It's in the air.

03-08-2018, 04:53 PM
Oh, it's overdue all right, but not because of the Jefferson quote. It's overdue by decades just from the point of view of all large polities normally breaking up and reforming at regular intervals ---- Britain, Russia, Spain, everywhere. But we are stuck, we have been since the last Civil War.

And now fatally divided at a very fine level in many places, families and neighbors. That's the worst situation: it's less bad when it's territorial, as when the South broke off. Or Scotland, or Ireland from Britain.

Himself agrees with you, HPD, that California can't win. Someone here, maybe you, pointed out that California has huge strong federal military bases --- good point. However, I don't think that's an obvious win for the feds given the contagious quality of secession (seven Southern states out before Lincoln's inauguration; all the USSR's territories broke off instantly, in half a week) -- if there were a big bust-up, I do not expect the military to reliably side with the leftists, after all. And that is what California is, leftist ---- like Scotland.

But I do think they could win. California is huge, and has all that oceanfront for shipping, has the best agricultural land in the country --- it's highly viable as a nationstate. They are clearly united and want to basically be Mexico North (I can't think why, but we can see that's what they want). I think Texas would go next, but not in alliance with California, just a good chance for self-government. Then New England and New York together, I would guess. They almost broke off together during the War of 1812, after all.

Britain is breaking off from the EU --- there is another secession case. It's in the air.I don't know where you keep coming up with that Texas junk from but I assure you, there isn't any talk of secession in Texas by anyone but our fair share of loonies. You better hope we don't go anywhere because we have the other third of the military CA doesn't. And those are FEDERAL troops. They aren't loyal to CA nor an asset for CA. They work for the United States. Most will follow orders.

And Texans are Americans. That secession nonsense is just that. Something the media blew out of proportion and ran with when Rick Perry was Governor when he was having it out with O-blah-blah and the Dem Congress. Why that got stuck in your head beats me.

California is going to implode. This will further divide its people and the bad guys are coming down on the wrong side of the law. Federal Troops WILL support the Federal government. There may be a few misguided souls thinking otherwise, but the other 99% are Federal troops and Federal assets. Those bases are Federal property.

03-08-2018, 05:29 PM
But I do think they could win.
I don't know what would ever give you that impression, pard. Wisconsin alone registers 600,000 gun deer hunters every year armed with high powered rifles, that equates to the 3rd largest standing army on the PLANET, and that's JUST Wisconsin. CA LIBERAL FASCISTS wouldn't stand a chance. It would virtually be OVER before it STARTED...


03-08-2018, 05:57 PM
I don't know where you keep coming up with that Texas junk from but I assure you, there isn't any talk of secession in Texas by anyone but our fair share of loonies. You better hope we don't go anywhere because we have the other third of the military CA doesn't. And those are FEDERAL troops. They aren't loyal to CA nor an asset for CA. They work for the United States. Most will follow orders.

And Texans are Americans. That secession nonsense is just that. Something the media blew out of proportion and ran with when Rick Perry was Governor when he was having it out with O-blah-blah and the Dem Congress. Why that got stuck in your head beats me.

California is going to implode. This will further divide its people and the bad guys are coming down on the wrong side of the law. Federal Troops WILL support the Federal government. There may be a few misguided souls thinking otherwise, but the other 99% are Federal troops and Federal assets. Those bases are Federal property.

On the other hand, your profile says you are from "the Republic of Texas," so ........I'm not so sure that's so different from the Republic of California. However, you live there, so you should know better than I do; I'll take that into account. Okay, you don't think Texas would secede, even if a secession cascade started.

I don't see why California would implode.....I can see it rebelling, it's already started that, rebellion is what refusing to obey federal law IS. I don't think California is divided --- they had a 4.5 million plurality of votes for Hillary, and whether or not three million of them were illegals (which I believe, from the motor voter registrations) that's still a lot of people functioning as citizens, and united.

I don't know what the federal troops would do if California seceded. But I suspect they would either be withdrawn or shelter quietly in place for some six months, as that is what usually happens: it happened after the South seceded, for six months, while everyone hoped the South would just give up this stupid idea and come back in. It happened in 1939--1940 while everyone hoped they could stop the Phony War from turning into WWII. But after another six months there, Hitler moved against France, knocked them out in 10 weeks, IIRC. After a big change, people try to regroup and get everything to go back to normal. It never does, though.

03-08-2018, 06:02 PM
I don't know what would ever give you that impression, pard. Wisconsin alone registers 600,000 gun deer hunters every year armed with high powered rifles, that equates to the 3rd largest standing army on the PLANET, and that's JUST Wisconsin. CA LIBERAL FASCISTS wouldn't stand a chance. It would virtually be OVER before it STARTED...


People always say that, but it always takes four years. Or ten or more, if it never ends, as lately. Let's see ----

The South will slink back in! (Four years war)

This war will be won before the leaves fall (the Kaiser, WWI)! (Four years war)

The German Blitzkrieg is destroying everything in its path, the English will negotiate! (Four years war)

Just my opinion, but if California goes, the country will break up into some six pieces. Quickly. They'd have to do it quickly --- to avoid the four years war.

03-08-2018, 06:24 PM
On the other hand, your profile says you are from "the Republic of Texas," so ........I'm not so sure that's so different from the Republic of California. However, you live there, so you should know better than I do; I'll take that into account. Okay, you don't think Texas would secede, even if a secession cascade started.

I don't see why California would implode.....I can see it rebelling, it's already started that, rebellion is what refusing to obey federal law IS. I don't think California is divided --- they had a 4.5 million plurality of votes for Hillary, and whether or not three million of them were illegals (which I believe, from the motor voter registrations) that's still a lot of people functioning as citizens, and united.

I don't know what the federal troops would do if California seceded. But I suspect they would either be withdrawn or shelter quietly in place for some six months, as that is what usually happens: it happened after the South seceded, for six months, while everyone hoped the South would just give up this stupid idea and come back in. It happened in 1939--1940 while everyone hoped they could stop the Phony War from turning into WWII. But after another six months there, Hitler moved against France, knocked them out in 10 weeks, IIRC. After a big change, people try to regroup and get everything to go back to normal. It never does, though.Two thirds of CA is trying to secede from the loony-left third already. CA is like any other state. Look at the demographic map High Plains Drifter posted.

Look At CA. All that blue at the bottom of the state? It's only blue for real on the coast. They just control those huge counties -- San Diego, Imperial and San Bernardino. They're mostly desert and off the coast, occupied by "desert rats" who are definitely NOT leftwingnuts. I was stationed all over the place there, to include the desert. The people in northern and central CA want nothing to do with coast politics. They have a campaign going to split for the state.

I'm not sure how California reads, but here in Texas, there is a clause in the agreement between Texas and the US that we can split into three separate states if we want to.

Now we can go wherever you wish with the "Texas" thing. Truth is, you yankees created us and the myth. We just cash in on it at every chance available. Why not? Y'all are buying :laugh: Otherwise and unlike most places especially lefty ones, we are proud of our heritage here, who and what we are, and proud to be Texans and willing to say so.

We just kind of protect you other 49 states. When someone declares war on y'all, we declare war on them the same time you do :laugh: Y'all like to talk trash about us, so we just dish it back. And of course there are those that like to make more of it than the good-natured trash talk that it. You know where the coolest place to be a Texan is? Any state BUT Texas. Y'all like to make a thing of it. We don't around here to each other. we're just folks :)

03-08-2018, 06:25 PM
On the other hand, your profile says you are from "the Republic of Texas," so ........I'm not so sure that's so different from the Republic of California. However, you live there, so you should know better than I do; I'll take that into account. Okay, you don't think Texas would secede, even if a secession cascade started.

I don't see why California would implode.....I can see it rebelling, it's already started that, rebellion is what refusing to obey federal law IS. I don't think California is divided --- they had a 4.5 million plurality of votes for Hillary, and whether or not three million of them were illegals (which I believe, from the motor voter registrations) that's still a lot of people functioning as citizens, and united.

I don't know what the federal troops would do if California seceded. But I suspect they would either be withdrawn or shelter quietly in place for some six months, as that is what usually happens: it happened after the South seceded, for six months, while everyone hoped the South would just give up this stupid idea and come back in. It happened in 1939--1940 while everyone hoped they could stop the Phony War from turning into WWII. But after another six months there, Hitler moved against France, knocked them out in 10 weeks, IIRC. After a big change, people try to regroup and get everything to go back to normal. It never does, though.
California is FOUR HUNDRED BILLION... "BILLION"... IN DEBT... they're teetering on DISASTER, and yet they chose to PAY BENEFITS and GUARANTEED INCOMES to ILLEGAL ALIENS and people that DON'T WORK! The state should be COMMENDEERED by the feds and ALL those in power REMOVED. It's a complete DISASTER...


03-08-2018, 06:29 PM
Two thirds of CA is trying to secede from the loony-left third already. CA is like any other state. Look at the demographic map High Plains Drifter posted.

Look At CA. All that blue at the bottom of the state? It's only blue for real on the coast. They just control those huge counties -- San Diego, Imperial and San Bernardino. They're mostly desert and off the coast, occupied by "desert rats" who are definitely NOT leftwingnuts. I was stationed all over the place there, to include the desert. The people in northern and central CA want nothing to do with coast politics. They have a campaign going to split for the state.

I'm not sure how California reads, but here in Texas, there is a clause in the agreement between Texas and the US that we can split into three separate states if we want to.

Now we can go wherever you wish with the "Texas" thing. Truth is, you yankees created us and the myth. We just cash in on it at every chance available. Why not? Y'all are buying :laugh: Otherwise and unlike most places especially lefty ones, we are proud of our heritage here, who and what we are, and proud to be Texans and willing to say so.

We just kind of protect you other 49 states. When someone declares war on y'all, we declare war on them the same time you do :laugh: Y'all like to talk trash about us, so we just dish it back. And of course there are those that like to make more of it than the good-natured trash talk that it. You know where the coolest place to be a Texan is? Any state BUT Texas. Y'all like to make a thing of it. We don't around here to each other. we're just folks :)
You Texans have to watch out though, you're the FAVORITE SPOT for CALIFORNIA TRANSPLANTS, and they bring their TRASHY LEFTIST WAYS WITH THEM. We see it in the news all the time. You guys have your share of liberal ass clowns there for sure, and it's growing.

03-08-2018, 06:32 PM
People always say that, but it always takes four years. Or ten or more, if it never ends, as lately. Let's see ----

The South will slink back in! (Four years war)

This war will be won before the leaves fall (the Kaiser, WWI)! (Four years war)

The German Blitzkrieg is destroying everything in its path, the English will negotiate! (Four years war)

Just my opinion, but if California goes, the country will break up into some six pieces. Quickly. They'd have to do it quickly --- to avoid the four years war.
I couldn't disagree more. California is on it's own, and the leftists there couldn't win a battle if they tried.

I'm afraid you've fallen victim to all the leftist bluster.

03-08-2018, 06:41 PM
You Texans have to watch out though, you're the FAVORITE SPOT for CALIFORNIA TRANSPLANTS, and they bring their TRASHY LEFTIST WAYS WITH THEM. We see it in the news all the time. You guys have your share of liberal ass clowns there for sure, and it's growing.There's more than one song we have here. "Welcome to Texas ... just don't forget to go back home" comes to mind.

Was up to me, there'd be immigration laws for US. I couldn't believe when I was living IL Rick Perry going on tv there and trying to recruit yankees to come down here. I was like WTF is wrong with YOU?

Those Californians, and yankees for that matter that come here usually go no farther than Houston or Dallas-Ft Worth. Bunch of college idiots in Austin, but mostly, it's too hot for most yankees here. Only ones that come have indoor jobs. Means they have to go hover with the rest of the sewer rats in Dallas and Houston.

Another song (I'll have to look these up) "I'm not from Dallas, I'm from Texas". We let the snowbirds know what we think :)

03-08-2018, 06:47 PM
There's more than one song we have here. "Welcome to Texas ... just don't forget to go back home" comes to mind.

Was up to me, there'd be immigration laws for US. I couldn't believe when I was living IL Rick Perry going on tv there and trying to recruit yankees to come down here. I was like WTF is wrong with YOU?

Those Californians, and yankees for that matter that come here usually go no farther than Houston or Dallas-Ft Worth. Bunch of college idiots in Austin, but mostly, it's too hot for most yankees here. Only ones that come have indoor jobs. Means they have to go hover with the rest of the sewer rats in Dallas and Houston.

Another song (I'll have to look these up) "I'm not from Dallas, I'm from Texas". We let the snowbirds know what we think :)
It would be an utter SHAME to see TX wind up having a majority democrat voting block than conservative.

If that ever happened and you wanted to kick them all out, ala: REMEMBER THE ALAMO, this YANKEE would volunteer to help... so don't be too quick to condemn us all... I'm an American patriot before anything else... :saluting2:

03-08-2018, 07:19 PM
It would be an utter SHAME to see TX wind up having a majority democrat voting block than conservative.

If that ever happened and you wanted to kick them all out, ala: REMEMBER THE ALAMO, this YANKEE would volunteer to help... so don't be too quick to condemn us all... I'm an American patriot before anything else... :saluting2:Our cities are already blue. There's just too much state for them to control it. Besides our leftwingnut havens, only the border states are blue for the most part.

03-08-2018, 07:28 PM
Our cities are already blue. There's just too much state for them to control it. Besides our leftwingnut havens, only the border states are blue for the most part.
WTF turns city slickers into babbling leftist morons, Gunny? Can you figure that out? What is it about cities?

03-08-2018, 08:04 PM
It would be an utter SHAME to see TX wind up having a majority democrat voting block than conservative.

If that ever happened and you wanted to kick them all out, ala: REMEMBER THE ALAMO, this YANKEE would volunteer to help... so don't be too quick to condemn us all... I'm an American patriot before anything else... :saluting2:

I'd show up... every revolution needs a Granite Yankee in the ranks.... and me and Gunny together???? Lord have mercy on the enemy!

03-08-2018, 08:12 PM
WTF turns city slickers into babbling leftist morons, Gunny? Can you figure that out? What is it about cities?

High_Plains. In the city, it's easier to go pick up the WELFARE check, and FOOD STAMPS in nearly every ghetto neighborhood where they all vote DEMOCRAT for a reason.

03-08-2018, 08:18 PM
I'd show up... every revolution needs a Granite Yankee in the ranks.... and me and Gunny together???? Lord have mercy on the enemy!
Well throw this old zoomie Yankee biker in the mix and we could win the whole damn thing on our own... :laugh:

What people don't realize about us old vets is that we don't have a lot to lose. We've lived the greater portion of our lives already, we've also been there done that, so we'd be an adversaries worst freakin' nightmare.

03-08-2018, 08:20 PM
Well throw this old zoomie Yankee biker in the mix and we could win the whole damn thing on our own... :laugh:

With the vets on this board, it would be one cranky bunch of old guys just looking for an excuse...lol

03-08-2018, 08:23 PM
high_plains. In the city, it's easier to go pick up the welfare check, and food stamps in nearly every ghetto neighborhood where they all vote democrat for a reason.
nailed it....

03-08-2018, 08:26 PM
I'd show up... every revolution needs a Granite Yankee in the ranks.... and me and Gunny together???? Lord have mercy on the enemy!Yep. Gonna need a BIG-ASS coffee pot. Think they'd open the museum just so we could get OUR weapons out?:laugh:

03-08-2018, 08:27 PM
With the vets on this board, it would be one cranky bunch of old guys just looking for an excuse...lol

CSM.....Right you are. After all. What have any of us got to lose?

We've had to put up with the endless stupidity, and ignorance for years.

But now...It's our turn, and time, to pay them back for the years of disrespect.

OUR OATH'S ARE STILL IN FORCE. http://dishonoronyourcow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Veterans-Oath.jpg


03-08-2018, 08:27 PM
Yep. Gonna need a BIG-ASS coffee pot. Think they'd open the museum just so we could get OUR weapons out?:laugh:

I'll bring my own though I could use the M79...just for old times sake. And affirmative on the coffee pot....

03-08-2018, 08:36 PM
I still have a P-38 on my key chain. Most people don't have any idea what it is.

03-08-2018, 08:46 PM
I'll bring my own though I could use the M79...just for old times sake. And affirmative on the coffee pot.... Gonna need the Hummer without a roof for THAT :laugh:

03-08-2018, 08:49 PM
Gonna need the Hummer without a roof for THAT :laugh:

I bet we could liberate on from someplace

03-08-2018, 08:55 PM
I bet we could liberate on from someplaceYeah. I think Kanye West has one And I don't mind prying it from his cold. dead fingers.
Back over his ass getting out of the driveway too. Might even put my glasses on to drive then :laugh:

03-08-2018, 09:02 PM
Yeah. I think Kanye West has one And I don't mind prying it from his cold. dead fingers.
Back over his ass getting out of the driveway too. Might even put my glasses on to drive then :laugh:

works for me